Which Campaign

This paper is a presentation of advertising and communication campaign for the company Which.  This covers various aspects of the communication strategy for Which using to create awareness and increase the subscription base for Which.

WHICH is the company for product testing and campaigning charity through magazines and websites run by the company. It is previously known as Consumers Association, which is still the official name of the charity. The company works in different fields like review, compare, advise, inform and campaign to make people aware about the product and they can make the fair deal. The company is UK based and engages in the campaigns which are beneficial for the consumer. There are tests carried out on products like electrical goods, cars, computers, health and financial services and supermarkets. Due to testing the issues like reliability and value-for-money got highlighted. Then they publish the results as the reports in the magazines and websites. There are some products tagged by best-buy are well known and respected by industry and consumers. Theres the review site and advice section on website where 450 guides are available on which the consumers can trust.

The magazines of the company also raise the legal issues and publish then to make consumer aware about their legal rights. The company regularly communicates with OFT (Office of Fair Trading) and with the help of this they brought the supercomplaint against the dentist of U.K. To gain the additional subscribers, they have junk mail prize draw schemes and for which they have been criticized. Via free mini guides and trail offers, they started attracting new subscribers. Nowadays this is the largest consumer organization which has more than 1 million consumers.
This paper covers the media campaign for their new feature Which Fitness Expert.

Which Background
In 1957, Mr. Young, the director of research in a volunteer group Benthnal Green, who were working out of a garage in London, has established this. They have started this with the help of prayer which then struck a power chord and that was the first instant success. Due to this consumers became desperate and were ready to pay for the information. After this small success they have attracted 500,000 subscribers, 200 staff and a formidable reputation, that to be in just 10 years. This company doesnt have any shareholders and the business is totally dependent on subscribes and nowadays it is the second largest consumer organization in the world, publishing expert, impartial information to help consumer make the right choice, whatever theyre buying.

The company provides help and advice through magazines and also improves million lives by promoting a range of products across with the help of lobbying decision makers, and working with business industry through magazines. They also expose substandard products and services. The company provides the advices in many areas via different publications like

Good Food Guide for making food.
Which Holiday to plan the holidays.
Which Money to plan for investing the money.
Which Car to plan for buying and selling the automobile.
Tax Handbook which provides information for tax.
And there are many more publications which this company provides. They also provide help through the websites as they have their reports available in Acrobat reader format which can be downloaded by paying in between 1 and 8 and consumers can have the opportunity to get benefitted without monthly subscription.

They have also started making companys complete guide available via street retailers and supermarkets. They have started this with the complete guides of HDTV, Audio and Photography, Greener Driving, and to protect PC. With daily online coverage of Internationale Funkausstellung Berlin (IFA), CEATEC and the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), the experts of this company had covered the major global technology shows.

They have started the publication of magazine of 32 pages which includes the reports on many household things like electric kettles, sunglasses, cake-mixes and British cars etc. In 1961 at 14, Buckingham Street, WC2, they have established the new premises. Till 1987, the basement of Gordons wine bar in Villiers Street was the main centre for editorial, research and publishing activities and then approximately 300 employees moved to 2, Marylebone Road, W1, from where these functions were handled in one properly-designed building.

After a number of years, the marketing department is shifted to different building in Euston Road as the place was too small to occupy the staff of 60 people. The laboratory of the company was put up in residential estate in Harpenden, Herts where testing of consumer goods took place and just close to it the customer service and distribution centre was there at Hertford. Then from 1995-2002, the testing facilities moved to Milton Keynes where the majority of testing activities contracted out. The organization completed its successful 50 years in 2007 and released a nostalgic supplement which was based on the history of the company and then in 2008-09, they were ranked 4th in Media-Newspaper and Magazines and 187th overall, according to Superbrands index.

Internet   penetration has increased the opportunity for people to share information regarding various things. The online reviews given by others they decide to buy the product. For example, to buy a car the person will visit the website first then they go to the dealer where he asks for the expert advice. Consumer can get the reviews and expert advice both via website of Which company. They do all kind of research and testing and then they publish their reports via magazines and websites.

The Target Market 19-30 year Olds
This is an outlined in the creative brief. The target audience identified for the proposed campaign are the consumers between Nineteen to thirty years of age group. However this group can be further divided into two identifiable groups of 19-23 years and 24 to 30 years.

