In her essay Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema, Laura Mulvey asserts that the world is ordered by sexual imbalance, pleasure in looking has been split between activemale and passivefemale.  Through this, the audience is required to view cinema through tem ale fantasy of domination over the passive female figure.  This theory is well supported by studies of films by popular narrative directors like Alfred Hitchcock.  Additionally so, these directors often feature character narratives on white subjects.  So when studying a film like Paris is Burning, a non-narrative documentary on the drag ball scene in late 1980s New York, the questions of standard cinematic gaze becomes turned upon its side.  Paris is Burning, directed by Jennie Livingston, is comprised of personal interviews and candid ball footage to assemble a documentary on the sensation that was on the verge of breaking mainstream.  Being that Livingston is female, her gender should subjugate the phallic gaze that Mulvey suggests all directors possess.  However there are a few concerns that need to be addressed before one can assume if Livingston fulfills Mulveys original notion of directors masculine authority, or if the film pokes holes in the Mulveys notion of the gaze all together.

Since Mulvey published her pivotal essay in 1975, there have been numerous expanses on the subject of cinematic looking, who possesses power and ownership over recorded images, and the perspective the audience adopts when watching re-interpreted reality.  Consequently the theories of gazing have been expanded into the minority studies and queer theory, as well as feminist studies.  This should seem natural, as all three share the unique quality of being the other in regards to mainstream hegemony.  While the sexuality of the subjects of Paris is Burning is predominantly homosexual, it also features transgendered subjects who are arguably straight, as well as genuine heterosexuals. But, in applying Monique Wittigs notions of homosexuality, in which is not only the desire for ones own sex.  But it is also the desire for something else that is not connoted.  This desire is resistance to the norm, one can see how Livingstons documentary approaches a further mitigated twice minoritized in being both queer and racial minorities.

Livingston approaches her subject matter from the perspective of an outsider.  As she interviews noted drag performers Dorian Corey, Pepper LeBeija, and Venus Xtravaganza, Livingston lets them explain notable phrases or popular slang within in the community.  It is easy enough to identify the constituent factors in the reputed subversiveness of ball culture . . . the demonstration of the mutability of identity -effected in particular through ball contestants achievement of Realness - that provides the requisite edge to the cultures sociopolitical significance. Complemented with strong white graphics on a black background, words like Shade, House, and Realness are also subverted, re-defined for the audienceoutsider by the subjects.  The assumption that the viewer, who presumably has a passing knowledge of vogue culture thanks to the popularization of the dance by Madonna, still knows little about the intricacies of the culture that spawned a national craze indicates how far outside the mainstream the drag community lies.  Common words have new definitions, often semantically reinterpreting the meaning in a campish, mocking way. (Sontag)

Some may argue that Paris is Burning merely documents the actions of real, living people, and thus cannot be supplemented with the same critique to the rest of narrative cinema.  However, the stucture of the film is narrative in itself, it reviles in the story of voguing, and select ball walkersdancers who have seen the craze from the underground to the mainstream.  In this, Livingston captures an elder drag queen transforming from masculine exterior to made up and fictious feminine counterpart.  This alone would be a narrative in transformation, but it also reveals how the director is subject to redefining the passive subject to the explictly feminine, while reatining the control of being a genetic feminine form who, behind the camera, can observe and disemeber the subject, transforming them into a safe fantasy of a woman  one, to a female director and passive audience, remains a safe, fictious woman.

Paris is Burning is further compounded by the subjects in the film, many of whom are critically influenced either by women in cinema or on the cover of magazines.  Dorian Corey alludes to how even black cinema stars like Lena Horne were stigmatized by the queer community in her day, and how this stigma continues to exist.  Another interviewee, Octavia St. Laurent, expresses dreams of becoming a fashion model like the ones plastered across her wall.  Both demonstrate an interest in fantasy had been filtered through the gaze of the camera, both cinematic and photographic.  In turn, they model themselves after women who are themselves not true women, but carictures of them created (presumadbly by men).  They are both victim of what they assume women are to be like, perhaps because they are not aware of the gaze that transpires when these images of women were created.  Pepper LaBeijas statement that he has never mistaken emulating a woman for being a woman creates an ironic juxtaposition with interviews of those queens with transsexual feelings. The viewer can not help but perceive some queens dreams as misguided and foolish when Pepper reminds, women get treated bad. They get beaten. Having a vagina doesnt mean youll have a fabulous life. It might in fact be worse. Neverthless, Livingston doesnt preceive these appraoches towards faux feminitiy with contempt or pity, she observes and reports.  Her approach is with care and not objectification.

Thus the film, because of its subject matter and directors bias, even unintatnional, raises more questions about cross-racial and cross-genderal gazes.  Yet, it does demonstrate a few instances to build upont the language of understanding the cinematic gaze and how the semeotics of cinema are constructed.  Paris is Burning exposes how queerness falls in the social scale of objectivity.  If Mulvey believed that to view was an activemasculine act, then Livingston can safely take on a heterosexual, yet active role in the filmmaking process as long as her subject matter takes on an exaggerated feminine role.  Given that drag queens are more or less performers in character, and balls provide moments to act real as much as any documentary interview, it is difficult to venture where the performances begin or end.  Still, to the audience, its perceivable that this subjugated area of society approachable through the filter of the female director, who in her is both white and adopts the masculineactive roll.  

Never the less, the documentary successes in capturing queer men (and some transgendered women), as they reveal themselves, in segmented parts to the audience.  While the drag queens, like Dorian Corey, are shown preparing for the stage, the film deconstructs the hidden notion of realness, and in many way conflates the questions of realness in the documentarians gaze.  Because the film allows a woman to invert the power structure traditionally reserved for the activemasculine, the male subjects become the heterosexual object of desire for Livingston.  Yet, similar to her male director counterparts who dismember the female body in narrative cinema, according to Mulvey, Livingston castrates the men in her film by both re-constructing the notion of drag and realness for the passive audience, while simultaneously relishing in her typically feminine subjects, some of whom literally transform when on stage, or camera.
About Myself Student Name
Admittedly one of my defining moments, or even pivotal points within my life came about in 2006, when my faith as a Christian was not only proven but reaffirmed in my successful efforts specifically relevant to my studies. I had failed a course in college, and required to pass this course in the summer of 2006 so that a successful transfer to UC Davis could be undertaken. Unfortunately though there no options available for attending this course during that summer within the immediate region, however I managed to successfully enrol in a college approximately 2 hours drive away, and despite the numerous obstacles of long distance travel and the actual difficulty of the class itself, being that of physics, my faith and hard work allowed me to achieve no less than a B Grade in the course, a course which I had failed miserably at my community college. The moment that I had been able to register for the summer class, as well as the day that I received my grade results certainly attests to the faith that I have in God, as well as my Christian values. This very result, which was duly communicated to my parents, was not only an extremely emotional moment in my life but the elation and pure joy of my parents was clearly evident in their positive reaction to this news.

The journey that I have undergone during this studying period has highlighted a number of characteristics of my personality as well as traits that I was not aware of, and in learning these abilities and strengths of my own personality has been a valuable experience in general. In starting to study I had selected specific courses and classes within my area of interest, however the work was significantly more difficult than I had expected, the results were unfortunately not very good, and I had failed a number of the classes. However I did not give up there, and realized that my faith, as well as a concerted effort within these classes was required in order to achieve what I had set out to do, which of course was to achieve my qualification and education at UC Davis. I also had the benefit of serving my country, South Korea, in the military during the time that I was studying. This allowed an amount of introspection, which inevitably resulted in me coming to the realization that this was in fact a once in a lifetime opportunity, which I could not allow to slip away. This moment in my life allowed me to commit not only to the education process, but to myself a higher level of work ethic and dedication to achieve my ends of education at UC Davis, and to make my parents and myself proud with a successful graduation.

In so far as the future holds, I have taken what I have learned with respect to how far ones faith, dedication and hard work can take you, and have a blueprint for making a success of my life, no matter what it takes. With this I have decided that I will complete my education and graduate in order to place me in a better position for employment prospects and opportunities.

Promoting Hemp Energy Drink

What role would media play in your campaign (what kinds of media Web-based, tv, print, posters,etc). How would you reach your target via the mass media

The products target market is college students who are living an active lifestyle. Media plays a vital role in promoting the drink and to reach the target market. The internet is one of the media where ads could be place since this age group most likely to spend a lot of time browsing the internet. TV, billboards and posters are also some of the effective media to reach the desired audience. The drink can be effectively endorsed by an athlete who needs a lot of energy. This is also a way to show that the drink is legal and approved by the Food and Drug Administration and that is clinically safe.

Another promotional strategy is to visit different colleges and universities. The perfect timing would be during sports activities like intramurals and inter-collegiate playoffs. This will give students to try the energy drink first and to know their opinions about the drink. The manufacturers can also hand out free tee shirts to students and for free advertising.

What role would personal influence play
Personal influence plays an immense role in the promotion of the products. Families and friends can highly influence their members and peers if they are satisfied with the product. The group would like to hire college students who were going at the same school to market the product in the university. If students could see that their friends are offering the drinks, there is a bigger chance that they would try it and join the bandwagon.
How would your campaign draw on the insights of the two-step flow and limited effect theory more generally to influence consumers to purchase HEMP drink

The two-step flow model explains how ideas flow from the opinion leaders to a wider population. The promotion of the product is in line with this theory as the college students who are heavily browsing the internet and expose to our logos, saw the ads on TV and posters as well as those who personally tried the drink at school are most likely become opinion leaders wherein they will diffuse the message to their friends and families and tell others about the product. Thus, if the family, friend or acquaintance will tell others about the product, they will most likely to believe that the product is beneficial to them since they have closer ties and an established interpersonal relationship.

Post Feminism in the Contemporary Age

There have been drastic changes in how women are perceived in the present days as compared to their social standing in the past.  If during the early times when women are regarded as the pillar of the home and acts as plain housewives only, the 20th century and perhaps during the early 90s, women have altered their ways of living to cope with the evolving taste of the millennium.  When we speak about feminism today, one may consider that the enveloping idea is about vigilance  fight for womens rights.  Others may also entertain the notion that feminism today is about style and fashion while others would resort to the thesis that women today are career-oriented.  All of the mentioned propositions are actually true in a sense that women today are multi-oriented, which means that they are living lives the way they wanted to, at their own pace.  Women of the present generation are independent, self-oriented, and intellectual.  Although it is also true that women in the ancient days are intelligent and witty, women in contemporary days like now have more guts or motivation to bring out their inner qualities.  Rooms for undermining the capabilities of women are becoming thinner and less visible now as women of today are starting and continuing to be involved in huge social actions and have contributed much on essential global events and phenomena.  The woman of today is a picture of combined power and beauty harnessed by the changing times and the challenge of the complicated world they belong to.  All of this is by products of the so-called post feminism phenomenon wherein women have already begun to live their lives the way they feel like doing it  setting aside inhibitions and gearing for their ambitions.  We can say that the concept of feminism today is generally about individualism, much like attaining ones goals using own efforts amidst difficulties brought by social hindrances.

In this paper, we will tackle the post feminism phenomenon, its causes and how it is being seen in the present age.  This paper will attempt to explain modern day women and criticize how such lifestyle affects social happenings such as business, consumerism, and more.  This paper will also distinguish similarity and differences among much related ideas concerning women such as femininity and feminism, sexual object and sexuality, desirous and desiring, and other events such as the Have It All phenomena.  By citing relevant representations of women as portrayed in television shows like the Sex and the City, this paper will potentially unlock the unrevealed happenings inside a contemporary womans life.  And in the end of the discussion, the main point of writing this paper is to know the pros and cons of the post feminism phenomena and its effect in the society in general.

