Gender and Video Games

The current development in the literature concerning videogames and gender constitutes the formulation of perceptions of how not only game developers but also players establish their individual and collective identity in this process. Their relationship then corresponds to creating specific norms and principles that seek to identify specific ideas concerning their representation of reality and also their ability to capitalize on existing genres for cultivating game play and the issues related to acceptance of existing norms. Due to this, to better understand the relationship circumventing around video games and gender, fair amount of analysis must be made not only in its ability to represent the gaming public but also in the impact it creates towards taking the issue into a bigger picture as it relates to the construction of social norms and roles.

Assessing Video Games and Gender
Indeed looking at previous literature studies, it can be seen that misrepresentation remains apparent especially among the representation of gender in video games. Here, common patterns of male masculine figures and characters continue to dominate different platforms and games. Such idea remains to be seen particularly, during the earlier times wherein there is a corresponding depiction of players that are relatively male and ultimately dominate both the primary and secondary characters. Here, Williams, Martins, Consalvo and Ivory (2009) study highlights these apparent trends by arguing that the most popular games are less representative than the typical game produced by developers, indicating that players also play a role in the cycle of creation and consumption (p. 828).

Similarly, such actions then establish the formation of implications relating towards both businesses and gamers alike. Given the constant marketing and exploration of new strategies to expand the level of gamers within a specific platform, there are indeed restrictions that this gender bias and formulation of games create. It necessitates not only hindering the potential appeal of these games towards consumers but also induce common means for limited appreciation and also shortage in sales. These dynamics in turn necessitate a constricted response to the ever growing number of patrons of video games as it encompasses the majority of participants and involve other actors who also place emphasis in their capacity for media to exhibit their common associations and relationship within the platform (Williams, Martins, Consalvo, Ivory, 2009).

Opening up Patterns for Diversity and Change
Assessing the validity of how video games embrace diversity, careful analysis needs to be made in the manner that video games seek to portray and outline the views concerning the gaming culture. Since social symbols often connote this process to be a malemasculine endeavor, earlier platforms somehow inhibit female participation in such activity and more often than not associated with male roles and tendencies (Williams, Martin, Consalvo and Ivory, 2009). However, this started to change as new designs and models have been introduced to cater to the changing perceptions of gender roles related to video games and adherence to the objectives to transcend over common representations that platform has over male and female responsiveness.

Recognizing the current needs for embedding gender equality within the video game platforms, many game developers now seek to apply these strategies in the formulation of new titles that seek to connote better ability for people to utilize their perception of themselves within a particular game. This brought about significant changes as designers brought into consideration diversity and equal representation of male and female roles in the process. This dynamics then consolidated better means for outlining not only significant areas related to the overall game play but also in the appeal it gives towards different individuals regardless of their racial and gender associations (Brandtzaeg and Heim, 2009).

Seeing this, the study by Jansz and Vosmeer indeed offer a good analysis of how the game Sims 2 address these changing trends and outline the evolution of gaming from a masculine and male dominated genre to a more lax and diverse area that induces common connections between masculinity and femininity. By using this game as an example, the study was able to highlight significant changes in these perceptions and was able to ascertain common ideals shaping and furthering opportunities accounting to how diversity serves as an instrument in merging the idea of gender and video games together.

To complement this process, it takes into account creating video games that are not only responsive to the needs of gamers but also reach out towards their ability to utilize connections over the roles specific characters play. Here, Jansz and Vosmeer (2010) argues, developing gender and games theory requires more detailed insight into the mutual shaping of game content, game play, and gender identities (p.247). By collaborating on these three aspects accordingly, the ability of growth of video games have indeed showcased a reality that is more conducive and responsive to the needs of individuals by offering a variety of platforms wherein interaction and associations remain possible.