Group A- 19-23 Students, trainees and fresher

24-30 Young Professionals, Dual Income no Kids (DINK) and Young Families with small children usually toddlers

This segmentation of target group is based on the individual characteristics of each group. This will also increase the effectiveness of the campaign.

The study on their lifestyles, differences and similarities will help in developing the effectiveness of the message and determining the need of different execution of the campaign for the respondents.
The differences are determined for the product consumption, lifestyles and priorities of these groups and similarities are identified in the area of media consumption and search characteristics of the groups. There can be need of variations of core message and creative strategy for the two target groups. This will help in determining if the similar channels can be utilized for both the group to reach them.

Profile-Target Market
The core characteristics and differences of the identified two groups within the target audience are presented in this section. The full overviews of the research findings of both the groups are included in Appendix 1 for reference.

The analysis of Mosaic profiles help in obtaining the required information
Mintel, Keynote and relevant trade magazines have been the source of secondary information. Target Audience Justification

The conclusions of the analysis of the target audience group are as followed. These subgroups were similar in their media consumption behaviour as each of the group was using internet as a primary source of information. The difference was with the life style of these groups. The consumption pattern and choices of products and services are different with the stage of life of these groups. These aspects are covered in the figures (Figure 1 and Figure 2) below

The analysis reveals that the creative execution and message needs to be tailored according to the differences and priorities of each subgroup. The imaginary and campaigning topics are relevant for both the groups.

Creative Strategy influences19  23 Year OldsPrice sensitive consumers have the ability to find the best price.

Student essential  information is important
Internet is a common message channel24  30 Year OldsDifferent information that Which Provides are important
Focus on household consumer goods and financial products and services
Internet is a common message channel

Campaign Objectives

This is clear from the creative brief that the value of the services of the Which is perceived limited for each target group. The reasons for the same are as follows

Limited understanding of the core proposition of Which
Lack of awareness of the complete range of services of Which
Lack of information regarding features like product reviews to campaign activities.
More comfortable with other sources of information for the same information that Which is providing.

Therefore the primary objectives of the campaign will be
To increase the awareness of the Which
To inform the target audience regarding added value that Which can provide
To encourage them to use Which services

The creative strategy of this report has been developed and designed to achieve the above mentioned objectives for Which

The primary objectives have been broken into small identifiable tasks in order to develop an effective creative strategy and plan. The small identifiable tasks will be easy to control and the facilitation of the same would be easier. This will help in evaluate program to asses the outcomes of the campaign comprehensively. The overall objectives are broken down into a number of sub objectives.
The campaign identifies two different audience groups. The group objectives are different. These objectives have been developed on the basis of the Colleys Hierarchy of objectives 1961 (Pickton  Broderick, 2005). Specific sub objectives have been developed for each stage in the model.

Communications Objectives

Table 1 Colleys model
Colleys ModelObjectives for 19-23Objectives for 24-30AwarenessTo increase the awareness among 60 of the target audience regarding Which
To increase the awareness among 60 of the target audience regarding Which ComprehensionTo increase the awareness among 45 of the target audience regarding services and value that Which provides to its audience

To increase the awareness among 45 of the target audience regarding services and value that Which provides to its audience

ConvictionTo bring 20 of the target audience to experience Which Services on the websiteTo bring 25 of the target audience to have Which as a preferred source of information for product reviews and get them visit the websiteActionTo convert 10 of the target audience to subscribe to the Which websiteTo convert 15 of the target audience to subscribe to the Which website

The first sub objective is comprehensive enough for one for both target audiences to achieve all other objectives. The reason is that the first step towards the purchase decision is consumer awareness of Which magazine. In order to show customers the value that Which they need to be aware of what Which offers.  The second sub objective helps in accomplishing other objectives as well. This sub objective allows customers to understand the value of Which services. The experience will lead to brand preference and customers will be more likely to subscribe that.

The third sub objective will help to increase the value by showing customers the wide range of services offered through the website and encourage customers to subscribe to Which.   The last sub objective is simple to get the conversion of the interested audience to take the action of subscribing to the Which Website.

The awareness percentage starts with 60 as it is practically not possible to reach to the all target audience. This percentage decreases gradually from first sub objective to last. This is based on the fact that after each step customers will be less likely to go to the next step and the chances that the same number of audience targeted for the awareness will subscribes are practically non viable.

