Political Correctness and Freedom of Expression

Political correctness is the communal tyranny that came up in 1980s. The purpose was to forbid by law the then legal ideas, behavior and expressions. It also required that those who transgressed be punished. The main aim of erupting political correctness was to prevent offending people such as the lame, homosexuals, women, non-whites and the mentally impaired, among others. Political correctness started with few individuals but it later grew in popularity into both written as well as unwritten law in the community. Trying to restate the vital importance of plain talking is to attempt to point out the horrible nature of political correctness. Political correctness is just the antipathy of spoilt children who are against the values of their parents (Atkinson, n.d).

Freedom of expression is a phrase used to refer to the liberty to give opinions and ideas without any hindrance as well as fear of punishment. It involves not only freedom of verbal speech but all sorts such as seeking, imparting ideas or information as well as reception of information regardless of the media used. In reality, freedom of expression is not obvious in all countries because to some, the right is usually subject to limitations or censorship (Magee, 2002). This paper highlights the relationship between political correctness and the freedom of expression. 

The politically correct use the excuse of not upsetting individuals and demands that people behave like the unwise who would please anyone. In addition, it means that everyone should believe the ideas of the politically correct as certain. Political correctness is the same mentality that influenced the Nazis while obtaining the holocausts. Besides, political correctness is a social dementia that denies clear thinking. There is no good reason for denying freedom of speech unless in cases of empty slogans of those who are driven by selfishness and reserved by morality (Atkinson, n.d).
Opposite to political correctness is social acceptance which does not judge the degree of freedom in the society. In a liberal society, social acceptance acknowledges that no way of life, culture or vital principle system that is superior to the other.  If people do not express opposition by condemning the wrong, they are actually sanctioning the wrong. In a society where no political ways as well as force to restrict destructive opinions and attitudes are used, there is reliance on individual judgment by mind against such destructive practices and attitudes. In addition, freedom of speech gives the right to any individuals to air their views and to condemn any wrong done.  This is important in that it makes individuals to provide a reality check for one another. This will in turn help to completely eradicate ill ideas and attitudes from the society of free people (Amit, 2010).

The politically correct discourage, vilify and ostracize opinions that are politically incorrect according to them.  It distracts individuals from addressing serious fundamental issues of equality, intellectual excellence, justice as well as freedom in colleges. According to Magee, education should enable students to seek truth, pursue it and persist in this endeavor (2002). Furthermore, political correctness does not only seek to establish orthodox but also stigmatize the established cultures and the canon as being outdated, chauvinist, elitist as well as Eurocentric. In its extreme form, political correctness supposes that the canon is merely a subjective creation by some privileged elite.  It is a form of regimentation and brainwashing by liberals.

Political correctness takes the position that those who does less well and are given less rewards by educational institutions are being mistreated or rather cheated (Friedman  Narveson, 1995).  If freedom of speech is wrong to be used in the colleges and journalism to stifle sexual and racial insults, then it could be wrong for the health personnel to use polite speech to describe the available services. Political correctness is a tool of moralistic terror. The politically correct believe that they are the exclusive possessors of truth. For instance, in Germany, when one attempted to deal with critical issues such as woman and foreigners in any open-ended way, the individual was mercilessly beaten with the tyranny club. Additionally, political correctness does not give room for disputations, discussions as well as defamation campaigns. It sets an extraordinary model for censorial exploitation of the course of building communal political agreements. 

Political correctness sets up rigid barriers to ideas that block the open discussions intended to solve problems. As a result, it prevents further intellectual growth. Freedom of research should not to be restricted by any force that prescribes in advance what may be taken as true. If not, research threatens to turn into an ideological opinion cartel tool which will lose the stand as a requirement of intellectually creative and robust people. Moreover, it is a threat to a politically free society since it produces a state of ideological uniformity as well as concurring conformity (Nordbruck, 1999).
Political correctness has its counterpoint in language that erroneously refers to one group as if it was homogeneous in practice or belief. This is explicit in use of exclusive words such as nothing and all to describe behavior as well as people. The politically correct fail to understand the fact that language is a result of an evolved social course that corresponds to systematic order attained through a deliberate overall plan. Moreover, it involves many people trying to explain the reasons for their lack of success. Such victim-kind of explanations includes ideas that individuals are having a rough time due to a particular gender or race. Basically, political correctness is a way of rationalizing who an individual is, and they are not better than others.  Victims of political correctness are taught that their suffering and lack of success is due to some unfair as well as rectifiable conditions. On the same note, they are taught that social engineers can remedy their failures if the insensitive can simply let them (Younkins, 2002). 

Political correctness can thrive only where people are not willing to fight back as well as where it is supposed to control minds of people by the government elicits. In addition, political correctness is obligatory only when the intelligent yield to all the bogus promises of impartiality in every end result. Additionally, it defiles logic possessed by every human soul. In broad terms, it includes initiatives such as affirmative action in hiring and admissions, multicultural education, broadening of the span of classical texts in order to include those that are written by women and minority authors. Besides, it involves altering some vocabularies so as to avoid offending particular groups of individuals. This is not because of the quality of information in those texts, but chiefly because they represent minority realities (Younkins, 2002).

A great deal of political correctness deals with changing the inbuilt language and attitudes based on the unpleasant stereotypes. These offensive stereotypes may be derived from collective prejudices, ignorance as well as folklore. The primary aim of political correctness is to rid off or suppress semantically impacted facets of cultural disparities from the public discourse which have become substances of hurtful language.

Political correctness is the attack of free speech and is perpetrated by those left in politics to cover their flawed ideology, a kind of cultural Marxism. In addition, it attacks all the solid elements of our society basing on the grounds that they need liberalism and are repressive. It inhibits personal freedom of action and speech while replacing it with the Marxism dogma which we are all thought to embrace. It does untold damage to freedom of speech by giving freedom to supposedly repressed groups without any kind of responsibility balance. It has made common sense outdated by making some scenes in the media to be cut quickly (derbygripe.co.uk, 2010).

The public describe views that are officially mandated i.e. disconnected from the reality as politically correct. These politically correct people exist within an official power stand and they try to impose their ideas on the majority. While each individual has their own views, there are some issues that are universally viewed as politically correct. In addition, hate speech proposals have their origin in the politically correct bastions. They stir up counter reactions since these proposals are directed at limiting the debate on contentious issues. For instance, the attempt to stop a conservative Christian video against homosexuality illustrates perfectly the fear. Under the attempt to protect the minorities, the most important values are lost in the society. This is the right to freedom for expression. The politically correct fall in the trap of implying that racism is right basically because it is politically incorrect. This implies that it is of crucial importance to analyze situations arising from political correctness (Mapp, 2005).

Freedom is reasonable initiative, as slavery of any kind is condemnable. Therefore, criticism as well as opposition to the wrong done is a must by the help of freedom of speech.  It is of importance to have freedom of expression in any stat or nation. This is because correct information about all things including health status of a population, disasters as well as in giving the real pictures of issues so as to avoid misunderstanding. The criticism of political correctness is that it can put well-meaning individuals in the position of speaking for others without seeking their opinion, ideas as well as thoughts. Therefore, racial as well as other serious discrimination should not be tolerated since it is not just the desirable question of discrimination. They should be condemned in public. States should lift any limitations, censorship, obstacles as well as any other hindrance to freedom of expression.


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