The visual aspect in mind control

Neuro linguistic programming is a pragmatic form of thought that was developed in the 1970s in America that primarily concerned itself with the study of behavior patterns, belief systems and the thinking process of highly effective individuals in an attempt to understand the success that such individuals inevitably seemed to enjoy (Hayes 14).

Literature Review
The pioneers of this form of thought process are John Grinder a lingui.Based on experiences drawn from their fields of expertise and the combination of inputs. The two co-authored several texts that shed the light on Neuro-lingiustic programming. By examining the techniques of prominent psychologists Fritz Perls and Virginia Satir, they published their first work The structure of magic vol 1 (1975  1976). These books chronicled these two famous therapists and provided an account of how their speech patterns and behavioral tendencies contributed to their success. The next personality they examined was Milton Erickson who was the founder of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis in their book Patterns of the hypnotic techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Vol 1  2 (1975, 1976) . The result of their endeavors were books that introduced the concept of NLP such as Neuro-lingiustic programming Vol.1 (Gringer, Bandler, Diltz  DeLoizer, 1980).

Over the years and following disputes over the true definition of NLP, this school of thought has allowed input from various disciplines, a model referred to as open source. Some of the fields whose development continue to contribute immensely to NLP include communication studies. Of particular note is the work of  Edward Hall, whose books The silent language and Hidden dimension  have been of particular help in recognizing the effect that culture has on NLP. Through these books, Hall describes the dimensions of time, place and things that alter how we define our experiences. Other contributions from this field of communication studies have been through the works of authors like Adam Bantler who delved into the specifics of non verbal communication via internet based articles like Non verbal communications Using experimental methods of learning series .

In more recent times with increasing adaptation NLP, newer careers have emerged from the practice. They include business motivational speakers, magicians, illusionists, psychics and horoscope readers. Probably the most renowned of these new age practitioners of NLP derived knowledge is Darren Brown. Famous for a hat full of acts that fool the mind this practitioner is unique as he endeavors to tell the secret of his trade to a worldwide audience. Via internet based mediums like his blog and videos hosted on sharing sites like  you tube  he explains the science behind the acts of the myriad of practitioners in his field as being derived from NLP.

This paper will look try and establish the links existing between NLP, communication and examine cultural differences that modifies this science. In effect it offers insights to what NLP entails, how it has been applied in the past and how it continues to shape business practices. In todays globalized economy these differences are of particular importance as companies increasingly need to understand new clients and work in cultural environments that different from those in their home countries. Since business need to communicate via marketing campaigns with their consumers, care should also be taken as unintended messages may damage the reputation of the business. Similarity, learning institutions and work places are made up of culturally diverse individuals each with unique experiences. Leaders in these areas need to appreciate these differences as a means of achieving success and efficiency. Neuro-lingiustic Programming.

Neuro- linguistic programming (NLP), is a term that encompasses the three aspects by which individuals create versions of their reality(Hayes 11). In this study, the limits of what an individual recognizes as being true, their reality, is recognized. This recognition stems from pragmatic thought which analyzes and considers the existence of different levels of human existence (Hayes 11). The individual is taken to be part of a complex of inter-related and interdependent systems that constitute reality. Therefore the reality of  any particular individual, differs from the next and thus there can never be any one true universal reality (Hayes 11). To adequately understand this concept, the etymology of the term NLP needs to be considered.

The  neuro  part of the term refers to the biological systems existent in every individual that are concerned with the receipt, interpretation and conduction of messages (James, 1999). The neurological system that encompasses both chemical (neurotransmitters and hormones) and physical elements ( nerves, brain and effector tissues like muscles and endocrine glands), is the chief modality concerned with conveying environmental inputs to the individual which then form part of the boundaries of their reality (op. Cit.). For instance, in discerning an environmental aspect such as food, the individual needs to utilize one of their senses such as smell to pick up that particular aspect of their current environment. If for any particular reason the individual suffers from agnosmia, food may fail to be picked up and thus may cease to be reality for that particular individual.

