Experience of working in an Advertising Agency

Working in advertising agency is a great challenge since it requires commitment and self drive to perform as well as the passion for working in an advertising agency. It requires real networking in order to meet potential employers or clients. Landing a job in advertising agency does not really require one to train in advertising, but one can start as an intern in advertising agency and then rise above the ranks. What matters is ones  creativity. One can be employed in an agency or be a freelance advertiser either as a graphic designer or a copywriter (Apryl, n.d, pg 1-2).

Britain and Saudi Arabia two countries within two different continents and have different significant cultures in terms of religion and traditions. While the British law is based on Christianity, that of the Saudis is based on Islamic laws. The Saudis still consider ethnic relations and most jobs are acquired through tribal relations as opposed to professionalism. Saudis have a small consumer population but are high spending, thus advertising agencies have realized that the Saudis need more sophisticated advertisements although the basic contents of the advertisements here have not changed, it is only the production quality that has changed. Most of these advertising agencies are managed by foreigners mostly from Britain, Lebanon and other Asian communities (Shoult, 2006, pg263).

For a very long time, Saudis have not considered advertising as a carrier option and have started recently. Therefore their reliance on foreigners to do advertisement for them has created a barrier between advertisers and the consumers due to cultural difference. They have recently incorporated their local experts to do the creative work that can deliver effective messages to their target audience. Most of the Saudi-based advertising agencies do promotion of international business and local fast consumer moving goods. Their expenditure on advertising is relatively low. They adopt a regional approach to media planning since most of their investments are in the pan-Gulf media (Shoult, 2006, pg263).

Saudis advertising agencies are still underrepresented by women due to their strict Islamic laws. Most advertisements can not be done by women since they are required to observe rigid standards of modesty in public in terms of their dressing and any violations to these rules normally meet strict penalties such as imprisonment. Besides, most women have not been accessed to school and therefore generally underrepresented. Tribal considerations also undermine the ability of some communities to access these jobs.

Besides laws governing their cultures are very strict and their most adverts can not be provided with an in-depth explanation or discussion. This would make some adverts to be banned or agencies closed down if they present critical commentary which is considered un-Islamic. This is unlike Britain which enjoys democracy and human rights. The agencies are able to carry out adverts freely without much intimidation although there is also a limit (Cameron and Danesh, 2006, pg6).

According to Media Theory of Expression, expression in the media would normally have its crude consequences from the society therefore there is need to consider presenting advertisements which are interactive with the consumers (Fazi, 2009. pg1).

The British are more sophisticated as compared to the Saudis since their consumers are more flexible to advertisements. Their cultures have little limitations towards adverts so have been involved in the advertising business for long. They are modern in terms of advertisements and their message contents have been changing with the changes over time. Employments are offered on merit and based on ethnic relations. Since the British have considered advertising as a carrier option for a longer time, most of the advertising agencies are managed by the locals and the creative work of advertisement are done by their local experts. Employing experts or efficient people enables more creativity within this industry and hence quality advertisements that are able to

They consider doing surveys in order to understand consumer preference and taste before their come up with an advert. This means that British advertising agencies present advertisements that are more consumers oriented and they target any consumer world wide although most of their advertisements target European consumers. These agencies consider profession ethics in their work and as the law requires, they have to acquire ones  consent to before making him or her participate in an advertisement. Their utilize television media, billboards, internet and websites, newspapers in relying their messages. This are forms of technology in have contributed immensely to their work.

Despite the differences that exist, the two countries have both invested in modern technologies in the media. They both employ the use of both local and international television stations, the internet, modern billboards, publications and many others.

According to Gramsci s theory of hegemony, the government and state on its own is not able to enforce control over any class or structure unless more intellectual methods or bodies like the media are involved. The media therefore exist as a tool and a vehicle to ensure consumption of products as well as to increase a society s purchasing dominance.   The media plays a role in making the government to be dominant by creating dominant ideologies (Hainsworth, 2005, pg1). The advertising agencies have the role of advertising both local and multinational companies, consumer goods, events as well as providing education to consumers on events and trends. They improve the image of their countries and products abroad.

There is also the Galtung s triangle on media regulation and professional ethics in relation to the role of the media. According to this model, there exist three pillars of the society which includes the government, the market forces and the commercial people s activities.  Thus the media s role is to act as channel to relate the civil society to the state and the market forces by providing a communication channel. The model asserts that the media has the power to influence these three pillars in the society. In doing this, however there is need to consider ethical values which includes put into consideration the laws of the land and the media ethics (Jounet, 2004, pg1).

Technological advances have increased the fame and popularity of companies globally. They are able to market their companies and products through TV station stations, the internet, newspapers and magazines. Thus it has helped them expand their market and income.

Hierarchies in companies are mostly in three levels which consist of the manager, third line management level, second line management and first line management level. However, in companies where employees can work at each level or in most levels in the company by performing different duties, it is not easy to realize who is in which position at each level.

Finally, working in advertising agency is only considered ethical and market oriented if it is done in accordance to the laws of the land and cultural values. If does not generate heated criticism and debates from the targeted consumers.

Although working in advertising agency may seem to be tasking, it only requires commitment and having the right attitude and passion to serve the society.


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