Content Analysis

This document affirms that the major objective of this study is to establish the distinctiveness of womens reflection in advertisements contents as portrayed in the most extensively distributed African women publications in the East Africa (EA) and to recognize the consequence of such substances in devising the collective reflection of women. The study also scrutinizes how women consider the depicted picture of women in publicity. The instigator asserts that, in EA, women not only are advancing in workforce involvement but also are filling arrangements formerly held chiefly by men nevertheless, this is not commonly depicted in ads. The paper avers that the bulk of female scholars believe that the liaison involving the females image in available advertisements and peoples opinion towards her is a significantly encouraging one.

Table of Contents Introduction Need for the Study Purpose of the Study
Research Questions Procedures Research Hypotheses Review of Literature EA Today The Impact of Advertisement The Importance of the Visual Image in Advertisements The Womens Image in the Visual Advertisements Methodology Reliability

Data Collection Procedures Results Data Analysis Discussion and Conclusion Discussion of Results Recommendations

Content Analysis
Women play a very integral part in our society today. It would be instrumental to posit that, equally, they bear the blunt edge of the community in as far as their feminine status is concerned. Hence, it is that angle that most businessmen treat women often treated women as a disposable commodity. This can be attested by the fact that, due to low literacy levels in the East African region, most media establishment and blue chip companies, took advantage of this state to boost their businesses through the use of feministic symbolism in mass media.

Need for the Study             
Subsequently, the manner the women reacts to the diverse aspects of advertisements in both print and electronic media, raises a need to carry out considerable and concentrated studies in relation to the impact of the advertisements. More so, another equally important factor that, also contributes to the need of instigating this study is to determine why women from all social spheres are intricately influenced by the exploding waves of both medium of communication which happens to entail both radio, TV and newspaper adverts which are well balanced and creatively done to be catchy.

Purpose of the Study
In essence, the purpose of this research is to establish why women and not men are the subject of target by the advertisers, and whether this trend is in any way manifesting itself in a manner that women stand to benefit, in as far as economic, social and political aspects are concerned.
East African community information media is typically depicted as an establishment founded on a pathetic economic foundation all through the East and Central Africa. For instance, most commercial newspapers were established when countrywide earnings and populations were at their developing stage, as well as when the literacy and academic  rates were squat as a consequence, both advertising proceeds and mass-circulation transactions (the two principle sources of marketable newspaper revenues in another place), were controlled.

Even after pre-colonial and post colonial era, as the financial systems benefit from a novel level of affluence, advertising stayed adequately insignificant to most East African investors, and did not emerge to symbolize a feasible opportunity of income generation in the reticent circulation press, to facilitate newspaper printers to create scores of advertisements. However, due to the aspect of employing of women in their various commercial adverts, women are seen to be heavily affected by the broad scope of advertisement. Thus, exploring the various elements employed in both print and electronic media in relation to advertisement, one cannot fail to understand why women are the most available and easily molded components of advertisements.

Research Questions Why women not men are being influenced by the emerging advertising themes and concepts

To understand this whole concept it will be paramount to reflect on importance of advertising as well as the impacts of it both positively and negatively.  It should be known that in any given society advertising g plays a very significant role in as far as marketing is concerned.  Therefore, the best process or procedure to explain this phenomenon can be only defined by employing either qualitative or quantitative mechanisms.  This can be attributed to the fact that, a number of leading corporations have been seen to be employing women in their campaigns for hunting new clients as well as seeking new markets.  Some of these corporations who include both local and international enterprises have significantly utilized the broad concept of advertising to create new market. 

Thus, by examining g both local and regional statistics pertaining to the involvement of women in advertisement who would help to reflect the ratio of women participation in this trend as well as establish the influence this phenomenon may enact on the society an in particular women. 

Thus, the basic procedures would be to entail the concept of employing both qualitative and quantitative procedures.  Despite that, it should be noted that the achievement of women are not reflected in the advertisement.  It is on that ground I desire to assert that, the use of empirical studies on both primary and secondary information which is both available and accessible, have to be considered in relation to women reflection(s) advertisements content.

