Written communication and social networking

The purpose of the study is to investigate the reasons of transliteration use among Arabic speakers via social networks. The study was carried out electronically, namely, e-mails that were sent to ten different participants. Each interviewee received seven questions that pertains their use of transliteration and the main reasons for it. The results show that most of the subjects transliterate because of efficiency in use and socialization purposes. This research will help me find out whether Arab youth and Saudi in particular are diverging from their own language due to the proliferation of western technology.

Chapter 1 Introduction
The use of language in the technically advancing social networking system has been transforming towards unexpected level. The transliteration is not a new term but however this has become a common and popular thing for those who are using internet for communication and social networking. This paper covers the transliteration in the Saudi Arabian young populations context. Transliteration is the process of using the English alphabet to write in the Arabic language.

Research Background
Today, it has become good trend increasing on social networks sites for emphasizing the use of transliteration in the world. In Saudi Arabia, the use of Arabic copied out by English vocabularies is broadly taking place among young adults. It is true that the language is the essence of socializing and communication in all cultures. It is the fundamental means that people use to say themselves and to communicate with each other. It has been argued in all aspects of culture that languages perfection is essential to develop the culture in general. (Sapir, 43).Therefore,Language is where forms of social organization are produced and disputed at the same time where peoples cultural identities come into existence. Talbot, Atkinson  Altkinson, (2003) studied the effect, language constitutes realities and identities

Since language is a medium to socialize and it helps people to involve in different kinds of the life and community of culture across the horizontal axis of special space- and the vertical axis of social and intergenerational time (Suleimsn, 2003) However, thesymbolic function of language is highlighted on both its verbal and its written mark. In way this   symbolic function of language is applied to Arabic language because its script represents a boundary mark. As a matter of fact, Arabic scripthasthe same functionfor example Chinese characters have which is to set up a community that focuses on characters or signs not on sounds. Themes often permeating adolescent blogs include romantic relationships, friends, parents, substance use, sexuality, popular culture, eating disorders, school, depression, conflicts, self-expression, and self-harm (Mazur, 2005 Whitlock, Powers, (Williams  Merten, 2008).One point should note  that the tags represent here are all in English but on some sites (particularly on Technorati) other languages are also used. Many tagging sites which cater to other languages for instance ,French and Japanese  Many such sites make use of RSS (Really Simple Syndication) to notify interested users of changes and new developments. In flicker, RSS feeds can be attached to individual tags or to photos and discussions. In addition to RSS, flicker and other social networking sites typically offer functions such as search (for users and tags), comments (and comment trails), and APIs (application program interfaces) for posting to or from the tools, used especially in combination with blogs. An interesting use of RSS in combination with tagging is at the Flashcard exchange, where, for example, one can view or subscribe to all flashcards posted for learning Spanish (or other languages). (Godwin-Jones, 2006)

Research Problem
Inrecent years,an increasing trend on social networks emphasizes the use of transliteration. Thus,this paper looks into the reasons of this emerging trend and why is it chosen among youth who communicate through social networks. It is not surprising to use English alphabets to form English words, however, it is confusing and fascinating to see these young adults use these alphabetsto form their native language and effectively communicate among each other. English word of hello is in Arabic Marhaba. There are many words in Arabic like Ezayek (How are you), in shaa Allah (God willing) and many more. Often, Language and nationalism are related together as a maker of its identity. In additional, they connect in different avenues.

Research Purpose and Objectives
The research purpose is to investigate the reasons of transliteration usage among Arab Youth via social networks.

Research Questions
The research questions of the study are as follow

How prevalent is transliteration usage in social networking by Saudi Arabian youth
This question is aimed at understanding how common is the usage of transliteration in the social networking websites by the youth of Saudi Arabia.

Why do Saudi Arabian youth use transliteration in social networking
This question allowed finding the reasons of transliteration usage in the social networking websites.
There can be different reasons for using transliteration in social networking websites. This question aimed at finding out about these reasons of transliteration usage.

Does this usage seem to be affecting their use of their native language and use of English in other contexts
This question helps in understanding different aspects of native language and compares it with English in the social networking context.

Do the Saudi Arabian youth who use transliteration in social networking feel it affects their linguistic group identity Why or why not
This question helps in understanding the pattern of use of transliteration. The role of Linguistic group identity is affected.