In spite of the central role that neurological systems play in constructing reality. They by themselves do not fully define what reality is for an individual. Another important aspect is language. Language refers to the tools utilized in conveying messages to each other thus providing another dimension that constitutes reality. It represents what may be otherwise be refereed to as communication. In examining the concept of  language, one realizes that communication entails the sending and receiving of signals via various modalities (op. Cit.). These signals are aimed at conjuring some meaning or already bear some meaning to the involved individuals. When this concept of language is considered with the neurological functions described above, its role in defining reality comes to fore (James, 1999).

This is because language is the actual  content  that is conveyed in the neurological pathways. For instance, failure to communicate may deprive the individual some aspect of their environment thus it effectively ceasing to be a reality to them. Language in NLP is a broad term that encompasses both verbal aspects of communication and non verbal communication. In most situations the verbal aspect of communication receives apt attention, even more so to the detriment to non verbal forms. NLP stresses the importance of recognizing such non verbal forms of non verbal language as they provide additional input which may confirm, deny or barely affect  what is being communicated verbally (op. Cit.). Visual modalities like body language are thus important as the define reality in other dimensions such as time, space and person. If the individual lacks the ability to perceive and interpret them, they cease to be part of his reality.

The tail end of the etymology- programming, refers to constructed models that individuals hold that they utilize to derive meaning of the content (language) they have perceived and interpreted (neurology) (op. Cit.). These models are constructed over time and are unique to every individual. One such model is memory. The brain unconsciously resorts to preformed concepts of what reality is to give meaning to what the individual is currently perceiving via there neurological pathways. For instance, on sighting a snake the individual may chose to flee based on  prior memory of the danger a snake posses. This reaction may have been built from memory of  a previous scenario where the individual saw or experienced a similar reaction to a snake (Knight 16). These feedback loop mechanism absolves judgment of the reaction as reality is seen to be a natural process that is unique to the unique experiences of that individual. To illustrate this further, it is worth considering the description of this tenet of  NLP by one of the pioneers of this field Richard Bandler

You want to become competent at whatever you do. That does not mean to get phobics, who shake in their boots while their blood pressure blows through the roof, to believe, This is not fear. The object is to get them to stay calm and alert, and to stay in their own lane, and to drive across the bridge, which remains standing.

Ask yourself Can we build better To build those things we have to be able to suspend whatever belief system we already have. Keep it out of the way... Those things get very, very personal. Were talking about basic beliefs regarding human capability. Heres the only truth about that. Nobody knows.

This statement by Richard Bandler in a nutshell encompasses the original constructs of this pragmatic form of thought, NLP.

As mentioned earlier, NLP aims at studying the interaction between neurology, linguistics and programming in forming human experience. From the etymology of the word, the basic premises of NLP begin to conceptualize. It is apparent that NLP concerns itself more with the process rather than the content (James 1999) .Thus in NLP,  the individuals reactions to reality are recognized as being allied to the process itself while the end product of the process (the reaction) is nothing but a byproduct of the process. NLP therefore sees that the intention of the individual is always positive, when we perceive the behavior patterns of the individual as being negative or positive we err as our judgment is based on our own experiences and is thus unfair to the individual as our experiences differ from those of the individual (James, 1999) . In a nutshell, NLP denies the existence of one truth or universal experience.

Proponents of NLP assert the nature of the process as being one akin to learning. This is because, as noted earlier, meaning is derived from models which constitute our belief systems and form filters through which we view the world and perceive reality. According to this school of thought problems, in the form of various types of miscommunication, arise when the individuals involved fail to consciously recognize the patterns involved in perception of what each of them deems as reality. This lack of consciousness leads to inadvertent application of previous experiences to current situations, a scenario that results more often than not in failure as the situation may entail of application of other memories that are not usually cued by the stimuli emanating from the situation at hand.

By being conscious of the patterns the individual is afforded the benefit of pausing and picking the most appropriate behavioral reaction to a situation rather than the converse of being limited by their own belief systems (Hayes 11). The individual in NLP is encouraged to utilize their experiences in a concious fashion thus providing them with more options that then subsequently confer them with solutions. With more solutions, the problem of miscommunication is averted as the individual simply has more answers to the obstacles inhibiting effective communication. By applying these principles in the study of effective successful people, individuals can learn of the patterns that these such people employ in perception of reality (Hayes 13). When the individuals then consciously profile their own reactions, they can consciously choose to employ the learned observed patterns making them acquire behavioral patterns that a similar to those of effective individuals (James, 1999). This in effect makes them equally productive.

