Terrorism is a Global Threat to the Existence of a Peace Loving World

Since the dawn of human civilization, man has walked the planet in search of ways and means of improving life. A great deal of history stands testimony to this notion, and there is magnanimous amount of evidence available that speaks volumes of the human effort to build a better world.

However, somewhere along the line of efforts made for ameliorating life, the idea of competition crept in while there is no harm in competing, it is the manner in which competition exists that matters. Indeed, ideas like sabotage happen to be almost as old as the history of the effort to build a better world. Today, this concept is no different, as there are separatist groups, clandestine agencies, secret armies, and conspiracy believers that form a major part of sabotage efforts against the human race. Perhaps, one would be more aware of sabotage and secret warfare when it is targeted at nation states as opposed to the human race. This is because of what the global media reports. However, the fact remains that all the terrorist plots or secret wars do nothing but put one nation against another, and little by little tear down apart the human race. Major print media, electronic and alternative media provide one with a variety of viewpoints. It is interesting to note the different shades and slants that different media take (LaMay, 2007, 36-75). However, regardless of the slant or bias, the human race is faced with a very real threat, terrorism. One issue that can be viewed across all media outlets include the story of the Al Qaeda when it first became known and was synonymous with Osama Bin Laden

International Terrorism and Al Qaeda
One of the most frightening aspects of terrorism is its ability to transform the human race. Indeed, terrorism has been carried out by a minority of people who claim to be in the right. Actually, most media outlets have a consensus on the fact that terrorists are a handful of powerful, disgruntled people with a common goal. One particular group that is called the Al Qaeda, and according to American CNN Cable News Network, it is believed to comprise individuals from all over the world, who have an Islamist ideology. In the wake of the 911 terrorist attacks, Al Qaeda surged to infamy. The world condemned the Al Qaeda, and they still do.

One news channels such as CNN is believed to give unbiased coverage of the Al Qaeda. It is believed to be one of the accepted channels that people all over the world look towards for reliable information. In the east, there is the Arab TV channel, Al Jazeera, which is sometimes referred to as the CNN of the East. It has also been accepted as an authentic news channel on the same issue International terrorismAl Qaeda911. This news channel also reinforced the existence of an AL Qaeda involved in terrorist attacks. Other channels also followed these two. Whether they were sure of the existence of an Al Qaeda did not matter at this point. The news story was so large that they could not be left behind. When they all jumped on the band wagon of these media reports, the issue was reinforced, and before long the world was convinced of an international terror network that could strike at will.

The Alternative Media Reports on Terrorism
Both, CNN and Al Jazeera reported the framework of Al Qaeda, and from to time, revealed their sketchy modus operandi. While these two channels, for a considerable time, promoted this issue, other media groups had differing views. In particular, the alternative media, mainly youtube.com presented a variety of views. Amid ones that seemed to be in sync with those on CNN and AL Jazeera, there were video clips and presentations uploaded that presented an opposing angle.

Controversial Reports and Inconsistencies with mainstream Electronic media Reports
While there was also much said about the existence of Al Qaeda and them being responsible for the 911 terrorist attacks in New York, there were many views available. Some disputed the claim, and were not willing to accept this story that everyone had believed so quickly without reviewing the facts of the event (Artz  Kamalipour, 2007, 7-28).

Amid views that Al Qaeda was a fabrication, there were several others that hinted that Osama Bin Laden was killed as far back as 2002 one in particular, which was revealed in a BBC interview in November 2007, suggested that Osama Bin Laden was dead. This was a clip from a BBC interview in which Ex-Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto said that Osama Bin Laden was dead, and that Wanted Man, Omar Saeed Sheikh was responsible for this. She further added that the same man wanted to kill her. Very little has been said about this interview. However, this segment of the interview was not aired on BBC. Whatever truth lies behind this is still unknown. In contrast to such clips and presentations on youtube, Al Jazeera and CNN still promote the propaganda videos of Osama Bin Laden, touting them as authentic. Although, there has been some skepticism regarding the authenticity of these videos, in terms of Osamas changing outlook, etc., the impact of Al Qaeda is still fresh in the minds of the international community.

Print Media in Pakistan
Local print media, such as Dawn News, in Pakistan report the existence and action of Al Qaeda the spat of terrorist attacks that took place in the last 2 and half years is believed to be credible evidence of this. Thousands of Pakistani citizens have lost their lives, and the controversial leadership confirms that Al Qaeda is responsible.

While Al Qaeda is reported as an international terrorist network, it is believed to operate via particular organizations. This terrorist network has been believed to have attacked targets in Europe, East Asia and the US, but it is thought that their focus is largely on the Pakistan and Afghanistan border. The Afghan Taliban is believed to be a central part of this group. However, alternative media channels in Pakistan have opposing views. Channels such as  HYPERLINK httpwww.markthetruth.com www.markthetruth.com assert that there is no connection between the Afghan Taliban and Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan TTP. The latter is believed to be a CIA- FBI-RAW funded and facilitated organization, which aims at destabilizing Pakistan (Raja, 2010).

Indian Print Media
While the alternative media and a minority of electronic media channels in Pakistan assert this claim, news outlets in India deny such allegations. Print media, such as the Hindu and the Indian Times repeatedly deny the involvement of its intelligence agency RAW in any activity on Pakistani or Afghan soil. This is despite pictorial evidence captured during the Pakistani military operation in its tribal belt, where they photographed slain Indian agents as well as Indian and US produced artillery.