Post Feminism  What is it
Basically, the post feminism, also called as the third wave phenomenon, is a continuation of the second wave which started in the late 1960s through 1970s.  Third wave feminism actually begun in the early 1990s and is still continuing up to the present time.  The emergence of the third wave phenomenon is a result of the backlashes and failures during the second wave.  It is believed that the third wave feminism has no single feminist perception because its ideals are the compilation of the best of the best from the previous eras.  Post feminists argue that women are the realization that women are from diverse culture, races, ethnicities, and backgrounds and that no single definition or idea can compress the wholeness of being a woman.

The introduction of post feminism is actually a diversion from the main point of the second wave which is about essentialism.  The theory of essentialism posits that there is a universal identity and oftentimes emphasizes the beauty of the middle class white woman.  As a consequence, those women who belong in the marginalized sector in the society have no place whatsoever to gain recognition from other people.  However, when the third wave mentality came into the scene, such perceptions have been diminished.  Under the new philosophy, the concept of woman in society already incorporates ideals such as anti-racism, critical theory, transnational feminism, eco-feminism, and others.  Here, women are included in all sorts of social activities whether it concerns politics, economics, or environment.  Hence, proponents of the third wave theory reiterate that there is no fixed definition of feminism, rather, it is the women who will out meaning to it depending on their understanding of their identities.

Another reason for founding the post feminism movement is for women to have a position in the society to fight for their rights.  Among their efforts include reproductive rights, reclaiming of derogatory words or statements against women, and other areas of concern such as welfare for single mothers and their child, fight for sexual harassment, and maternity leave policies.  Such initiatives have changed the course of actions and reshaped organizational policies for women.  Unlike the previous decades wherein women have indeed stood their way amidst social discriminations but still adhere to what is common, the third wave era provides women to utilize their intellectual and free will to act in benefit of themselves and of their children.  Indeed, because of the firm stance to move the third wave into the mainstream social businesses, women have become more eager, received greater recognition even from the opposite sex, and given the chance to harness their full potentials on their chosen fields.  Considering this, women who live by these principles are more concentrated on the enrichment of their career and the empowerment of their social and personal lives.  The ancient notion of women under the regulations of men is now becoming obsolete and actually inappropriate to the present times since there are a number of fields given to be dominated by women or at least be equaled with that of the men.

Post Feminism and the Popular Culture
In a review by Angela McRobbie (2004), the efforts to establish the third wave theory is actually a move to dismantle the previous feminist act, which is the second wave.  McRobbie said that the turning point of post feminism age is the moment of self-criticizing the feminist theory (p. 256).  Here, the proponents of the post feminist theory came to the realization that there is a lot of cons in the past.  McRobbie also mentioned Butlers (1990, 1993) proposition that the interpellation of the new feminist theory is that proponents and followers of the third wave phenomenon are actually living the subjectivism with regards to one self.

Therefore, there is no more we in the context of social interaction.  What is perceived to be the problem in the emergence of this ideal is that, women are starting to concentrate on the she part, almost neglecting their participation in the society.

In the approach to criticize the post feminism theory, Charlotte Brundson (1991, 1997) made a unique distinction between femininity and feminism.  For her, the woman today is not just an ordinary housewife tagged as an ordinary woman.  Women in the third wave enjoy themselves in a manner than flaunts beauty, wit, and grace.  Unlike in the old days, women today like to be seen on magazines and other forms of self expression.  These are all part of the popular culture that media has provided women.  At the same time, womens exposure to various media channels has given them the opportunity to address feminist issues like domestic violence, equal pay, and workplace harassment.  The dusk of the third wave movement made all the efforts possible.

The Influence of Media and Feminism
The media has become the key solutions for defining codes of beastly conduct. It casts acumen and establishes the rules of play. Across these abounding channels of admonition feminism is frequently ridiculed.  Women portrayal, especially on programs aired in television, has changed drastically over the past years due to the rapid acceleration of mass media development.  Television, as one of the most effective medium today, is one of the significant factors in shaping or reshaping points of view of an audience or a particular group of audience.  The representation of women in any nature of television programs is directly affecting the perception towards the visual culture of its audiences.  Representation here refers to the use of languages or images to create meanings.

What we see in our television blinding may not necessarily be accurate or in bashful consideration, it is aloof a bald exaggeration of the absoluteness of reality. This hypothesis is not to accusation media but to amplify how these instruments are actuality acclimated to access the absolution of letters arise the audience. Rapid dispatch of technology in media provokes acute adroitness to answer the charge for entertainment.

Otherwise, television programs would best acceptable arises to as bald bookish lectures and commonly adventures in life. The chase for ball in every affairs of anniversary bearing is absolutely the base why producers or the termed creative team are dressmaking and customizing actualities in life. This agency that if an extra arena a role of an abode advice is actuality abject by addition woman appearance in a TV alternation for example, and such programs accept become all-over in best channels, again best likely, the acumen of the admirers will absolutely focus on the abstraction of abuse. This is absolute abnormally with the adolescent admirers back they may apperceive this act actuality accurate in reality. In the aforementioned manner, housekeepers will additionally be banal as addition that has been experiencing journal abuse, which in fact, there is consistently achievability that neither of the judgments is true. This is because of the credible alliteration of the mentioned bearings that it has become an accepted accuracy to some.

Women portrayals today are presently absorbed compared to the past. They are oftentimes banal with the affectionate of roles be held in primetime television. In an abstraction conducted by the United States Commission on Civil Rights, the administration assured that women are underrepresented application assort roles in television (Dominick, 2004). This is afterwards after-effects were digested from a agreeable assessment of over a thousand television programs in 1953 to 1977, which appear that women were subjected to absurd situations. Even if there was an abatement of actresses depicting roles such as housekeepers or housewives in the 1950s, the act of subjecting women to characters which are not necessarily accurate is violable. There were apparent trends of women roles in an amount of twenty years span. Question is, in the adjoining twenty years or so, what could be the womens ascendant role
The 50s is admired as the Golden Age of television mainly because television became the absolute average of entertainment, not to mention, in advice channeling, until the backward 50s. To adduce specific examples of women assuming on television shows from the accomplished compared to the present, an almost agreeable assay is included in the paper.  For conformist, annihilation that is beheld or discussed in their television sets is admired as truth, but for some rationalists, images back two altered meanings. For French theorist Robert Barthes, images or any beheld ability can be categorized as apocalyptic or denotative. A distinct account of a woman accustomed an adolescent while bed-making the clothes can be connotatively taken as an absolute mother. While denotatively, the acceptation charcoal as it is. Therefore, we can absolutely say that aggregate that flashes into the video screens is absolutely beheld in meaning. We remotely tend to seizure the acceptance which surfaces aboriginal and that is the accurate acceptation of it. Sturken and Cartwright (2001) achieve that images, whether it be still or moving, are connotative meanings affectation as denotations.

Comparison of different feminist cultures
Contrary to the images of women today brought by accepted beheld cultures, women of the accomplished were admired in the absolute adverse way. Women are in one way or addition advised as subordinates of men. At the acme of Christianity, women are beheld as somebody who will buck ancestors but absolutely did not accede in political stance. In the Marxism point of view, theorist Marcuse said Feminism is a defection adjoins the corrupt capitalism. This aesthetics is pioneered and called afterwards German philosopher and economist in the backward 1800s Karl Haienrich Marx. He strived foolishly adjoin the abstraction of amusing classism. Afore the Broad-mindedness or the Renaissance Era, women are repressed and acquaintance aerial altruism of moral maltreatment. The association appearance women as bodies who cannot absolutely accord to advance of the aristocratic class.

Commercialism afore is perceived as the area in both the bread-and-butter and political aspect of the society. It is the account of slavery, animal abuse, and materialism amid people. Women are generally apparent on marketplaces either actuality awash as an article or admired as low-class workers. They were alike accursed for actuality beat from work. Husbands tend to abjure about their charge to their actual family. Similarly, if a woman is not yet married, she would be affected to break in the borders of their homes, aforementioned affair back she accomplished boyhood and marriage. In German culture, women as advised as anathema for the family. Jewish relations accept that if the earlier adolescent built-in is female, desperate changes will action to their lives such as huge banking debt, and bloom suffrage. These are accepted pictures of women in afore the Renaissance period. Back the era of broad-mindedness became imminent, feminist groups revolted adjoin the system, accompanying Marxists who adjoin to the conveyance of capitalism. Feministic groups had amorphous accumulation recruitments in befitting the assumption of ad equation amid sexes alive. The way association attending at women during the transformation of this age has been evident. Women are acceptable leaders of anti-government organizations. An archetype of such accident is the cutting attempt of Bolshevik in Russia in their action to affected women oppression. These instances are brought about by the address of attractive the bodies acquire and the affectionate of acknowledgment women had. In added accompanying abstract view, feminists assert that women should accept according basement in agreement of the social, intellectual, economic, and political rights as compared to men. Whatever the era will be, there is still a basal aftereffect of advice medium. In this sense, accessible assets such as blast and transistor radios accept become biased adjoin abundance of the women. Or maybe, this has not been activated fairly.

Previous statements are alongside to the affirmation that the bearing of women has absolutely undergone several obscurities. From the inferiorities present during the medieval era up to the age of capitalism, to the abhorrent faces of women in the renaissance age, women today are characterized as active proofs of empowerment, aggression, competence, and determinism. The fresh era introduces the avant-garde women today. Advertisements are basic average to advance women at the acme of their career. It seems that tri-media publicity has congenital a fresh character of women afar from the adverse episodes of crime in the history. Women today are apparent on advertisements of face chrism and alike become endorsers of amusing philosophies. It is absolutely accurate that media can analyze or alter assertive identities and again assemble fresh patterns of attitudes or beliefs. The way on how we appearance an assertive bearings depends on how we see or attesting it, alike afore it is yet to come.

Sex and the City and Feminism
The television series Sex and the City is actually an exact representation of women in the present generation.  The series talks about the lifestyle and the culture that woman in the third wave era is living.  For the makers of Sex and the City, its characters Sarah Jessica parker, Kim Cattrall, Kristine Davis, and Cynthia Nixon best represent women who are following new directions with regards to their career, family lifestyle, and personal acquaintances.  The movie Sex and the City portrays that money and beauty is not all that matters to women who are in the third wave period.  For them, it is about their satisfaction to everything that they have.  It does not matter whether their work gives them sufficient money or not, what is important is that they attain self-fulfillment in the endeavors they engage into.  Sex and the City were able to represent women in the millennium who are not hesitant to repackage themselves for the sake of contentment.  Indeed, the movie and the famous television series are able to show that women today are sharp and direct.

Although the nature of the television series is somehow a comic equipped with latest fashion and trends, the makers of the hit series did not forget to incorporate the social responsibilities and contributions that women has endowed.  For example, the series showed that the characters are able to empower women who are always behind the shadows of their partners.  The movie and the series also showed that women of today possess great potentials especially in areas of their expertise.  Sex and the City is news of four women from altered professions with altered paths called and their attempt to acquisition hardships of life. However, some groups may see this alternation as article that is afield anecdotic women of today, may be because of its barnyard and advanced approach, but the moral of the appearance is how women booty allotment in nation architecture and how their alone successes become about to the success of her community. Some may additionally average that women of today are acquisitive and consumerists due to the materialistic view of the four advance characters.

Sex and the City afflicted huge amounts for women. Women now accept a accent with which to allocution about their adventures and their friendships. Its about accustomed them permission to accept changeable friendships that are added important than annihilation else. It has accustomed an appropriateness to article that ahead was aloof account - article beneath than conversation. The adventure about breastfeeding and Mirandas absolute abundance was aloof revolutionary.

