American TV and the rise of DesiLu, of Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz, and I Love Lucy

The history of American television show is long and is characterized by many different shows as well as genres and noticeable changes over the years, like the shift from sitcoms to reality television shows, for example. Historians, as well as critics point out that in its long history, there are just selected shows that stood out from among its contemporaries and among the rest. The reason why they are special is because of how audience appreciated and reacted to the show resulting to financial success. It is also because of how the show was important in pioneering important changes that allow television show to consistently take the next step and continue developing for the continued entertainment of the audience. It would be hard to argue with the fact that I Love Lucy is a television show that was immortalized by its success and by the enduring fan and audience support and patronage.

There are many things that will be discussed in this paper. The focus of the discussion and analysis of the paper will focus on the I Love Lucy as a show that has become iconic, well-loved, unforgettable and changed the lives of an on-screen and real life love team. The paper will talk about the time line involving I Love Lucy as a show, and its rise to importance and significance and how and why it is important and significant, what it did and what it contributed to American television history.

The paper will also discuss the lives of Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball, the two main characters in I Love Lucy. After the show, they are still important individuals in Hollywood especially because of the business side of this people, manifested largely through the Desilu Productions which they shared for a particular period of time. Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz played Lucy and Ricky Ricardo respectively in the show. This was a role that made them household names. Their faces were easily recognized by the people who watched and loved the show during its entire six-year run and the numerous times it was syndicated and aired in different parts of America and the world.

Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz biography
Lucille Ball
Desi Arnaz
The Desilu Production and Desilu Studio
C. I Love Lucy - Rise to popularity and significance
      i. Start of the show
                  ii. Rise to and sustaining the popularity
Significance of the show (long term and short term)
Impact of Desilu

The show I Love Lucy, its main characters Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz, and Desilu Productions and Studios are all credited for their important contribution to the success of the show. They are also credited for pioneering efforts and steps that revolutionized American television entertainment trend and method. There are many literature sources. These include books as well as critical articles in newspapers and magazines as well as in studies inside the academe focusing on entertainment, communication, mass media and contemporary modes of entertainment. These literature sources point to the show and its characters as enduring icons and timeless entities that have made their own niche in the history of American entertainment industry and television because of the impact of their long and resounding success. The show I Love Lucy, as well as Ball and Arnaz, are all important parts and components of the history of development of American television because of how the show influenced the audience, how it created many important trends and patterns. This will be followed by many other television shows to come after it and because of how I Love Lucy, in one way or another, revolutionized American television content. This will be the focus of the discussion and analysis of this paper.

One of the most popular Hollywood couples of all time is the tandem of real life sweethearts Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz, the lifeblood of one of the most popular, if not the most popular, television series in American television history I Love Lucy. I Love Lucy came to life because of the collaboration of these two individuals who stayed married for several years but divorced in the end. I Love Lucy is all about Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz. Their life and love story is important in how one of the most important, significant and influential television series came to be and how this show was sustained.  It was a story of two persons from different origins finding their paths merging in Hollywood. The rest of the couples love story was as hugely followed as the love story of the television show I Love Lucy.