Research Hypothesis
Advertisement plays a very crucial role in as far as market integrations are concerned.  However, their substance greatly or significantly affects the manner women react to particular circum stances.  Therefore, the manner these radio, TV and print advertisements are designed and presented, tend to profoundly affect women.  This is been attributed to the fact that, the involved firms employ role models or caption that are distinctively famine in nature.

Literature Review
A number of journals have by far been published in regard to the nature and mood of advertisement in Eastern Africa.  Some of these journals have candidly presented a crisp picture of the role and importance of both print and electronic commercials in relation to the famine world.  It should be known that previously the East African community was enveloped by a cloud of poor economic infrastructure, this vehemently contributed to the manner women expressed themselves.  According to the recent studies it was established that women have evolved from being house wives and joined the rank with male counterparts in the competitive market.  Some social scholars attributes this to the image presented by the female models on the diverse commercials.  Thus, from such a con text many young women in both rural and urban settings have opted to discard their traditional way of life in order to embrace the fast changing world.

Therefore, by examining g the broad scope of women in East Africa, as is evidenced by the recent media research, advertisement contents have also equally provided a venue by which women have began to accept and appreciate their feminism.  Due to such compelling in stances, major advertising houses are equally appreciating the role of women.  This infers that as is witnessed in such commercials as Tuskers adverts which is carried by media house in Kenya, where a woman is depicted celebrating her success in long distance learning.  Thus, it can be construed that, adverts in both print and electronic media are helping to polish and present the real picture of a woman positively.

Hence, it is on such an observation that, these women who have managed to acquire education are employing media factors such as the advertisements in order to reach to other women and inspire them to seek education.  Thus, according to the East African media council, advertising has proved to be one of the profound procedures of influencing g an d encouraging g women to seek greater an d broader opportunities in the society.

All in all, as is today most women do accept that a positive image generated from a renowned female is predominantly encouraging.  This is supported by the fact that women have a tendency to be inspired by their own.  Thus the East African women have experienced the inspirational impact of advertisement and this has subsequently changed their opinion on life.

East Africa Today
Unlike the past two or three decades ago, the growth of digital communicant has significantly revolutionalized the world of women in East Africa.  It should be noted that, previously, women rarely got any recognition in any given social ranks.  However, the emergency of radio, TV and newspapers has overseen women moving in the prestigious ranks in the society.  Thus, exploring the Eastern African states on cannot fail to see the dissimilar lifestyles being exhibited.  Nevertheless, the predominant factors tend to dictate that what is happening in Nairobi a major cosmopolitan city in East Africa tremendously determines the diverse social and economic development which equally affects all aspects of advertisements.

Therefore, pertaining to the scope and growth of media, women can be said to have significantly benefited.  Also, other forms of investment s have favoured women.  This can be evidenced by the number of adverts which are presented depicting the illustrious nature of women,  subsequently, these factors, can be said to be core factors behind the feminist explosion of women movement in Eastern African states.

For instance, exploring almost all major cities which include Nairobi, Kampala and Dar salaam, among others, women seem to be taking the queue from men, hence advancing their course.  It can be argued that the introduction of mass media in pre-colonial East Africa have significantly contributed to the manner advertisers approaches women as well as issues affecting their plight.  This same principal can be said to be the same factor and procedure employed in post-colonial East Africa to influence women through radio, TV, billboards and print advertisement.  Therefore, I am of the opinion that African women today are more en lightened and have a broader opinion of other aspects of life due to diverse challenges present ed or solved through exposure to media content encompassed by advertising.

The Impact of Advertisement
Exploring the diverse cultures and traditions present in East Africa, media has played an integral role in changing g the face of women.  This can be attributed to the fact that, without media, exposure could be decimal, however after the introduction of broadcasting as well as publishing, most firms embraced this concept, hence, advertising g became one of the most widely explored aspects of commercial journalism (McMillan 2001).  This infers that, women who lacked exposure experienced a new awakening due to the new levels which arose as a result of advertisements.  Thus, the impact of advertisement cannot be ignored.  However, it should be noted, what is happening today pertaining to women can be attributed to the diverse contents offered by dissimilar themes and contents.

