The 20th century has been an era of change largely dominated by advancement in technology. Media ecology seeks to evaluate how media and advancement in technology has affected human understanding, perception value and how it can hamper the very survival of human. Through media ecology, one has an understanding that it is possible to cut on the advertising costs which is normally achieved by posting advertisement even in the social networking sites. Also, media ecology has led to understanding that it is possible to do online business and handle transactions which require real time processing like in hotel bookings and air ticketing. This is possible if proper online processing softwares are utilized by companies.

Moreover, media technology has promoted the understanding that the just in time technique is achievable within organizations which dont require production to stop while waiting for raw materials. Through media ecology it is possible to reducing the lead time in organizations. This can be affected through the use of electronic data interchange (EDI) which ensures that structured information can be delivered form one business to another (B2B) and form one a business to customers (B2C). Also, the use of extranets can be used to link different business partners in remote locations (Jeremy, 2004).

Media ecology has led to an understanding that, organizations are in a capacity to study the behaviors and preferences of their clients. This is often achieved through the use of customer relationship management software (CRM). In addition, media ecology has led to an understanding that harmony can be achieved between different units of an organization through the use of enterprise resource planning which ensures that one there is efficient flow of information from one department to another. More importantly, media ecology has enabled organizations to come up with databases of potential employees who can meet the recruitment criteria. Organizations have gone to the extent of using the profile over the internet and use them as the basis of recruitment though critics argue that the profiles are often pseudo and should not be relied (Jeremy, 2004). Similarly, individuals are using the advertisements placed over the web to search for vacancies which translate to a save in traveling costs.

On the other hand, media ecology has led to an understanding that the advancement in technology can have negative impact on our very existence. For instance, there is a recent revelation that the social networking sites are being used to taint the images of our political opponents and business competitors. This is common when one posts a blog or a malicious message with the sole intention of defaming his or her opponent. The same technology has interfered with the security level of organizations and businesses. Sensitive information is availed to the public through the use of electronic messaging. Computer crimes such as hacking, spoofing and sniffing are also on the increase due to the advancement in technology.

Media ecology has further brought to the limelight that, the cultural values which we once held dear are now a thing of the past. This has been accelerated by the number of porn sites which are even a favorite haven for minors who lack consent. Through media technology, I have an understanding that, the advancement in technology has had its toll on our health. The current generation is relying on junk foods which are prepared via microwave. The radiation form the microwaves predisposes us to cancer which scientists have not been able to contain. Finally, media ecology has led to an understanding of why lifestyle diseases are on the increase. This is due to the fact that they youth will feed on junk food and spend a large percentage of their time screwed to a movies or playing video games (Jeremy, 2004).


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