Research Method
The research method is based on mixed approach of using quantitative and qualitative data. The data is collected from the target population through a structured questionnaire in which respondents were asked different types of open ended and close ended questions. The attitude and views regarding different research aspects have been asked to the respondents.

Research Limitations and Assumptions
Time has been the major limiting factor for this study. The topic of the study is broad and has different perspectives attached to it. The research assumption is that the respondents who have responded are the target audience of the research.

Definition of Terms
Online research Online research is the research based on the internet. This has become a common and quick mode of data collection. However the limitation of this platform is that the response rates are usually very limited and this is based on the assumption that the target population is responding for the research.

Linguistic Group Identity This signified the identity of a group based on the language group members speak. People from the similar lingual background form a linguistic group and that particular language spoken by them becomes their group identity.

This is the use of one language to communicate in other language i.e. using English letters to expressing Arabic words.

Structure of Paper
The paper is broadly divided into five chapters of introduction, literature review, research methodology, research findings and conclusion. The literature review section covers various aspects of the linguistic group identity, transliteration, technology and communication and many others. This is followed by the research methodology section where the procedure of research has been discussed. The research findings section is the presentation of data collected though the online survey. This is followed by the discussion and conclusion section.

2 Literature Review
This chapter covers various aspects of the literature on different topics of language, culture and social networking websites.

Saudi Arabian Youth and Popular Media
According to the World Bank World development indicators, the number of internet users in Saudi Arabia has increased exponentially in last one decade. The growth rate of the growth of internet users has been high from the year 2005 to till data. The major part of the growing internet user consists of the youngsters. The popularity of the email, chatting and social networking websites have increased tremendously in the recent past.

Language and globalization
Language is a medium of communication. It is good medium for expressing, telling and sharing in anywhere in the world. In the age of globalization English has become good medium in the communication process. In Saudi Arabia there are only two languages Arabic and English. Arabic is native language and English is using for professional and personal.

Themes often permeating adolescent blogs include romantic relationships, friends, parents, substance use, sexuality, popular culture, eating disorders, school, depression, conflicts, self-expression, and self-harm (Mazur, 2005 Whitlock, Powers as cited by Williams  Merten, 2008)

Language definitions
Language is a medium of communication, expression and sharing of various thoughts, emotions, feelings and moments with others. Language allows people to express and this is one of the strongest reasons for human evolution. There are hundreds of languages spoken, written and taught all over the world. The geographic and regional differences can be seen in the same language. The most common example is English which is spoken and written differently in USA, UK, Australia or other countries. There are various forms of English all over the world. However, it is not a major problem for a person knowing English to communicate in US or UK. However, it is a major problem for a person speaking Arabic only to understand English. However, the hard truth is that English language is used in all social sites in the world. In some nation the people are able to use social sites in their native language. The users search their own native language and communicative language.

Since English is an international language and the most spoken language over the whole world, globalization can only take place with better communication among people. According to Qi (2009), language is considered international when it is used as a foreign language or second language, in other words, the language of international communication. Thus, when a particular language is spoken in high percentage of native speakers, and it is spoken by a high percentage of speakers of other languages, it is considered international because of its dominance. This fact applies to English language because it has a local and global sense

Information and communication technologies are having a profound affect on all aspects of language use, especially in written communication. The purposes of writing, the genres of written communication, and the nature of audience and author are all changing rapidly with the diffusion of computer-mediated communication, both for first and second language writers.  (Warschauer, 2007)
There are different studies conducted to understand the role of language in different sphere of society. Language is cultural indicator of a society. This provides cultural identity to the people using it.  Since language is medium to socialize, it helps people to engage in the life and community of culture across the horizontal axis of special space- and the vertical axis of social and intergenerational time (Suleimsn, 2003) However, thesymbolic function of language is focused on both its verbal horizontal and its written mark. However, this symbolic function of language is applied to Arabic language because its script represents a boundary mark. As a matter of fact, Arabic scripthasthe same functionthat Chinese characters has which is to establish a community that focus on characters or signs not on sounds (Sulieman, 2003).

Arabic is mainly powerful vehicle for expressing, sharing and feelings their most personal thoughts and ideas. Thus, their use of Arabic shows the appropriation of technology toward a peoples own communicative purposes. On the other hand, the continued encroachment of English on the prestigious realms of language use in business, commerce, and academia bolster now by online communications could be viewed as a threat to the national language and values. While the informants in this particular study most of whom have been absorbed in English language environment for years, did not express this concern, press reports indicate that many other Egyptians are worried about the future status of Classical Arabic English (e.g., Fawzy, 1999 Hassan, 1999 Howeidy, 1999). This could portend a class split, suggested by Haeri (1997), with the elite continuing to gravitate toward English as their prestige language, while the lower-middle class excels in Classical Arabic.