Videogames, Violence, and Gender Roles
Another precept shaping the understanding concerning the idea of videogames and gender is the corresponding perceptions and roles it provides participants. Since this element is one part of media, it is through this that representations about culture and gender roles are provided among individuals regardless of age, race, or cultural affiliations. These dynamics in turn necessitate both positive and negative responses in terms of the establishment of identity and formulation of specific patterns of behavior innate within the characterization of primary and secondary characters in a particular game. In essence, there continues to be a relationship in the way individuals ascertain their preferences in games with their innate social behavior and ability to denote a particular response to each theme of a video game played (Brandtzaeg and Heim, 2009).

Seeing these diverse variations concerning the ability to extract experiences and ideas from video games, it then presents the formation of specific behavior and inputs depending on the themes provided. Such actions then result in current diversity of games available in the market today. As Brandtzaeg and Heim (2009) argue, the new electronic gaming landscape is complex, and consists of a vast array of choices in different game content genres tailored towards a range of user profiles in regards to highly different interests and content preferences (p. 71). These in turn result in the formulation of specific behavior that equally shapes an individuals personality and the manner that each one seeks to equate this in the formulation of their identity and role within social institutions.

Associated with the formulation of gender roles, there are also instances of video games promoting violence as themes in its platforms. Such dynamics then necessitate impact on individual behavior as they try to ascertain specific tendencies towards the acceptance of violence to be a social norm and apparent in different scenarios and environment. Though research and literature may argue differently concerning this stance, it also goes to show the impact that video games can provide towards the inducement of violent and aggressive tendencies among gamers. Here, it is what Kim refers to as desensitization of violence within video games genre and points out its impact not only in the formulation of gender roles but also the acceptance of its role within the development of a players identity (Kim, n.d.).

Under this process, there continues to be new developments happening in video game technology that aides the desensitization of violence among consoles. These in turn contributes to further exposure and creates a real-life scenarios wherein players experience an almost-real setup where violence as a theme is depicted. Here, Kim (n.d.) argues that as video games become more sophisticated, there is a wide range of input devices at various levels of realism  from pushing keys on a keyboard to a turning wheel to drive or actually shooting a gun (p. 5).

Such realities then brings about the question of how such games provide the means to explore means to correspond the manner to ascertain violence, videogames and gender. It does take into account the value of how these themes permeate within choices and ability to partake in the gaming experience of individuals.  By establishing these relationships, it can help analyze the formulation of behavior as well as how it corresponds to the nature of furthering opportunities to extract behavioral responsiveness on the part of individuals who partake in such endeavor.  (Jansz, and Vosmeer, 2010).

To conclude, the idea of gender and video games have undergone an expansion of literature that takes into account its development from a more conservative and masculine-oriented dimension towards the creation of games that seeks to highlight and induce elements of diversity. By taking account of these areas, it was able to consolidate better means to reach out towards different gamers and allow better means for access among people. Though there may still be corresponding bias views concerning gender, it was able to construct a new playing field wherein new games are able to cater towards the dynamic needs among gamers.

Alongside this development, there is also the corresponding perspective of shaping new means to carry out effective means to extract gender roles among players. These elements manifest in the themes and perceptions utilized by individuals who participate in such endeavor. One element that can be seen in these areas is the corresponding violence that video game creates. Though there are contrasting views in the impact on human behavior, it plays a crucial role in establishing analysis in its association with the interplay of social norms and roles through the spectrum of perceptions and choices of video game genres.

Football and Media

Football, also refereed to as soccer  or association football, is a team sport played between two teams of 11 players each, using a spherical ball. The sport has existent since medieval times, although it started gaining popularity at the onset of the 19th century. The roots of the modern game can be traced in England, where the Football Association outlined the 1863 Laws of the Game, setting a platform on the way the game is played today. This epoch sparked a revolution that has seen the game gain an eminent status. It is now the most popular and widely-vowed sporting event in the world, with over 715.1 people watching the finals of the 2006 World Cup in Germany.

In the past 50 years, the sport has recorded phenomenal transformation, a situation largely credited to the extreme involvement of media in the sport. What used to be a village game is now a major factor in most media globally. The media has influenced the game in barely all its aspects, ranging from the setting and application of rules, administration, popularity, participation as well as dictating public profiles of most soccer stakeholders.