Sex and the City has been a array of post-feminist empowerment of women, up to a point. And that point is that all they absolutely talked about was men. There were a brace of episodes area there was a altercation of lesbianism, but there was a assertive abhorrence about it. It is a quintessentially heterosexual show. Before feminism, women were told that they had to be alert of added women because they would abduct your man. But what feminism was in allotment about was accord amid women, which is what Sex and the City shows.  But the program is at allowance with how womens lives accept gone back feminism - their alive lives accept got longer, their opportunities to accept accouchement accept got harder. All that disappears from the soft-focus post-feminism that Sex and the City embodies. The appearance reflects those issues that feminists altercate that in no way abuse the adjustable apparent issues added liberalism, added altruism from added bodies to acquiesce a amplitude for bodies to do what they appetite - for archetype breastfeeding or lesbian relationships, so continued as everyones affluent and blessed and adequate themselves. Its soft-vanilla feminism.

After accepting affiliated (then separated, and again reunited with her husband), Charlotte decides it is time to abdicate her job. This plays out in division 4, in Time and Punishment (episode 55). As a acknowledged babysitter of an art gallery, she is giving up a career she loves and acutely feels clashing about accomplishing so. When Charlotte reveals her intentions to her accompany they arise abashed and barter alone hardly buried accusatory looks as Charlotte explains why she wants to break home.  In this barter and for the butt of the scene, Charlottes accommodation to access a activity of domesticityhistorically the area and assignment of womenis perceived abnormally by the added women. The actual abstraction that Charlotte is accommodating to accord up her career is extraordinary to her friends. By authoritative Charlotte the boyhood articulation in this situation, the writers and producers of Sex and the City accept done article absorbing and novel. They acquiesce the acceptable feminine articulation to be alone rather than rewarded, while the choir of the career-focused workers-not-wives dominate. Throughout the history of television, there accept been few absolute women characters with both adult and feminine characteristics, after such ancestry actuality the accountable of amusement or ridicule. Most able women characters, decidedly those who accept adult ancestry such as aggression, a work-focused identity, or aversions to marriage, children, or both, accept either been affiliated to a man (and appropriately feminized as wives, mothers, or daughters) or counterbalanced by feminine characters who accomplish gender appropriately.

For example, in Bonnie Dows assay of the TV appearance Murphy Brown, she addendum how Murphys hyperfeminine counterpart, Corky Sherwood, generally teaches Murphy how a woman should act. When Murphy demonstrates amateurishness at affable or parenting, Corky is there to help. In acceptance Murphy to be acclimatized by Corky, and amalgam Corkys way of accomplishing things (the feminine way) as the appropriate way, Murphys appearance and achievability as a feminist appearance is around chastised and limited.

Given this portrayal, is Sex and the City feminist While HBO should be acclaimed for presenting women characters who are added complex, over the age of 30, career-oriented, and not alone wives or mothers, there are some ambiguous representations that should be addressed. First, feminism seems to be a bedraggled word. Even admitting HBO is no drifter to strong language, this one appears to be on the do not use list. While Carrie, Samantha, Miranda, and sometimes Charlotte, act in means that are absolutely feminist (e.g., Mirandas attrition to the demands of assignment and motherhood or Samanthas abnegation to let her animal adventures be beheld abnormally from mens), rarely, if ever, are the women or their accomplishments labeled as feminist. When a appearance avoids application the chat feministseemingly because of its still-stigmatized connotations in the age of postfeminismit is difficult to adapt the appearance as such. In the adventure discussed here, Time and Punishment, Charlotte employs advanced feminism to avert her accommodation after application the f-word. Sex and the City fails to escape the cultural allurement of ambiguity against women, their identities, and feminism. In this sense, Sex and the City is a absorption of the cultureand may in actuality be added astute than added shows that durably locate women as either feminine or feminist (and appropriately masculine). After actuality absolutely feminist, Sex and the City still promotes feminist capacity and provides four absolute women characters amplitude to be like absolute womenfallible, complicated, good, bad, and diverse. Furthermore, by accepting alone one Charlotte, alone one of the four capital characters who is absorbed and focused on alliance and motherhood, and by giving her a long, adamantine alley to biking in her adventure to apprehend those ambitions, Sex and the City privileges womens ability rather than assurance on mensomething that has not often been apparent on arrangement television.

The Concept of Have It All
The feminist movement in the United States and away was a amusing and political movement that approved to authorize adequate merit for women. The movement adapted the lives of abounding alone women and exerted a abstruse aftereffect aloft American association throughout the twentieth century. During the aboriginal two decades of the century, womens groups in the United States formed calm to win womens suffrage, culminating in the acceptance of a built-in alteration in 1920 that affirmed women the appropriate the vote. During the after twentieth century, womens groups would afresh bandage together, this time to codify and apostle for the Equal Rights Alteration (ERA). Though this proposed built-in alteration ultimately bootless to accretion approval in the backward 1970s, it became a ambulatory point for assorted womens groups and drew civic absorption to the feminist cause.

However, as women abutting the workforce they became added acquainted of their diff bread-and-butter and amusing status. Women who were homemakers, abounding with academy educations, began to clear their abridgement of claimed fulfillment.

Other contest in the United States, conspicuously the civilian rights movement, contributed to the acceleration of the feminist movement. During the aboriginal 1960s, the civilian rights movement aggregate momentum, aided by fresh anti-racist legislation, and accomplished a above ambition in 1964 with the access of the Civilian Rights Act. Abounding feminists interpreted the ban on ancestral discrimination, accustomed by the Civilian Rights Act, to administer to gender bigotry as well. The apprentice movement was additionally at its acme in the 1960s, arch abounding adolescent citizens to catechism acceptable amusing ethics and to beef adjoin American aggressive captivation in Vietnam. Feminist groups followed the archetype set by these movements, adopting the techniques of alertness raising, protests, demonstrations, and political lobbying in adjustment to added their own agenda.

The founding of the Civic Organization for Women (NOW) in 1966 apparent the accumulation of an official accumulation to represent and advance for womens concerns. Leaders such as Friedan, Bella Abzug, Shirley Chisholm, and Gloria Steinem pressured politicians to become acquainted of womens apropos and to assignment on legislation that would advance the affection of womens lives. At the aforementioned time, abounding added organizations emerged to accord with feminist causes, including the Civic Abortion and Changeable Rights Activity League, Civic Displaced Homemakers, the aged womens movement, the Womens Equity Activity League, Women Organized for Employment, and Women Office Workers. In the aboriginal 1970s feminist leaders additionally accustomed a abundant affairs of proposed political and acknowledged reforms, and in 1975 the Civic Womens Calendar was presented to President Gerald Ford, all accompaniment governors, and all associates of Congress. In 1977, feminists organized a Civic Womens Conference in Houston, area they drafted an activity plan that included twenty-six resolutions the plan was after broadcast to government admiral to admonish them of their albatross to changeable constituents. NOW and the anew organized Civic Womens Political Caucus formed to access politicians and legislators while continuing their accomplishment to accumulate womens issues arresting in the media.

During the 1980s, American association was black by an added bourgeois political altitude and the feminist movement accomplished a backfire aural their ranks and from anti-feminist detractors. Feminism had consistently been criticized for actuality a predominantly white, upper class movement and for its abortion to abundantly accept and represent the apropos of poor, African-American, and Hispanic women. The movement had already splintered in the 1970s forth the curve of advanced feminists, who focused on the rights of women as individuals abolitionist feminists, who incumbent themselves with advocate groups, examination women as a blank chic of citizens and lesbians, who had been actual abundant a allotment of the aboriginal feminist movement, but now begin added in accepted with the gay liberation movement. Legislative assets accomplished in the 1970s.  In addition, some women who had subscribed to the credo of the feminist movement now accurate their anger at actuality abnormally labeled anti-male and bidding affliction at the accident of claimed aegis that acceptable womens roles offer.

No amount what anatomy it takes, however, one affair is clear the post-feminist movement is in abounding respects a formalized backfire adjoin feminism. The adverse affair is that the abstraction of post-feminism is ambrosial to women who dont apprehend its damaging effect. To many, the acceleration of post-feminism signals an apple in which feminism has been transcended, occluded, overcome, but to others it is still bright that theres assignment to do.

In a apple area women still accept yet to accomplish according pay for according work, still face animal violence, still abridgement according representation in government, business and college education, still try to accommodated absurd adorableness standards, still abridgement admission to affordable bloom affliction - it is absurd to say that feminism is dead. To do so would in aspect about-face actual efforts with the apocryphal blind of present day gender equality.

Unfortunately, assuming that there is an equation back in actuality it has yet to be accomplished is one of the affliction things a woman can do for the approaching of the womens rights movement.  Perhaps it is time to say post-feminism is asleep and feminism lives on.

Nevertheless, feminists apprenticed on, advancement burden on legislators to abode womens issues such as changeable rights, pay equity, acknowledging action, animal harassment, and the administration of abduction victims in the courts. In retrospect, the aboriginal 1960s has been termed the first wave of the feminist movement, and the activists of the 1970s and 1980s accept been alleged the second wave. In the 1990s there emerged a third wave of feminists, still anxious with abounding of the aforementioned problems as their predecessors, but now adulatory to assignment from aural the political and acknowledged establishments rather than criticizing them from the outside. This mostly adolescent bearing of feminists would additionally accent the charge to augment the ambit of feminism, emphasizing all-around networking, animal rights, common bread-and-butter justice, and issues pertaining to race, gender, and class.

Kants categorical imperative The debate on blastocysts

According to deontological viewpoint supported by Immanuel Kants theory of the categorical imperative, it states that human beings should be taken as ends and not means (Lachmann 2001). According to Warnock (1984) he explained that some people including various scientists have a belief that blastocysts are human beings that have equal rights just like other people.  In fact, a number of scientists believe that human-hood starts at the very moment of conception, when the sperm fertilizes the egg in vitro or naturally. For instance, the Deputy Director of the secretariat for Pro-life Activities in The United States, Richard Doerflinger in 2004 asserted that each human life, beginning from the very first time of its existence to its natural death, should be given respect and also be protected. A persons life has intrinsic dignity that can not be measured. Thus each living member of the human being, the human embryo included should be treated the same way a person is treated (Doerflinger, 2004).

False hope 
Indeed, in 2007, Dr.Woo Suk Hwang, a South Korean scientist who is credited for cloning the first human embryo through stem cell research, was accused of falsifying data. This accusation was made by Roh Sung-il, who together with Hwang had carried out a study that purported to indicate that they had created stem cells to treat medical conditions of eleven patients, this had raised hopes for new treatments. However, Dr. Hwang had to withdraw the study paper because of grave errors as well as loopholes in the reporting of the scientific achievement (, 2008).

Numerous ethicists as well as scientists also are against stem cell research. Indeed, in statement given out in July 1999, 100 bio-ethicists, scientists as well as legal scholars stated that, they opposed stem cell research on the basis that it was unethical and needless (, 2008). Some them point out that latest studies indicate that adult stem cell could be more adaptable than it was thought in the past.

The key benefits that are derived from embryonic stem cells, is that it is possible to propagate stem cells nearly indefinably in the laboratory. At the same time they can be modified in a genetic way and generally, they can be induced so that they differentiate into different desired cell forms. Nonetheless, as noted by Warnock (1984) the widespread application of embryonic stem cells entails the destruction of the human embryo which in turn raises the ethical question.
If  The purpose of anthropology is to make the world safe for difference  I can argue that the world is safe because we are all different. However even after centuries of studying our various cultures, the acceptance of the individual is usually secondary to their Gender.