The popular Lucy Ricardo in I Love Lucy was in real life Lucille Desiree Ball who was born on August 6, 1911. Lucille spent much of her adult life acting, first in B movies before moving into superstardom with her role in I Love Lucy and her ownership of the Desilu Production. Lucilles career as an actress started in the 1930s and was sustained all the way up to the 1970s. She had a colorful and memorable acting career that was highlighted by her stint in I Love Lucy and the awards she won at the Emmys and in other award giving bodies. Lucille was also a model in her younger years and a company executive during her mature years especially after her divorce with husband Desi and Desis departure from Desilu Productions. Lucilles personal life besides her marriage to Desi and her remarrying after her divorce with her first husband also included motherhood when she gave birth to her first child Lucie Desiree Arnaz and to her second child Desiderio Alberto Arnaz IV, known in the US as Desi, Jr. Unlike the roots of Desi, Lucilles family is more of a working class group of individuals. In fact, it was the reason why they moved around much, because of her fathers work as a telephone lineman. While neither her mother nor father has any significant background in acting and show business, it was her grandfather who would influence her to cultivate her interest in vaudeville. This was an important background for her when she started in the show business, not to mention the polishing she received while attending the John Murray Anderson School for Dramatic Arts. In Broadway, Bells screen name was Dianne Belmont. Ball hoped from one menial acting job to another, being involved but not with significant value to many different movies. She managed her financial responsibilities by working in the radio on the side, particularly in the radio program My Favorite Husband of CBS Radio wherein she played the part of the girl named Liz Cugat. After that, the next best thing that came to Ball was Desi and the show I Love Lucy. It was the height of her career as an actress. It was also the beginning of a relationship that will last even when they stopped becoming husband and wife to one another. As a movie and television actress, Ball was not exempted from the government crackdown on suspected anti-US and pro-communist. She was invited for questioning in 1953. Balls exciting and unexpected life included being a mother at age forty. It is something that is considered as a miracle considering her many miscarriages in the past and her age as well. Her two children were what connected her with Desi in their later lives. After I Love Lucy, Ball continued to make movies as well as musical and participated in Broadway plays. She balanced this with the tasks involved in maintaining the Desilu Productions afloat, which was difficult and stressful for Ball. Considered as one of the few women who had very long career as actresses in Hollywood and Broadway, Ball would make her final public appearance during the Academy Awards in 1989. On April of the same year, Ball passed away from aneurysm. She was buried in LA and later her remains were moved to Jamestown in New York, laid to rest side by side the other members of her family. Even after her death, Ball still continued to receive many awards and recognition from different institutions and agencies that recognized her importance and role in the entertainment industry and to the American pop culture as well.

Born on the 2nd of March in 1917, Desi Arnaz became one of the popular faces of the television sitcoms in the 50s and 60s and even in the present day because of his rise to fame side by side I Love Lucy. This multi-talented individual played Balls leading man in the story, as Lucys musician husband with whom Lucy shared the ups and downs of everyday Manhattan life. Arnaz was born in a place called Santiago in Cuba. He shortened his named to Desi from Desiderio Alberto. Desi came from a rich, well-to-do and politically influential family back in Cuba. His father and his grandfather are politicians who owned large amount of land and properties which were eventually confiscated by the Cuban government after the revolution of Fulgencio Batista. Because of political oppression, Desi and his family moved to the United States which opened the door for Desi to explore acting, and later show business as a producer. In his early career as an actor, he already landed a gig in Broadway, and was soon in Hollywood, where he met Lucille Ball to whom he would be married to on the 30th of November in 1940. He acted in I Love Lucy while at the same time also acted as the shows producer.

Besides this show, Desi also produced many other television shows and films. The success of the love story of Lucy and Ricky somewhat contrasted with the real life condition of the couple, especially during the later part of their adult life. Stress, managing problems, substance abuse and other problems led to the divorce of the two. With the split and the show I Love Lucy making its final season, it appeared they are heading in separate direction, which did not happen exactly like that since Arnaz still collaborated with Desilu Productions now owned by Ball while I Love Lucy was enjoying reruns and syndications worldwide. After the divorce, Arnaz remarried, but in 1985 his second wife namely Edith Mack Hirsch passed away, leaving Arnaz widowed. He did not remarry again.

He and Ball remained close until Desis death in December 2, 1986. His death was caused primarily by his lung cancer. As testament to his contribution to the American film, television and entertainment industry, he was given not just one but two different stars in the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Unlike other couples in Hollywood, Desi remained forever as part of the fictional I Love Lucy couple as he was part of the real life love team alongside Lucille. Besides producing and acting on many different films and television shows, he also wrote and published a book (a biography) while another book was written about Desilu Productions.

As Ball and Arnaz grew in popularity with the success of I Love Lucy, something else was also experiencing growth and development, and that is the production outfit and later the studio properties owned by the couple. The production was named Desilu Productions, responsible for the production of I Love Lucy shows as well as many other shows which Desilu managed to accommodate when the company started experiencing marked earnings in profit and started expanding and increasing its operations and projects. Important in the creation of I Love Lucy and the rise to popularity of the show is the production outfit that created it. The name Desilu Production was easily decoded as the merging of the names Desi and Lu (for Lucille), resulting in the name Desilu which is also the name of the couples ranch located in Chatsworth in California. The production outfit experimented on a different approach which allowed I Love Lucy to be considered as one of the innovators when it comes to methods and styles in sitcom production. It moved away from some of the common and traditional television show practices at the time, trying and experimenting with styles that may not be totally a Desilu original but is nonetheless popularized in huge part by Desilus many different projects including I Love Lucy.

