Credibility Analysis Barrack Obama Bernie Madoff

I have chosen President Barrack Obama of the United States of America for my credibility analysis. President Obama is a credible person simply because he has a strong care and concern over his people and country he is enthusiastic regarding the developments that he wants and the exact message that he wants his people to understand. With regards to his knowledge of his work and responsibilities, we are assured that he has the experience and awareness needed for his work. Although we all know that knowledge is not really the key for being credible, I have concluded that President Obama is very credible also because he can communicate well and can deliver his speechtalk with such high degree of conviction and certainty which contributes greatly to his trustworthiness and credibility.

On the other hand, I have chosen Mr. Bernie Madoff as my non-credible personality simply because he is the brains behind the Bernie Madoff Wall Street scam. He fooled many people regarding investments and took money from them. Later on, it was discovered that the investment structure was a Ponzi scheme or a pyramiding scheme. This shows that Madoff has no care or concern over his constituents however this also shows that he has a high level of knowledge regarding investments but then it resulted to scams.

Credibility Analysis Barrack Obama  Bernie Madoff
Barrack Obama is the current president of the United States of America and is clearly one of the most powerful political figures in the world today. This is the reason why I selected him to be analyzed with regards to credibility. We will evaluate President Obama by these main factors care and concern, enthusiasm, focus and knowledge. Barrack Obama won the recent elections in the USA simply because he is very good in communicating his ideas and beliefs to the people. We can relate this to his genuine care and concern to his land and his people. During the campaign, he had a lot of good speeches and talks with regards to the solutions that he will do to Americas problems. The way President Obama communicates to the people is simply incredible. This key factor contributes largely to his credibility. Knowledge is one main factor in determining credibility but this is limited and needs to be supported by active communication and good rapport with concerned people. Barrack Obamas exceptional knowledge of his duties and responsibilities plus his experiences as a senator further adds up to his credibility level. With regards to President Obamas focus on goals and objectives, we can clearly see that it is already resolved by his clear-cut speech and rapport with the people and his knowledge base.

Proper presentation and good communication skills are the main reasons why I chose President Obama to be credible. Anyone can have knowledge of his country, most people have care and concern over their constituents, others are also very enthusiastic but only a few can really communicate well and present their ideas to the people with great precision, conviction and certainty. These are also the reasons why most people believed him and voted for him. One of the reasons why America is getting back on track economically today coming off from a recession is that they have a good leader  Barrack Obama. Under these key factors I conclude that President Barrack Obama is indeed a credible and trustworthy person.
Bernie Madoff is a former stock broker and a convicted operator of the Madoff scam in Wall Street. He was the architect of what was touted the largest Ponzi scheme in history or what we call a pyramiding scheme. He was guilty of 11 counts of felonies and was responsible for ripping investors with billions of dollars.

Initially, I can say that Bernie Madoff was a bit credible because there were a lot of investors who entrusted their money to his investment company. Although later on we will see why Bernie Madoff failed our credibility analysis. We will evaluate Bernie Madoff by these main factors care and concern, enthusiasm, focus and knowledge. Bernie Madoff started his career well. He took various positions in business related fields and was also a philanthropist. He started his investment company in the late 80s and from there started to earn money. In relation to our credibility analysis we can say that Bernie Madoff is credible to a certain extent only or at the beginning of his career. Let us take a step by step analysis on determining his credibility.
Initially, in terms of knowledge base as a foundation, Madoff qualifies. He indeed has an excellent knowledge regarding the field of his work and his duties. We also clearly say that he is enthusiastic of what he is doing because he already built a company out of his field of expertise. We can also say to a certain extent that has the right amount of focus to be considered credible. However, it is in the care and concern that Bernie Madoff failed. Yes, we know that he has been donating his money to foundations but at the end of it all, the grand PonziPyramid investment scheme ruined his credibility. There was a massive effect of this scheme, foundations were closed and a lot of investors lost their money. This also contributed to the closing of establishments which led to people losing their jobs and of course this hurt the economy. I therefore conclude that based on these factors, Bernie Madoff is not a credible person.


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