Public Relation


Public Relations (PR) is a field which has been used by different people with diversified perceptions. Some of the most crucial components of public relations include crisis management, customer relations, community relations, government affairs, media relations and publicity. In addition, PR entails counseling organizational leaders, analyzing social and political trends as well as implementing government strategies. Public relations is an important aspect in organizations because of various reasons. First, it acts as an avenue through which companies communicate with the public concerning the services or goods produced by the companies. Second, it provides individuals and organizations with opportunities through which they address their audience with topics of interest. This is achieved through forums, conferences, training programs and seminars. The major difference which exists between PR and advertising is that the former is not tangible while the latter is tangible. This paper will intensively analyze some of the recent PR incidences in health reform issues in the US. Similarly, the paper will evaluate the timing, source, support, credibility and effectiveness of these PR incidences.

One of the notable PR incidences was indicated by New York Times (30 March 2010) .During this incidence, 31 Republicans came together and passed a resolution which was directed towards the impeachment of Thurbert Baker. Baker is the attorney general of Georgia. As a result of the stiff competition between Baker and Sonny Perdue, a significant Republican representative, the 31 Republicans attacked Baker in a way which portrayed a bad image in the eyes of the public. This clearly indicates how politicians can use publicity to attack their rivals in order to win voters. Another notable avenue through which Perdue attacked Baker was through the use of health issues. According to Perdue, the health act, which was supported by Baker and which required many citizens to buy health insurance from private firms, violated the US constitution. In this regard, Perdue argued that he will select a team of lawyers to initiate a legal case against the act. However, Baker opposed such a legal move depicting it as costly and unsuccessful. Basically, the PR initiative taken by both the Democrats and the Republicans wee geared towards attacking the policies of each side regarding health care issues. In addition, Baker maintained that the public should be given ample chance to discuss the health care act since it will directly influence their lives. The clear stand taken by Baker in this PR incidence positively affected the opinion poll. Bearing in mind that the Republicans control 60 of the seats in the legislature, Bakers chance of attaining two-thirds of the total seats became clear even though the Republicans had initiated a negative PR against him. Likewise, the polls placed Baker at a very close position with Roy Barnes, his close rival.

The way the PR was applied by both the Republicans and the Democrats as indicated by Perdue and Baker, respectively, reflects a good timing. It is important to note that since both parties were competing for the same post, they used the PR to attack each other just before the attorney general appointment. Even though the PR was used as a political weapon by both parties, there is no clear evidence as to the reliability of the sources of information used. It is worth noting that during political campaigns, most of the candidates use unreliable sources and exaggerated information in order to win the heart of the voters. In this regard, the PR depicted by this incidence portrays a low level of credibility.

Based on the above incidence, PR is given a negative connotation. This is reflected by the way the two political rivals attacked each other using health issues as the ground of their harassments. Bearing in mind the importance of health care to Americans, the usage of health bills in campaigns and rallies to fight a political rival indicates how PR can be negatively applied by some leaders.

The second PR incidence was available also in New York Times (29 March 2010). This PR strategy was referred to as a coverage or sick children. In this incidence, the US government under the leadership of President Obama gave a direction to insurance companies to give insurance coverage to children with medical problems. In his response to this requirement of state house, Karen M., the America Health Plans president, wrote a letter to the government stating total compliance. This indicates a good PR strategy undertaken by insurance companies. In addition, this incidence depicts one of the functions of PR as a channel of implementing government policies. One of the achievements of this PR initiative by the US government is that it changed a negative incident into an admirable result in the sense that young kids, who faced health problems and whose insurance companies discriminated them, were now enjoying subsidized health services. According to the White House press secretary Robert Gibbs, the kids won with one point against insurance companies who obtained a zero point, which implied that this PR strategy had a significant effect on the final result. A candid analyses of this PR incidence shows that it was timely applied. This is based on the fact that due to the recent global recession, children with pre-existing mental condition faced health problems as a result of reduced incomes of their parents. In addition, the PR generated a strong support from US residents as well as from insurance companies due to its effectiveness and objective of improving the living standards of US residents. This was a PR initiative intended to support health care issues for the benefit of the US residents (Moffit and Nina, 2008).

This incidence portrays a positive connotation of PR. This is clearly shown by the positive response of the insurance companies towards the government proposal. Contrary to the first incidence covered by this paper, this application of PR is acceptable due to its usage to solve the problems affecting children.

The third notable PR incidence took place in 18 March 2010. According to this PR which was available in the Sport magazine, Betsy, one of the influential Democratic representatives, defined her stand on the health bill. It is worth noting that the same leader had earlier been uncertain on whether to support the bill or not. Betsy stated that before supporting the bill, she had first to scrutinize it so that she can be aware of the vital aspects which were contained in the bill. After analysing the bill, Betsy held a press conference as an avenue, indicating a high degree of PR initiative. The timing of the PR initiative by Betsy was effective. First, she took time to study the bill before making her vital decision. It is fundamental to note that in order to avoid making decisions which may have an adverse effect, it is always prudent to take a reasonable time to analyze the situation. Being a person who was democratically selected by the voters, her PR depicts a reliable source. In the same way, her move to call a press conference shows the strong belief she has on media PR techniques based on their large publicity and effective delivery of news.

This incidence, just like the previous one, gives PR a positive connotation as revealed by the way the law maker decided to withhold her political stand so as to think and come up with a decision which will make her political life smooth. It is also essential to note that improper use of PR by some politicians has resulted to a drastic end of their political careers.

The fourth significant PR incidence occurred on 23 March 2010. As reported in the New York Times, this was a government PR incidence which was initiated by President Obama. This was during the bill signing ceremony which brought together White House aides and legislators belonging to the Democratic side of the government. This PR initiative was geared towards enhancing the welfare of US residents. According to the president, the government had just started its vital role of providing maximum health security for US residents. This shows a strong willingness of the US government to improve the living standards of its people. It is essential to note the extent to which the president values forums as channels of PR aimed at informing the public on issues which vary from health aspects to economic issues. Since the health bill had already been approved by law makers, this PR move had no effect on the opinion poll. Based on the presidents speech, the PR was timely applied so as to expose US citizens to improved health security. In addition, the current government showed a high level of interest on improving its health services. This is based on the fact that since Medicare bill was passed in 1965, very few legislations had been passed by previous governments. Being a governments initiative spearheaded by the US president, this PR incidence was strongly supported and believed by every US citizen all over the world ( HYPERLINK httpwww.heritage.orgResearchHealthCareuploadbg_2198.pdfColliver and Victoria, 2008).

Based on the above analysis of the PR initiative by the US government, PR has been given a positive connotation. It is considered as a way through which the government makes strategies and implements them for the benefit of US residents. Likewise, by holding public forums, the president portrayed PR as a positive avenue for informing the public.

The PR incidences depicted in this paper reflect the extent to which health concerns have faced a lot of challenges despite the fact that it is for the benefit of the entire nation and so maximum support was necessary. Based on the political challenges facing many regions both in the US and other countries, it is important to note that PR plays a central role in the whole political arena. In this regard, it is very significant for politicians to have a check and balance system in order to avoid the negativities which may arise due to improper use of PR. As it has been revealed in this paper, some incidences reveal that PR has a negative connotation. However, in most cases, proper PR, especially in the business world, has been adopted by most organizations as a technique of attracting and maintaining the loyalty of their consumers. In such cases, firms positively use PR to face their competitors without publicly attacking their strategies, products or services. World leaders should emulate the US presidents high value of PR so as to enhance global unity, democracy, and social, political and economic development.


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