The inception of new medium of human communication, Social Networking sites is an important long terms effect on language use. It is so early to say what will be impact The trends has discussed regarding this complicated them on the social network sites. If it is prove to be not permanent like the development and flow of Arabic language software and operating system bolsters the use of Arabic .However, language use online Arabia will be shaped not just by the technical capacities that technology enables, but also by the social systems that technology encompasses. Castells (1996 1997) and others (Barber, 1995 Friedman, 1999) have stated that the major social dynamic shaping international media and communication in this age of information is the contradiction between global networks and local identities.

On the other side, It is surprising that the continue encroachment of English on the prestigious realms of language using in business, commerce, and academia bolstered now by Social networking sites. It is viewing as a threat to Arabic language and its values (Warschauer et al, 2002).

Linguistic group identity
Language is measurement of the group identity. Language is the parameter   gives you a certificate for your identity. In Saudi Arabia, Arabic, The main and official language is spoken by the people of Saudi Arabia. Professional people are using English language in Saudi Arabia and most of them using in trading, business and .There are some regional languages like Urdu, Turkish and Farsi. Arabic and English are the main languages for the users of social network sites in this country.      

Technology and Written Communication
There have been various developments in the technology and this has changed the way people have been communicating with each other traditionally. However, recent studies show that the development of technology (i.e., computer, internet and cell phones) has made important changes in written communication such as why and how people communicate through writing.  (Cummins  Davison, 2007) Social network outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and MSN help connect people of different language and races (Ellison, Steinfield  Lampe, 2007).

Working with online media is quite different in this respect from reading a book. One need only consider the experience of using a news-feed collector which accumulates RSS feeds from multiple sources. The subject may change from paragraph to paragraph and, depending on the students interest level, the text feed might be scanned, the entire post might be read, or the student might go to the Web site to see the text in context, to read more, or to write a comment (Godwin-Jones, 2006)
Cummins  Davison (2007) have listed number of ways internet and technology has been used. This includes the writing of short forms and numeric representations (Thx, u, too2, for4), repeated letters (ooooops) or repeated punctuation marks (hey) for a prosodic affect using capitals (I SAID SO) or using extra space (w h y n o t) or using asterisks (the real effect) for emphasis, using emoticons or smileyes for expressing feelings(, using abbreviations or acronyms lol laughing out loud, ASL Age, sex and language in the chat forums, using and abbreviated and informal language (where r ya from) and many others.

According to Kirschenbaum  Wintner (2009), transliteration is a method of changing words in one language into their accurate spelling and phonetic analogous in another language. It outlines for a source of language and a target language. These two languages may distinct in their orthographic and phonological systems.

The interest in the transliteration has grown recently particularly in the domain of Machine Translation. (Kirschenbaum  Wintner, 2009). In this machine, names a cross languages have been transcribed while preserving its phonetic inventories. (Bellare  Crammer, 2009). The purpose of the transliteration and its machines are to translate proper names and technical terminologies in order to benefit cross- language information retrieval (Bellare  Crammer, 2009) and to handles those terms where no translation would suffice or even exist

There is a clear social dimension to electronic literacy reading and writing on-line are often collaborative activities. As educators we not only need to facilitate literacy skills in this new environment, we also need to be creating language learning media or applications which mirror the kind of online world students experience--student-centered with collaborative opportunities, allowing plenty of space for creative and reflective processes. (Godwin-Jones, 2006)

In Saudi Arabia, Arabic language is mainly so very interesting for them who are the native speaker. They feel proud whiling using Arabic language because it is an instructional language in all religious activities. The Quran holy book of Islam is in Arabic script. All religious activities are conducted in only Arabic Language. In Social Sites People have different views in accessing method in English and Arabic language. Some people have different attitude about the conflict of language like English via Arabic language. The using of Arabic language can make maintain Islamic culture among the youth in Saudi Arabia.

Instead of making and acting on assumptions about communication norms, students need to openly discuss their expectations of linguistic and grammatical accuracy, message length, and response time. For example, teachers can draw students attention to how online writing in a classroom differs significantly from online writing in non-classroom situations. In asking students, for example, to consider how netiquette norms favor brevity in online communication (Ware, 2005).

