Facebook revolutionized communication process

Social networking platforms are gaining popularity. The name  Facebook is worth mentioning as it is one of the leading website that facilitates online social networking. Alluring features of this web portal makes the process of communication lucid by remaining within the basic model of communication. The enhanced interpersonal and group communication processes are noteworthy. Even, with the drastic change in the communication processes intrapersonal communication has also undergone a swing.

Since last few years the popularity of social networking portals are going uphill. Facebook is one of the popular social networking platforms that facilitate interaction among peers. According to the Linear Model of mass communication the social networking websites can be considered as communication can be continued between the communicator and communicatee, where information is transmitted from sender to receiver. The social networking portal Facebook offer several features that help to perform interpersonal and group communication. Even there are several activities offered by Facebook that involve intrapersonal communication. It is prudent to take a quick look at the alluring interactive features of Facebook.There remain plenty of groups and each group is followed by number of users who signs in with secured password and user ID.  Any user can create or join a group as per freewill, while joining a group at times the moderator of the particular group monitors and decides whether the user is eligible to join or not. In this regard the moderator effectively plays the role of Gatekeeper during the communication process. A communicator wishes to join a community or group with the purpose of initiating group communication. But the process of participation gets managed by the moderator of the group. It can be specified that in case of mentioning or citing particular web portal, it is necessary to validate it by typing in the provided text. This is just a security process but indeed it is a gatekeeping.

Finding the nearer ones and friends is possible by keying in the name of the profile with which specific profiles are maintained. In such circumstances after identifying that any profile belonging to the closer ones it is possible to send a friend request. Thus two users get involved in interpersonal communication process. When two profiles get connected, the information gets reflected in the wall of the linked profile. In turn this is again a group communication.

A wide array of personal activities and games are offered to the users. And these games are indeed interactive. While playing these games it intra personal communication process takes place. The message option facilitates with the messaging facility. With this a user can send messages to another one and similarly the messages can be replied back. For immediate communication purposes social networking sites like Facebook have attained huge popularity. On the cultural skyscraper it can be posed in the middle rung. There are several positive sides of using the networking sites. These sites help to remain connected with friends, colleagues and nearer ones. At the same time latest updates about different social activities can be known from the groups and communities. In case of informing or reaching friends or for updating them it is possible to write the message in the walls of Facebook.

The positive and negative issues are debatable. With much inclination upon online communication the face to face interaction is at a decrease. Sitting in front of the personal computer to interact with the social networking sites removes users from physical activities. Again, accessibility to the internet is mandatory for continuing the use of Facebook. Nowadays Facebook is also accessible from the mobile devices. With the increasing use of social networking platform people are becoming more and more technology dependent. Still, it is heartening that use of technology helped to remain connected with friends and foes.


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