As far as rules are concerned, the media has been instrumental in their changing and in shaping their application. There are currently 17 laws in football, which have constantly been altered over the years to suit the modern needs of the game, including offering a better spectacle for supporters and to ensure fair play. Notably, most changes have been based on the medias long-term opinion and view of the game. One of the main rule changes influenced by the media is on fouls. In the 1960s, 70s and 80s, red cards and yellow cards were rare in matches due to the rules applied then. Albeit the game being generally physical, professional fouls were mostly committed by defenders, who considered it better than letting opposition players though on goal. So loathed were red cards that in some countries, they were penalized by suspension of the player and a deduction of points for his team. An accumulation of several yellow cards also attracted equal punishment. But the situation has changed and rarely will a weekend end without a succession of red cards in any league across the world. Unlike in the past, most of the straight red cards are shown for professional fouls, which were not harshly punished before. The change is largely thanks to relentless media campaigns in the 1990s, especially in England. From newspapers to soccer magazines, radio and television stations, the media campaigned against the status quo. They deemed the traditional rough game a downside and felt the situation was unfair to teams with talented but physically-challenged players, who were often targeted for on-and off-the ball bullying by their huge but often less talented opposition counterparts.

This partially prompted FIFA to amend rules to punish all seemingly intentional fouls that have the potential to hurt other player, prevent a goal-scoring opportunity, or put the game into disrepute. Though considered harsh, players are even sent off for attempting to hit an opponent. Courtesy of the media, a player is today sent off for softly retaliating after subjection to career-ending tackles. Eye-hawked media scanning of incidents on the pitch has also made soccer authorities to advise referees to be alert on activities on and off the ball. As a result, there are more free kicks in soccer matches than in the 1960s. (Maynor R, 1). To ensure all offences are punished, referees can unlike in the past, now have the liberty to consult linesmen if they miss an incident, and punish it as advised by the assistant.

The media has chiefly influenced rule change by openly highlighting dangerous incidents, including those off the ball that the referee failed to spot and punish. There has also been applied a rule on soccer fights, which mostly went almost automatically unpunished before. The media started to widely highlight them in the early 1980s. Soccer authorities deemed the situation negative to the progress of the game and introduced heavy fines and bans for the culprits. A law was recently introduced to yellow card players who remove shirts while celebrating goals. The media is almost the sole body behind this move. Players had developed a habit of writing sensitive (including political) messages on their vests and exposing them by removing shirts while celebrating.

Rules have also been modified to punish players making obscene or political gestures. Some players used gestures to even support political parties, sometimes against fans aligned to rival parties. For instance, FA fined West Ham striker Paulo di Canio after he made a fascist salute associated after scoring a goal in England in 2002. The English and Italian media deeply analyzed the incident and its political implications. By interpreting the meaning of the gestures, the media played has helped in the resolution of the problem courtesy of rule changes. Another milestone in soccer rule changes greatly provoked by the media is racial abuse. Since the 1960s, black players have particularly endured racial discrimination, including monkey chants, abroad. But the media has made relentless efforts to highlight the threats such scenes pose to global development, and soccer authorities thus introduced tough new laws that see culprits heavily banned.

When it comes to the popularity of the game, the media has deeply contributed to elevating the sport as the worlds favorite in a modern world dominated by hundreds of distinct sports. Though football has traditionally been popular, it took more than just traditions to elevate it to the current level that has seen it gradually overcome racial and gender hurdles. Unlike any other game, the media has highly publicized football and all its diverse aspects to audiences across the world and made more and more fans open their hearts to this game.

First, most soccer fans now know much about the history of the respective teams they support. This has been made possible through television, movie, documentaries and newspapers among other media outlets. This has made fans understand the history of their teams, including aspects such as in what circumstances the team was founded, the best players and managers as well as trophies won. The internet is today one of the leading media in giving history details, particularly through Youtube, which documents many soccer videos from as early as the 1930s (Richard H, and Boyle R, 72). Unlike in most other sports, potential soccer fans can watch videos of legends such as Pele and all this has made fans, including potential ones, understand football much easily and,  thus identify with the game more quickly, thus enhance its popularity. Today, football activities are in most countries highlighted in much more detail than the other sports. Games in the worlds top leagues, as well other key soccer tournaments such as the World Cup, are usually beamed live by televisions across the world, reaching a larger population that in other sports. Indeed, soccer games are now beamed live on mobile phones. This new media technology has seen more and more people access live football, and like the game in the process (Alex F, 1).