The production featured live audience, and used three cameras to capture the acting. Instead of filming live in New York, the production of I Love Lucy was stationed in Hollywood.  I Love Lucys combination of live audience, the filming of the show and the airing of filmed and not live show was credited as an innovation in style to which the production team of I Love Lucy was responsible for. After I Love Lucy and even until today, this style is still widely used by many production outfits filming sitcoms inside and outside of the US.

The company was on the verge of making a breakthrough in the industry and poised as well to become a stable and solid institution that is both financially sound and artistically valuable to the industry at the time. Desilu Productions was the corporate entity that secured studio space so that I Love Lucy can be filmed. First, the company rented a place known at the time as General Service Studios and today known as Hollywood Center Studios from 1951 to 1953 during the filming of the first two seasons of the show. After that, Desilu Productions transferred to Motion Picture Center for season three to six of the hit sitcom. During that period, the studio was renamed Desilu Studios and later Desilu-Cahuenga Studios to avoid any possible confusion especially with regards to other Desilu properties that the company has managed to acquire over time.

Today the studios name has been changed to Ren-Mar Studios. The company, with its classic corporate logo of yellow shorthand of the word Desilu over a black background, was based in Los Angeles in California. Desilu Productions was a studio home not just to I Love Lucy but also to many other television shows and series. Founded in 1950, Desilu Productions started from humble beginnings without any big named financial backer, and soon it would become one of the strongest profit earning production outfits in Hollywood during its time.

Desilu grew financially over the years that it has operated inside Hollywood and during its peak there was no question regarding the profit that Desilu managed to get from I Love Lucy. Because of the money coming in from the show and because of the other projects of the Desilu Productions, the company has had enough money to acquire many properties especially at the later half of the 1950s. It acquired the properties of RKO Pictures and other lot spaces that by 1957, its property equaled to or was even greater than outfits that are popular today like Twentieth Century Fox and Metro Goldwyn Mayer. Desilu unexpectedly grew in size and stature to rival the largest Hollywood studios by the end of the 1950s.

Through the years, Arnaz and Ball shared the responsibilities in running Desilu Productions and Desilu Studio.  Arnaz was focused on the business side. Ball, too, has a say in the business aspect of it. Being an actress and performer first, she was always focused on the artistic side of the business and production (although Ball would be thrust to perform in a more hectic and critical leader role for the company upon Arnazs exit from the firm). In later years and especially close to and after the divorce of this Hollywood couple, Arnaz eventually left Desilu for good, selling his share of the company, relinquishing his role as the companys president and head. This made Ball the companys new president. It was something that cemented Balls Hollywood status not just as an actress but also as a power player. By that time, she was already head of a production outfit and not just a mere actress that begs and expects from the good graces of producers and directors to pick her for roles. Desilu Studios would eventually be sold and merged with Paramount Television, Paramount absorbing the rights to many different shows previously under Desilu.

What remains of Desilu as a corporate and legal entity is Desilu Too L.L.C. At the end of the era of Desilu Productions, Paramount Television and the Lucille Ball Production took over what was left and what was distributed among different entities. Desilu Studios, created from the success of the efforts behind Desilu Productions grew to prominence. It was home to many shows which, like I Love Lucy, would become enduring, timeless and enjoyed by many people from different age bracket and eras and as a show would enjoy various remakes, re-runs and modern adaptations.

Star Trek, which has been a commercial success from its creation until today, was once a television series belonging to Desilu Studios. Another popular and timeless story, Mission Impossible, was also owned by Desilu Studios. Besides these shows, there is also The Andy Griffith Show as well as the Dick Van Dyke Show, among others that flew under the Desilu Studio banner. Besides these television shows, Desilu Productions and Desilu Studios would also be involved in the creation of several different films, some of them financially rewarding while others failed to live up to the expected potential and promise. Films like The Long, Long Trailer shown in 1954 and Yours, Mine and Ours in 1968 were successfully endeavors for Desilu Studios. Other efforts like Forever Darling which was created in Desilu Studios but under Zanra Productions tanked and flopped in the big screen.

Desilu Production was a tool and a vehicle from which the vision of Ball and Arnaz would be realized. This created a strong and solid jump off point towards a career of superstardom that would result in to the transformation of the names Desilu, Lucille Ball, Desi Arnaz and I Love Lucy from mere unknown to iconic and immortal entities in the television and entertainment industry. Ball and Arnaz believed that a television show featuring a couple of mixed ancestral heritage and ethnicity can be a good foundation of a light love story in television. The character of Ball was as a mix of Scottish, Irish as well as American genes in love and married to her husband (the character Ricky Ricardo) who is of Cuban descent who migrated to America for work and change in financial fortune and overall life.