To elaborate on this, the two fundamental presuppositions of NLP need to be considered.
Alfred Korzybiski popularized the first of these presuppositions by coining the phrase  the map is not the territory  (Hayes 19). Here NLP adherents point to that fact that reality in its entirety cannot be understood and fully defined by any particular individual. This is because, as alluded to earlier in this text, any individuals perception of reality is based on a  neuro-linguistic  map that is unique to the individual. Therefore as explained by Darren Brown, the confines of a persons reality are confined by their maps and as such, the whole spectrum that consists reality can only be perceived up to the point that their maps allow (James 1999).

By utilizing an analogy, Darren brown elaborates further a map of London enables the reader to conceptualize what London is. The named streets, icons and buildings give a representation of what London is but do not come close to defining the reality that is London (op. Cit). This is because the happenings in London as so diverse and enormous to be distilled into a piece of paper . Some maps may contain additional information such as accompanying pictures which may help the reader visualize and therefore introduce a new reality as compared to say, a map that only shows the longitudes and latitudes of the London area (op. Cit.).  Neuro-linguistic  maps are similar in this respect what the individual perceives as reality is stipulated by their maps (James 1999). Therefore at any particular time, an individuals reality and concomitant reactions are just but their representations of the reality spectrum.

The second presupposition of NLP asserts that  Life and mind are systemic processes (Adler 13). In a nutshell, this tenet of NLP recognizes the interconnected nature of human experience. Based on pragmatism, this concept strives to show that what goes in our bodies, the internal representation represented by our neurological systems, is dependent on the content being received as stipulated by our environment such as fellow human beings , which is turn influenced by our programming that happens in the form of memories that eventually  form programming systems  such as societal norms and belief systems (Adler 13). Therefore, our minds are part of a system which is interconnected to life which is a constellation of our realities (Adler 13). In essence, every part of this system is important as the system cannot be without the existence of other subsystems due to the inherent interconnected nature (Knight ).

Darren Brown illustrates this point when revealing the  trick behind one of his first tricks. In this trick, he asks takes a paper and while hiding it behind his back, he asks a stranger to think of a letter in the alphabet and while at it to try avoid obvious picks like J and K. He then jots the letter which he thinks the stranger has thought of while still hiding the paper. When he finally asks the stranger to reveal the mystery letter, it is found to correspond to the letter which he had jotted down without it being revealed to him. The letter in most instances was found to be the letter A. In explaining this uncanny coincidence Brown points out to his language pattern which prompted the neur- linguistic programming patterns of the stranger via hearing to think of the letter A (op. Cit.).

These two presuppositions in combination inform all the models of NLP. First it is recognized that its is foolhardy for the individual to think that they can conceptualize reality and thus label it as wrong or right (Adler 15). Secondly the individual should rather focus on realizing the systemic nature of their being and thus utilize the different options available to them to increase their productivity (Hayes 12). The models and techniques developed in NLP includeanchoring, reinforcement, studying eye movements and utilizing the concept of Primary Representational System (PRS) (Adler 24).

Anchoring involves the deliberate appealing to deep seated strong unconscious memories and feelings of another individual to prompt them to exhibit certain behavioral patterns (Adler 204). It was a technique that was developed by the founding fathers of NLP Bandler and Grinder. An apt use is in the movie industry, here both directors and actors frequently utilize this NLP technique to enable effective communication of their message (op. Cit.). For instance, Marilyn Monroe one of silver screens sex symbols was known to utilize this tool via a myriad of  visual communications such as posture, attire, facial expressions and head positioning. The utilization of these categories of visual communication will be discussed in depth later in this paper. All the same, chances are that even now, for most people, the mention of the name Marilyn Monroe in the same sentence as an actor of todays times, will elicit notions of attractiveness, beauty, sex appeal and troubled serial relationships about the person which may most likely hold no credence at all.

