Alcohol Abuse
According to research, alcohol abuse among teenagers is not only on the increase but also starts at an early stage. It has been proven that teenagers start taking alcohol as early as 11 years of age in boys and 13 years in girls. According to research in America the average age when they start taking alcohol regularly is in the age of 15.9 years. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism research outcomes show that teens who begin drinking as early as before 15 years of age are more likely to develop an alcohol dependency than those who begin drinking at 21 years of age. a child who reaches the age of 21 without drinking or smoking is less likely to do so (Joseph A. Califano, Chairman and President of National Centre of Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University). In 1996 a report was given by the Department of Health and Human Services proving that most teens dont know the strengths of different alcoholic drinks and 33 do not understand the intoxificating effects of alcohol. Further research has proven that teen drinking is mainly a social activity and mainly many teens do not drink alone.However there are many other factors beside peer influence that lead to teen drinking. Social environment and the media may also lead to alcohol abuse among teens. Although these external factors dont give the whole picture on how it actually happens, this is according to the drug and alcohol abuse experts report. However, other various aspects of drinking among teens have been identified as been under controlled, sensational or thrill seeking and impulsiveness. Emotional problems are also other factors that can lead to teen alcohol abuse this is according to a research conducted in the mid 1990s. Relational problems in the family setup or the financial status are core factors that lead to drinking problems among teens. Hand in hand, teens that have one or both parents drinking are more prone to alcohol abuse than those who have non drinking parents. (Alcohol Abuse among Teenagers)
To a decisive conclusion to this, alcohol is addictive and can cause harm to the human brain especially that of teenagers who are still at a tender stage of development. Alcohol changes the way the body works and how the mind reasons which is virtually the reason why teens need to shy away from it. Since this is the time they are so much involved with school work and to alter the mindset from school work can cause havoc even in performance. Not only in school work but also when undertaking other tasks which require coordination and concentration such as driving. Alcohol drinking is especially dangerous among teens since it changes the way we act and can lead to doing things which are dangerous such as unsafe or premature sex. Generally alcohol abuse affects health and can lead to seizures or passing out with excessive drinking. All teens should be well aware that alcohol only harms. So whatever drinking reasons one has, may it be pressure from friends, stress or thoughts of becoming popular, the aftermath should always be registered in the mind and one should know of the harm that is bound to happen with the abuse. It is important to seek help from a doctor or a responsible adult in this case. (Family editorial staff)
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