Even in the early times, core-periphery relationships between and among nations already existed.  This relationship was exhibited by powerful and weaker sovereignties as brought about by rulers aspiring for political and economic power.  The greater land conquered, the more resources, the better.  During the early 13th century, the world powers were China, Egypt, India, Italy, and Iraq while it was the European countries, advancing in technological weaponry and warfare, which headed the 14th and 15th centuries.  The latter era was termed imperialism  the world domination by France, Spain, Portugal, and Netherlands.  One thing is common among all the established colonies  all were important trading points for their corresponding world powers.  Mercantilism was a motivation as Spains greatness was allied to the wealth of American colonial mines, Portugals to East Indian Trade, and Hollands colonies (Moon, 1962, p 11).

Core-periphery relationship between and among nations can be characterized by mutual benefits.  A colonizer can have access to cheap raw materials such as cotton, rubber, and others for its growing industries found in a particular colony (Kamalipour, 2001, p 40).  The latter also served as captive markets for selling finished products.  In return, colonies generally derive security and military support from their colonizers.  New and improved ways of living can also be imparted to the colonies as the powers exercise political, social, economic, and cultural customs.

Colonial power and control is established in the weaker countries firstly by means of brute force.  This is explicitly described as gaining respect through intimidation and fear.  A major feature of global political relations was the concept of power politics  foreign policy, standing and conscript armies drawn from politically mobilized populations, and the balance of military power between member states as an operating principle (Agnew, 1987, p 220). 

A more subtle but effective method is by education of the native elites as well as the masses.  Natives were oriented in the colonizers ways  spoke their tongue, attended their schools and learned their habits of mind, and were given positions in the hierarchy (Kamalipour, 2001, p 40).  The strategy of divide and conquer also applies wherein certain native customs, traditions, and philosophies are manipulated according to the colonizers advantage.  It was also a practice of not granting administrative positions to locals because of the fear of opposition and revolt. 

A concrete example is the British Empire.  It was once very powerful, controlling over a quarter of the earths population that spread across a quarter of the earths land.  The colonies included the Empire of India, governed by the East India Company until 1858.  The company maintained political power in India through the Indian communities princes who advocated for British ideologies and ways of living.  Mutuality is espoused by the two such that the natives gained financial and economic influence in exchange of their advocacy.  Force and the divide and conquer method were exercised by the British Empire towards India, i.e. the caste system, which divided peoples into classes, was manipulated and thus, became instrumental in asserting British dominance.

The US has been regarded as an active participant in the global economic and political affairs, affecting most developed and developing countries either implicitly or explicitly.  Since the 70s, most Americans feel that there is a sense of mission in them.  They believe that they are responsible for making the world over in an American image (Agnew, 1987, p 219).  The missions to safeguard American property or protect the lives of American citizens living in a specific country or just simply bring order brought about by inability of authorities to govern (Kaufman, 1976, p 28) have resulted to the constant inclination of expansionism (again) either implicitly or explicitly.  The US evolved into an independent state as a result of the move towards European economic nationalism or mercantilism wherein ambitious rulers sought power and wealth overseas. 

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, like today, the US did not usually exercise direct political control over Latin America (particularly Central America) but rather exercised considerable political influence (Kaufman, 1976, p 25).  The US established a stronghold on Latin America through the provision of generous funds.  Yugoslavia was granted two billion dollars for ten years until 1961 (Kaufman, 1976, p 26).  However, there is an evidence of disproportion of foreign aid versus the income derived by the US from these countries.  In other cases, the US provides financial aid to less developed countries by means of another relatively more developed country.  This is the case of Ecuador, which is in conflict with the US, but receives aid from the latter through other Latin American countries like Brazil and Mexico.

The US also maintained military control over some areas like Haiti, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Panama by establishing North American troop bases.  The margin of political security upheld was such that there is a restriction in the freedom of governance and rights execution within the satellite countries.  According to Kaufman (1976), the security, which is defined by four factors like global situation, superpower internal characteristics, subjugated region characteristics, and national level, is targeted to further the colonies dependency tendencies (31).  One concrete example is the execution of control through various government agencies like the Pentagon, Department of State, Treasury, Senate Committees, the White House, the CIA, and the likes (Kaufman, 1976, p 39).

The US started to show interest in expansion in the early 19th century.  This was exhibited towards Latin America.  Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Panamas Canal Zone, and others were being eyed upon by then US Presidents like Jefferson and Grant.  Exploitation of the each countrys resources is observed as foreign investors are compensated well as opposed to the native population. 

Today, with the onset of electronic imperialism, geographic barriers are negligible in terms of communication and transportation.  The telegraph and the railway system became obsolete means as these were once the trendsetters in the 18th century.  The television and mass media are very powerful tools in the world of communication, specifically as the world powers dominate and maintain dominance over other countries. 

Successful international news coverage by the US is brought about by communication satellites as well as miniaturized electronic newsgathering equipment.  However, issues on the need for cultural privacy are at hand as erosive outside influences can have effects on a particular culture (Schiller, 1974, p 71).

In the US, television provides a window on the world with the three major networks at work  ABC, CBS, and NBC (Larson, 1984, p 1).  It has been a trend to stress the global or worldwide nature of each networks news through its banner programs or headlines ABCs (dubbed as Uniquely Qualified to Bring You the World) World News Tonight, The CBS Evening News, and NBC Nightly News.

As communication influences political dominance so does national politics on televisions use of satellite technology.  As the US covers exclusive videos or news from other countries, specifically the third world countries, they are demanded of a list of un-embarrassing topic or subjects to be covered before issuing visas to a television news team (Larson, 1984, p 4).  The costs of satellites and other gadgets are likewise dictated by national politics.  Reducing satellite costs meant more efficient interactive and planning processes for news producers and reporters.  Decreasing satellite tariffs and the proliferation of earth stations around the world also made it easier for them (Larson, 1984, p 5).  Up-to-the-last-minute news can be delivered to every home through reliable, broadcast-quality satellite channels around the world. 

The terms of colonial control and expansion are the same.  For the British and US empires, methods include brute force, military troops, divide and conquer, education, etc.  These have been constants the only variable is the strategic means of how to penetrate and influence the other countries through financial aid and other forms of support.

Technological advancement in communication and transportation are very important means of establishing influence and control in other (weaker) countries.  For the US, bringing the evening news to a third world country wherein certain national beliefs and philosophies are incorporated is crucial.  And for the foreigners to strut around the local communities of other countries is like virtually co-existing with them, hence influences in culture is easier and accessible.

The countries are always aiming for development and colonial control is like a race for all  the strongest, most advanced and technologically equipped country leads the weaker countries.  The trend has always been to stand out from the rest of the world, become the core while the others just assume the role of the peripheries.  The definition of colonial control in modern times slightly deviates from that of the pre-modern one because of technological advancement in communication and transportation. 


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