Media in Asia Article Critique

Analyzing the article by Lim, it highlights the transformation of Malaysian society towards redefining the idea of nationalism and how the globalization impacts its detriment and continued growth. By citing the media (Malaysian idol), the document argues that this program is an essential tool used by directors to pursue their nationalist interest and promote the development of Malaysian culture and heritage using different facets such as SMS poll, fans club, online community (Lim, p.76).  Such dynamics then redefines the aspect of nationalism and brings about the conception of a modern nationalist perspective that showcases the real identity of a true Malaysian.

Similarly, Lim also argues that despite the show originating from Western ideals, the show provides unique opportunity to highlight and intensify the unique Malaysian culture and personifies new directions that can strengthen its capacity to showcase a feeling of belongingness (Lim, p.78). Due to this, the author argues that the emergence of this show not only highlight the ability to address both local and international perspective of Malaysian nationalism but also carry out the competence to retain their values amidst the prominence of Western ideals. It is through this that it portrays a reality deeper than one could expect.

Reflecting on the authors argument, I do believe her claim that the development of Malaysian idol is indeed a direct response towards globalization and finding nationalist ideals in the 21st century. This remains to be apparent since the country has long sought to establish its own personality after numerous years of colonial rule. It is thus understandable that the element of media particularly Malaysian idol is used as an instrument towards identifying common binding and unifying traits present to all. Such dynamics then becomes a good melting pot where different cultures correlate and share the unique heritage and rich culture.

In assessing its strengths, it can be seen that the article made a good analysis and foundation about the relevance of media and globalization. Here, the method used was to effectively determine its corresponding impact in terms of its function towards redefining common barriers and bridging towards the creation of new principles and identity. The attempt of Malaysia to consolidate on this effort remains essential as it seeks to draw out a balance between their values and differentiate it towards their Western counterparts. In essence, the media became a binding tool that solidified and established patterns for greater cultural appreciation.

On the other hand, one comparable weakness of the article revolves around the inability to assert that the media can also dictate something that is not real. Rather than providing something that connotes the ideas of what is happening in life, viewers are merely provided a faade an idea of what a few people would like the people to see. Seeing this, the public must also be careful about the preference they give to these for it can create a false sense of identity that will not only divide the nation but also illustrate an indirect control over their lives.


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