In Saudia Arabia the accuracy in Arabic language is big problem for the Arabian Youth in connecting with Social sites. They feel comfort in using English alphabet. Teachers can introduce the notion of netiquette stances that value intercultural engagement. As ODowd (2003) argues, If students are to learn anything more than superficial knowledge about the target culture (p.138), then they must be willing to take such an intercultural stance. As this study has shown, such online stances may well necessitate flouting the norms of informal email communication that favor brevity and instead expect longer messages that require greater time commitments. (Ware, 2005)

Mostly it is seen that whiling online chatting use informal language in English due to easily alphabetic accessibility. Language is the essence of socializing and communication in all cultures and it is an indicator of cultural identity. It is the fundamental means that people use to express themselves and to communicate with each other. It is known in all aspects of culture that languages perfection is essential to develop the culture in general. (Sapir, 43). Therefore,Language is where forms of social organization are produced, and disputed, and at the same time where peoples cultural identities come into existence. In effect, language constitutes realities and identities. (Talbot, Atkinson  Altkinson, 2003).

In Saudi Arabia, Arabic is a dominant language entire all parts of the country. All kinds of the group who belong to urban and rural prefer Arabic language. If they are using Social sites for chatting, entertaining and may be a lot form of communications, use English script but words are in Arabic language. Mostly Islamic nations follow Arabic language rather than English. The Survey reveals that the youth and young generation embracing English language. People have different points view about accessing Social sites. It is common that how to use and which medium is good for you and your friend. Suppose you are using Arabic words in English alphabet. If the user is comfort to understand Arabic language but other side the receiver does not know Arabic. In this way your communication can not completed. In Saudi Arabia mostly youngsters are not familiar Arabic alphabet. Among them one group thinks if I will not use Arabic script then the popularity and identity of this language can be destroyed by the people. On one hand Arabic language is the sign of Islamic nation other side we use English language for promoting personal and professional talk in the glob.

Affects on native and second language learningusage-
In Saudi Arabia, Arabic is main and widely spoken language in nook and corner of the country. The main instructions language in primary school and religious institutions is Arabic. The native speakers are only communicating in Arabic language. The development and progressive views, English appears here professional language that has become the best language for connecting with social sites in anywhere and from anywhere.    

Affects on identity Saudi Arabia knows its identity for religious and hub for modern industry in the world. Here, Social network sites are the strongest communication method for connecting to the world. English and Arabic are communicable language in this nation. A survey reveal shows the people want to keep alive culture and rich language among new generation for Islamic identification in the world. The youth and professional people use English language for broadly access Social sites in the globally level. Any how the people of this nation want to retain its identity in the world.

English is hurdle in the development of Arabian language. In Saudi Arabia most of the youth are using English language for exercising Social sites. In this condition they are hugging and embracing English language instead of native language. Gradually they forget Arabic alphabet and one day will come perish this language. Keep writing and use Arabic medium of communication particular in Social networking site. In this way you can spread this message for adopting as mother language in all Islamic nations. It is clear that language can keep alive your culture. If you are in touch of your language then your identity can influence other culture.          

 Chapter 2 Research Methodology
The research has been conducted with the help of structured questionnaire posted on online research website monkeysurvey.com. The respondents were requested to fill the forms by posting the link of the questionnaire at various social networking websites. These were the target audience for the research. The survey was closed when we received responses from hundred respondents.  There are various advantages of the quantitative research used in this process. According to Cresswell (2003)
A quantitative approach is one in which the investigator primarily uses post positivist claims for developing knowledge (i.e. cause and effect thinking, reduction to specific variables and hypotheses and questions, use of measurement and observation, and the test of theories).

Research Procedure A survey approach will be used as the research method. Researcher posted the survey link on my Facebook profile. The survey link was created on Survey Monkey. Researcher has also sent email it to the International Services office at the University in order to ask the staff to e-mail the survey to Saudi Students on campus.  The survey contained inquiries on why do they use English spellings and numbers to write Arabic on social networks.

All the respondents responded through the social networking websites. None of the response came from International Services office at the Universitys staffs.

Validity The standardized questions have been used for this research. The data collection process was online and researcher was not involved in any phase of data collection. The questions were simple and the size of questionnaire was short. The probability of deviation from the outline of the research was very less.