Its fundamental, to assert, women in all walks here in one way or the other influenced by the diverse aspects of advertisement.  Thus, equally, have attributed in the manner diverse aspects of advertisement.  Thus equally have attributed in the manner diverse markets have been affected.

Visual Images in Advertisements
Visual images in advertisement plays a very profound role, this is due to the fact that, unlike in both radio and newspapers, virtual images presents a real image of a real person in real time, and this concept has been exploited by advertisers when creating diverse adverts in order bombard the subconscious mind of the East African women with images which are hard to forget or wish away.  The importance of this element in advertisements lies in that, it is the most effective and the positive results are almost instant.

Womens Image
Unlike in any other part of the world, East African women are depicted as strong, sexy and motherly in almost all adverts present in East Africa.  Consider the fact that, in Africa women are viewed as the source of life, thus any serious advertise ought to present a strong, positive and encouraging g image of the women (Popham 1998).  Thus, the East African women image in the scope of virtual context can be said to positively and convincing.  Hence, this infers why all products must be in one way or the other linked to women.  So, the image presented, is an image of a woman who is independent and confident.

Various empirical studies on the effect and impact of advertisement on women have been carried out by diverse scholars, though some of the elements covered involved dissimilar derivatives, more than a thousand women have been approached and examined in all three East African states.
Thus, the examination method applied in this research involved the collation of data through the scrutiny of the annual total of diverse commercials and adverts carried in all media and creative houses in East Africa.  Therefore, the application of this research method minimizes the hazards of non response firms.  Equally, consistent with former researches, its evident, multi approach which entails employing, case studies, qualitative and quantitative research procedures provides, a coherent picture of the information needed.

Data Collection Procedures           
Data collection is paramount in that, it helps in providing the basic aspects of the subject being analyzed. Therefore, in this case it would paramount to assert that, the data collecting procedures would entail employing such parameters as interviews, questionnaires, observations, case studies as well as examining diverse portfolios in order to gain access to both primary and secondary information. The aim of employing multiple data collecting procedures can be allied to the fact that, in order to under the entire scope of advertising and the impact it has on women, statistical accuracy must be guaranteed

Reliability Test
In practice, there are four major classes of reliability estimates and all presents the given estimates in dissimilar proportions. However, in regard to this observation it would be instrumental to employ the aspects of  internal consistency reliability, the rationale behind this scope can be linked to the fact that, We are staring at how constant the domino effects are for dissimilar objects for the identical make within the gauge. For instance, the standard inter-item correlation utilizes all of the subjects on our apparatus that are premeditated to determine the equal construct as is evidenced by Anastasi (1988) in the following diagram.

In the illustration, we discover a standard inter-item correspondence of .90 with the character correlations variance of .84 to .95 (Anastasi 1988).

After examining the diverse and dissimilar responses from the respondents and other sources, the results are supposed to reflect on the entire scope of advertisement in east Africa. This would help to establish whether the said advertisements have positively or negatively impacted on women and more define the right cause of action.

Data Analysis         
Due to the nature of this study, qualitative data analysis would be employed to examine text, photographs, interviews as well as field notes including observations among other issues. The importance of this procedure would help to reflect on the scope of advertisement in relation to modern eastern African woman compared to those in pre colonial era (Lyman 1993).

Discussion and Conclusion         
East Africa is one of the pivotal economies of Africa, however due to its cultural diversity and low literacy levels women have overtime been denied a chance to advance in various economic, political and social aspects. However, it is fundamental to aver that, the emergence of commercial media which popularized the scope of advertisement played a significant role in enlightening the feminine. Hence, evolutionizing their scope of the world and giving them an equal opportunity as men.

Discussion of Results             
In essence, the results depicts a clear picture of how the emergence of competitive media changed the entire scope of women in east Africa. This, posits that, through the use of famous role models, the east African females can be said to have desired to imitate the women on diverse popular adverts presented in various publications as well as in radio and TV,hence,planting a seed to seek more glory (Nunnally 1967).

The advertisers have to change their tactics due to the emerging trends and challenges in the market. Though some of these adverts depict women as commodities, it is high time women should be treated with dignity rather than be seen as objects of sex or commercial catalysts to boost market sales.


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