
The 2009 science fiction film Avatar directed by James Cameron combines the elements of earlier movies.  It is said that this film has the elements of The Matrix, Fern Gully and Dances with Wolves all rolled into one.  The movie is set in a planet called Pandora.  A tropical rain forest environment yet with a toxic atmosphere, requiring human settlers to wear breathing apparatus all the time.  Two sets of settlers have come to Pandora   the scientists, who wanted to study the living things on the planet, as well as study the culture of its local inhabitants, the Navi, and establish close relationships with them and there is the RDA Corporation who have come to Pandora to harvest unobtanium, a very valuable mineral found on the planet.  It is because of this reason that friction has ensued between the Navi and the humans, whom the former call  sky people (Cameron, 2009).  

The scientists came up with a way for them to interact with the Na vi without being threatening   by creating  avatars,  synthetically-created Na vi bodies where humans can interface mentally, enabling them to be in their place   literally.  This is an attempt of the scientists to be as close to the Na vi as they possibly can as opposed to the RDA Corporation and their hired muscle,  Sec Ops  who felt that force is the only way to make  savages  see things their way.  The stage is set for the main protagonist to come into play   Jake Sully (played by Sam Worthington) a paralyzed former Marine.  He came to Pandora to carry on what his late brother was planning to do there and with the hope of being able to walk again.  He   inherited  his brother s avatar and got the hang of it seeing that he is able to walk again.  Along the way, he encountered the Na vi and managed to get close to them through the daughter of their chief Neytiri who taught him their ways.    While the scientists are happy in being able to make contact with the Na vi, the corporation was getting impatient with the progress of the scientists and took it upon themselves to forcefully evict them from their lands.  By this time, Jake has already gotten acquainted to the Na vi and even fell in love with Neytiri.  Despite being humanoid, Jake and the scientists sympathize with the plight of the Na vi and stood by their side as they were being attacked.   The film ends with the Na vi, with the help of Jake, win the battle and seeing him become one of them as he was about to be permanently united to his avatar form (Cameron, 2009).

In analyzing the film, the film appears to contain several social, cultural and even political undertones.   One way of looking at the film is that it can serve as a sort of an allegory which mirrors the relationship between developed countries like the United States and the developing countries of the Third World (or Native Americans for that matter if the context is within in the United States).  If this would be seen from the perspective of Third World people, they see Americans represented as the RDA Corporation and Sec Ops.  They see First World nations not as their benefactors but exploiters.  All they care about is to exploit their resources in any way possible in the name of making a profit, without any regard what would happen to the natives.  This is consistent with their perception that Americans are too materialistic, too concerned in the pursuit of their personal pleasures and do not care about their plight.

RDA Corporation seems to care more about making a profit harvesting  unobtanium than engaging in a friendly dialogue with the Navi where they could have struck a compromise which could have ensured a peaceful coexistence between the two races.  At this point and going back to the real world, it should be easy to understand why such people resent Americans rather than respect or admire them. They are seen as  bullies  more than friends despite the friendly overtures being made. In their eyes, Americans, owing to their achievements and sense of empowerment, are arrogant to the point they would assert or impose their will on others which also seems to be the case as trhe RDA Corporation would like nothing more than to mine the unobtanium and would like the Navi to get out of the way. This also showed as they brought in bulldozers and started tearing up the place without waiting for a word from the latter.  These are people who have lived in their lands for a long time and have been attuned to their environment and surroundings.

With regards to fanaticism, it would appear that the Navi would be the fanatics in the film.  But they are not the kind who would be likened to the likes of Marxist rebels or even Islamists in the real world.  They are fanatics in the sense that they are being protective of their culture and way of life.  It is very evident in the battle scene that they are determined, with the help of Jake, to preserve their culture rather than allow it to be trampled and eradicated by the RDA Corporation.

In terms of individual action, the protagonist, Jake provides the  saving  grace for Americans by proving not all of them are arrogant or exploitative that there are some, including the scientists in the film who are culturally sensitive and willing to empathize with others rather than make them see thngs their way.  This is exactly what Jake experienced through his avatar as he learned the ways of te Navi.  In his eyes, they are not really savages as the RDA nor SeC Ops people regard them.  He learned to empathize.  It was also because of this empathy he felt that made him switch sides because he saw and knew who is right.  He learned that the adage  might makes right  is wrong and with the help of the Navi, proved it and won.  In terms of dreams and desires, all Jake wanted was to walk again.  He thought working for Sec Ops and doing their bidding would help but after experiencing the ways of the Navi and falling in love, it changed and he became committed to preserving their culture and the environment and as a  bonus  he got to walk again as he is about to be permanently merged with his avatar.  He did not expect this from the Navi but he still got his first wish.  It is certain that just about everyone can also relate with Jake.  They have dreams and desires and all it takes is one profound experience to change their outlook in life for the better and surprisingly, their first hopes and dreams get fulfilled later on.  The bottom line of the story, if viewed on a personal level is that when one has dreams and desires, it is best not to be too obsessed with it and focus more on the good of others and one will be surprised that those dreams and desires will be taken care of in due course.


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