In trying to understand ourselves, we need to separate the individual from their gender. Biologically, our sexual orientation is no longer determined by our sexual organs anymore as Caster Semanya so publically reminded us. Further, socially, what it means to be male or female is so different in various cultures around the world. Can anthropologist breakthrough centuries of conditioning of the male ego of the Middle East
People of various sexual orientations have been using the media trying to gain acceptance by bringing their talents and personalities to the limelight not their gender. Though In some cases their personality and gender becomes the spotlight, this only heightens our understanding of the individual and ads an entertaining spin on an issue that may not have otherwise been discussed.

Because American culture and television have been such a major influence on developing countries, the open acceptance of gender differences in the American media, (television, breakthrough movies, the internet and social networks) has paved a way for many persons around the world to embrace the gay community and accept sexual fluidity. Katy Perry kissed a girl and liked it Anne Heche (after her committed relationship with Ellen DeGeneres) made us open to dating within our own gender without labeling ourselves as gay. Series such as Queer as folk, The L word and Queer Eye have given us an insight into the lives of the gay community and because of our understanding of their lives, acceptance is closer. We may not agree with their own choices , but accept they may also not agree with ours and so  in the land of the free  we live together. Films such as Brokeback Mountain, Boys don t cry and Trans America would not have grossed millions or have won critical acclaim if this were still Taboo.

But our understanding and acceptance of gender differences can only come to those who are open to change their primary beliefs. In many cultures and religions especially, gender is limited to your sexual organs and most Gay or bisexual persons either live as outcasts or  undercover . In the past many young men were sent to the Catholic Church to be cured by God of their gay sin, only to create (as we know now) more social chaos. Today, even though young people are more open with their sexuality, gay persons still find more acceptance with people of their own sexual orientation, than the wider public. The older generation is still trying to understand and straight partners are still finding it challenging to understand their sexually fluid partners.

Once we understand who the individual is though, it is  safe  for them to just be. But only safe to those who understand or are mature enough to accept them even if they do not understand. If someone thinks heshe is  different  in their sexual orientation, the onus is also on  them to gauge their safety and take measures to protect themselves and  fit in  (as did Hilary Swank in Boys don t cry) until they feel comfortable enough that their peers are ready to know who they really are. We should take some measure of responsibility for our own safety. Pockets of support are also available in various communities, online and in print. Americans are lucky. This is best place to explore your sexuality today.


Sound recording and reproductionis anelectricalormechanicalinscription and re-creation ofsoundwaves, such as spokenvoice, singing, instrumental, or sound effects.

The first practical sound recording and reproduction device was the mechanical Phonograph cylinder invented by Thomas Edison in 1877.

Gramophone record overtook the cylinder by 1910.

Thomas Edison in an attempt to regain his market created Edison Disc record by the end of World War 1.

Vinyl Microgroove was invented by a Hungarian engineer, Peter Carl Goldmark in the late 1940s.

Magnetic tape came into existence in 1948. Tape enabled the radio industry for the first time to pre-record many sections of program content such as advertising, which formerly had to be presented live, and it also enabled the creation and duplication of complex, high-fidelity, long-duration recordings of entire programs

In 1964, Philip Electronics Company introduced Compact Cassette.

In 1982, digital sound recording system was invented. The invention of digital sound recording and later the compact disc brought significant improvement in the durability of consumer recordings.

The Mass Media from the 1980s up to Present

The mass media has always been a very powerful and in influential institution this is not a claim, for it has always been very evident. Through the years, the developments and innovations in mass media technologies have been both overwhelming and surprising. As years pass, the mass media seems to take on a new height which makes it more powerful and influential over peoples lives every time. Evidently, there are privileges in the mass media today that were not enjoyed by the previous generations. Undeniably, there are things the mass media are able to do today that the earlier forms of mass media could not even imagine. However, it can also be observed that there are things the past forms of mass media benefited from that are now non-existent. Thus, a lot of things may have changed. And these changes must have implied significant messages that relate to how the world itself changed over the years.

I was born in the year 1982. This year was filled with both historical and technological milestones that made it memorable and significant in the context of world history. In looking at the developments in mass media, it can also be observed that a lot have been changed from this point in time up to the present. Thus, this discussion shall delve on the significant developments and changes that occurred from this point up to the present. The significant transitions and improvements in mass media shall be noted, and this discussion shall also answer the question, are there significant changes that occurred within this time frame, or was everything practically the same The succeeding parts of this discussion shall explore on the highlights of mass media development from 1982 to the 2009.

Mass Media in the 1980s
The 1980s can be characterized by significant historical milestones in the field of military and science. A lot of significant developments were also noted in the fields of music, art and literature. However, one of the most significant developments which had a great impact on the lives of people is that on mass media.

One of the major issues in the mass media during this period is racism. It has been known that racism has always been part of the American history. However, a lot of people, especially during that time displayed violent repudiation on racial discrimination displayed in the mass media. As per Michael Reichs Segmentation Theory, this situation becomes explainable. Reichs theory explains that during the period of history, the ideal of mass media as a venue for commercialization is still considerably new. Thus, it came like a frenzy. It appeared as if the media was another arm of the countrys economy and industrial community (Combs 107). Because of this, the societys objective in the utilization of mass media became more focused on maximizing profits

As a result, the exploiters will attempt to use any means to 1) suppress higher wages among exploited class,
2) weaken the bargaining power of the working class, often by attempting to split it along racial lines, 3) promote prejudices, 4) segregate the black community, 5) ensure that the elite benefit from the creation of stereotypes and racial prejudices against the black community. (Balkaran)

Apparently, instead of minimizing the effects of racial discrimination, due to the common pursuit of commercialization and profit, the situation was made worse. Because of this, racial issues became a very popular and typical subject matter in the mass media as well. The United States televisions and radios became filled with news about Americas degrading society due to the impacts of racial discrimination. Riots have also been typical sights in the news and in features. All over the nation, the chaos and frenzy in Los Angeles and in similar cities that suffered from grave blows of racism became usual headline. Because of this, the air of America was transformed into a gloomy and chaotic vision. Balkaran specifically notes,
Media have divided the working class and stereotyped young African-American males as gangsters and drug dealers. As a result of such treatment, the media have crushed youths prospects for future employment and advancement. The media have focused on the negative aspects of the black community while maintaining the cycle of poverty that the elite wants. (Balkaran)

This appears disturbing and somewhat surprising, since any person who has been used to the mass media of today would easily think that the mass media during the 1980s might have been equally vigilant and responsive to societal issues and predicaments. However, apparently, the mass media during this period was not positively responsive rather it made the situation worse.

Aside from this, it was also found that the mass media had significant impacts on socialization.  During the 1980s, the impact of mass media in the homes of Americans has been very evident. Almost all American homes have both television and radio units. Because of this, the access to entertainment and socialization became so widespread. In 1980, Graber found in his own study that an average American high school student actually spends more time watching television than studying in class (Mass Media and Society). This entails considerable influence when it comes to peoples socialization and agency of action. Considering the variety of content the television and the radio offered during that time, the viewers and listeners were exposed to all sorts of agency and catalyst for specific actions and behavior. And considering the finding of Graber about the effect of the television to the youth, it is safe to assume that the attachment of the youth to the mass media during that time is somewhat similar or close to how attached the youth of today is to the current forms of mass media.

Over the years, the mass media has always been thought of as a very powerful agent of social responsibility. Today, it can be said that the mass media plays a significant role in empowering the actions and decisions of people. However in the 1980s, this role of the mass media was observed to fall. Due to some political and economic transformations, the influence of the mass media on peoples social responsibility was seen to collapse.

Two developments in the 1980s greatly reduced the socially responsible role of mass media, especially within the large corporate media entities the acceptance in the early 1980s of Ronald Raegans philosophy of deregulation in the marketplace and the demise of the Soviet Union in 1989. These developments spurred a free market economy in which the social responsibility of all businesses, especially mass media conglomerates has declines considerably. (Hiebert and Gibbons 53)

Apparently, instead of succeeding in playing in significant role as an agent of social responsibility, the mass media during the 1980s, once again, failed to be vigilant enough. This reality was also attributed by historians to the then growing communism. However, although this was the case, the individual reliance and dependence of people on the mass media was not seen to falter during this period.  Although the authority of communists appeared tough during that time in third-world countries, especially countries, the reliance and attachment of people in the mass media was seen unchanged. Even in poor households, the efforts of people in accessing television sets were incontestable. Even the poorest town was seen have a common liking for a television unit despite the difficulties in reception (54). This entails a fact that people during that time already know the importance of the mass media. Apparently, the more the communist governments try to suppress the media entities, the more people will try to access media since these are their only window to the real events in the society.

Mass Media Today
Today, the mass media can be considered as one of the most influential and powerful institutions that affect peoples views, behavior and beliefs. A lot of developments that already link the mass media to communication were born, and these developments have been created and these innovations have made peoples lives a lot less complicated since then. As per the medias liberty today, it can be said that the mass media of the current generation is a lot more fortunate that it already enjoys the kind of freedom that the mass media of the 1980s was deprived of. The mass media of today appears to have more freedom in terms of coverage and in the extent of expression. The mass media of today appears to be more empowered and unfastened in displacing the most significant information the people must know. And as what can be observed, due to the vigilance and influence of the mass media, people are also becoming more observant and concerned about societal issues. It is also evident that people today are more mobilized and active when it comes to participating in societal issues.

Thus, as it appears, a lot have about mass medias influence on people its coverage and its freedom have changed from that certain period of 1982 up to today. Basically, the primary factor for these changes is history itself. History paved the way to the significant societal changes and transformations that greatly affected different institutions, not just the mass media. But as what can be observed, the mass media also grew with peoples necessities. During the time of suppression, the mass media made its way into peoples lives to uplift and empower them. While during technological advancement, the media was still there to cope and grow with peoples developing technological abilities. Thus, it can finally be inferred that the mass media has grown a lot. From the dilemmas, constraints and predicaments it faced during the earlier years, it has grown into a liberated, strong and vigilant institution which never fails to touch the lives of millions of people worldwide.

Hospitality Management

With the world entering into 21st century, new trends have emerged due to global transformation in all fields of life, including hospitality management. New business policies are evolving to meet the ever increasing demands. Hotels now have a different vision to focus and a new perspective to work on. The development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (Vermillion, 2008).The success of hotel industry in the coming times entirely depends on the fact that they should be able to recognize the future trends in the industry and take due action to target the needs of the customers. In this period of global transition, it behooves hotel organizations to examine the key factors that will not only define success, but the ability to survive in coming years (Cline, 2007). In the preceding paragraphs, we will be discussing the new trends that have affected hospitality management and the shape hotel industry has taken after these changes. One reason why it is important for hoteliers to be proactive is that the industry as a whole is in a unique position to become a leader with regards to this issue.Thats because we have a very visible industry(Cline, 2007).

In present days competitive business environment, the hospitality industry needs to take on different perspectives and focus on new things. The first is that there has to be a precise association of bottom line performance and value. Industry wide growth in business processes raises standards of each company therefore hotels have to race each other by achieving higher profits and excellence than what was attained the year ago. (Cline, 2007)

Management and owners of the hotels need to develop new plans and strategies to cater the demands of the future. These management issues must address concerns such as planning, vision and organizational skill to draw and retain customers. Current business policies and strategies need to be revised and examined for future trends.

More focus on customer care is required. This is due to the fact that the more customers are looked after and better served, the better would be the performance of the hotels. Hotel industry is primarily based on people and not on machines like computers or other equipment. No compromise on quality would be the success factor for hotel industry.

Leadership with well defined vision is also required. The capability to forecast the future or to predict change is one of the greatest variables needed for effective leadership. This is turn effects business operations by analyzing future risks. This will also help the hotel organization to stretch and expand.