The study of eye movements was also recognized by Bandler and Grinder as a technique that is useful in NLP. This technique is based on the presupposition that the mind and body are inherently connected such that by studying eye movement an observe apt in NLP can be able to know how a person is thinking (Bandler  Grinder 1975). This is because we frequently refer to constructed internal representations when confronted with situations. For instance, when a person is visualizing, their eyeballs gravitate upwards towards their visual cortex where they have stored visual memories (James 1999). In doing so they are trying to tap into preformed visual images stored in this part of the brain (James, 1999). Based on this observation, Bandler and Grinder formulated the Visual remembered, visual constructed, auditory remembered, auditory constructed, kinestic and auditory digital models (James, 1999).

These models based on studying the eye movements of a normal right handed individual are provide insights to the thinking process when the observer is facing the individual (James 199). Auditory remembered is noted when the individual faces horizontally towards the right of the observer, in this model the individual is trying to remember previously learned words such as the name of a place the have visited (James, 1999). Conversely, auditory constructed is noted when the individuals gaze drifts towards horizontally towards the left of the observer, here the individual is making up sounds that they have no prior experience of such as when asked to imitate what an alien might sound like (James, 1999). Auditory digital is a mode that refers to a downward drift to the right and occurs when the individual is talking themselves in an internal dialogue (James, 1999).

Visual constructed (VC) occurs when the gaze is shifted upwards and towards the left hand side of the observer and denotes an attempt by the individual to conjure up an image that they have not sen before such as how yellow dragon would look like (James, 1999). Visual remembered on the other hand occurs in a similar direction as the VC but on the opposite side, it is when the individual is trying to remember an image they saw such as in remembering the details of an accident scene (James, 1999). Kinestic model is observed when the individual gaze is shifted downwards and to the left, here the individual is assessing their feelings on a certain issue kind of like they are consulting their heart for answers (James, 1999).

The Personal representation model refers to certain predominant modes that are derived from the five senses that an individual primarily  operates  on (Adler 99). A person who primarily utilizes their visual senses to draw their internal representation has a defined posture and a tendency to utilize some words more often. Such an individual appears to breath from the top of their lungs as their head is held up as part of a general erect posture (Adler 99). People utilizing the visual mode respond better to comments about their appearance, are well groomed, neat, organized, good spellers, are hardly distracted by noise and prefer to read than be read for (Dimmick 55). They have a propensity to use such visually influenced phrases like I will see to that and I have kept a keen eye on it (Dimmick 55).

Auditory mode individuals have a posture that is more downward oriented such that they appear to breathe from the middle of their chests (Knight). Unlike in the visual mode, people utilizing this mode are easily distracted by noise and primarily learn via hearing (Adler 100). They tend to talk to themselves, appreciate the spoken word and music better, respond to positive affirmations that are spoken about them and with ease can recite a previous conversation that you had with them (Dimmick 89). Their vocabulary is punctuated by auditory influenced phrases like I would like to talk to you while visually oriented person may instead say I would like to see you (Dimmick 89 ).

Kinestic individuals have a more slumped posture as they constantly asses their emotions while communicating (Adler 101). They therefore tend to speak slowly and respond to touching and physical gifts. They typically learn via doing things to get a feel of things, locomote a lot and are good athletes (Dimmick 121). It is worth noting at this juncture that these modes are not exclusive in as much as they are primary, this is because individuals seamlessly shift between the modes as per the situation at hand (Dimmick 135). An example of this dynamism is seen in sales people who may have to adopt a more visual model when selling their wares. These unconventional approaches fronted by NLP have found application in many fields, of particular note is communication studies.

Recently in the communication studies, scholars have identified the importance that the prepositions that NLP holds as being valuable in communicating (Dimmick 27). The have subsequently identified area upon which communication can be improved (Dimmick 27). In improving verbal communication, the ability and quality of listening are considered to be of utmost importance. On the other hand when communicating visually the effectiveness of this form as alluded to earlier in this text, depends on the skills that the involved parties posses in identifying visual communication and applying it in context of the spoken word in order to discern more meaning (Dimmick 35). A third front has also been identified as being critical to effective visual communication, this front concerns itself with factoring in the variation in meaning of  time, space and things across the different cultures (Rogers, Carl,  Roethlisberger, 1991).

