
The following pages will focus on television studies. Its merits and demerits will also be discussed together with the point of view whether television should be studied or not. The reasons behind it would also be discussed thoroughly.

Television Studies
A television study is basically an academic discipline that deals with television. A critical approach is used in it. Some people think that it is same as media studies but it is not so, if we go in detail. A television study is a broad discipline that involves a lot of things including journalism, textual analysis and audience theory. It is a new discipline due to which many television scholars are actively involved in other professions, such as politics, communications, and theatre and film studies (Robert  Annette, 2004, 24-34).
According to many researchers, television studies came into limelight somewhere in 1970s and 1980s. One of these researchers is Charlotte Brunsdon who says that television studies came into being or developed from three bodies namely journalism, social sciences and dramatic criticism. She further adds that the critical approaches used today are an extension of the traditional methods. But when we talk of 1990s, one more area has entered, which is related to production. Briefly, it is concerned with how programmes come on screen (Toby, 2010, 78-130).
Explaining the three bodies mentioned above, journalism is related to reviews of television programs. Social sciences deal with production and the function of television in society. Lastly, dramatic criticism is carefully examining the television screenwriter. These are the core areas dealt within television studies but it should be remembered that these are not the only areas (Jason, 2009, 58-77).
Concerning the prerequisites of the development of television studies, it can be easily figured out that it was to give some power and worth to television. It was basically to prove a point that television is not just a medium that broadcasts information and works as a transmitter it is a lot more than that. There is a lot that can be extracted from it such as the literature of television can be analyzed and even compared with other mediums. With the development of television studies, the relationship between television and audiences also came in limelight. It also deals with the audience interactions around shows broadcasted on televisions (Horace, 2006, 90-166).
Researchers say that the development of television studies has broadened our horizons. Also it has helped towards improvements in this important medium of mass media. Various new and successful features such as interludes between programs are the result of, undoubtedly, television studies. Some television scholars are Henry Jenkins, Robert C. Allen, John Fiske and David Morley.

Merits of Studying Television
If we contemplate our society today, we find that television is no more just a medium of mass communication it is no more just used to gain information. It is a lot more and the value attached to it is much more than we feel. If we talk about the importance of television, it has become a necessity today as we are so very connected to it (Mittell, 2009, 38-100).
Television studies as a discipline is explained above. Talking of merits of studying television, they are numerous. This is because there is a need to study television. Need as in it is important to study television because people need the best of things and if they are spending hours to watch television, they want to watch what they like and vice-versa. It is important to analyze whether the information some programmes are giving or the message they are conveying is appropriate or not. In addition, the content needs to be reviewed from time to time so that the viewers get to watch the best. Moreover, ratings should be checked so that things can be modified with time (Graeme  Jinna, 2009, 90-120).
All are aware of the importance of reviews and critical analysis of content or television literature. It is these reviews that contribute towards shaping perspectives of viewers and it also works as a feedback to the people in charge of it, as in what changes they should make in future and information regarding the loopholes and etcetera. Finally, comparing it with what the audiences actually wants to watch and also comparing it with other works. This all comes under the banner of television studies, directly or indirectly (Toby, 2010, 180-230).
With the development of television studies, it has become easier to modify and improve things. For example, when we talk about the social sciences part, it is important that the functions are clear so that modifications can be suggested. If something is working, it is essential to get into the details how it is working, what is making it work and how can it be improved If these questions are answered properly, then only things can go towards improvement. Nowadays, we witness a lot of new soft wares coming in the market, with regards to television in particular. New systems, new workings and new accessories are entering market every single day this is all because of television studies, one way or the other. Television studies might not deal directly with these things but it involves study of audiences that helps in external modifications. It has multiplier effects basically and technological development has not only changed the way people watch television but also the way they appreciate and analyze it (Jason, 2009, 110-140).
Television studies support the view point that television has great social importance and it should be taken care of that specific programmes portray something that is beneficial to whole society. This proves that the television study is taking care of society.
One more area that comes in television studies is television history. Many people might think that it is irrelevant and spending resources on it is wastage but this is not wise. Television history is very important and television historians are spending loads of resources related to it. If we want to improve our future, than, it is important that we do not forget our past (Michelle  Jason, 2008, 40-88). 
As the example above says that, interludes between programmes are the result of television studies. As this there are various modifications that resulted because of this academic discipline. Researching what the audiences want to watch and then working on it is a part of television studies that helps this industry create a flow. It is the time of technological change where things are getting revolutionized. The importance television holds today has outweighed what it used to hold in the past. This is because things have changed people now think a lot and are very clear as to what they would particularly like to watch and what features they want in their televisions (Toby, 2008, 51-72). Above discussed are some of the merits of studying television.