Media advertisements have also played a vital role. Many top players in the world are often featured in adverts for major brands that many people highly associate with. This has particularly played a major role in gradually alluring females, who hitherto extensively viewed soccer as a mans sport, to the game. The media also widely highlights women soccer leagues and it is no coincidence that there even leading women soccer commentators. Social interaction sites such as FaceBook and Tweeter a core media role. Today, a fan in far regions like Africa and Australia can make close friends and regularly interact with soccer celebrities, making the game more appealing even among part time fans.

 Another area where the media has been crucial is in defining soccer players across the globe. In the past, soccer was hugely a national affair and international media players an outside role.  But today, the media highlights players in all corners of the world, a situation that has crucially changed the game. Today, the media knows who is who in which soccer academy and publicity of upcoming talent has seen big clubs go for the players in far flung corners of the world and mould them into superstars. This has to some extent enhanced the quality of the game by exposing gifted and exciting young talent, unlike in the past when teams apparently fielded several below-average players within the clubs locality since there was insignificant publicity on better players in far-flung regions of the world. (Raymond B, 180)

The clubs world class players appear for are also being increasingly swayed by the media. The regular highlighting to world audiences, including scout talents and soccer managers anywhere in the world, of how talented as certain player is has resulted in raised interest fro the player, who also most automatically ends in a better club. Some media outlets have even taken it as a personal obligation to help some teams pull particular players. A case in point is the La Masa newspaper in Spain, which has of late been incessantly carrying articles on how Arsenal midfielder Cesc Fabreags will end up in his boyhood club Barcelona. The newspaper has sensationally taken it upon itself to do what club authorities seem to have failed in. Overall, the media has totally revolutionarised the nature of players in terms of quality and the respective clubs they appear for, moulding a totally different scenario as compared to the 1950s, 60s, 70s and 80s.

In terms of administration, the media has also not been left out. Soccer administration is today the exact opposite of the scenario in 1960. Then, football teams used to be mostly owned and managed by locals who were simply loyal to the club, and with a playing history. Football was better seen as a form of leisure. Today, football has been transformed into business. The media is today awash with stories of billionaires across the world trying to take over the best clubs in the world, with soccer managers sometimes also recruited based on their popularity. This is partly attributable to the media, which has popularized the globally and consequently attracted wealthy investors. Concurrently, the media has partly been deciding whether respective club administrators stay. If a club performs poorly or accumulates massive debts under a certain regime, the media has, alongside the fans, been openly expressing discontent. The same applies to soccer managerscoaches today.

Overall, the media has been core in significantly changing the outlook of football over the past 50 years. The public profile of the game has totally changed and most people regard the sport highly. Similarly, the profiles of many soccer players have been elevated.

In conclusion, the media has played a central role in transforming the face of football in the past five decades. It has to an extent affected all aspects of the game, and apparently outlined future trends in the sport. And one would not be mistaken to predict that the media will be crucial in dictating all aspects of the game in future.  For instance, some of the proposals on football being widely discussed in the media today are likely to have been accepted and implemented in 10 years time. One of the issues is the introduction of goal-line technology to overcome the situation where referees wrongfully allow or disallow goals. This has been subject to hot debate by media outlets across the world, majority of who support the introduction electric gadgets, and this is likely to become a reality soon. Publicity of the sport is also likely to increase, and this will result in even more fans, further enhancing the popularity of the game. Current proposal to have a European Super league or have Premier League team play abroad are also likely to be passed since the media is supporting them.