Listening refers to more than simple hearing of words and maintaining a polite silence. It involves actively pursuing the meanings intended by the conveyor of the message from their perspective. Hayakawa (op cit) explains this

Listening means trying to see the problem the way the speaker sees it -- which
means not sympathy, which is feeling for him, but empathy, which is experiencing
with him. Listening requires entering actively and imaginatively into the other
fellows situation and trying to understand a frame of reference (life experiences)
different from your own.

This is because different words hold different means to people based on their life experiences.
Thus effective listening involves first recognizing that the conveyer of the message holds different perspectives and belief systems from our own and the listener should then effectively refrain from jumping to conclusions based on their own spontaneous perceptions (Dimmick 89).

The second part of effective listening entails empathizing. This involves the deliberate seeking of meaning as it is to the speaker (Dimmick 89). The listener is asked to forget their own convictions for a while and step into the shoes of the speaker and see the world as the speaker does (op. Cit.). Step requires courage on the part of the listener as the is a constant danger that they are exposed to being influenced by the belief systems of the conveyer of the message thus in essence losing their own belief systems that they have developed over the years (Dimmick 89). Some of the techniques the listener may employ is asking of questions that seek clarity and at the same time taking note not to appear as doubting or condescending. They may also try repeating what the conveyor of the message  has just said and seeking clarification on the issue from the conveyor in the accuracy of their recited statement (Dimmick 89).

According to Rogers and Rosethlisberger (op. Cit.)  this form of  listening enables effective communication especially if booth parties practice it effectively. miscommunication is avoided as implied meanings that may draw hostilities are eliminated as each of the parties understands the intended message. However some schools of thought such as those held by Charlotte Kursh (op. Cit) differ in this respect as they point out that such form of effective communication may result in undesired outcomes as differences and hostilities may be emphasized leading to hardening of positions. This assertion by Kursh (op. Cit.) is evident in politics where politicians may deliberately refuse to listen in order to protect the interests of their constituencies

The fuzziness, the lack of clarity, the meaninglessness of the ordinary political
speech can be an important tool in getting a working majority -- and a consensus,
however arrived at, may be vital for the well-being or even existence of a nation.

In most scenarios, too much emphasis is placed on what is spoken often not deliberately but largely due to the fact that a majority of people fail to visually recognize an accompanying form of language that of body language. There are several categories of non verbal communication, they include personal space, eye contact, position, posture, para-language, facial expression, gesture, touch, locomotion, pacing , adornment, context and physiological responses (Adam Blanter, 2002).All these forms communicate and provide a vital tool for the discerningobserver (James 1999). Of these forms, facial expression is the most widely recognized forms, it takes different easily recognizable expressions such as smiles, frowns and wrinkled brows (op. Cit.).

Non verbal communications are unique since they spontaneous events that may pass even the discernment of the performer themselves (Lewis 1998). As noted by Jane Lyman Holtz (op. Cit.) these physical gestures usually occur in  constellations  which should then be read as a group. Holtz (op. Cit.) further notes that no particular non verbal form of communication communicates by its own since they represent unconscious feelings, perceptions and the manner in which we would like to be viewed by others.  How we look and how we are looked at has a lot to do with our needs for approval, acceptance, trust and love, -- and we usually react accordingly.  . Holts also acknowledges the work of Albert Scheflen, who noted racial differences in on what eye contact represented to different groups

In an interaction, Black males do not look at each
others faces as often as white middle class males do. By cultural prohibition,
eye-to-eye gazing is considered rude. As a consequence of having used their gaze
in this way for a lifetime, Blacks tend to avoid face-to-face gazing when they are
talking with whites. Sensitive whites will often respond by dropping their eyes
also. Puerto Rican boys are taught to look down as a gesture of respect. We have
seen middle class teachers try to force a lad to look them in the face. In one case, a
Puerto Rican boy who was treated in this manner fled from the school in panic. (op. Cit.)

These observations by Scheflen, introduce the third paradigm that of culturally defined differences in time, space and things. In this field anthropologist Edward Hall authoritatively explores the issue through his two books The silent Language and The hidden language. According to Hall (op. Cit.) space is in direct reference to the distances that people tend to allow around themselves when interacting with others. Hall notes as a rule, more is better than less in terms of space (op. Cit.). According to this rule, people tend to prefer to have more space that they operate in. This is especially seen in businesses where top executives tend to have larger offices while employees of lower ranks are limited in terms of their working areas.

