A review on indigenity, media and cultural globalization

This paper is a critical review on a New Zealand television program show based on global market of media known as Mataku. It is an analysis of the program in respect to indigenity, media and global culture as was first directed by Maori. His  program was  produced  at a  time  when the  whole  world  was  faced by  global economic hard  times and  many government institutions borrowed  some  tactics from Mataku show  that helped  in administration. New Zealand government was faced by threat of neoliberalism and the artistic presentation of this program was instrumental in tackling with such threats (Glynn, Tyson, 206). The program is based on traditional practices and narratives that were orally narrated to past generations. The oral narrations in the past created a frame work through which the television show Mataku is based on. It shows the resurgence of supernaturalism in form of pictures presented through electronic device basically the television.

Traditional narratives reflect the way people treasure cultural practices and beliefs such as appearances of supernatural beings in the life of many individuals. This was taken as a means of communication from a superior being to people on earth. As it happens today, the media is used to communicate the daily happenings and events that are associated to human activity. In the modern world, the issue of beliefs is out of hand and real life experiences are seen as means of communication. This is reflected in the television show Mataku that embodies cultural globality and shows how cultural beliefs have upgraded. The show reflects how people have left the old way of doing things and are now adopting modern technology (Stuart, Graeme, 17). In the past, cultural practices and beliefs posed a lot of challenge in the lives of community members and made life to be complex. The complexity of life can be reflected in Mataku television program that compares the past and present (Glynn, Tyson, 211).

Culture involves the way individuals carry on their duties and practices. People in the  past were very  much obsessed with their  culture  but  in the  modern  world  things  have changed  to a level of cultural hybridity. The program by Maori narrates how things have changed resulting to increased modalities. One major importance of the television show in New Zealand is to reflect these modalities. The television show is a form of media that is used to enlighten people of New Zealand on how to leave the old way of doing things and adopt modern culture. The  issue  of  supernaturalism in the  show  is  a way  of  reflecting  traditional complexity that can be  related  to culture colonization. However, this is  not  far  from the  old  way  of  explaining  a  particular phenomena in various  cultures.

Supernatural events in television shows are connected to how information is passed from one generation to another. The complexity of the matter is what matters in particular episodes. For instance, traditional narratives are very much scary to a level that children are made to develop fear on particular supernatural beings. The television show Mataku is not exceptional because viewers develop fear on certain parts of the show that are related to supernatural beings (Wang, Jan, 41). Indigenity cultural globalization and media are major areas reflected in the television show. Media in particular television shows connect indigenity and culture to create an environment of enlightenment.

Indigenity is related to cultural anthropology and is used to address the issue of human migrations from a certain historical origin. It claims on cultural beliefs and political positions of different individuals in a political organization. Indigenity entails deployment of particular indexes in respect to social movements, knowledge, capital and global advocacy. These  aspects of  cultural and  political organizations  are  reflected  in Mataku especially the  area of neoliberism threat that was  a  major challenge  to the government. It shows the identity of indigenous people that advocates for human rights, political claims, environmentalism and cultural practices (Napoli, Gillis, 460).

Indigenity has been used as a tool for language and cultural programs preservation mode. The media through development of television such as Mataku in New Zealand is a way of reviewing individuals commitments towards cultural anthropology. In addition, it creates a good understanding of culture, geography, human rights and sovereignty in the society. Performance is one major aspect of indigenity that is used to understand particular issues of culture, politics, aesthetic and ethics. The modern world is dynamic and advocates for adoption of social practices that constitute the lives of many individuals.

Some people regard themselves as indigenous to particular cultural displays, political groupings and festival events that constitute to development of media. In such fields or areas, indigenity is considered to shed light through reflection of the common areas that relate to human life. Indigenity in another aspect is related to religion of different individuals. The television program is a good example that showed how people were divided into different religious groups (Miller, 13). There are those who belief in the modern way of worship and those that belief in supernatural beings as a form of worship. The media is instrumental when it comes to issues of religion whereby it produces programs that help viewers appreciate their religion and culture.

Cultural globalization
Cultural globalization is defined as traversing of attitudes, values and ideas across different national borders.  The rapid traverse of values results to exchange and sharing of ideas from one culture to another. Cultural globalization leads to interconnection and interaction of individuals with diverse way of life and culture. Media is the major area that has led to spread of culture from one nation to another. The television program by Maori in New Zealand was watched over by other individuals around the world. This led to spread of cultural practice of New Zealand people as was reflected in the program.

Many individuals in the world and government entities borrowed the sentiments of New Zealand as was shown in the television program to resolve areas of conflict. Media and other communication technologies are considered to be the common elements associated with cultural globalization (Donald, 25). One major role of media is to enlighten and educate viewers in certain matters that relate to human life. This is achieved through dissemination of events and issues across national borders including remote areas.

The television show Mataku is a good example of how media can be used to promote indigenity and cultural globalization. Media is an instrument used to transform the way people used to do things by adopting modern technology and leaving traditional practices. It is a tool used to make a nation develop through exchange of cultural and religious practices. Developed and developing nations must support and promote media as one of the most important instrument fro development.


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