Campaign Details
The duration for the campaign is over one and half years. This is based on the objectives and sub objectives. Campaign focuses on changing perceptions of the target audience. This is a time taking process and consumers need to visit the website each time for reviews and information that can lead them to the situation where they will feel that it is value for their money to subscribe for the services and they will take action, subscribe to the website.

This is a long term marketing campaign aimed at changing perception of the target audience. The change of perception is subject to time and consent exposure.

The defined timeframe is more likely to deliver results by achieving overall objectives.

The time and budget constraints are not outlined in the brief. This gives flexibility to revisiting the length of the campaign.
Campaign Overview

This section includes the creative execution and marketing mix strategies of the campaign.
The communication message needs to be effective and attractive for the target audience and should be consistent with the core values of the Which

It needs to be communicated in the most effective way to the identified target audience. The identity of the brand should be consistent with the existing identity.

The campaign is split into two different themes on the basis of the target sub group of 19  23s and the second targeting the 24  30s. This will also help in covering the differences identified in target audience analysis section.

Figure 3 overleaf, provides an outlined the main elements to the proposed campaign.
 Campaigning Overview

The Website Which fit.com

This support website is one of the principal campaign components of the campaign. It has been developed to function as a linking website accessible from the existing Which homepage. Which website already has a section of fitness equipments and information. These types of functionality on specific services are functional. Therefore this will be just an extension to what they already have. The resource requirements will be less and it can leverage on the existing platform.


The suggested name for the linking website is Which-fit.com. The choice of Which-fit is based on its use as a slogan. The target audience can associate with the brand easily.

This is based on the common understanding of the focus of the target audience group towards fitness, look and overall presentation. The term Fit covers all the aspects of the health, look and energy levels to perform. It is catchy, easy to pronounce and associated. Which-fit offers the overall picture of being part of the parent website Which

This provides anchor to the entire campaign. The base is that the audience can access extra information on the Which The brand is communicated to them through the campaign. Which-fit also has an individual identity in the web space.  The separate web entity is accessible through the homepage of Which It is specifically targeted towards the intended audience.

Key Characteristics
The content of advertising and promotional activity will be available from this web link such as product reviews and Which advice services

The content available would be relevant to the target audience and it would be easy for them to associate with it. The Which-fit will have the information relevant to the fitness of the target audience.

The space will be utilised for promoting other relevant services of Which On the same page.
The promotional offers and benefits would be promoted time to time on the Which-Fit website.
The visitors would be encouraged to explore range of Which product and service offerings further.
The Which-fit link will be developed with the objective of enhancing the overall experience of the consumers and meeting the objectives of the campaign. This will have to have the following functions to meet all its objectives
The content should be relevant to the target audience
This should enable the target audience to sign up and subscribe to Which
This should encourage visitors to view the current advertising campaigns
This should facilitate visitors to get involved in Which campaigns
The suggestions from the target audience should be encouraged on potential campaigning topics
Extra content on the Which can be provided in different formats like video, flash presentations and others.

Details of the Which Fitness Expert PR events and the participation details would be provided on this website.

This will also include various tips on the fitness that can be valuable to the consumers. These tips will act as a teaser as each tick will link to the next page which is available on the subscription only i.e. Dieting is not a very healthy option for maintaining your figure. (More)

This (More) information will be available on the subscription and it will be analytical and critical discussion with the best possible solution or approach.

Campaign Integration
The campaign will be highly integrated with the existing platform of the Which and the other delivery methods of the company. These will be highlighted on the website and encourage participants to view the additional content. The iconography and themes will be consistent. Simple and effective language which is aligned with the main website will be used. The variations will be used for the effectiveness of the overall campaign however the efforts will be to maintain the level of consistency of the entire campaign.

Example Designs

The following section contains some creative work, suggesting how the Which It website could look and function

Figure 3 The existing Which Home Page

Figure 4 Which Fit Homepage

Below is an example design of how the Which Fit website could look

However the information regarding the budget is not available. It is assumed that the Which-Fit webpage can use to existing organizational resources for the webpage development, design and implementation. The in-house development cost will be the lowest.

Creative Execution (19-23)
The tone of voice and creative appeals are developed on the basis of the unique characteristics of this group. The marketing mix strategies are determined on the basis of the same. Following are the creative execution and marketing mix strategies for this group of target audience.