Data Analysis The statistical data has been analyzed with the help of MS Excel software. The graphs and charts are used for presentation of data. The qualitative data has been analyzed by the judgmental ability of the researcher. The findings are presented in the findings section of this paper.

Chapter 3 Research Findings and Discussion
Demographic Details of the Respondents
Sixty two percent of the respondents were male where as remaining thirty eight percent were females.
Figure 1 Gender of the Respondents

Thirteen percent of the total respondents are the people between age group of 17 to 20 years. The maximum numbers of respondents are from the age group of twenty five to thirty years. This is followed by respondents between twenty one to twenty five years of age group.
Figure 2 Distribution of Age

This is clear from the table below, that the respondents use Facebook on a daily basis and the percentage of such respondents are eighty percent. This is followed by Texting that is used by more than thirty percent of respondents. None of the respondent stated that he never use Facebook.

Figure 3 The kinds of Social networking sites in Saudi Arabia

Maximum percent of the respondents use face book almost everyday. This was followed texting used by over thirty five percent respondents. The respondents never using websites like Myspace, Twitter and Yahoo messengers are sixty three, fifty seven and fifty six percent approximately and respectively.

Table 1 What kind of social networks do you use
Never useUse occasionallyUse at least once a weekUse more than once a weekUse DailyRatingAverageResponseCountFacebook0.0 (0)1.4 (1)2.9 (2)15.7 (11)80.0 (56)4.7470Myspace63.2 (12)21.1 (4)10.5 (2)5.3 (1)0.0 (0)1.5819Texting0.0 (0)19.6 (10)29.4 (15)15.7 (8)35.3 (18)3.6751Twitter57.1 (24)26.2 (11)9.5 (4)2.4 (1)4.8 (2)1.7142MSN0.0 (0)11.4 (8)17.1 (12)47.1 (33)24.3 (17)3.8470Yahoo Messenger55.6 (25)26.7 (12)11.1 (5)4.4 (2)2.2 (1)1.7145
The use of English alphabet and numerical symbols by the respondents is presented in the graph below. The number of respondents always use English alphabets are twenty seven percent, whereas respondents using numerical symbols always are above seventeen percent. Only one respondent stated that he uses English alphabets only. Surprisingly the number of respondents never using English alphabets and numerical symbols are nearly sixteen and eight percent respectively.
Figure 4 Use of English alphabet to write in Arabic via social networks

Sixty four percent of the total respondents felt that the English language to write in Arabic influences a persons cultural identity whereas remaining thirty six percent felt that it does not influences a persons cultural identity.

Figure 5 Using English to write in Arabic influences a persons cultural identity

The keyboard difficulties were the most experienced problem for using Arabic in the social sites for the communication.

Table 2 Challenges of Using Arabic
ResponsePercentResponseCountFaster43.634Keyboard difficulties53.842Friends use it43.634
Figure 6 Difficulties of using Arabic for social networking

Table 3 Use of English and impact on Cultural identity
This depends on technology adapted skill and will affect reading, writing, and other literacy skills which is a big part of the Arabic culture. One respondent stated Sometimes I feel we lost our identity because the only thing people can know about us without meeting is the way we communicate. And by communicating in a combination of Arabic language with English alphabet we are not only confusing our self but also other. The other respondent had different view Well, for me a lot of friends use it just coz when writing in Arabic Alphabet most of the words doesnt really reflect I guess on their points. I think it pretty much influences their cultural Identities a lot. For example, Im from Saudi and I have friends from so many different countries. like Kuwait and all of them use English to write in Arabic just because they like it, to show of, and thats how much the English language is used in their daily life. One respondent gave the view regarding the communication problem out of Saudi Arabia if one sticks to the Arabic language only I believe that the form of writing does not reflect anything about the cultural. It is something that a person would get used to it by time. For example, when someone buys a PC outside their country, they wont find their alphabets language on the keyboard. So, they will have either to buy letters to stick them on the keyboard or memorize the Arabic alphabet on their PC. By time they get used on using the English to write in Arabic that it become a habit.

Appendix Table Views on Use of English and impact on Cultural identity provides the complete list of the responses whereas the table below is the selected few responses of this category towards the impact of English use on ones cultural identity. This includes variety of reasons like feeling of forgetting the Arabic writing, holding the cultural identity through the use of language, negative effects on the culture and native language and many others. One respondent felt that the form of language used on the social networking website is just a communicative language not an academic or cultural thing. One of the respondents highlighted the habitual use and its impact on academic writing, It becomes a life style more like a habitual thing that we do unconsciously. One negative influence is the excessive usage of it that sometimes reflect our formal writing (like when we write academic papers)
Different other views are complied in the Appendix section.