Use of technology would also make a great difference on the outlook of a hotel. With the technology advancing every day, there is a need that such advancements be incorporated in business operations not only to smoothly run the operations but also to effectively satisfy customer needs and desires.

Special emphasis should be laid on the presentation along with time bound services. This is the main thing that attracts customers. People would pay more to save time and would not compromise on quality standards. This is one the basic differences between traditions that were used to be followed in the past and the trends that demand more customer care and attention.

To conclude, hospitality management has become more demanding with increasing customer needs as to what it used to be in the past. Whether it be hotels, restaurants, catering services etc, more and more use of technology along with timely services and quality standards would attract customers and would also help in stream lining operations of that particular entity.
Today in the age of the golden internet, especially during a downward spiral of a Depression in the United States, there are countless amounts of people attempting get rich schemes on the World Wide Web. Although most of the attempts at making money are simply scams, there are many valid ways to make money while being online.

Personally, I would use all the resources available to me and attempt to become a self made millionaire in as many ways as possible. I would market myself online. There are sites such as Amazon and Ebay that allow a person to sell their own items, which may now be considered junk to them. However, the likelihood of making a million dollars off the internet is not too high. I would probably work online to earn my money. There are more jobs today than ever before in which you can make your own hours, working as much or as little as you desire, allowing you to make your own income bracket.

It is possible to make enormous amounts of money by completing online surveys and writing online via papers or blogs. The more you write the more you make. So, if I were to make my own website, to market myself and my skills, to these types of employers, I would then be able to get a gig doing these types of jobs. Devoting even 4 hours a day, which is only half of a regular work schedule, would allow many surveys to be taken and papers to be written. So, if I were to become a millionaire via using the internet, it would be a result of doing anything I could to make money including, but not limited to, taking surveys, writing for websites, writing blogs, and making a website to market myself. After all, you never know who will see your website and attempt to contact you.

A Theoretical Framework for Organizational Network Forensic Readiness

Any individual using the internet frequently would know what the term hacking means. With people possessing personal passwords for their email accounts, and with frequent change in these password settings, many are of the impression that they have safe and secure accounts to be associated with. What many people are unaware of, is the fact that with safety come the insecurities, leading to cyber crime, for which the Network Forensic Readiness (NFR) has been devised, to provide protection.

Hacking occurs when cyber intruders steal other peoples passwords and use their accounts. The sources of theft and such objectionable acts are not only difficult to reach, but also difficult to record, says Endicott-Popovsky (2007). The rising number of cyber crimes has made it impossible to cover up the large application needed to counter the felony. Hence, the NFR was expected to implement, in order to keep better records for crime investigations. These records include various aspects such as check lists and other such tools, but these have never sufficed for a complete investigation to be executed in a cyber crime. For better results and to reach some authentic outcome to reprimand the hackers, more intensive ways of NFR implementation need to be opted for.

NFR has been implemented earlier, but not to its full potential the use of check lists and other such tools have been carried out before, but with no praiseworthy results. For the NFR to be implemented in any system, Endicott-Popovsky (2007) states that it is necessary to go through what may assist in fully operationalizing the NFR in any organization or enterprise. Therefore the focus and aim of the authors is to provide us with a complete methodology for incorporating the NFR into organizations and systems. Two cases of malicious intrusion have been given by the authors, plus a theoretical framework that convinces to set up the NFR in enterprises.

The network intruders and the victims are nowhere close to being in competition with one another. The networks may be monitored, but the cyber intruders are no less at their crime, putting safety and privacy at stake. They both have perceptions against one another, but in reality, gaps from both sides are unable to be met, and if on one hand security measures are being undertaken, on the other, hacking involves very little amount of technical knowledge, making it simpler for hackers to continue with their intrusions.

Largest security incident in New Zealand history with damages estimated at 400,000. Evidence indicated that several intruders were involved, physically located in several countries including New Zealand and the United States. The attackers executed a typical intrusion scenario, exploiting a buffer overflow to gain root access and install root kits and back doors for unfettered future access. Once within the network perimeter, they set up new accounts and installed network sniffers to capture logins and passwords. Then compromised machines were used as stepping-stones for attacks on other machines, often employing a several-hop pattern to disguise the actual origin of their attacks before getting to the desired target (Endicott-Popovsky, 2007)
Endicott-Popovsky (2007) has included two cases of malicious intrusion, inclusive of the Russian and New Zealand hacker cases. An analysis of the two cases has been provided in tabular form, clearly indicating the Russian case to be a more serious one, and one that suffered more loss. Followed is a briefing of how many researchers have contributed to the ideology of the NFR and tried to propose ideas for better implementation.

Discover the Power of Femininity A Critique

Michelle Lazars article, Discover the Power of Femininity, takes a unique look at certain gender roles in the realm of media. Lazar invests time exploring how the role of women in advertising in Singapore has been modified over the years. The exploration of this subject is done in such a way that it presents a unique vision that carefully details the new approaches to female empowerment as evidenced by changing media roles.
What is interesting about the article is that is somewhat departs from traditional feminist critiques regarding advertising often wallows in sexism. Of course, it is easier to take this approach when the author is examining non-sexist advertisements and, quite honestly, is defining non-sexist by her own parameters. Understanding these points is a key to understanding the material that the author presents.

It is necessary to point out that the aforementioned commentary is not a harsh critique of the authors work. Rather, it simply puts it into a clear perspective so as to understand some of the main themes of Lazars article. One of those main themes is that some of the advertising in Singapore is actually rooted in female empowerment a bit more than it would be in the more common sexist approach.

This is quite the provocative statement on the part of Lazar because it points out that the gender roles reflected in the advertisements have been expanded. Women are not locked into a stereotypical role that quite commonly occurs in most media. This, in turn, can have an empowering effect on those that view the advertisement even if the impact is on a more subconscious level. But, as long as the impact is there it can have a profound impact over time.

Another very interesting approach that the author takes is the inference that beauty aids are a form of empowerment. There can be much to disagree about when discussing this particular notion. One reason for the disagreement would be that beauty aids only create a superficial appearance improvement. While it is possible to argue that there is merit to such criticism, it would also be accurate to state that there is much truth the notion that anything can be a source of empowerment as long as it delivers on the desired result. Beauty may credibly deliver in this regard even if it is derived from external sources such as consumer products.

Lazar also points out that cognitive understanding of the advertisements leads to a form of knowledge is power. This further promotes the notion that there is nothing wasted to the presentation of empowerment in the ads. In other words, the very existence of the advertisements contains a multifaceted level of positive awareness that contributes to empowerment. This is a brilliant assessment of how the commercials can maintain value through promoting cognitive awareness via social consciousness and consumer attitudes.

It is clear that Lazar takes a very unorthodox approach to her subject matter. This allows the material to be thought provoking and original. Some may find Lazars concepts to be a radical departure from various other published works of feminist theory and that is not a negative. Lazars article does alter certain preconceived opinions about gender roles and the media which is why the article is so intriguing.

Media and Gender

The advertised product is that of a mens fragrance which appeared in one of the issues of a renowned monthly British male magazine by the name of Sky Magazine, which is a magazine targeted solely for the male and youth segment of the market .The reason for choosing this product is that fragrance is a term that right from the very inception has been associated and related with females.
As Barthel states that
Because these products are so similar to womens products, advertisers rely heavily on language and visual symbolism to convey the impression that these are mens products (Barthel 1992 149)
However, recently there has been a spurt in the male image and body representation in advertisements solely for male fragrances. There has been a strong shift towards the usage of photographic imagery and the various underlying concepts used for multiple interpretations, ideological values, gender role depiction and denotative and connotative meanings of signs associated with the advertisement.
Composition, Semiotics and Discourse of the Print Advertisement    
The advertisement presented above is for the fragrance Dune Pour Homme by Christian Dior. The framing and the placement of objects i.e. the composition is of prime importance here. The image above shows a male model in his youth, in the age bracket of early till the mid twenties (the same as the target market for the magazine in which this ad appears).This man is shown knelt down on a sand dune, with an image of the product placed adjacently. The image is of prime importance due to the fact that the size of the product is out of proportion and its largeness is one of its peculiarities enabling and catching the viewers attention. Right beneath the products image is the message The Essence of Freedom. The words along with the products image present an image and a discourse which is both unified as well as effective and speaks volumes about the semiotics of the product.

While analyzing the semiotics we can see both the denotative as well as the connotative meaning of the signs. On the denotative side the mans image is representative of both youth as well as glamour (connecting and identifying with the viewersreaders who also belong to the youthful, independent, glamour conscious segment of the market) on a close inspection the image of the sand dune set in the back is a repetition of the name of the product which also proves to instill the products name and image in the readers mind.
However, on a connotative side the image tends to provide more interpretations emphasizing on the semiotics of the image. The major and significant concept presented in this advertisement is the concept of freedom. This can be deduced by the positioning of the youth the solitary image of the youth, who despite the loneliness of the location is shown to be placid and is not bounded by any restrictions- neither social nor psychological. The facial expression of the Dune man elicits a carefree nature. Devoid of the world around him he seems to be immersed in a world of his own. This concept is further strengthened by the attire he adorns- the loose clothing, opened buttons, growth of a light, hanging pajamas and disheveled hair emanate liberation.
On further observation the color palate of light, gentle browns, whites, gold and blues in the physical environment in the background and the soft nature of the photography signify and elaborate unconsciously the image of dreamy independence and liberation. The statement placed beneath the product Essence of Freedom again strengthens the message. These components in accumulation connote the advertisements primary signified concept that is that the usage of the product shall enable an individual to feel freedom and liberty. A relationship between the signifiers (which is the photographic image of the unorthodox, liberated youth and the dreamy environment around him) and the linguistically expressed signified, Essence of Freedom can also be seen very strongly. The combination of the linguistic representation and the presence of an iconic image enable the recipient to grasp a message which is clear and speaks volumes about the advertisements message.

After understanding the semiotics-both the denotative as well as the connotative meaning of the advertisement along with the discourse, composition and the subtext of the message it is of prime importance to understand the compatibility of the advertisement with the viewers it is addressing.
The addressed viewer is Sky Magazines average British male reader falling in the age category of the youth (primarily in his twenties) Sky Magazine is a unisex magazine read only by males. The viewer addressed is hence also a male youth who idealizes of a utopian society whereby he is liberated from all sorts of societal and psychological pressures. For this purpose he has his own sense of style and doesnt refrain from wearing what ever he desires whether it is socially acceptable or not. This idea is strengthened by the image of the youth with after shave and the pajamas adorned in the middle of desert seeming least concerned about his plight or appearance (Tony, Mules, Davis  Warwick, 42).
In order to identify with the image the viewer is made to insert and delve himself into the advertisement and this also gives a sample of what the viewer perceives himself to be like or as the advertisement suggests, Essence of Freedom. The gaze of the youth in the advertisement seems too riveted at some spot connecting with the youth viewers that he is lost in a world of his own unaware of his surroundings. The soft air blowing around seems to caress his hair again emphasizing the soft, unorthodox, freedom image reiterated by the product, its cool, calm physical surroundings and the message written at the bottom of the product.
Of further observation is the fact that the colors which have been used in the surroundings even though are serene and cool but they represent feminity. This too can be seen as a compatibility with the youth segment of the market which is being targeted.

The pale shade of brown used in the physical environment is comparatively more than the shades of blue, white or gold. This signifies the usage of colors as a signifying element and also emphasize the meaning attached to light shades of brown with isolation, untouched and untampered nature, tranquility and serenity by the western culture.

