Censorship in Kuwait

In Kuwait, mainly because of the Gulf War Crisis that took place here which isolated the country form the rest of the world, access to the internet or any other latest security technology is a major security issue. This helps the country to define itself in the world. There is accessible digital media, though the media is associated with the censorship risks due to the generals public lack of preparedness for enemy countries hostilities. Censorship still continues in Kuwait. In addition, self censorship is very common. (Deborah 34).

The country has a strict press law which limits criticism of the ruling family and its allies, publication of anything considered potentially anti Islamic, and the distribution of literature considered harmful to public mortality. This press law exists in direct tension with the guarantee of freedom of expression by the Kuwait constitution. This is a case where strict laws governing print media and public disclosure discourage freedom of expression, both on-line and off-line. (Georgina Adam). There is enough evidencing through the fact that books are regularly banned by the ministry of information from the display at the annual Kuwait national book fair. The continued existence of a ministry of information and the ministrys active effort to police and censor public discourse illustrates the tenuousness of freedom of speech and information in Kuwait. (Kevin Stoda).

Despite the censorship, a wide range of media texts is available in Kuwait. These include imported media materials like magazines and newspapers some of which are censored. The government imposes a heavy and large import duty that discourages wide readership. Prior to any release of movies for both cinema and television, books or any other entertainment products, strict scrutiny is carried out by the ministry which issues appropriate licenses  

This is through the committee that is composed of members from the different departments. The ministry stores the censored information and stores it in the department archives on the basis given by the ministry. (Kuwait Arab Times).

There is also the censorship in the television programs. All the programs are first screened where there is a permanent member of the board who works to view and censor all the unwanted scenes and do the clearance before they are aired on the television. (Kuwait NYT).

For the companies that sell DVDs and VCDs, their products too have to be reviewed before they enter the market. This includes an imposition of a fee on every film. This in addition includes the confiscation of all the films from the passengers as they arrive in the airport for review where the bearer faces legal charges if the films contain offending scenes and at the same time the films are confiscated.

The government also censors all the satellite broadcasts. This is after the airing or the publishing where this even leads to the closure of the station signals in the country in case of any illegal viewing. This includes also the banning of the airing of those program and immediate implementation. The censorship exercise curtails the freedom of the press and expression. This is meant to keep the society uninformed in order to help control it easily. This way helps the government to achieve its interests and help punish those who are criticizing it. (Ricky 3).

In conclusion, though the country is gaining technological advancement, there is a strong regression on the democracy where the state has been reduced into a business level company. This is in  the name of protecting the image of the country, respecting its norms and culture and promoting the well being of the residents  (Wheeler 34) . In effect this hinders development by keeping away investors.


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