
Assisted suicide, a controversial topic in todays society whether or not it is the same as murder and should it be allowed or treated as a crime By definition, assisted suicide or euthanasia is the process which an individual who may for some reasons be incapable, is provided with the means (equipment and drugs) to commit suicide (Misbin, R. 2002).

Euthanasia is categorized differently and in this case we are focusing on the two major ones being voluntary and doctor assisted. Typically, euthanasia is done to critically ill patients who are going through severe pain or people with terminal illnesses that are not curable and are suffering as a result of these illnesses. It is therefore seen as a manner of ending the agony and suffering that such people go through. Obviously, the wearer of a shoe knows where it pinches most and therefore a person who is not going through the pain may not comprehend the predicaments of the victim. Euthanasia should therefore be allowed for ensuring quality of life. A quality life is not one of pain (Kohl, M. 2005).
 Most of the arguments surrounding these issues are from religious and moral stand points with their conclusions being that it should be discouraged and eradicated completely. From my point of view, suicide is a personal choice and there is nothing wrong in giving a hand to anyone who needs it. It is crucial to uphold ones freedom of choice and more so when such a decision doesnt physically harm another, then it should not matter at all if they make that choice. After all, ones life is all he possesses at the end and they should at least be in control of it (Rae, S. 2000).

If one chooses that life is not important to them and they prefer dying than living a miserable life that they dont fore see it getting any better, it is then apparent that they should be allowed to fulfill their wish. For instance, my grandfather had been suffering from cancer for over a decade. The condition only kept on growing worse and he had no hopes of ever recovering and he always begged for assisted suicide. It was eventually allowed as his condition only brought agony and pain. He was happy about the decision and he died a happy man rather than live and continue to suffer.

It is paramount however that our laws must and should not be based upon religion. Assisted suicide cannot be compared to murder. By doing this depicts the highest levels of ignorance. Religion would view this differently. They believe that suicide is an unforgivable sin and will lead to one spending their eternity in hell (Misbin, R. 2002). Assisting basically means that they themselves are willing and you are just showing them how to do it. Machines and drugs made to end peoples lives should not be blamed to the people who made them. They just offered aid to those in need. In the United States for instance, from surveys carried out in the year 2009, 49 of the patients were reported to have demanded for assisted suicide. 21 withdrew while the rest were not sure of it (Kohl, M. 2005).

Those opposed to euthanasia argue that human life is sacred and must not be brought to an end voluntarily. As a matter of fact many states protect a persons life and ending a persons life is a crime against the state. For instance in the U.S. many have been caught and prosecuted for assisted suicide. It is said that per year, more than 10 fall victims having assisted suicide and are prosecuted accordingly. However there is still a strong wave that euthanasia should be legalized. If doctors have been given a right to create life in the laboratories, they also ought to be given the right to bring it to an end especially when the patient desires or when circumstances require that such an action be taken. Another reason why euthanasia should be allowed by all means is due to economical reasons. Hospital space is increasingly becoming a problem and it is only wise to help create space. Congestion in hospitals lead to low quality services and the rate of deaths go high. Euthanasia is thus a method that helps reduce congestion in hospitals (Rae, S. 2000).

From all the above reasons, I believe that assisted suicide carries more benefits as opposed to many peoples views and therefore it is rather clear that it should be allowed.


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