Interpretations of evolution by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russell

For a number of years the concept of evolution has always been debated, no single dispensation has ever been accepted or regarded in total as the all inclusive interpretation. Several reasons such as religion, scientific as well as historical factors are commonly cited as the rudimental challenges that make interpretation of evolution to be inconsistent. However, a number of researchers have attempted to provides us with a considerable explanation of evolution, supported by both scientific and behavioral aspects but the resultant effect remains, no definite Interpretations of evolution. It is on such a situation that, Charles Darwin and Alfred Russell emerged with a more concentrated interpretation, however, they also disagreed on some grounds.

Charles Darwin and Alfred Russell 
According to Charles Darwins theory of evolution, some species survives and flourishes in their diverse environment, while others systematically disappear due to lack of sufficient strength to survive. Therefore, the selective procedure determines which species lives and those which become extinct, and this is determined by their resistance.

Darwins conclusions by investigating the selective process were based on the comprehension of his time. He couldnt deduce that there are numeral programs in the wake of the selective process that sets up each species to oppose natural selection. Therefore, Darwins concept asserts that, only the fittest organism overcame the turbulent forces of nature.

Whether through mutation or adaptation to the prevailing conditions, he seems to have reached to a conclusion, where he interpreted evolution to be both physical and biological changes which are effected by circumstances. Despite Darwin understanding of evolution which he so vehemently argued through his qualified analysis of natural selection, Alfred Russell had his distinct opinions which greatly differed with Darwins understanding of evolution.

Russell presented a deeper and broader argument in regard to evolution. This can be linked to the fact that he examined or rather he defined evolution by concentrating on greater human levels beyond physical growth and development. Though both men agreed on the concept of evolution to be a reality, Russell did not accept the Darwins theory in total, more so he opposed the concept of natural selection by asserting that, natural selection as Darwin had attempted to present was not sufficient ground for evolution and in particular in issues regarding human race (Oppenheim 1985).

Most scholars have made unswerving conclusion that, Russell changed his mind about the theory of natural selection which he had originally pioneered-perhaps due to lack of ability to bring together the survival for the fittest theory with his utopian concept of social views and more so his juxtaposition with his personal adoption of spiritualist beliefs. Therefore, unlike Darwin who drew his conclusions from detailed studies and examinations, Russell seems to have anchored his interpretation of evolution on cosmological stand which was in total dissimilar from Darwinian principles (Mitchell 1992 Burkhardt 1974).

Comparing the two scientists, there is a clandestine differences between there understanding and interpretation of evolution, it should be noted that, Darwin believed that natural selection could help to explain the presences of mans growth and development (Poulton 1896). While on the other had it is instrumental to realize that, Russells approach to evolution was defined by his youthful rejection of the doctrines primary causes as well as a refuting the concept of continuity. Regarding the above observation, The Ascent of Man documentary presents a sharp contrast of what Russell interprets as evolution (Wallace 1891). It is instrumental to argue that, Darwin anticipated it might be feasible that all life is descended from a novel species from primeval times. DNA verification supports this idea (Ospovat 1981). Doubtless all organic mortals who have constantly lived on this earth have originated from various types primordial life form.  Therefore, reflecting on the concepts which Darwin based or interpreted his argument, it apparent that, Russell reaction propelled him to build a unique brand of anti-first foundation teleology. Hence, this whole idea developed to become a body of ideas companionable with acquisitive logic on his acknowledgment of principles of natural assortment and his approach and adoption to spiritualism (Osborn 1894).

Russell is interpreted as having discarded the spat of essential utility of adaptation before 1858 these principal which were held in principle in almost all aspects pertaining to evolution, it is apparent that, at that time he associated such recognition with approval of first causes-based dogma (Kauffman 1993). Russell attempted to develop an evolutionary model that defined continuity of causality going beyond the instantaneous sphere of influence within which natural selection is typically credited as operating. Also he never viewed his espousal of spiritualism as recoil from natural selection rather, he reflected on spiritualism the best obtainable accounting of the general course of evolution at the ethicalintellectual level, and sanctioned it accordingly (Gould 2002).  Therefore, it is prudence, to state that, despite the fact that, both Darwin and Russell explored on the same concept of evolution, individually they provided distinct disparities which clarified their interpretation. Hence, Darwin seems to have offered or interred evolution more authoritatively than Russell who diverged to approach the whole issue on the concept of spiritualism (Slotten 1979).

Therefore, reflecting on the various theories presented by both Darwin and Russell, it is paramount to note that their differences form a significant variance even more than their similarity. This is attributed to the fact that, where Russell dwelt on issues pertaining to such issues as art and literature in the development of man. Darwin attempted to understand the natural rudiments that influenced the various scope of natural selection and why the nature favors the fit. More so, examining the argument presented in the video The Ascent of Man, this video presents a solid indication of how nature has a tendency of giving place to the fit. Therefore, it is such observation that Russell tends to vehemently disagree, however, the path he opted to follow, significantly follows the same principles of natural selection that Darwin established. Am of opinion that, both Darwin and Russell in one way or the other developed the almost the same theory which accounted for their interpretations of the diverse wealth of data they collected.

In conclusion, as the documentary indicates, the relationship between the two scientists can be said to fundamentally imprinted the manner they approached and viewed the powers of natural selection individually. Their thinking was not similar, and perhaps thats why they also disagreed on the purpose of sexual selection in evolution. While Darwin presented sexual selection as a procedure that could determine some specific features, Russell thought otherwise. Despite their disagreements, they do agree and accept that species do evolve (Gould 2002).

The Exposure of Females as Sex Objects within the Contemporary Society And the Role of Media in Manipulating their Vulnerability

Women nowadays compose a larger percentage of the total work force than in the early years. Women even participate in the fields where they are competing with men like in the political and economic arena. Women are able to take on challenges and do what men can. They are able to take on jobs that before were seen as a job for the male. Womens essential participation in the different societal aspect has become very helpful in establishing a stronger society where equality is almost achieved. Women have undergone various struggles in attaining parity in gender in the contemporary society. Womens history has many pivotal events that are the milestones of their gender history in trying to achieve equality in rights and prerogatives.

In the traditional society, women are always depicted as the inferior sex. Males are considered as the dominant and superior in every field. Male are perceived to be strong because their masculinity and physiological configuration. Women, on the other hand, are perceived to calm and nurturing in nature. Because of their femininity, women have subtle and tender attitude. This is the reason why women are deprived of some rights and privileges enjoyed by men. Before, women were not allowed to participate in male-dominant fields like economics and politics where major decision making process is involved. Conventional members of society undermine the capabilities and potentials of women. The qualities of women were often disregarded and remain unnoticed. Women are seen and regarded as homemakers and as domestic providers.

Media create a major alteration in the peoples acquisition of information. Information before are difficult to obtain due to the restrictions and control imposed by the government, manipulating the feed of news and information to people. Now, we live in a society where facts and data concerning relevant things are accessible and can be readily obtained by people. Mass media plays an important role in peoples lives as they serve not only as a channel of communication but serve as source of information and influence the creation of public opinion (Lane 2007). Mass media took many forms books, newspapers, magazines, and recordings, radio, film, television, and the Internet are among of the known mass media tools. Advertising is slowly entering the arena but still in argue because of the business and profit aspect of advertising. Mass media are able to cater all kinds of people and pacify the cultural, racial and gender differences of its audience. People are unaware of the significant impact of media in their lives. People tend to only watch soap operas and reality TV drama not scrutinizing the content of these various TV shows. We do not mind how reality is depicted or distorted as long as it serves what we want to see and hear. Never mind if it reflects despairingly on the truth.

Women are constantly portrayed in the mass media. One of the distorted representations of women in the media is being sex objects. Sex objects mean they are portrayed as sexually attractive and exposing more skin. The mass media plays an immense role in the proliferation and the prevalence of this practice wherein the women are depicted as sexual objects. Media like television, advertising and films are some of the places wherein women are seen with provocative images. Seeing women as sex objects significantly affect the perception of the audience towards women.

Women and Gender Parity
In a contemporary society like ours, we are aware of the acquisition of gender parity among nations. Gender equality promotes the fair participation of men and women in formulating significant decisions and in male dominant fields like economics and politics. One of its aims is to reduce the widening gap between men and women in access and control of various resources and benefits brought by development (Equality between Women and Men, 2008). When we talk of gender issues, it is inevitable to not discuss women and their struggle for womens rights. The prevalent gender equality is the product of the long struggle of gender groups that are fighting for parity rights. History taught us of the hardships and sacrifices of people, especially of women in attaining gender parity. But can we truly say that we there is no gender inequality in the modern society.

In some parts of the world, women are still experiencing lesser benefits and fewer rights compared to men. Women are characterized with lower recognition and status when it comes to education and healthcare. They also have less income and less access to resources and decision making than men. Women are viewed mostly in their stereotypical roles such as the domestic providers and homemakers engrossed with the never-ending and tedious tasks at home and rearing of children. These portrayals of women can be attributed with their feminine qualities like nurturing and caring individuals. Nevertheless, women play significant roles as they comprised the majority of the total workforce today. They also have a vital participation in various areas of countries development like food production, income generation, management of natural resources, community organization and domestic responsibilities are relevant for sustainable development (Equality between Women and Men, 2008).

Throughout the history of the western world, roles played by are limited due to the inherent values and beliefs in the society. It was believed that the main role that women should play their duty as a mother and a wife that involves tasks particularly the household chores and rearing of the children. This was because of the perceived qualities of women that were thought to be more appropriate in taking on those jobs. The prevailing inequality of women before was addressed by infrequent uprisings and protests from a few number of women and catch little attention from the people. This is due to the lack of educational background and depleted financial resources of women groups in sustaining a long-term campaign advocating gender parity (Schultheiss 2008). Eventually, after various obstacles that hinder the acquisition of gender rights, the whims of women were given considerable attention. Women nowadays enjoy rights that before were exclusive for men.

Progress of Human Communication
We are currently living in a dynamic digital society wherein the technological advances were so rapid and unstoppable. We could see new models of cellular phones and laptops in the market almost every week. These things intercepts the traditional human communication as it was continuously changing and man are now able to communicate across the limitations of space and time due to the influx of new technologies making it easier and convenient for them to get in touch with someone.

One aspect of communication is the mass communication. It is the process of transferring or transmitting messages to a large group of people. Mass communication requires the use of tools and media in order to convey the message to the large and diverse audience. Some forms of media are newspapers, television, and the internet (Rai 2009). Mass communication is one of the important aspects of mass media as it is an essential process in sending out messages, ideas and principles and in reaching a wide, diverse audience.

Due to the rapid and unprecedented advancement in the field of science and technology, there are a lot of tools and gadgets that are utilized for mass communication. Cellular phones and the Internet are some of the technologies that are widely used in todays modern society. Todays mobile phones have a lot of features that enable its user to receive and send messages. Some phones also allow access to the World Wide Web and retrieve information and data. The Internet, on the other hand, is one of the most popular technologies nowadays, as it enables the user to access a wide array of information and data from various sources. Due to the large number of people who have access to the Internet, a lot of people can be reached through this technology and can access the information and facts posted on the Internet.

Mass media plays a very important role in society as a channel of communication. They serve as the main source of news and influence the public in forming opinions, as well as in making decisions. For instance, during election, people get information about the candidates on TV and newspapers, after which they decide who to vote. Mass media in a modern democratic society are considered as the fourth branch of the government and perform an independent and equally important role as the government (McChesny 1989). Media also serve as the watchdog of the government to prevent irregularities on the political machinery. Undeniably, mass media reach all walks of life, regardless of their race, age, and gender. Media mutes all differences and caters to all kinds of individual.