The second rule concerning space is that of  private is better then public .Hall notes that people generally value privacy more than open situation (op. Cit.). An example again of this is found in businesses where the important people in the organization have enclosures that are fitted with doors while junior staff like receptionists work in area that are open to the public. The third rule suggested by Hall (op. Cit) is that of  higher is better than lower  thus the common reference that so and so has moved up when referring to an individual who has been promoted. The fourth rule derived from Halls works is self explanatory  near is better than far  and so is the final one   in is better than out  (op. Cit).

The cultural differences of how space is interpreted across cultures can be seen in various forms of communication. For instance, it was common to see females of the roman empire kiss each other on the lips as a sign of friendship and camaraderie while in other cultures like in most African settings, kissing but itself was a strange gesture (op. Cit). Similarly males of Arab descent embrace on greeting while in some parts of the world this may be viewed as an abomination. Building on this earlier work by Hall Antony G. Athos, defined and explained the different meanings that time had to people from different cultures (op. Cit).

From our own descriptions the centrality of time is evident in most of human activity according to Adler (138). For instance, it is generally noted that Americans have a firm grip on time, in this culture, being late for a business meeting or for work is considered to be rude. On the contrary in most African settings its permissible to be late on occasions (op. Cit). Similarly in organizations, junior employees strive to be in time for work while the mangers can afford to be late and keep their subordinates waiting as in their books this is permissible since they generally have busier schedules with so much to do yet minimal time (op. Cit.).

In conclusion the fields of NLP, body language and in particular facial expressions play an important role in communicating. The field of NLP examines the process of how individuals conjure their reality while knowledge of the language of body language and facial analysis provide important tools on how to carry our NLP. The uses of these skills have been shown to be diversely spread from film, politics and even business leadership (Trygve 89). In addition, NLP has come to be utilized in personal improvement programs such as advising smokers on understanding cues that lead them to lighting up thus empowering them with other options that substitute the behavior (Sterman 27) . It is also be of use in the personal lives of normal individual who perhaps aims at abandoning unproductive mannerisms such as procrastination.

The tenets of NLP are of particular use in psychotherapy modes such as behavior therapy, and modeling (Walker 197). Advertising also utilizes anchoring by including images and other media which are recognizable to most of us (Adler 108). For instance some colors hold symbolic meanings, green usually denotes life, environmental conservation and nature. A product that aims to appeal to environmentally conscious individuals may opt to have green as the color of their packaging. Green is also a common color for the recycling logos found on the packages of many items. Another example of anchoring that is exploited in the advertising world is that of the use of catchy phrases that bear meaning to people of a given cultural background (Adler 267). An example that comes to mind is that employed by fast food outlets such as the phrase  catch a big Mac  used in advertising burgers of a leading fast food franchise.

Celebrities and other public figures also utilize NLP to their own advantage. They prompt their audiences to respond to automatic sub conscious cues that aid them in driving different agendas (Charvet 25). One such area is their use of body language. Attire is a central part in NLP use by personalities. They usually dress in a manner that will accentuate attributes that they hold that appeal to masses. For example an artist may choose to dress up in unconventional ways just to emphasize their creativity. Others aim at accentuating their physical attributes exploiting deeply held beliefs of what a desirable female or male physique would look like. Politicians would like to exude power to their constituents. This may be shown in their choice of words and  presence of or sheer size of their security detail and entourage (Charvet 183).

In daily activities and interaction of people, NLP may be of use (Knight 35). For instance, some common gestures such as smiling may mean different things in different contexts. A smile may indicate embarrassment if the person smiling appears recoiled, is facing the ground or is perspiring in ambient conditions. In earlier times, exposure of the teeth indicated aggressiveness, a fact that early explorers may have realized to late on encountering indigenous tribes (). Eye contact is desirable in American culture as alluded to earlier in this essay. In Japan insisting on eye contact may be seen be the other party as an intrusion of personal space. As shown in this essay, NLP has been in use for ages and evidentially has been shown to be an accurate body of knowledge. Individuals and business can utilize its stipulations for a range of needs.


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