Regardless, to-date, the consensus is that the terrorist attacks in Pakistan are thanks to the Afghan Taliban that is believed to be part of Al Qaeda. This is particularly because of the terrorist attacks India has faced. While there has been a great deal of targets carried out by separatist groups in eastern India, such as those carried out by the Maoists, there have also been those that have been carried out by Kashmiri based groups that want independence from India occupation. India on its part believes that Pakistan is at the center of these attacks, and often blames it for every development there. While the 2911 attacks of 2008 has alleged connections with a group on Pakistani soil, the investigations remain inconclusive with only one captured terrorist who changes his statements. While India often blames the Pakistani state for the attacks it faces, the fact remains that terrorism is a regional threat as well as an international one. Citizens of every country are victims, and this is the reason why security is on very high alert constantly.

The New Media
The electronic, print and alternative media serve as a brilliant tool for reporting and analysis. The landscape for reporting has been transformed significantly in the last few years. Indeed, the past 50 years has seen tremendous changes, and people today are far more informed than they ever used to be. Previously, people relied a great deal on radio broadcasts, and still do. However, the network of news coverage has widened, and many more people today come under the umbrella of news coverage. Even people in the remotest parts of the globe now are informed about major stories. However, a major concern with the new media is that authenticity is an issue. With the network of news coverage flung far and wide, it must be said that there is a feeling of reinforcement of news people are automatically more convinced of a single news story when they hear it from a variety of media outlets (McMillin, 2007, 8-13). However, this is in itself can be a problem. This is because if there is a fallacy in any news story, the impact can be horrendous. A small example of this can be reports of the London Stock Exchange crash. This report caused chaos and confusion, and while some people profited from it and seized control, others went into massive losses.

The Alternative Media
While most media outlets would want to have more control over authenticity of reports, such a task can be difficult. This is because of the global media outlets rely on the Reuters and the Associated Press, as it may not be feasible for newer or smaller news outlets to have correspondents or branches in every location of the world. The fact is that the global media, while in the hands of a handful of controlling organizations, largely comprises smaller and dependent organizations. These are compelled to rely on what is available with major organizations. While this is largely true for the TV, Radio and official newspapers, the same cannot be applied to the alternative media entirely (Artz  Kamalipour, 2007, 7-28). This is because the alternative media does not completely rely on larger organizations, and this explains why one will come across a variety of issues that are not in the mainstream media. An example of this is the Youtube clip pf Benazir Bhuttos discarded interview. In addition to this, there are several websites and social media networks that propagate alternative theories and news stories that one will probably never see in the mainstream media like CNN or Al Jazeera.

The Norms are Being Transformed
Indeed, the norms of the Associated Press and Reuters having major control over news reporting seem to be changing considerably. Although the transformation is snail paced, and the mainstream media apparently holds far more sway, the alternative media seems to getting its foot in the door (LaMay, 2007, 36-75). While the western and eastern mainstream media outlets may have consensus or conflict regarding certain reported issues like the War on terror now being fought in Pakistans tribal belt, the alternative media is playing a significant part. The latter might also be polarized in their viewpoints, but there are many others who get to have their say. It is these intermediary viewpoints that are considered to be handy in piecing together a larger picture of what the reality of a situation might be (McMillin, 2007, 8-13).

The Globalized World and the International Media
While there exist a variety of media outlets for people to follow today, people are still hooked onto their television news channels and the radio too. This is because in most urban areas, though there are Internet facilities, people will still have cable TV. If they dont have cable TV, they will rely on the Internet to view their favorite news channels that can be streamed to them. This is how the mainstream news media has maintained its hold on its viewer ship (McMillin, 2007, 8-13).
. In contrast to this, in rural or far flung areas, the mainstream media does not have much of a struggle maintaining its control. People in these areas normally rely on the radio of the mainstream print media to receive their news and updates. Therefore, in this context, it can be argued that the alternative media has indeed a long way to go if it has to have the same impact that the mainstream media has.

The world that people live in today is not as safe as it was many years ago. The shape of warfare has changed drastically. While some experts define war in terms of First, Second, Third and Fourth Generation Warfare, it must be said that terrorism must exist according to similar definitions. This can be said because there are intelligence agencies involved in terrorist warfare tactics today too. This view is one that is largely in sync with conspiracy theory available in the alternative media, largely. However, the official story that is believed is held by the mainstream media, which includes the television news channels electronic and the official news papers print. Largely, there is consensus on the issue of terrorism, Al Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden, etc. As most people believe this terrorist organization is intact though limited to the tribal belt in Pakistan and Afghanistan. The consensus remains to date with a sprinkle of skepticism that keeps the issue afloat.

It can be asserted that there is much work to be done in terms of the alternative media getting a greater say in the international news. While social networking is forming a significant part of this sphere, there is still a great deal that has to be done. This is in particular consideration of the hold that the mainstream media has indeed, major news channels have intruded the Internet sphere to make their presence felt. Other social networking tools that mainstream channels are also using at the moment include Twitter, Facebook, etc. Therefore, it can be added that while the sources of information in the alternative media present differing views to the mainstream media, major news channels have infiltrated their space, and are battling on their soil. How much ground each media outlet takes is left to be seen in time to come. People want as many views as possible, and they want the truth. This is what matters at the end of the day, and the alternative space like the Internet presents a terrific ground for a variety of views on severe issues.


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