Hospitality Management

With the world entering into 21st century, new trends have emerged due to global transformation in all fields of life, including hospitality management. New business policies are evolving to meet the ever increasing demands. Hotels now have a different vision to focus and a new perspective to work on. The development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (Vermillion, 2008).The success of hotel industry in the coming times entirely depends on the fact that they should be able to recognize the future trends in the industry and take due action to target the needs of the customers. In this period of global transition, it behooves hotel organizations to examine the key factors that will not only define success, but the ability to survive in coming years (Cline, 2007). In the preceding paragraphs, we will be discussing the new trends that have affected hospitality management and the shape hotel industry has taken after these changes. One reason why it is important for hoteliers to be proactive is that the industry as a whole is in a unique position to become a leader with regards to this issue.Thats because we have a very visible industry(Cline, 2007).

In present days competitive business environment, the hospitality industry needs to take on different perspectives and focus on new things. The first is that there has to be a precise association of bottom line performance and value. Industry wide growth in business processes raises standards of each company therefore hotels have to race each other by achieving higher profits and excellence than what was attained the year ago. (Cline, 2007)

Management and owners of the hotels need to develop new plans and strategies to cater the demands of the future. These management issues must address concerns such as planning, vision and organizational skill to draw and retain customers. Current business policies and strategies need to be revised and examined for future trends.

More focus on customer care is required. This is due to the fact that the more customers are looked after and better served, the better would be the performance of the hotels. Hotel industry is primarily based on people and not on machines like computers or other equipment. No compromise on quality would be the success factor for hotel industry.

Leadership with well defined vision is also required. The capability to forecast the future or to predict change is one of the greatest variables needed for effective leadership. This is turn effects business operations by analyzing future risks. This will also help the hotel organization to stretch and expand.

Use of technology would also make a great difference on the outlook of a hotel. With the technology advancing every day, there is a need that such advancements be incorporated in business operations not only to smoothly run the operations but also to effectively satisfy customer needs and desires.

Special emphasis should be laid on the presentation along with time bound services. This is the main thing that attracts customers. People would pay more to save time and would not compromise on quality standards. This is one the basic differences between traditions that were used to be followed in the past and the trends that demand more customer care and attention.

To conclude, hospitality management has become more demanding with increasing customer needs as to what it used to be in the past. Whether it be hotels, restaurants, catering services etc, more and more use of technology along with timely services and quality standards would attract customers and would also help in stream lining operations of that particular entity.


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