I suppose what most inspires me is the idea of bringing the things I learn in this country back into my own country.  It may sound like a clich, but I think its literally the best of both worldsI can take the best part of this country and integrate it into myself.  It brings to mind the idea of a truly global communitythat were not just isolated specks on dusty maps, but international neighbors who have a chance to learn, grow, and prosper together.  In this way, I feel like Im at the center of an ever-changing world.

    Along those same lines, Im inspired by the election of Barack Obama to the presidency of America.  If I ever have doubts that the nature of America is changing for the better, all I have to do is turn on the TV or open up a newspaper.  Of course, Obama is an inspiration for me, as wellevery assignment in every class brings me one step closer to a future whose limits only I can define.  With Obama as an inspiration, I choose not to define my limits instead, I will concentrate on expanding my opportunities.

    I hear people talk about the American dream as some sort of concept that is unique to Americans only.  In a way, I feel privileged in my understanding of what so many others do not know that it is a dream not only from Americans, but a dream of Americaof promise, opportunity, and hope.  My own lifes journey, relatively speaking, is just beginningbut when I think of all of those marching alongside me to the American dream of a better world for all countries, and all peoples, I realize theres nowhere my journey cant take me.


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