Creative Executions

The core proposition to communicate the value that Which can provide to this group of target audience

Tone of Voice Factual highlight the core benefits
Provide rational terms
Provide price related informationTestimonial This help in communicating positive experiences

Iconography Like me consumers  Build on the like me consumer concept
Visual references similar to the members of their age group Products and services Visually outline of the main products and services of the company

Marketing Mix

Two elements of the marketing mix has been used for developing the campaign

JustificationProduct -Which-FitContent will be developed which is aligned with the core values of the company and specific information for the target audiencePromotion Communication Mix ElementPublic Relations
The which-Fitness expert will be used for the Interactive events and Publicity and encourage interactions with the Which Brands
Advertising Poster campaign will support and promote the advertising and PR events
Internet video campaign will be developed

 PR Campaign The Which Fitness Expert
The Which-fitness expert will visit student campuses during events that universitys host during term time.  The Which Representatives or the professionals will be dressed up in an attractive and Which branded dresses. They will set up a stall and invite students to tell them regarding various aspects of fitness, products, services and companies.  This will help to deliver the message of how Which can add value to the customers lives. The projector display and the running video presentation will help in grabbing the attention.

The fitness experts will talk about various myths and science based findings on the fitness of youngsters. The approach should be developing the sense of responsibility by providing adequate information and using the same opportunity for the promotion of which

Promotional material such as Which branded T-shirts, pens, key rings and leaflets will be distributed with the small participation such as response to the question at the end of each communication session.
The souvenirs will act as an objective of constant reminder of the interaction and the use of information. This will carry the complete web link to encourage consumers to visit the website
The Which Fitness expert will also promote and encourage the use of the website.

The reason for adopting this approach is that nearly 50 of the target audience is at university or college levels. They can be easily contacted during student events. This time of the year, students are less pressurized and are involve in other activities of life than studies. They look for information on the lifestyle and entertainment objects. This is the time when look and presentation of self becomes important for them. The psychological state of mind will encourage more students to contact Which Fitness expert in order to fulfil their information needs.

Which Fitness Expert Poster Campaign

Besides the use of the Which-Fit website, posters will be used to build up the awareness of the Which Fitness events. The posters will be developed to address 19-23 years age groups of target audience. The core strategic aim of the poster is to represent the image of the Which Fitness as an icon of the Which brand. This Which Fitness Expert Poster Campaign is designed for younger demographic audience. For this segment, poster will also be cost effective

Figure 5 overleaf is a proposed creative draft of the poster campaign.  Design 3

Analysis of Design 3
The design of the Which Fitness poster is based on design technique called symmetry. This includes the graphics and text in an effective balance in the design. This will help in keeping the focus of the audience on the poster even when movement is there. The good design of Which Fitness Expert poster is crucial for the attractiveness of Which-Fit.

This should allow viewer to react subconsciously to the content and graphics of the webpage.
The text and font type should be determined with the focus on the target audience of 19-30 years of age group. This should be readable, clear and attractive. It should not be very large to create distraction neither too small to be difficult to notice. The colour scheme needs to be attractive. The poster should give the sense of reality and reliability.


The Which Fitness expert can facilitate the high level of awareness among the target audience. This is due to the fact that it is highly interactive and available to the target audience and more memorable. PR is a cost effective option when it comes to the effectiveness of the program. The same equipments i.e. stalls can be used at different events. However, cost comes in terms of the human resource and souvenirs distributed. This can also create word of mouth, publicity through local media and get space in university publications.

Advertising Campaign Internet testimonials
The testimonials act as an effective tool of encouraging people for taking positive decisions regarding the purchase. The testimonial allows them getting sense of what they can receive in terms of benefits. This is a cost effective medium. The same target groups testimonials will be used.

This will communicate about the usefulness of the Which Magazine and internet subscription within the target audience.

This will have problem solving approach. The testimonials should be creatively executed and relevant information will be published effectively.

The combination of internet, video and other graphic tools like Flash presentations will be used and streamlined with other platforms. The banners and advertising on the leading social networking and emailing websites like Face book, Youtube, Orkut, Gmail, Yahoo and others will be done. The social networking websites of the respective colleges and universities will be approached and with permission the advert would be posted.

The events of Which Fitness expert will be covered in video format. The effective section of the same can be posted on the Youtube and links can be forwarded to the social networking websites.

