I personally feel that the best way to gain knowledge and special ideas is by talking to seniors who are rich with experiences and are well aware of the entire knowledge which may be out of the text book too. We can also get useful advices from them when we come across some problem. I enjoy talking with my grandparents from whom I had learnt a lot about the history of China. Both of them have suffered the consequences of World War II and have also witnessed various terrible wars in China. They are typical Chinese with traditional ideas and they support the Chinese government blindly. During that period, China did not have the freedom of information. The news content broadcasted on air used to provide only the news, which was positive for the government. The news broadcasted where the information, which the government wanted the public to know. Also, the soldiers and the main officers were mainly admired in movies. So the common Chinese public could not get the entire information. During my conversation with my grandfather, I understood that the truth was getting sealed and the people never understood the value of truth and hence it was realized that we cant improve ourselves unless we come out of the history.

My interactions with my grandparents enabled me to improve myself. Last December, I enquired with my grandfather regarding his opinion about The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution launched by Mao Zedong between 1966- 1976. My grandfathers answer took me by surprise as he stated that it was a small mistake. He said that Mao is the grandfather of Chinese and therefore it is rude to accuse your grandfather. Moreover, my grandfather said that the Chinese have already forgotten this issue, since Chinas economic is doing great, and many people are getting richer as day goes and the people are becoming more materialistic. My grandfather said that a person like him would easily get into trouble since the government catches the people who censured the executives. All the negative things related to government were forbidden to be shared in the public and hence nobody told the truth in spite of knowing the truth. Most of the public were blinded by the government. They believe in the government blindly, and never give a rethink on these issues. My grand grandfather was imprisoned too, because he voiced that the government didnt take care of them in front of the public. I always admire my grandfathers braveness to reveal the truth, as it was not easy to tell the truth in the feudal society. I believe that my grandfather was really disappointed with the government and was worried about the future, which made him raise his opinion towards the government.

I always recollect my conversations with my grandfather and I realize that he was trying to teach me that, in the future I should be a good media member since I have a responsibility to spread the truth. I have the responsibility to change my country into a better nation. I feel that the Chinese should know the truth about the government, especially The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. I hope that in future, the Chinese will have the same access to information as Americans. The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolutions development of culture had set everything back by thirty years. I have a strong belief that it will not happen again if we know the truth. We must learn from the history to avoid the mistakes. I may not be able to change the Chinese point of view towards Mao, but my main purpose is to open a new window for the Chinese to see the history.

My first choice is Communication and the second choice is Broadcast Journalism. I enjoyed taking the communication lessons where I came to know about the history of mass media and its importance. I am aspirant towards studying mass communication. During my childhood, I used to listen to the radio after school and since then, the radio became a part of my life. Later, radio became a friend of mine, as I used to stay at home alone when I was younger and afterwards I used to get cherished on hearing the voices on air. This experience developed in me the desire to pursue a career in the mass communication industry. In order to achieve my goal, I have plans of joining the club for those interested in the mass media and communication. I will be participating in the talk by experienced media workers. In order to keep myself updated with the happenings around the world, I read newspapers and magazines such as Times, Scientific American, National Geographic.

During my stay at Hong Kong, I used to hear a lot about University of South California (USC). My aunt feels proud to have her children graduated from USC. She used to encourage me regularly and would ask me to plan my studies in such a way that I get my graduation from USC. It is well-known that many successful entrepreneurs, media workers, main government officers are graduated from USC. USC had always been in my mind well before I started my studies in American. While I was doing my research paper, one of my friends suggested me that I can get some information at Dohenys library and that was my first visit to USC. I was very much attracted by the buildings and the study atmosphere at USC.                                                 

Journalism is a recondite knowledge and it is not only about grammar. The most important thing in journalism is word choosing and story choosing that caters the interests of readers and audiences. Broadcasting is a fast and effective method to deliver messages and pass information to audiences. I am very much aspirant towards studying broadcast journalism. I still remember a news report broadcasted during my childhood, which covered the typhoon that was attacking Hong Kong at that time. It was a flash news on TV and I was very much impressed by the way the correspondent reporter was reporting it live. It was dangerous and challenging, but fruitful, because the audiences could get a glimpse of the situation outside. I feel that the job of a broadcast journalism plays an important role and it generated an enthusiasm and desire in me to pursue a career in the area of broadcast journalism.

Broadcast journalism is a significant job, where the correspondents have to find the latest news for the audiences. It is a hard and tough job too where occasions may arise when one has to wait standing for hours to take few photos. Also, the news programmer must understand what details and information would attract the audiences towards their report and the report should be presented in a good form. During emergency coverage like earthquake and typhoon, the correspondents should report it lively. In the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, the correspondents had followed the soldiers who brought medical material and food by walk for 3 days to the disaster area. Since the earthquake had damaged the transportation system, communication system, institutions and road, the reporters couldnt get there by car. I admire the braveness and spirit of that reporter who reported the latest news of the earthquake, as they had to sleep in the outside area and it was really dangerous after that devastation.


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