Measuring Marketing Performance

The measurement of marketing performance is a marketing management task concerned with the improvement of efficiency and effectiveness in marketing. The measurement is a process that involves creating a framework to evaluate marketing activities and then apply its evaluation in marketing management. This paper will propose a set of marketing metrics for a small mom-and pop general store and identify the metrics that are not applicable to such a small store and why. This paper will also discuss how marketing strategy fits within the framework of business strategy and provide an example of a company that successfully integrates marketing strategy into their overall business strategy, mission and vision.

Question one. Measuring marketing performance
A marketing metrics is a system that looks at market characteristics, dynamics and trends. The metrics system used explains outcomes, finds out what causes the outcomes, forecasts on future trends as well as sharing the ideas formulated. In my proposal to mom-and pop general store, the first be to define the scope of measurement, develop the measurement metrics then specify the key performance indicators that will be used (Kotler et al, 2007, p. 43).  The matrix should be having business relevance, which is it should be within the context of the mom-and-pop general stores. The marketing activities should also be measurable by understanding the goals, choosing appropriate marketing activities, measurement of the marketing activity, communication and analysis of the data. Trackability and reportability are other factor that must be considered when coming up with a marketing metrics for mom-and-pop. The metrics must put into consideration the key business aspects customers, the organization and the competitive environment. Customer focus should include the customer value component as well as how to recover this investment in the end. Customer metrics approach counts on the value it adds to customers against product profitability. Customer acquisition and increment of customer margin present the major ways of expanding profits earned from every customer. This process will also involve the following steps (Powell, 2008, p.67).

Generation of questions
This will involve asking questions on marketing decisions and their outcomes for example a prospective client will be asked how they got the information about the product and the business too. These simple questions can help small-scale business like mom-and-pop to understand the effectiveness of their marketing tools.

Use of database and dashboard

For a small mom-and-pop general store, they can track each marketing effort and its performance by creating a simple database. This will involve collecting data on when campaigns were run, their descriptions and the sales volumes generated. All this information collected, is analyzed and a summery made. This data provides information on the responses generated for each marketing activity and any other important clients information (Powell, 2008, p. 39).The database will be useful in making future business-marketing decisions. This data is critical in giving managers the framework for resource allocation and the identification of critical issues that the management should address to meet customer needs.

Metrics and management
Metrics will be significantly effective in activities that involve counting and reporting numerical. This is important when organizations need to enhance operation performance to increase profitability.

     Market share metrics is not applicable techniques to apply in mom-and-pop general stores. This is because this is a small store, which should most importantly focus on customer acquisition rather than market share.

Question Two. Role of marketing in business strategy
Marketing plays a big role in helping organizations to meet their goals and objectives by driving the changes that the management intends to implement. This is especially important because for organizations to thrive they need to deliver value to customers. To deliver this value, it is important for organizations to implement strategic and cross-functional initiatives with clearly defined marketing goals. It is imperative to note that due to change in customer dynamics, marketing is becoming the central activity in most successful organizations (Lenskold, 2003, p. 21). Marketing processes help organizations to identify prospective customer needs, and how to meet these needs profitably. A good marketing strategy is useful in implementing the right strategies to meet customer expectations and increase profitability. Marketing links the organization to the public and therefore its integration to the overall business strategy enhances the communication process between the organization and the public who are the customers. This communication process is critical in enhancing public image and increasing the competitiveness of the organization. In addition, marketing strategy is applicable in developing efficient distribution systems that can support organizational growth and expansion needs.

Wal-mart is one company that has successfully integrated marketing strategy in to their overall business strategy, mission and vision (Frank, 2006, p 23).Wal-mart is a chain of retail stores that integrates the power of marketing to drive business strategies and organizational goals. One of the goals of the company is to provide a wide range of affordable products to its customers. The store has been using the marketing arm to identify and implement appropriate market segmentation, market targeting and positioning strategies. This business strategy is based on very many factors that the marketing team identifies by carrying out a market research and then helping the organization to generate effective strategies (Sunil and Donald, 2005, p. 36).Besides, the marketing team has contributed significantly in the expansion and growth of the stores to the international market. Advertisement and other promotional activities focus on delivering the best service for the customer, which enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty. In addition, marketing plays a big role in shaping Wal-marts managerial decision-making process by identifying problems and offering their solutions as well as assisting in collection, analysis and dissemination of vital information to guide elements of the marketing mix and customer behavior (Solomon, 1994, p. 12).

Marketing strategy is a critical component of the overall business strategic and tactical plans. However, these strategies need continuous evaluation to determine their contribution to achieving business goals. Marketing metrics offer organizations a framework to monitor the performance of key activities and therefore managers should utilize these frameworks in achieving organizational objectives.


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