Wireless Multimedia Communication

As the new developments in the technological field of sciences are advancing, the inventions are becoming more reliable and easier in use. It all started with the introduction of Integrated Circuits (ICs) which shrunk the size of the circuit board due to the miniaturized electrical components, then the influential achievement by man was the use of satellites in running machines through electromagnetic waves which eventually led to the beginning of wireless equipments. This era of wireless machines and technology gave us many products which are small in size and easy in carrying due to no wirings and therefore this science was used in communication which, on application, guided the scientist and manufacturers to create cell phones and other wireless devices that benefit us on our daily life. This paper will talk about the latest development in the field of wireless multimedia in daily use and communication purpose and its benefits.

Today all the products or gadgets that a person carries are mostly wireless, this is due to the fact that the technology is advancing day by day and new techniques are evolving so that the size of a machine or a product can be reduced and more applications and verities can be introduced in it. The examples of these products are pagers, cell phones, mp3 players and PDAs which are used on daily basis by an ordinary person, therefore if the size of he product is bulky than there is a lot of problem in carrying all the things together and this is the reason due to which many people abstain from carrying all the things together (Nee, 1999).

This problem was solved by the introduction of ICs and transistors in electronic equipments production field which, through use of these components, reduced the size of the chip boards or the circuit boards and a lot of applications were performed using the circuit board of very small size. Thus after the application was successful in technological machines or production industries, this advancement was introduced in daily use electronic products for house hold purpose which ultimately brought the dawn of the new era of wireless technology in multimedia and communication (Bojkovic  Rao, 2008).

Wireless phones were a major hit in the early days and through further use of technology the advancement in the product came and the bulky size was miniaturized while further additional components were added to it. Then came the age of cell phones which turned the course of this field around and telecommunication became a far diverse field than before which contained different categories in advancing the communication process. Nowadays a small size cell phone is a networking device, file sharing device and a multimedia device through the introduction of MP3 Player, Bluetooth, internet, camera and camcorders and Wireless LAN, while these features doesnt end here, a lot of latest developments are taking place for the benefits of the user and are surely astounding (Ganz  Wongthavarawat, 2003).

Wireless Multimedia Communication
Wireless Multimedia Communication is the process of communicating through the use of multimedia devices which include an arrangement of transcript, audio, still pictures, simulation, video and interactive matter, while a Multimedia Communication System is a system that controls more than single media stream in a corresponding method through the customers approach. This may perhaps permit the interface of several participants, various connections and the accumulation or removal of possessions and the user under a particular interaction session. It, somehow, include all the ways of interaction between people because all the communication devices in the world are related to multimedia or are the multimedia devices, be it through the texting of messages in cell phones or the video conferencing in an enterprise meeting every thing is done through the multimedia devices. Wireless technology first came into creation when Alexander Graham Bell in collaboration with Charles Sumner Tainter invented the telephone, which could perform communication process through wireless electromagnetic waves, so through further research and advancement communication in space programs was made applicable and it was not until this era that fiber optical cables and wireless networking was brought for communication and interaction process. But due to the advancement of science and technology this communication process was then performed through the use of multimedia devices (Nee, 1999).

The most used wireless device in the world is the television remote which is used to control the working of television from a small distance and his is said to be the most famous wireless device. According to a survey the cell phones and cordless phones became very popular customer product and there were almost 250 million users in the year 2000 while this rate increased at a rate of 500 to 600 million users per annum. This shows the importance wireless networking has on the daily basis life of a person. The use of multimedia in every organization is very essential and every employee is expected to know the working and operation of multimedia devices, these devices include the computer systems in the offices, internet devices, projectors and speaker and sound system. During the conferences of a company the presentations are given through the use of multimedia equipment, which contain the use of Microsoft Power Point and the images or slide shows uploaded though the internet. They are then delivered to a computer system which then transfers the image to a screen by the use of a multimedia projector. Thus a presenter can show different slides, images and animations to convey the message and all of this is included in the wireless networking or the communication through wireless multimedia (Ganz  Wongthavarawat, 2003).

