SD Players and Diffusion of Innovation Theory

A lot of inventions and innovations are being developed in todays society due to the rapid and unprecedented advancement of science and technology. The different innovations are beneficial to the society for they improve and enhance our activities and lifestyles. These innovations are disseminated for public consumption and for them to know the different facets of the product or idea that is new to the public. Mobile phones and digital cameras are some of the most useful products of the worlds technological advancement. Cell phones render several benefits to the user due to their many features and capabilities. The cell phones transformed our mode of communication, especially in contacting people in other places. Cameras are capable of capturing the moment and memories. Most of the digital cameras and cell phones contain SD cards, which is a flash memory device that is capable of storing data and files. SD cards are small but big in capacity. Due to the popularity and prevalence of the use of SD cards, SD players will be a very popular product in the market. This product can enable you to play or view all the files stored in the SD card. This product is highly similar with Amazon Kindle but with wide features. For example, you downloaded a movie in your SD card and you want to watch it, this device is capable of such feature. Because this product is something new to the society and due to the fact that there is a large number of people who own a cell phone and digital camera and is now an indispensable tools in our lives, there is a need to disseminate the information effectively for the public to know. Effective diffusion strategies and appropriate messages are needed in order for the public to fully grasp the innovation.

Diffusion of Innovation Theory
Diffusion of Innovation Theory explains how an innovation is diffused or communicated through different channels over time among the members of the social system. The theory was purported by Everett Rogers. Diffusion is a special term in communication that is concerned with the proliferation of messages that are regarded as new ideas or products in the society. An innovation is simply an idea or product that is perceived as new by the individuals. The characteristics of an innovation, as perceived by the social system, determine the rate of adoption or how fast would the innovation be adopted by the members of the social system. The main four elements of the theory are (a) innovation, (b) communication channels, (c) time, and (d) the social system (Rogers  Scott, 1997).

Diffusion Strategies and Messages
There are a lot of people who are in need of technological gadgets like digital cameras cell phones. The SD card inside these gadgets is very useful as it stores files and data. The leaders or the innovators of the message are the members of the companies manufacturing the SD players and trying to push the product in the mainstream. However, not all these people are familiar with this product. Hence, there is a need to devise comprehensive and effective strategies in order to effectively disseminate the information about the risk of developing causing brain cancer brought by the use of cell phones.

One of the strategies that can be employed to inform the public about the product is through advertising, which is an effective strategy in disseminating information. Advertising can be used to inform the public of the features of the new product and how such will affect their lives. Despite the fact that there are a lot of people who own mobile phones, the approach in sending the messages should be different for every target group.

According to the theory, there are different units of adoption which involves the time in diffusion of the innovation. There are five adopter categories or five different classifications of the members of the social system. Innovators are the top group of individuals. This group is highly interested in new ideas. Most of the time, innovators are the first individuals to know and experience the new idea that will be shared to their peers and cliques. Innovators also play a role of gatekeeping the flow of ideas into the different categories of the social system. They are the cosmopolites of the social system. Thus, the information regarding the features of the new product and how it will largely affect their lives will catch the attention of the innovators.

Early Adopters
Early adopters are those that are integrated into the social system. They have connections with the innovators and the early majority. This particular group has the greatest opinion leadership in the social system. Potential adopters look at early adopters for advice  and information about the innovation. Their opinions and feelings toward the effectiveness of the product are of vital importance on the adoption of the new technology. The message for this group should focus on the description of the product and its advantages. This message should also highly focus on the positive facets concerning the technology which will be disseminated by the early adopters to the potential adopters.

Early Majority
The early majority is the group in the social system that is connected to the early adopters and the late majority. They do not hold opinions in the system and they are usually influenced by their peers. The early majority deliberate first before adopting the new idea. The effective diffusion strategy for this particular group is through weighing the pros and cons and the cost and benefits of the new technology. Because this group is deliberating on the innovation, it is best to give basis and something to compare it with.

Late Majority
The late majority is the group of individuals that adopt the new idea after the average member of the social system. Adoption may be due to the increasing peer pressure as this group is skeptical and cautious in adopting the new idea. The late majority will not adopt the innovation until most others have done so. The effective diffusion strategy for this particular group is to show that a lot of people are subscribing to the new product for them to join the bandwagon.

Diffusion of innovation theory is a theory that explains how a new idea or product is communicated in the public and how it is adopted by the social system. All new products of technology are diffused to the public for them to know the different facets of the particular technology. SD cards are a product of technology that proved to be beneficial to the public and is now commonly used by the inherent public. There is a need of SD players which are capable of playing and viewing the files stored in the SD card. This product is likes similar to Kindle but with a wider features. There is a need to diffused the innovation since it will be beneficial to the individuals, especially those who are attached to their files and data. The strategies for the diffusion of the innovation is different and appropriate for the different categories of the social system.


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