The couple wanted vaudeville comedy as the method and style of the show. They wanted to convince the people at CBS that this show is worth watching and is something that is exciting and entertaining enough to capture the attention of the audience. To get the support of commercial advertisers and be considered as a legitimate well made television sit com, Desilu Productions was created to make the first set of episodes that eventually the CBS executives watched, liked and approved. After some fine tuning aired with the title of I Love Lucy, the Desilu Production retained its role as the production company that would produce the episodes that CBS would air.

Arnaz is an individual who is hardly the icon for entrepreneurship and sound business acumen. What he did in handling and managing Desilu Productions allowed the company to stay afloat for years and be financially stable and capable in earning profit in its many ventures. One of the moves that cemented Arnaz reputation as a man with good business instincts despite not having any educational background in business is when he bought the episodes of I Love Lucy from CBS for low prices.

At the time, reruns are not very popular and no one was expecting reruns to be a financial success. That was when conventional logic, and CBS, was wrong. Underestimating the value of I Love Lucy episodes, CBS agreed to sell it to Arnaz. Arnaz, for his part, was optimistic about the potential financial success of I Love Lucy even when it was just a rerun. True enough, I Love Lucy reruns proved to be a financial success and Desilu Productions was able to enjoy the financial impact of this sound business move by Arnaz.

When Arnaz left Desilu Studios and Desilu Production, he was never completely gone from the show business. He returned with his very own Desi Arnaz Production but still worked with Desilu Studios. One of the projects of Arnazs new company is entitled The Mothers-In-Law which was to be aired at NBC. Efforts at comedy shows as well as adventure series and even legal drama were part of the prospective projects of Desi Arnaz Productions that was to be created alongside Desilu Studios. They were never fully materialized and were not put on air for many different reasons.

During its time and even long after the show was over, many Americans still look back at I Love Lucy as one of the most well-loved television shows in the United States. I Love Lucy managed to create, develop and sustain a show formula that has endeared it to the audience for a long period of time, their popularity displaying the ability to transcend the boundaries of time. When other shows eventually lose their significance and becomes quickly forgotten after going off air, I Love Lucy is still part of the mainstream pop culture consciousness among many Americans and mass media and entertainment enthusiasts.

From being a mere show, I Love Lucy transformed into an icon that represented an era in American television, in the process creating a television show formula that will long be followed and duplicated by other television shows that came after it. The discussion of the significance and rise to popularity of I Love Lucy will be incomplete without the discussion of the history of the show - how and why it was created, when it started airing and when it went off air permanently. There are many milestones and important achievements that I Love Lucy has achieved throughout its years on air being watched by millions of American television viewers worldwide, not to mention the syndicated I Love Lucy shows aired outside of the US.

By the 15th of October in 1951, I Love Lucy aired its first ever episode via CBS. The beginning of the show featured four main characters. There were the Ricardos - Ricky Ricardo and wife Lucy Ricardo, and their friends the Mertz, namely the fictional Fred and Ethel Mertz, played by Vivian Vance and William Frawley. There was also the Ramseys (Betty and Ralph) played by Kathryn Card and Frank Nelson, and other characters like the mother of Lucy. At the start of the show, the sitcom moved in a very simple yet entertaining plot. The couple is trying to deal with day to day concerns and issues often resulting from Lucys desire to be in the show business to which Ricky is not very fond of, since Lucy is hardly a singer, dancer or actress.

Ricky, for his part, was a talented musician. Lucy is playful and often ends up with antics that creates the exciting and entertaining twists and turns in the story which, at the end of the episode, is easily resolved largely because of the character traits of the couple and the presence of the Mertzes as well. Lucy, and sometimes Ricky too, explores life and ends up in situations which they try to wriggle out from especially when it is not to their liking or not what they expected.

The couple often ends up in trouble and confusion over the things that they pursue during an episode, like what happened to Lucy in job switching episode. The show started strong, garnering audience patronage and support in its first two seasons. Many aspects and components found at the start of the show endured during the entire six year long run of I Love Lucy. Examples are themes of love and domestic harmony at home, the urban lifestyle in America represented by the lives of the Ricardos and the Mertzes, and Lucys personality as the ideal fun, sweet, devoted, caring and adorable wife and mother.