The main contextual factor is transliteration usages social networking by Saudi Arabian youth. Social Networking sites have introduced the new ways of socializing and the trends of usage of transliteration. The growth of social connectivity in Saudi Arabia is broadly spreading among the youth and the using of Social Networking sites. The languages commonly used for the communication are English and Arabic.  The number of internet users is increasing in Saudi Arabia. The Most of the young professionals in Saudi Arabia are using social sites either in native language or in English. However the uses of these languages are neither accurate in terms of academic nor in sentence formation or even spelling nor grammar. There are many questions for transliteration in English or Arabic. The Arabic language is cultural identity for some of the respondents whereas for some others it is not. However, maximum number of respondents did not link the culture with the language but the level of comfort they have with English typing. The medium of communication totally depend on the communicator or receiver. Arabic culture will not negatively get affected with the use of either English or Arabic. The language which is commonly used survives and passed through generations. People are comfortable to use English keywords to chatting and communicate. The keyword combinations of the keyboards make it difficult for people to type in Arabic.

The comfort level youth have developed for English typing seems to be more than Arabic at the same time expressions are preferred in Arabic language. This has created enough space for the transliteration among the Arabic youths.

In the research findings, when respondents were asked If you use the English alphabet or numbers to write in Arabic, please indicate below the reasons you do so. They gave various reasons from technical difficulties like use of keyboards to the psychological aspects like status within the friends circle. Irrespective of the age or gender, the preference for language seems to be more due to the level of comfort rather than the cultural or any other aspects of language. People used English alphabets but are communicating in the language expressions they feel comfortable. Arabic language is mainly so very interesting for them who are native speaker. They feel proud using Arabic language because it is instructional language in all religious activities. The holy book Quran is in Arabic script. Most of religious expressions are in Arabic language. For instance, El hamdoulellah means Thank God, In shaa Allah means God willing, Salamt Greetings and many more words. In finally Most of the youth are using Arabic language as social networking sites. Advance software technology is supporting and developing Arabic language. Various studies as discussed in the literature review section revealed that the global networks and local identities have different impact on the communication process.
In that light, it is worthwhile to consider whether the online use of English and Arabic by this small group of Arabian professionals might reflect broader and more enduring social and linguistic shifts.

Chapter 5 Conclusion
In this perspective, English and Arabic are expanded use in Social networking sites. Many of them use both languages at the level of global and local. Theses kind of study shows many witness and interesting knowledgeable information. First study that English is the dominant language used Social networking sites in Saudi Arabia among a particular group of social networking sites reach in Saudi Arabia. Some people are using written form Arabic is also widely used in informal communication by many kinds of group in Saud Arabia. It is believable that the possible meaning of these conclusions is better understood when examined in a broader context of language, technology, and society in Saudi Arabia at globally level. Social networking sites are an important new medium of human communication. The Internet is bound to have an important long-term effect on language use. It is too early to tell what that impact will be. However, language use online, in Saudi and elsewhere, will be shaped not just by the technical capacities that technology enables, but also by the social systems that technology encompasses.

The views given from the respondents on the impact on culture reflect contradictions of thought and ambiguity of ideas. Some of the respondents supporting the use of Arabic were also writing it in English. Hence there own response contradicts their views.

How prevalent is transliteration usage in social networking by Saudi Arabian youth
This question is aimed at understanding how common is the usage of transliteration in the social networking websites by the youth of Saudi Arabia. The first research question was regarding the reason of Saudi Arabian youth using transliteration in social networking. The reasons is ease and convenience. The secondary reasons can be the prestige linked with English and the complications of using Arabic keys on the keyboards. There can be different reasons for using transliteration in social networking websites. This question helped in identifying varieties of reasons of transliteration usage. The second question was if this usage seems to be affecting their use of their native language and use of English in other contexts. Majority of respondents disagreed to the statement. This question helps in understanding different aspects of native language and compares it with English in the social networking context. Saudi Arabian youth responded that Arabic allows them expressing themselves in a better way where as using English for doing the same in the social networking website is matter of comfort.  The linguistic group identity is maintained with the Arabic expression in English as well. The communication is taking place in Arabic, no matter if it expressed using English alphabets or in transliteration form.


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