Abuse of steroids

Any mention of steroids is always accompanied by the reason behind particular athlete  whether in college are famous for hitting so many runs, running fast or the reason they undertake numerous tackles.  Stories about college students, athletes and steroids pop up regularly in our news.  Some major schools, professional cyclists, baseball players and track stars have admitted to the use of steroids in order to give them edge competition. Steroid use has attracted young college athletes who get pressure to be fast and strong in order to make it to college leagues. Steroids have always promised some bold impact but there is less proof on their long term benefits. Steroids have always been used by students and sport players until 1950s though they were no  abuse until 1980s (Gen, James  Harrison, 2009). Steroids are now known to be a widespread dangerous and addictive substance which is no longer used to boost the strength and size of athletes and young people (Kale, Lizette  Andrew, 1999). 

Studies show that millions of men and boys mostly in the western countries are abusing AAS in order to boost their sport performance as well as Physical appearance (Gen et al, 2009). However the use of substance among women as well as girls is reduced (Gen et al, 2009). Though use of steroids and substance abuse enhance performance, it has adverse health effects.

Steroids have been widely used by college athletes and professionals to improve their athletic aptitude by amplifying their strength and size. In a study done to a population of 853 male students in southern state revealed that 11 were using anabolic steroids (Johnson, Jay, Shoup  Rickert, n.d). It was also noted that most of them used without having full comprehension of the risks associated with this behavior.

Since the year 1980, drug use in colleges and high school has become a common phenomenon and a prominent issue. New Jersey, Florida and Texas have authorized programs for drug testing in school athletes (Gary, 2007). In 2004, President Bush gave a speech on use of steroids. He said the following
The use of performance enhancing drugs like steroidssend the wrong message. It shows that there are shortcuts to accomplishments. It shows that performance is more important than character. So get tough and get rid of steroids now (Gary, 2007).

It is complex to get a precise estimation of how many people use steroids because it is unlikely for college athletes who want to appear popular among their colleagues to admit of using it (Feinberg, 2009). However in a poll that was done among 198 Olympic athletes showed that more than 98 would take illegal drugs to enhance their performance (Feinberg, 2009).  Half of them admitted they would take the drugs incase it would guarantee them victory for around 5 years (Feinberg, 2009). Research shows that students who engage in this illegal act, 50 of them who are not involved are usually angered by this act but only 1 would report incidences of such incidents (Fenberg, 2009).

The use of steroids and doping in sports has been in the limelight for quite some time. This has been a growing concern among many people. In a recent study done it showed that people had very negative attitudes on people who used steroids and have recommended for the suspension of athletes who use it and heavy punishments for college students calling upon parents intervention in the life of their college children (Feinberg, 2009).  Steroids are alleged to have grave side effects and for resulting into permanent, unforgiving damages. Steroids are completely risky drugs and when they are used inappropriately, they result to some irreversible side effects. They stunt adolescents height and alter the sex characteristics.

There are vast harmful medical effects that are associated with use steroids abuse.  They lead to kidney failure, heart attacks, liver tumors, strokes, kidney failure and psychiatric problems (Jan, Antoon and Fred, 2010). Also due to the fact that they are injected, the users are at risk of contracting hepatitis or HIV. When steroids are consumed in supraphysiologic amounts, it amounts to cardiovascular toxicity (Gen et al, 2009). Some of its other effects are associated with violence or aggression and depressive signs during its withdrawal (Gen et al, 2009). Steroids also cause dependence syndrome that poses health problems in the future of the college athletes.

The abuse of steroids can be linked with college students who usually have a very low self esteem, suffered from physical hostility and have a conduct disorder (Jan et al, 2010). In a study done among 1422, students it showed that 4.7 of men as compared to 2.9 of female were using abusing steroids (Robert, Carolyn, Chetl and Vaughn, 2005). Among them were other drugs like cigarettes, marijuana, cocaine and injectable drugs (Robert et al, 2005). 

Health care providers ought to be more knowledgeable on steroids and be in a position to educate the young people on the deleterious impacts of steroids. The media should also be more authentic in analyzing the use of steroids by not only concentrating on the use but also on the effects of these agents. There needs to be rational analysis and recommendations on how the dangers of using steroids can be reduced to prevent the college students to fall prey of the adverse effects of substance use. Programs to counsel people on the dangerous effects of steroids should be put in place in schools as most of the college students are not aware of the risk that is associated with the use of this substance. It is patent that the uses of steroids cause more harm than good. It is therefore advisable for stricter rules to be put in place for those using steroids both in schools and national wide.


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