SLM Assignment

There are a number of resources in the organization which have to be managed in most efficient way to achieve the pre determined objectives of the business. We have basically made list of main techniques to understand the feasibility of resources in an organization and accordingly analysed them. The major resources into our consideration could be analysed by

RBV technique The RBV (Resource Based View) is the exercise done from the part of the management of the company to take into account all kind of strategies, policies and strategic resources which a firm could use in order to attain the goals. Most often than naught, it is seen that this technique is used to attain competitive advantage by the firm as it analyses both human and non human resources of the business important for attainment of the business goals.  (Thompson, Strickland, Gamble III, 2007)

Let us take the case of Wal-Mart, the organizations best managed and talked about resources are its supply chain management and the logistics management department of the company. The purchase control and the inventory management of the company is also managed in a wonderful way. Given the huge size that the organization has, the things which we have mentioned should be flawless. Putting forward all the steps in an integrated way makes sure that Wal-Mart gets competitive advantage at the end of the day.

Apart from the RBV of the organization, there are resources which are helpful in attaining the objectives of the firm. We have taken some of the prime examples into account

Tangible Resources The resources which are virtually seen by everybody and whose presence and absence could be really felt. For example the financial resources which includes debt and equity funds which are important for the company for managing day to day transactions along with taking new contracts and projects. (Carpenter 2007)

Human Resources The people are the biggest resource for companies today. In the era of globalization and rapidly growing international trade, there is always the availability of diverse workforce which makes sure that the objectives of the business are achieved through better participation in the management affairs and decision making.

Intangible Resources The technical knowhow of the process of production along with other fixed assets obtained by the organizations through research and development are known as intangible resources. They include patents, copyrights, labels and trademarks. They gives the company the assurance that their products and processes shall remain their intellectual property.

Goodwill The reputations of the organization build over the years by striving hard for excellence through brand building and other innovative methods.

There are distinctive capabilities limited to a particular concern for production of goods and rendering of services. These are known as core competencies of particular company. Core competencies shall not be confused with the intellectual property rights or intangible assets. The core competencies include
Products and services which provide gains to the customers
b) Innovation in ideas and ideas are strictly with the company- patents, copyrights etc.
c) Expansion could be possible in new markets. (Barney, 1986)

Analysis SWOT analysis
SWOT analysis is the all round study of almost all the aspects. The best thing about a SWOT analysis is the fact it is easy to carry out and covers all the positive and negative aspects of the business organization.
It is important for an analyst to understand that there is not one or other method better or worse than another. It purely depends on the needs and nature of the organization how the things are seen and analysed. In most common case, if the organization could really afford to develop core competencies, it is assumed that the organization would be able to get all the other pre requisite resources for success. It is quite broad concept and something which ensures success of the organization. In any case, these resources are pretty helpful in understanding the internal environment of the organization along with making sure that the analyst is able to understand the core areas along with functional aspects of the business.


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