Producers, businesses, and advertisers also find a way to utilize the breadth of mass media to reach their respective consumers. Therefore, we are bombarded by different advertisements of various products whenever we watch or read. Advertising or commercial mass media is regarded as the lifeblood of publication. Advertising includes all form of mass paid communication intended to influence consumers. Through advertising, publications and other forms of media obtain funds to continue the publication. Mass media gets half of their revenues from advertisement and sponsorship (Wilson  Gutierrez 2002). Therefore, networks and publishing companies must maintain a harmonious and productive relationship with businesses and advertisers. In this way, business owners and advertisers will be encouraged to keep on placing their ads on the publication and in effect, keep the cash flowing.

Women as Sex Objects
Media reflects what is happening in the society. It mirrors the events and scenarios in the real society. However, due to the advancement of technology and the wide imagination of producers and creators behind the mass media, some of these reflections are distorted and not in line with the real characteristics of the characters that it portray. One of the distortions in the mass media and common in all types of media is the portrayal of women. Women are generally portrayed as sex objects or with provocative images to either attract consumers or lure audiences. Due to the prevalence of different technologies that can cater our different communication needs, mass media became an inherent part of our lifestyle. We can no longer live without these communication tools that serve their function of informing, educating and entertaining the members of the society. Because of the wide prevalence of mass media, it became influential in our lives. Mass media largely influence our decisions, choices and perceptions. Seeing women as sex objects in the media significantly affect the perception of people, especially men. The portrayal of women as sex objects in the different types of mass media affects the peoples perception towards women.

Media is one of the responsible in proliferation of the stereotypical roles of the sex and genders. Media come in various form such as TV, radio, newspaper, magazines and ads. Due to its wide coverage and the breadth of the audience it could reach, they were able to disseminate information in no time. Some of this information may be distorted like the visual representations of sex and gender. It is evident that media, specifically in advertising, show the wrong depiction of women in the contemporary society as they showcase the stereotypical roles of women of the conventional society.

There is a pressure put on women to be sexually active in ads, films, television and the new media is intense. Statistics released by the National Eating Disorders Association shows that there are one out of four TV commercials send some kind of attractiveness message, telling viewers what is and is not attractive. (Media Awareness Network 2010n.pag.). A lot of ads, television shows and films try to convey the message that being beautiful means being thin and sexy. Provocative images of women slowly dominate the different types of mass media. The womans body is often dismembered into certain parts such as legs, thighs, breasts and buttocks that reinforce the notion that women are objects and not whole beings. Although womens sexuality is no longer a taboo subject and has been out in the open for quite some time. There are still some concerns raised on this practice. Depicting women as sex objects perpetuate the idea that women are docile to mens pleasure. The images of women as sex objects convey the single vision that women should primarily be concerned of making themselves attractive and sexy and concede to sexually satisfying men. The problem with this representation is the transcending of misinformation and portraying media stereotypes that is quite disturbing as many people, especially youngsters and teens, turns to media for information about sex and sexuality. In 2003, David Buckingham and Sara Bragg reported that two-thirds of young people turn to media when they want to learn about sex - the same percentage of kids who ask their mothers for information and advice. (Media Awareness Network 2010n.pag.).

Some of the determinants if a woman is being a sex object in any form of popular media are when she has a suggestive facial expression or posture, doing an act that shows some sort of adoration or sexual moves towards a man, wearing of make up or clothing that is associated with sexuality such as lingerie and red lispstick, the angle of the shot and if it focused or centered on a particular body part as well as the amount of skin shown. The portrayal does not necessarily should meet a number of determinants. All of the aforementioned determinants can qualify as depiction of women as sex object.

There is evidence that a stereotypical view of gender role may influence the viewers, especially the young. There have been studies done on the effect of television messages on young viewers, but the data is inconclusive. However all of the studies indicate there is a strong possible connection with stereotypical ideas. The ideas of traditional roles of the genders are very misleading. There are no limits to what the genders can do. Now days you find most women out in all of the workplaces which were once deemed male oriented. And you find men staying home and raising families, doing the job that once only women did (Television and Gender Roles n.d.).

 Women in Advertisements
As we carelessly browse the different cable channels and looks for shows that will satisfy our daily dose of TV home viewing. We tend to pass by different advertisements that present various items that may appeal to our needs and inform us of the latest products that are out in the market. Advertisements have a strong influence on consumers. Advertisers, in order to sell their products, create strategies that will make buyers to patronize their products. They create the buying mood, which make consumers avail of the product as a result. These advertisements make individuals think that their product is essential and necessary in their daily lives. In the variety of ads people often see on TV and in print, we can see the creativity of the advertisers on the strategies in which they make the products in demand. In these advertisements, we see different portrayals of women and how they are being perceived by the public. Despite the influx of women in the workforce and the emergence of Womens Liberation Movement, there are still stereotyped gender roles in commercial ads. Many of the womens roles portrayed in ads are traditional and very limiting.

Advertising, technically is not a medium of communication, but is often associated with it for it sustains the financial resources of publications and other media industries. Advertisements are considered as the lifeblood of the media companies. Aside from being the primary source of income of media industries, commercial media offers the various publications their distinguishable characteristics and give cue on the range of its informational content determining the particular audience that the advertisers and business firm want to reach (Sinclair 2006 209). Advertising utilizes media in bridging the consumers and producers of various goods. Producers are looking for their possible markets where they will be able to sell their products. Consumers, on the other hand, are looking for informational background of the products that they might consider buying.

Advertising is not addressing to a large number of people, but it is thinkng the most appropriate medium in which their message would be conveyed to reach a particular audience. Different kinds of media reach different kinds of people based on the information and entertainment the medium holds. This is why it is regarded that the existence of advertisers is to attract people and media can sell their products (Sinclair 2006 209-210). The advertisers can make used of different strategies and methods just to increase the sales of their product. Among the various strategies that advertisers may employ is making use of storylines depicting the daily lives of people to create a feeling of proximity to buyers. This strategy may involve reflecting different roles played by each and one of us. Women are always present in various advertisements. But their reflection has a discrepancy on their real identity. Women in advertisement often depict their traditional roles that have been changed and no longer applicable in todays society.

Provocative images of women with partly clothed bodies are prevalent in the field of advertising. Using womens attractiveness is one of the major concerns in advertisement. Thighs, breasts and butts lies in your TV screen. Women become sexual objects when their sexuality is linked to the products that they are trying to sell. Women scantily clothed are used to attract prospective men buyers. A documentary about women exploitation of women in advertising has been made and showed in high schools to present the significant impact of advertising these images of women and how it affects societys view of women. In advertising, womens bodies are sexualized or ads portray womens sexy bodies in order to attract the consumers attention. Sex being one of the human needs is manipulated by the advertising companies to sell their products. A new outlook developed in the minds of the people, those big advertising companies and giant business firms make a lot of money and high profits at the back of women. It was then believed that advertising use a systematic approach in using and abusing womens rights just to sell their products and impose values. Some advertisements show how women suddenly become ornaments in ads of cars, liquor
and other mens products and how they turn into sex objects (Alexandre 2007).

One of the disturbing representations of media in women is that they utilized women as sex objects to lure customers in purchasing their products. Big business firms and companies used women as accessories mostly in men products such as liquors, cigarettes and cars. Scantily clad women can be mostly seen in these types of advertisements. Here are some of the examples of advertisements that show women as sex objects.

The women are often showed in bikinis and sometimes topless that is degrading and humiliating. The negative depictions of women connote the downgrading perception of people towards womens capabilities and potentials.

One of the undesirable implications of the negative depictions of women is the increase in sexual activity and violence among people. Some studies show that exposure to media showcasing women in humiliating and embarrassing portrayals, even if the content is not really violent or sexual in nature increases the violent behaviour of men towards women in the society (Lukas 2002).

A research conducted in finding out the effect on body dissatisfaction of depiction of women as sex objects shows that these ads have an influence on the perception of women and their self-concept after viewing these kinds of ads. Women tend to be self and figure conscious due to the proliferation of thin models that are marketing the products. They thought that men like thinner girls and dislike their own body though there is nothing wrong with it. These kinds of ads have a significant implication in our psychological way of thinking
about ourselves and of others (Tygart n.d.).

Women in Magazines
We often see in bookstores a wide array of adult magazines or top-shelf magazines that contain contents of sexual nature. Most adult magazines are for men and that is the reason why the covers of these magazines are mostly naked women. Many men had their first sight of womens body through these types of magazines. Adult magazines conventionally contain photographs of nude women or scantily clad women. Some magazines contains articles that is also sexual in nature. These magazines may contain softcore or hardcore pornography. Softcore magazines may not show the female genitalia and sexual intercourse. However, hardcore magazines may show it. These types of magazines primarily served as an aid to masturbation and other sexual activity. Some magazines may be general in their content while others may be specific of their content serving the different fetishes of consumers. For example, Asian Babes is a magazine focused on Asian beauties. Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler are only some of the popular adult magazines. Adult magazines may also contain different articles on various topics such as culture, lifestyle, cars, computers or other interests of their target audience (Childs  Storry 1999). Women adorn the magazine covers of most magazines and most images of women are full of sensuality and sexuality. Here are some of the examples of magazine covers of some of the top adult magazines.

Adult magazines are not the only magazine that portrays women as sex objects. Contemporary magazines aimed at preteens or teenagers encourage young girls to dress and behave in a sexual manner. Magazines give out the notion of what is beautiful and sexy through their covers and photos. Moreover, some of these magazines even have sections about grooming and beauty as well as about relationships even with older men. A research found out that mens, womens fashion and female adolescents magazines were more likely to portray women as sex objects and as victims than news, business, special-interest, or womens non-fashion magazines. (Stankiewicz  Rosselli 2008 579). Magazines are also the channel of advertisements that may be inappropriate for the target audience. However, magazines insert these ads in order to run the publication. Because these magazines are highly accessible to their target audience and the wholesome image of these magazines that parents let children to grab a copy without examining first the content of the magazine. The magazines proliferate ideas about sexuality and sex at an early age. In many cases, the effects of this prevalent notion is that mothers dress and even apply make-up to their young daughters in order for them to be sexy and beautiful according to the criteria set by the popular media.

Women in Television
Television is a powerful communication tool that can be used to inform and entertain its viewers. Television has the powerful influence in determining the roles of men and women in the society. Young people often learn through the television as they are the age group that are highly expose to this type of media. Television has been the main source of information when it comes to issues about gender roles and sexuality. Although television has improved its portrayal of gender, women are still typecast in traditional roles, and underrepresented, while men are portrayed as dominant figures. Women are stereotypically represented as dependent, emotional. Women are the mothers, and men are the bread winners. (Television and Gender Roles n.d.).

Soap Operas
Continuing the tedious experience of pressing the channel button of the remote control, you again browse the TV set looking for programs that may satisfy your taste. Programs that will rekindle your consciousness. Sexual violence is one of the major dilemmas in the reflection of women in TV. In TV series chained, battered and raped women are showed that implicitly suggest control and domination, this have a psychological implication on psychological aspect of a person (Riley 2007).

Soap operas tend to portray women more fairly as women mostly watched this category of entertainment media. The portrayal of women as sex object in soap operas is not as rampant as in advertisements and magazines. However, the sex role stereotyping is still present in this genre of television. It used to be the case that such women were presented as sexless, that once they have had a family, they lose all sexual desire and attraction. This is still the case in much of prime time television, but in recent years, has changed to accommodate the housewifes sexuality. A good example would be Cheryl fromNeighbours. But while the subject is spoken about openly between herself and her husband, she comes across more as a bimbo owing to the way she seldom speaks of much else except for that and her baby. (Ingham 1995n.pag.). However, most of the domestic soaps, women appear sexless, innocent and nave. Most of the characters and scenarios do not often mention sex, especially if the character portrays being a lovely wife and the protagonist.