Demerits of Studying Television
Television studies does not have only merits or advantages attached to it, it also has some disadvantages or demerits. According to my research, there is a lot of criticism regarding this academic discipline. In the section above, the advantages and the need for reviews and content analysis is explained. But according to some researchers it is all a farce because things are personalized. No analyst can judge content and present his findings saying that it is a general point of view. What I think of a particular show can be opposite of what you think. As this, one cannot generalize his or her opinion or perception regarding programmes or any particular piece of work. It is all personalized and to take into account the audience, which is what television studies do, is not as easy as it seems. As already stated above that things differ. Sticking to content analysis, how much one likes the content depends on many factors. One major one is thought as in ones way of thinking defines what she would want to watch and every ones choice is not the same. This is the same as the statement that one mans expenditure is another mans income (Horace, 2006, 100-105).
Secondly, when we talk about audience reaction and ratings, the methods and techniques used for it are important. It is not possible to take into account each and every viewer in the population and each and every reaction and neither it is easy to conduct ratings. Though with the advent of technology, it has all become possible but still it is not that reliable.
Moreover, television is basically a box of entertainment not ignoring the fact that it has other uses also. When viewers watch television for entertainment, it is logical that they will not take into account the technicalities and they will not critically analyze things. As a result, this critical analysis usually does not help viewers in deciding what to watch. A programme that is not at all up to the mark technically might be liked by the audiences and this is not uncommon. Trends show that there have been times like this. So considering this, television studies that takes care of this part is useless (Jason, 2009, 205-311).
Some professors at reputed universities do not want students to opt for media or television studies. The reason they give is that in order to be successful students should keep in mind future prospects and also the monetary returns they would get. Universities are there to prepare students for the future as in for the professional life, which they do by various methods such as fieldworks and hands on approach. This all is missing in courses offered related to television studies. These professors say that there is negligible practical work and hands on approach in media and television studies. They also mention that this discipline has its own importance but employers look for students that are well prepared to enter the corporate world (Michelle  Jason, 2008, 250-390).

Should we Study Television Why
Taking into account all the merits and demerits mentioned above and the need of television studies, I believe that we should study television. This is because there is a need to study television if we want to prosper. As already mentioned above that there are various merits of television studies and that it has a lot of multiplier effects as well.
However, it can also not be ignored that there are reasonable criticisms too that, to an extent, prove that studying television is a waste of resources. But the merits outweigh them and some benefits are also not countered. As in the whole of television studies is not bad according to most people. And also the reasons or demerits are against a particular part of television studies. It is important to mention at this point that the television study is a broad spectrum consisting of a lot of functions that takes care of a lot of things.
The most important justification is that studying television helps in improving and modifying things. It helps think out of the box and opens new horizons. This is of ultra importance and it can take our society forward. Secondly, though the audience might not take into account the technicalities but it is the social responsibility to offer them something worthy and good. Here comes the idea of social responsibility and this is why it is said that television has social importance (Toby, 2008, 195-324).
Moreover, some say that television is dying, so to counter this issue television studies is necessary as the world is progressing rapidly. The tastes are changing fashion is changing and also the buying patterns. Generally consumers do not take time to switch between products as they have alternatives available. It is important that it is known what kind of programmes viewers want to watch and what they are expecting in turn of the hours they spend in front of their televisions. This is taken care by television studies, as it is one of its core areas known as journalism and dramatic criticism. What this discipline, as a whole, does is explained in the above pages (Mittell, 2009, 250-255).
While in contrast there are loopholes attached to television studies. The way this study is conducted is also questioned. The methodologies used are also criticized and questioned. We can not say that all of this is a farce because it we critically analyze it then we witness that there are faults. These need to be addressed so that we can study television more effectively. If the methods and ways are improved then of course things will get better and it will be good for everyone as these studies affect everyone, directly or indirectly (Michelle  Jason, 2008, 300-388).

Concluding the essay, I would again like to state my view point that television should be studied as it offers many benefits. In addition to this, there is a need to study television, which is discussed in the above pages. In this essay, both sides, positive and negative, are discussed with respect to television studies and then my opinion is given with some important justifications. The merits are not repeated again in this part just some justifications are given that seemed important.
When we say that television is no more a luxury today as nearly every household has this product, we should take into account the poverty stricken parts of the world where people struggle for even the basic necessities, forget about the television. Some poor countries in Africa still regard television as a luxury while rich countries treat their televisions no less than crap. But it is also true that a large chunk of total population can be tagged as viewers and whenever this word, viewer is used, it is used with respect to this part of the population.


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