Permission can be taken from the universities and respective colleges to send a promotional mailer to all the students using the common platform of the university. The target audience will be encouraged to share their experiences that can be positive and negative. The negative experiences will be used to improve and the results will be published with the name of the feedback provider with thanking him. The positive testimonials will be used as it is. The strategic advantage of the use of negative (but constructive) testimonial is that it will encourage the person providing negative feedback bringing more people to the platform. Negative feedbacks should be seen as an opportunity for attracting more people. The positive experiences should be posted regarding the experience, benefits and the way Which have helped respondents to take right decision or campaigning against product or service flaw of a particular company. These testimonials can be used in the video format. The combination of different videos shall be developed as a montage. This will carry the brand name of which at the background.


The decisions to use Internet based advertising is based on the fact that this can reach to the target audience more easily. The advertisement is being done for the website of Which and this is important that the right audience is targeted. All the users of social networking websites will primarily consist of the target audience.  Other most important reason for this is the costs involve in this method is much lesser than the cost involved in the TV or print media.

Creative Execution (24-30)
The core message of this group is similar to those of the previous group. The creative execution of this will be based on the characteristics of the group identified in the earlier section.

Creative Executions

Overview of the products and services that Which provides.
Promote the simplicity of the Which and outlined how it can save them time and money

Tone of Voice Factual Rationally explain the core values of the company. Soft SellPromote the values offered by Which

Iconography Competitive AnalysisCompetitive positioning of Which Visual outline of the competitors.
Products and services Visual outline of the main products and services of Which
Financial, household consumer goods, health and fitness products are highlighted

Marketing Mix

The elements of marketing mix taken are product and promotion. The promotion covers the communication mix elements advertising.

Explanation Product Which
Which-FitThe core values and benefits of Which and Which-fit are the offerings for the consumers.Promotion-Communication Mix ElementAdvertising Internet video campaign can help to reach the larger target audience
Poster campaigns are effective for the smaller group
Advertising Campaign

The advertising campaign focusing on the target group of 24  30 years old audience will be used through the internet banner. This is comparatively cost effective method. This will be based on the simplicity concept wherein it will be communicated that how simply, Which can make their lives simple by assisting them in decision making processes. The magazines and websites will be promoted through this. The product review snapshots will be provided to give them an idea of what to expect in the form of information from Which. The creative execution will involve animation at this stage. The internet banners will be posted on the popular websites of this target group. This includes job portals, social networking websites, professional websites and others.

The decision making for this target group is important as they are at the initial stage of their career, or having their own household, starting family or with small family. Life is in the transition mode for them. This is a busy group and quality time is spent on searching for right solution. Which can help making their life easier and simple by providing first hand information on various products and options available to them. This time can be used for their family, building relationship or even in the profession. Therefore, Which subscription may be more valuable to them. This group is technology savvy and keen on knowing the new technologies available for household products to automobiles. They are taking decisions for the purchase and lifestyle.

Overall Campaign Evaluation (19-30)
This is very important and crucial aspect of the campaign. This helps in evaluating the effectiveness of the campaign and measure the efficiency of the tools used. The evaluation plan for the campaign is given below

Figure 6 Evaluation Plan

Before the launch of the campaign it was evaluated for marketing mix and creative strategy of the campaign. The qualitative research based on the focus group interview helped in understanding different aspects of the campaigns creative strategy. This stage helped understanding all the elements of the creative strategy like message, effectiveness of message, available options for media and possible creative execution. The designing elements were also discussed in this stage. The test marketing allowed assessing the effectiveness of the campaign in the natural environment. This pilot testing allowed identifying the obstacles in the initial stage and removing the same. This was particularly useful for the PR stage.

Evaluation during the campaign will help in keeping track of the individual elements of the campaign as well as gauging the overall effectiveness and keeping the efforts aligned with the objectives. The ineffective aspects of the creative strategy will be modified, replaced or dropped. The evaluation in the middle of campaign will allow determining the changes needed. This will also help in measuring the performance against set benchmarks. Any changes can be incorporated in terms of approach or to deal with the practical obstacles which were unidentified earlier. The post campaign analysis will help in determining the overall effectiveness of the campaign and help in gaining the knowledge regarding various aspects of the target market and campaign strategy. This will be based on the qualitative and quantitative surveys based on structured questionnaires and group of questions targeted to evaluate effectiveness. The monitoring of awareness will help in finding out the level of awareness and recall among the target audience. The financial evaluation on the cost and returns will help in determining the profitability aspects of the campaign.


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