The show started with just enough budgets. Over time, it has become profitable. The initial success and popularity of the show paved the way for the entry of many commercial sponsors from car brands to cigarettes. Over the years, there were new additional characters like the couples child, as well as other characters that appeared temporarily or over a long period of time over several different seasons. After many different plots, twists and turns in the personal lives of the lead and supporting characters in the show, the six-year long run of I Love Lucy finally came to an end on the 6th of May in 1957.

I Love Lucy was loved by the American people and even non-American audience. Even when the I Love Lucy was over, the clamor resulted to the creation of a new show that featured the Ball-Arnaz love team in the shows The Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Show and the The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour. In the history of the show I Love Lucy, it has made many remarkable feats. For example, I Love Lucy managed to sustain its popularity. Proof of it is the fact that in all but two seasons, I Love Lucy managed to come out as the most watched television show. In terms of impact and popularity, I Love Lucy surpassed the achievements of Milton Berle. It was the top-rated show in the nation for four of its six full seasons. I Love Lucy is also proof of the belief that it is important to come out on top. When the show went off air, it was still the most watched television show and was enjoying the top position in television show ratings.

More than fifty years after it went off air and after many different television show formats have become popular and present in mainstream television including reality TV, many people still crave for the humor and entertainment value of the show I Love Lucy. Because of that, I Love Lucy is still being syndicated and distributed (legally and illegally) all across the globe, most of it containing dubbing of the local language. The rise to popularity of I Love Lucy and the ability of I Love Lucy to sustain its popularity is based on many things. First, there is the simple fact that the type of humor the show provides is very light and entertaining and wholesome.

Second, there is the television factor. By the time I Love Lucy was aired, the American audience was just starting to get used to being entertained by television. Commercial production of television is improving and widening, reaching more audience and creating a bigger audience margin. The Second World War was over. The people and the economy was bouncing back and recovering. As a result people were able to afford commercially made television and tune in to shows. At that time, appetite for television show is strong and robust. The market is hardly saturated, which made television show appreciation very strong. When combined with the natural qualities of I Love Lucy as a show, it was a potent mix that can result in the creation of an iconic television sitcom that many people will enjoy and remember for many years. There is also the fact that the life of Lucy and Ricardo is something that many people strove or wanted. Watching it on television makes it more enjoyable and exciting. Many individuals wanted to have a husband like Ricky, or wife like Lucy, or a neighbor like the Mertzes, or a family life like that of the Ricardos.

Lastly, there is also the factor of innovation. I Love Lucy is important and significant today because of how the show was, in its own right and in selected aspects, an innovator in style and method in producing television sitcom shows. While awards shows and award giving bodies can be overrated at times and is subjected to criticisms regarding Hollywood politics and power-play, still, it is the best indicator on who and what is and will remain significant in Hollywood and in entertainment television. For TV, one of the most highly respected award giving bodies is The Emmy Awards, or simply the Emmys.

For the show I Love Lucy, the Emmys awarded the show with five recognitions and many different nominations during its run for several years. Twice, I Love Lucy was named best situation comedy (sit-comsitcom), winning the prestigious accolade back-to-back in 1953 and again in 1954. Ball was awarded the Best Comedienne award in 1953 while the following year saw Balls co-star and partner-in-crime (in the story) Vivian Vance getting the Best Series Supporting Actress. Two years later, Ball would receive another Emmy, this time in the category Best Actress for Continuing Performance resulting from her performance in I Love Lucy. The show would have 17 different Emmy nominations focused on the production of the show and the performance of the characters individually. Besides award giving bodies, another way to gauge the importance of a television show is through the recognition of important entities and institutions of the importance and significance of the show. For I Love Lucy, different media entities from TV Guide to the respected and reputable Time Magazine named the show I Love Lucy as one of the all-time best in the United States. The American broadsheet Washington Post also added another citation to the many different awards the show I Love Lucy has received. The Washington Post named the show three years ago (in 2007) as one of the best when it comes to rerun shows featured in American television. This is proof that despite the many new things in television and the rise of many different new formats and shows on TV, for some reason I Love Lucy has managed to retain its charisma. People still love and enjoy it even when they werent even alive at the height of the original popularity of the show and its two main characters Ball and Arnaz.