There are also characters that are characterizing a lot of sexuality. Most of this type of characters is single women that play the character of being a mistress or a manipulative woman that aims to attain her desire no matter what. These young, single women tend to portray the image of being tall, thin and beautiful and these characters often initiate sex through their seductive acts that lure men and in return will give her what she wants. In the world of American soap operas, women of all ages tend to utilize their sexuality to gain power and authority. Moreover, middle aged women are depicted as sexually desirable compared to the portrayal of conventional soap operas.

We also see women in a position of power more regularly, although these characters tend to be invariably aggressive, and are often portrayed as the villainess a woman who turns her traditional feminine characteristics into a source of strength. Often she will use pregnancy and  or insight to manipulate people. She uses her sexuality for herself, and not for the pleasure of men. An example of such a woman would be Alexis from Dynasty. She is a reversal of male and female roles. Indeed, Modleski argues that the final control the villainess strives for is control over passive femininity rather than control over men. (Ingham 1995n.pag.).

Here are some of the examples of sexuality in some soap operas and TV series.

The representation of women as sex objects is highly prevalent in soap operas in Asia. In countries like Thailand and Philippines, there is a greater tendency to define women exclusively in sexual terms. Women are used as sexual commodities in order to support the growing sex tourism industry in these countries. The situation is exacerbated by the acceptance of the mainstream media in showing sexual representation of women to support the sex tourism industry. In Asian soaps operas, women are routinely exploited as sex objects to heighten the plot of the story and to attract more viewers (Kramarae  Spender 2000).

Reality TV Programs
Television also offers their share of sexism to the mainstream media. Many television shows cast female characters that are in subservient positions. The television shows imply that women are always dominated by men in the society. Even variety shows have utilized sex in order to boost their ratings. For example, The Sonny  Cher Comedy Hour was put to the number one spot as viewers waited each week for Cher to tear off the overlay wrap and to reveal the latest seduction dress. Reality television programs are quite popular in prime time television. We now have WWE, The Bachelor, Survivor and other reality television programs that are slowly dominating our TV sets. However, even these programs used sex to attract audience and to shoot up their ratings. Reality TV programs shove sexual exploitation in our faces through the activities and behaviour shown by the participants of the reality TV. The National Organization for Women conducted a survey of network programming and significantly found out that the aforementioned shows represent the highest level of exploitation that is available to the audience in a regular basis (Magaro n.d.). For example, the reality TV program Survivor is mostly composed of participants that are sexy. Since the setting of the television program is on a remote island and they act like castaways, they wear mostly swimwear such as bikinis and trunks. Here are some of the photos of the reality TV program Survivor that shows women as sex objects.

Television networks fail to see the harm of these programs and argue that it is the viewers choice what is to watch and what not to. The entertainment media uphold the consumers ability to choose what programs to watch. Though there is a freedom of choice in television programming and viewers have this inherent right, it is still extremely difficult to choose among the programs as majority of programs are racist, sexist or violent in their contents. Thus, it forces viewers to watch programs that are less harmful, which is also a positive entertainment (Magaro n.d.).

Music Videos
Sex and issues about sexuality are everywhere in the popular media. Teens said that most of the information they know about sex and sexuality is coming from the media. It is undeniable that sex has become the widely marketing tool that fuels the insatiable cravings of a sex-obsessed society. This practice is evident in music videos that can be seen in the television and on the Internet.

Music videos are popular in the mainstream media as the music industry continues to grow. There are a lot of singers in the present music industry. A lot of performers have great voices and strong subjectivity throughout their songs and performances. There are artists who are respected because of their talent and tenure in the industry. These singers have proven themselves and considered as pillars of the industry. The younger generation of singers are the troublesome. There are a lot of young artists who started out with a dream of being one of the greatest performers. They vow to make it through their talent. However, record companies invest trust, time and money to a singer and when there is a decrease in popularity and record sales, changes must be incepted. One of the most crucial changes in a singers career is the shift of focus from her talent to her body and sexuality. Singers tend to sexualize themselves to appeal on a large male audience, hoping to obtain a number of fans who are not attracted with her music in the first place. Britney Spears, Cristina Aguilera and Jessica Simpson are only some of the female artist who started with a wholesome, innocent image and quickly transitioned to highly sexualized objects (Peters 2008). Here are the examples of the drastic transformation of some of the female artists that started as innocent and nave and turn into sexual goddesses.

MTV or Music Television is one of the popular networks to teens and youngsters. MTV includes women in their stereotypical role as sex object as seen in features on the network as well as on the majority of the music videos. A study showed that when men are shown in the background, they are often fully clothed. However, when women are in the background, they are dressed in a way that it expose of focused on their breasts and butts. (Whats the Problem Facts about Girls, Women  Media n.d.n.pag.). It is not only in the videos that women are portrayed as sex objects. Even in the lyrics of some songs. Most of the contemporary songs playing in the radio talks about a girl and her physical attributes as if it is something of vital importance. The song rarely talks about the personality of the girl and her intelligence but only talks about the size of her breasts and her behind. The reason behind this portrayal is that the music industry is dominated by men and men are not sellable to the consumers (Vanegas 2009).

It has been an appalling trend that the music industry will do everything to promote their female performers, even if it means sexualizing her to boost her career and record sales. These artists serve as role models of many young females all over the world. Young females respect these artists and they start to dress and act like them unaware of the potential risk that may be associated with their decision. Males, on the other hand, look at these female artists with lustful desire. Males tend to objectify them. Thus, there is a greater chance that males will also treat young females imitating and acting like these female artists as sex objects (Peters 2008).

Women in Films
Films tend and should reflect and reinforce the dominant ideology. This applies on womens portrayal in films. Women are underrepresented in films and are compounded by the issue of the stereotypical portrayal of women. One of the common portrayals of women in films is being sex goddesses who are sensual and oozing with sexuality and is capable of manipulating men through their beauty and sex appeal. Sexuality in films was popular during the 1950s when women were shown as sexual and seductive. Today, we live in a society where women are constantly perceived as sex objects. Even after years of struggle and feminist movement, the same theme applies and women are still inferior to male supremacy. This notion is reinforced by the contemporary films where we see women play unimportant roles of being manipulators, sex objects or just mere helpless victims. Some movies portray women as seductive, devious, sexual and unimportant individuals. Thus, women are depicted as sex objects instead of playing strong roles.

When movies portray sex, women are portrayed as male driven fantasy. One of the bases of this role of women in films is that women are only there for the amusement of men. This kind of movies do not only proliferate the representation of women as sex objects but also portray sex through the mans perspective. These depictions of women formed a fabricated society and highly influence peoples attitude and perception. People tend to disregard healthy and nurturing relationships and there is a tendency that women are seen as sex objects instead of persons with equal status in the society. Thus, women are devalued in their societal roles.

Films or the movies have their own share of portrayal of women as sex objects. Women have been constantly portrayed as a sexual object in most male-oriented films and movies. Nudity and sexuality help the increase in ticket sales and to make the film a box-office hit. Some of the plot of male-oriented movies tends to showcase beautiful and sensual female Hollywood stars, sometimes in illicit love affairs, usually depicted as being very sensual and sexual (Daigneault 2010). The reason behind this practice is that writers need to establish characters, plot, conflict and resolution in a short period of time. In order to save some time in creating a complex character in the movie, the writers adhere with the conventional and stereotypical roles of women. The women in most movies are neither thoughtful nor strong individuals and they only exist to titillate and satisfy men. Women in films are degraded further by sexualizing and objectifying them. Selling sex in movies is one of the rules adhered to by many film industry executives. Women are commonly portrayed as silly, ignorant and unable to do much but gaze into the face of the man while stripping his shirt off. Even family-friendly films have women characters that provocatively dressed and play the archetypes of females in degrading and subservient manner. Here are some of the films with sexual objectification of women.

Effects of Objectification of Women
The popularity of the different types of media has raised a lot of concern from the different sectors of the society. These popular media have different detrimental effects to the people expose to such media. One of the main concerns raised in popular media is the sexualisation of women. Sexualisation occurs when a persons value is measured through his or her sexuality and sexual behaviour and not through his or her other characteristics and when a person is sexually associated with something. The portrayal of women may have significant mental, physical and emotional effects to young women. The provocative images of women have negative effects on the healthy sexual development of young girls. Sexualisation of women can lead to lack of confidence of young girls. Thus, they tend to develop insecurity of their own bodies and develop eating disorders and emotional difficulties in dealing with the problem (BBC 2007).

The effects of objectification of women are different between men and women.  In women, sexual objectification has a direct effect of eating disorders. Women seen on TV are more often pop stars, supermodels and actresses. Many of these women are seriously underweight that tends to transcend the implied message that being thin is beautiful. Thus, a lot of s girls who look up to these women are going on a diet. Women on a diet may be undernourished and can cause loss of menstrual period. Prolonged loss of menstrual periods can lead to fertility problems.

For women, physical self-concept is much more important than their other attributes. Moreover, women are affected emotionally because they feel conscious of their looks and their physical appearance and women tend to feel anxious of the way they look. Studies show that all plastic surgeries among teens increased by almost 50 from 1996-1998 mostly for girls ( 1901) at the same time there have been more advertisements for breast implants and other surgeries, and more models, actresses, and singers as advertisements for the surgeries (think Cher, Pamela Anderson, Demi Moore, Mariah Carey, and as some have suggested, Britney.) (Whats the Problem Facts about Girls, Women  Media n.d.).

Men, on the other hand, experience lesser levels of self-surveillance as females are portrayed as subservient individuals to men (Greening n.d.). Another implication of sexual objectification of women is the alteration of peoples, especially mens, perception towards women. Women are perceived as sexual objects in the real society and men tend to treat them as possessions that will satisfy their sexual needs. Because of this prevalent notion of sexual objectification of women, there is a rise in number of cases of rape, domestic violence and disrespect to women.

The rapid and unprecedented advancement in technology allows the emergence of different tools and gadgets that are beneficial to the society. These technological advances greatly benefitted the field of mass communication. There are a lot of ways through different media that can convey the message to a large, diverse audience. Mass media is responsible of transcending messages to the public. It is also responsible in as being a source of information and public opinion. However, due to the emergence of different mass media, a lot of concerns are also raised concerning their function to the inherent society. Treating women as sex objects has been around for decades. Women are often seen in distorted and stereotypical portrayals in the popular media. Women are people with a lot of potentials and capabilities that needed to be utilized. Women have been very helpful in the contemporary society since the acquisition of parity in gender and they were given equal opportunities and prerogatives that men used to enjoy.

Media plays a vital role in the society through providing information and news that are very relevant to people for it affects their lives in one way or another. Through media, we obtain information that could help in making daily decisions. Media has always been utilizing women in different aspects. The most prominent is through advertisement wherein women are used as ornaments in cars, liquor and men products ads. They were also stereotypically depicted as homemakers busy with endless household chores and rearing children. Women also become sex objects and objects of violence that is projected in TV daily. The depiction of women become far from the real life situations and it greatly affects the societys view on women by creating false facts. Our inherent culture influences our media. If we change some aspects of our culture concerning our women, our media industry will soon follow.

There is a discrepancy in the visual representations of men and women in various media and their significant real life roles played in the contemporary society. Our society and history is shaped by males. The acquisition of gender parity is one of the essential improvements in the global society. But there is still the prevalent inequality between genders showcased in our media, especially in advertisements. Women are depicted as sex objects, as homemakers and domestic providers, abused and battered and are narcissist. Men, on the other hand, are always portrayed as dominant and superior than the other sex. If progress and growth is to be achieved, it is only righteous that the status of our women should also be improved and respected and their essential contributions be recognized.