The television show American Idol is part of mass culture. It began as an American version of the popular British show, Pop Idol.  It was meant to be a show that was better than Star Search with Ed McMahon, but it was yet another reality TV show in a rising field of reality TV shows. It definitely changed since its beginning and it continues to grow season after season.  9.9 million people viewed the opening show in 2001 but by the time the finale of the first season aired, over 50 million tuned in.  The main finalist of the show the first year was Kelly Clarkson.  Since then many more stars have been created because of the show changing the face of pop music forever such as Carrie Underwood, Chris Daughtry, Jennifer Hudson, and the current Adam Lambert.  Those in the winning circle of American Idol have won Grammy awards, Emmy awards and have made millions of dollars worldwide.  In an article written in 2009, American Idol was described as a lucrative exercise for Fuller and others. His 19 Entertainment, a division of CKX Inc., last week reported an operating profit of 92.5 million, a 37 percent increase over 2008s 67.4 million. Fullers net worth in 2008 reportedly approached 1 billion (Star Tribune).  This substantial success indicates its mass appeal.

American Idol expresses the hegemonic ideology that the American dream is alive.  The thousands and thousands that turn out for the auditions reflect that the hope that they could be the next star is evident. Its impact on the American culture as well as world culture would be incalculable when you would take into account the impact from the successful talent of the show. It dominates the buzz on the internet, television, music industries.  Many Idol spin offs have begun world wide as well.  In this season, to attract Ellen DeGeneres as a judge indicates the shows pervasiveness into American culture.  

The show receives much discussion throughout the media.  The judges and Idol hopefuls are the top choices for the talk show circuit, tabloids, interview buzz.  It is most always spoke of in positive terms although it stirs up controversy from time to time. One would think that the outspoken Simon Cowell would have been the source of controversy however, Paula Abduls demeanor was criticized regularly while she was on as a judge.  Recently, rumors were that Simon was possibly being replaced by Howard Stern, however, a source familiar with the search for Cowells replacement told The Daily Beast thatStern was never even being considered and the show is months away from choosing a new judge to replace Cowell (Reality TV World).  Rumor also had it that Stern may have been using the possible bail out from his show to Idol as leverage for a better current contract.  Surprisingly, even the CBN (the Christian Broadcast Network) producer commented about the American Idol special Idol Gives Back  Last night, the shows charm didnt just draw viewersit moved them. What started off as a glorified karaoke competition is literally changing the world (CBN).

I do believe that I, like so many, consume American Idol.  I think that is popular because of its hopeful ideology.  It is consumed because of the positive, feel good quality of the show. It is a show where the underdog could win it all, the unknown talent can be found, the dream of success is alive.  Those are some of the reasons I watch and feel inspired by the show.  I like the appeal of the rags to riches stories of the show.  It is entertaining and inspiring.


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