About Myself Student Name
Admittedly one of my defining moments, or even pivotal points within my life came about in 2006, when my faith as a Christian was not only proven but reaffirmed in my successful efforts specifically relevant to my studies. I had failed a course in college, and required to pass this course in the summer of 2006 so that a successful transfer to UC Davis could be undertaken. Unfortunately though there no options available for attending this course during that summer within the immediate region, however I managed to successfully enrol in a college approximately 2 hours drive away, and despite the numerous obstacles of long distance travel and the actual difficulty of the class itself, being that of physics, my faith and hard work allowed me to achieve no less than a B Grade in the course, a course which I had failed miserably at my community college. The moment that I had been able to register for the summer class, as well as the day that I received my grade results certainly attests to the faith that I have in God, as well as my Christian values. This very result, which was duly communicated to my parents, was not only an extremely emotional moment in my life but the elation and pure joy of my parents was clearly evident in their positive reaction to this news.

The journey that I have undergone during this studying period has highlighted a number of characteristics of my personality as well as traits that I was not aware of, and in learning these abilities and strengths of my own personality has been a valuable experience in general. In starting to study I had selected specific courses and classes within my area of interest, however the work was significantly more difficult than I had expected, the results were unfortunately not very good, and I had failed a number of the classes. However I did not give up there, and realized that my faith, as well as a concerted effort within these classes was required in order to achieve what I had set out to do, which of course was to achieve my qualification and education at UC Davis. I also had the benefit of serving my country, South Korea, in the military during the time that I was studying. This allowed an amount of introspection, which inevitably resulted in me coming to the realization that this was in fact a once in a lifetime opportunity, which I could not allow to slip away. This moment in my life allowed me to commit not only to the education process, but to myself a higher level of work ethic and dedication to achieve my ends of education at UC Davis, and to make my parents and myself proud with a successful graduation.

In so far as the future holds, I have taken what I have learned with respect to how far ones faith, dedication and hard work can take you, and have a blueprint for making a success of my life, no matter what it takes. With this I have decided that I will complete my education and graduate in order to place me in a better position for employment prospects and opportunities.


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