Media Analysis Dove Super Bowl Advertisement

The Dove advertisement was first shown at the 2010 Super Bowl on 5 February, but a shorter version has been made and shown on television the advertisements is advertising their MenCare products and I think it is a good advertisement that depicts the concept of gender roles in TV advertising.

The advertisement is funny and shows the life of a male from birth to fatherhood using a number of different quick shots through his lifetime, while a song is being sung to the tune of William Tell Overture. Most advertisements, whether aimed to females or males give an image of perfection  what one aspires to be and look like - but this ad shows real life roles for boys and men, and the pressures put on them by society as an adolescent, husband and parent.

I think the advertisement brings many benefits to its audience as it does not lie or portray life in an unreal way, instead it shows how a person once born starts on a journey in search of himself and along the way he has to overcome many obstacles, most of which are placed on him by the society in which he lives. The words of the song further illustrate what is expected of him, for example, as a boy get to school, be good in sports, as an adolescent always be cool, lift weights be strong, stay out late but be polite, as a man find a nice girl that will say I do, have three kids, rake leaves etc. The advertisement ends by saying you can take anything, of course you can because you are a man.

The only negative aspect of the advertisement that I can see is that it may not be completely appropriate for children. Although presented in a humorous, tongue-in-cheek manner the depiction of what it is to be adult may be misinterpreted by the young and considered as normal behavior of young adult. The shorts where the boy is undoing a girls bra, buying condoms, drinking to access and fighting are perhaps not suitable for a young audience unless a parent is available to explain its irony.

I think the ultimate aim of the advertisement is to show how after men have been through a multitude of experiences and learn to take everything as it comes, in their stride they finally achieve comfort and satisfaction. After the song finishes an announcer then starts the sales pitch for the skin care range Now that you are comfortable with who you are, isnt it time for comfortable skin.


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