Technology and You

Technology can be construed to mean the application of scientific advances to impact the lives of the people. Over the years, changes and improvements in technology have brought a great revolution in the society. Most notably, communication technology has taken the greatest leap forward in changing the way of life in our society. Talking to a friend on the other side of the earth was at one time an effort that would take days if not weeks. With the rise of wireless communication and the mobile phones, the world has made a great stride in connecting people and making life better. More and more, improvements in communication technology are changing the way people relate and behave. The advantages that the mobile phone and other gadgets have brought into the society are phenomenal.

However, just like any other technological change, there come with it serious consequences to the society. In light of this view, this paper describes the revolutions and changes, good and bad that mobile gadgets have impacted in the society

According to the International Telecommunication union, by the year 1990, there were about 11 million mobile phone subscribers globally. By the year 2000, the number of subscribers had exceeded 550 million. Today, more than half of the worlds population, about 4.2 billion people have access to a mobile phone (ITU, n.d). Without doubt, the exponential rise in mobile subscribers has been due to the enormous advantages offered by a mobile phone. A mobile phone offers great convenience in communication. Over the last fifteen years when mobile phones hit the streets, communication has ever been easier. Gone are the days when the most appropriate mode of communication was sending letters which would take more than a week before getting a reply. Today, talking to friends and family across geographies and at anytime is just a touch of a button away. Communication has become easier such that I can call to wish my friend in London a goodnight before she goes to bed.

Mobile phones have evolved from only being a voice communication device to a converged services gadget. By integrating computing capabilities in the mobile phone, one can now watch videos, listen to music and play games. This is still a fraction of how a mobile phone has transformed life. All my calendar schedules are now in my mobile phone with reminders. I set appointments with my doctor, the date and time my class assignments are due and my plans for the day, all in my mobile phone. Today, if I am late to get home, my parents are not worried even if I do not show up for a few days because we are always in constant touch and therefore they are always informed about my whereabouts.

What I think is one of the driving forces behind popularity of mobile phones is their convenience. Unlike the days when you had to be near a telephone booth to make or receive a call, today you can call anyone at anytime from anywhere if they have a mobile phone. It has now become easier to communicate without disrupting a busy schedule. By using a Bluetooth earpiece device, I can make a call and discuss a serious matter when driving. When I want to trace someone, I do not need to walk around asking everyone whether they have seen so and so. Instead, I just pick my cell phone and call them up. When I am in a busy street and it happens that I get lost, I would just call for help and someone would come and pick me up. Mobile phones have gone a long way to assist people in times of disaster and emergencies.

Recent technological innovations have transformed mobile phones to be handheld computers. For instance, iphones and other smart phones with full internet connectivity have completely reshaped our social and personal lives. With instant messaging and social networking sites such as twitter, I can connect and chat with my friends at the comfort of my bed. The capacity to be connected to the internet has enabled subscribers to send and receive emails on their phone, making it very easy to work from home. It is now convenient to receive class assignment via email, complete the assignments and hand them in through email. With my blackberry, I can create a PowerPoint presentation, save it, and with a Bluetooth enabled projector, I can make a presentation without the need to carry a laptop. Moreover, I can talk to my friends while seeing them on my phone as if we are making a face to face conversation. Above all that, education has also been brought near. It is now possible to download an e-book and read it over the mobile phone from anywhere.

Despite bringing comfort and convenience, the advancement of mobile phone technology has various negative outlooks. Today, almost all mobile phones are equipped with camera and video recording capability. Abuse of this technology would greatly compromise the privacy of individuals especially when they get recorded without knowledge or consent. It is now common to see mobile videos on television that may be damaging to a persons integrity and personality. With the increase in the number of mobile phones in our society, sometimes it is turning out to become a nuisance. For example, at times in a classroom, cell phones would ring almost simultaneously causing a great distraction to the owner of the phone as well as his colleagues. Without strict lecturers, there is usually constant walk in and walk out of lectures to pick phone calls which create a mess in a lecture hall. 

Cheating in exams has become rampant as a result of this technology. It is as easy to google anything in an exam room as when seated in a park if there is no one watching you. This is such a negative use and abuse of technology as it breeds laziness and earning of dishonest grades. Although it seems a very easy way of earning good grades, eventually, facts catch up with you that despite a good transcript, the content gained is surprisingly less. Apart from the classroom woes, cell phones and smart phones have become the largest time consumer especially among teenagers and young adults. Playing games, watching videos, surfing the internet and spending time on twitter has become addictive. It is easier now to see young people clutched to their phone than it is to see them on the field playing or discussing class work. In addition, mobile phones have also created conflict in the family. A parent may try in vain to demand attention of the child who is glued to their mobile gadget probably chatting with a friend.
The cell phones that we now cannot do without are gradually becoming a health as well as a security risk. Cases have been reported of muggers and crooked fellows extorting money from unsuspecting people. They pull this off by stealing phones and using the phone contacts to call and demand money from the family and friends of the victim. Serious health risks are also associated to the mobile phones.  Researchers have associated exposure to radiations from mobile phones to brain damage, including the Alzheimers disease. Cell phone towers emit radiations that compromise the health of people living nearby. Their ever increasing numbers not only increase chances of harmful effects but also they affect the aesthetic value of our cities.

It is with no doubt that there is nothing to stop advancement in technology. We have covered great strides in improving communication with the whole world becoming a digital village. Communication being one of the most important factors of development has facilitated lives to change dramatically. However, with all the good stuff that mobile communication has brought, we have to live with the consequences. Cell phones have brought great social and cultural transformations and the implications can be witnessed everywhere (Goggin, Routledge, 2006). It is fun and convenient to own and use a mobile phone, but to minimize the harmful effects of this technology would be prudent to advance in moderation. As always, the effects of any tool lies with the user. Mobile phones are tools whose effect is determined by those using it.


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