The significance of the show includes the fact that I Love Lucy was able to stay on top for most of the time during its run in television. The wide clamor and demand for reruns of a show that was created more than fifty years ago is testament to the longevity and timelessness of the show, the role of I Love Lucy in promoting the style of filming in front of a studio audience, and the iconic status of I Love Lucy as a show. It has prevailed in the consciousness of the people and in modern entertainment culture that traces, remnants, vestiges. Parts of I Love Lucy are still found in many of todays movies and television shows. I Love Lucy represents a particular era in the television history in the United States and in the history of entertainment in the country. I Love Lucy... define the decade. The success of I Love Lucy was considered as proof that in modern television, there is a tendency and a practice wherein successful formulas are often repeated in the hope that it can also create the same result. Although this is true for selected cases, it is also never a 100 per cent guarantee since there can also be other factors that can affect success from happening. Nonetheless, I Love Lucy provided a template for success in television that many companies followed. Perhaps the most important significance of the show is that it touched the hearts and lives of many different people. Audience fell in love with I Love Lucy, with the Ricardos and the Mertzes, their way of life and how they entertain the people and how their lives are, in one way or another, a reflection of the life and struggles of the audience. This made the audience relate all the more to the show and its plot. This is the key in making a show significant because this will be one of the main reasons for its success and longevity.

One of the enduring characteristics and contribution of Desilu as a production company and studio corporate entity is Desilus impact in the way the company produced television shows and how its innovation had significantly impacted the entertainment and television industry in Hollywood and in the rest of the world. This changed the way they produced their shows and changed television production forever. Hollywood movie and television show production historians and analysts believe that Desilu is an innovator because of the style that they helped in promoting. In the past, the trend especially in television production involves a production process that is something like this the cast and crew would assemble in a studio, often outside Hollywood like in New York. There, the actors will act their parts in front of a single camera which, technically and ideally, acts as the perspective of the viewer. In comedic instances, the technical crew would have to use canned music or canned applause. This means it is recorded to make the necessary auditory components of the show.

They shoot in kinescope, or in a 35 mm film. With Desilu, what they did was they made variations, variations in production style which is not a Desilu original concept in its entirety. There are previous shows before Desilu that experimented with it. In Desilus filming of I Love Lucy, they opted for multiple cameras that can provide different angles and perspectives that can excite the audience and provide a fresh approach to filming. Instead of filming in New York, they set up in Hollywood. Instead of a canned applause or laughter, Desilu invited guests on the set to watch the show. When they laughed on parts that are supposed to be funny, it created an authentic and genuine laughter that sounds better than canned applause or canned laughter. Desilu also opted for the use of the 35 millimeter film every time it shoots I Love Lucy episode. The advantage of this filming style is that the output is suitable for many different broadcast set up and the output is also easily edited during post production for minor changes. Because of the quality of the taped episode, Desilu was able to immediately syndicate and distribute copies in many different locations, which improved their sales, considering the fact that the show per se is something that many audience groups nationwide and worldwide enjoyed watching. However, there are also other things that Desilu production also promoted which is still being used today.

For example, the inclusion of brands that supported the show like cigarette brands and car companies and other entities is very prominent in I Love Lucy, incorporating it often in the opening billboard of the show. This is something that is still seen today as a practice that results to income for the production outfit, albeit with more subtlety this time around. The hard sell, straight promotion of brand and image is replaced by more subtle promotion in the show through the consistent use of products as part of the normal everyday life. Today, many television sit com production styles still in practice are attributed to Desilu. They may not be the first to conceptualize and use this style, but they are the ones who popularized it because they managed to be able to be successful from these styles.

The importance and significance as well as the popularity of I Love Lucy can never be overstated. It transcended eras and generations. It displayed longevity, timelessness and created an iconic love team that has made its mark in the American television and entertainment industry. The faces behind the main characters in this show  that of Lucille Ball (Lucy Ricardo) and Desi Arnaz (Ricky Ricardo) also became important in the American show business industry, first as the people responsible for I Love Lucy, and later on as actor and actress and producers that also influenced Hollywood in many different ways. As for Desilu Productions, it completed the trinity (show, actor and actress and production outfit) that was responsible for I Love Lucy. Like the actors and actresses, Desilu Productions also showed that it was capable in moving on after I Love Lucy and to impact Hollywood in different ways which are considered even until today as important by historians of the American television, film and entertainment industry.


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