Discuss the challenge and implications of illegal leisure within a world where forbidden leisure activities have become increasingly attractive and profitable.

Leisure activities are the important part of everyones life. There are various benefits of leisure activities. This helps in changing the state of mind and relaxing. It energizes the mind. The leisure activities are voluntary and based on the choice of an individual. People may involve in the low energy activities like Yoga, sun bathe or high energy activities like gymnasium, swimming and others. Reading books, watching movies, drinking and chatting with friends and family without any burden of work or deadlines are the leisure activities people look for. In the present scenario, when people are very busy with their lifestyle, students are busy with education, parents are busy with their works the role of leisure activities increases in their life.

Leisure Activities
There are list of leisure activity from indoor chess playing to windsurfing, photography, eating out, playing with pets and various others. The studies of leisure behavior analyses various aspects of leisure activity from the starting point to ceasing or replacement of one leisure activity from other. Human need change from the routine of life. One also gets bored with one type of activity or wants to explore more options available to him. The leisure activities are important for an individual from individual to social level. These can also impact the society or social class they belong to. Watching a football match is a leisure activity, where thousands of people may gather together. An individual may go alone or with friends and family and becomes part of the crowd, shares the same levels of thrill and excitement. According to Iso-Ahola, Jackson and Dunn (1994) costs of prevention in the sedentary lifestyle can be important at individual and social level. The economic rationale of the health promotion programs and active leisure lifestyles can be justified. The study mentioned by Iso-Ahola, Jackson and Dunn (1994) provides economic perspective of the same

Economists (Keeler, Manning, Newhouse, Sloss  Wasserman, 1989) have shown that lifetime external costs of relatively inactive persons (1,900) are greater than those of smokers (1,000) but less than those of heavy drinkers (4,600).

Forbidden Leisure Activity
Forbidden leisure activity are those activities which a person can enjoy alone or with group of friends or near dear ones, however, it is not considered to acceptable in the given society or community. The most common forbidden leisure activities are smoking, drinking and at higher side it can be drug or substance abuse as well. All the tobacco products within a marketplace carry statutory warning Smoking is injurious to health.  However, number of smokers around the world is high and increasing. Governments have imposed taxes to increase the price of tobacco product and make it less affordable. Nevertheless, the revenues from the tobacco based product tax are increasing for the governments. Similarly the alcohol drinks are often expensive and the manufacturing cost is much less than the final product sold. The taxes are high and some of the brands are sold at premium prices. Drinking has become part of the popular culture around the world. In Muslim religion drinking, smoking is prohibited. However this does not restrict people who want to drink and smoke.

Forbidden leisure activities always attract youth due to their risk taking behavior and curious nature. The less availability makes these more attractive to them. This is based on the psychological perspectives of individuals. Parket et al (1998) stated that the forbidden leisure activities leads to the early and persistent behavior, aggressive behavior, disorders, alcoholism, academic failure, low bonding with family members and others.

Economic Side of forbidden Leisure Activities
The economic sides of these forbidden activities can be understood in two ways. The first is the individual buying products and services of the forbidden leisure activities and the other side is the selling parties. Government is indirectly linked with the sale and purchase of illegal leisure activities. There are certain drugs and activities which are legally prohibited. These are considered bad for the growth and development of a healthy society.  The transition of drug user to drug abuser is a common process. The reason of using forbidden leisure activities is an individual aspect.

Governments across the world have become stricter with the policies, legal frameworks and society has become more attentive to identify and report the illegal leisure activities. There are new rules and regulations developed periodically to prevent and prohibit such activities. At the same time, the users and suppliers find new ways to get the supply of these illegal leisure activities.

Illegal leisure activities can be different from one geographic location to other and under one government to other. The challenges for these activities suppliers are many as these are neither acceptable in the society, nor permissible by the major governments. This makes is less easily available. The shortage of supply and high level of demands increases the price of the forbidden leisure activities and products. Cigarette or tobacco products, alcohol which is permitted for sale also has the legal framework like below certain age people are not allowed to consume these.

The definition of illegal leisure activities may vary from country to country or products and services within illegal leisure will also vary. However, the society needs to educate young generation in such a manner that when it comes to decision making, they themselves are able to differentiate for what is right or wrong.


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