This procedure was different some years or decades ago as the computers used in the course of action were full of wiring system but as the technological equipment improved the use of laptops came underway and now all of the users utilize laptops in their work as it occupies less space and can perform the same work without any problems. The use of batteries is increasing a lot as almost all the wireless systems are run through the use of batteries, these are either dry batteries or solar operated batteries which can charge themselves through the sun light and have quite a long duration to operate a device. This is the cause of using multimedia in these operations so that the message can be conveyed easily and with interest as many people enjoy listening to a presentation which comprises of different interesting postulates and pictures (Bojkovic  Rao, 2008).

In the days before the wireless multimedia was introduced people use to talk using telephones and the wiring system used to create a lot of mess not only at the place of usage but also outside the venue as almost all the wire accumulate at one junction creating a lot of mix up and one damage in wiring system means the whole repayment of the wire, therefore the use of wireless technology in multimedia led to the creation of cell phones we have today as they contain not only the device for communication through dialing but also the wireless networking and multimedia properties (Wesel, 1997).

An ordinary cell phone today is a GSM based cell phone and works on the wireless technology through the satellite transmission of signals but the addition of multimedia properties have made it a fully loaded gadget as it contains a camera which is now available up to more than 10 mega pixels, mp3 player with a micro slot of memory card that can be extended up to more than 20GB, voice recorder, camcorder, fm radio and different multimedia properties, therefore through this a person can not only communicate but also use the same cell phone as a portable wireless multimedia device. This is not the only thing a person gets fascinates with in todays mobile phones but the latest development in the wireless multimedia in the cell phones is the television device which can show live television and it can also be used in meeting as a device for presentations, all a user needs to do is plug in the multimedia projector in the cell phone and it acts as a device just like laptops containing the slide shows (Passas  Salkizis, 2005).

The other latest development in the wireless multimedia is the use of Bluetooth, it is the file sharing and a networking method in which two electronic devices containing this facility can be paired up and networking, communication and file transfer can take place. This is very useful when used in offices and organizations as they need to keep in touch with the other people and as it has a wide range of connectivity so it works quite well in the organizational location. The Bluetooth is followed by the Wi-Fi, which is the wireless LAN used in laptops and mobile phones for the connectivity of internet and it is now introduced in many wireless multimedia devices and gadgets including iPod by Apple Company (Bojkovic  Rao, 2008).

This is a real good and unique development in the field of wireless multimedia communication as people can keep themselves updated through a constant connection of internet, the Wi-Fi has a device which woks under a certain location and supervision and each wireless LAN provider have their own pass code for the connectivity which is than used to gain access to the application of internet. In cell phones this device is getting quite popular as users can surf on net, log onto the social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and My Space and also can communicate through its use. Another latest development is the introduction of wireless internet through the Universal Serial Bus (USB), this is done through the use of a USB which had a high speed internet connection and when plugged into the computer or ay networking device grants access to the internet at a high speed and its all due to the wireless networking done through the satellite signals. These high speed network USBs come in a wide range of verities ranging from 128Kpbs to 4-6 Mbps, which is a very useful device when comes to wireless multimedia communication as it can be used for household usage, offices and organizations, small or large scale business companies and places where wiring system is very difficult to reach (Bojkovic  Rao, 2008).

Satellite televisions contain the same devices through which they wok on the basis of wireless network catching signals from the satellite sent from the broadcasting station, also the use of Bluetooth is now available in headsets and headphones making them wireless. When the headphone is tuned on, it is connected via Bluetooth to the multimedia device which can be either a cell phone or a laptop producing a quality output of sound, therefore his technology advancement is in a lot of demand by the young generation who carry these gadgets and do not like wiring systems of headsets, this can also help people when they drive as the Bluetooth headset can fix easily in the ear and prevents the diver from picking up the whole cell phone for attending a call avoiding any accidents (Goldsmith, 2005).

One of the greatest achievements made through the use and advancement of wireless multimedia communication is the introduction of virtual reality and the virtual simulations used for the training purposes for military and other use, virtual reality and simulation is used in training the beginners in military and arms forces for operating the missile systems and aircraft and they are all controlled through a wireless multimedia devices and progress in development of these areas is still under way and many brilliant ideas are reshaping its concept. This has started a whole new chapter in science and technology field including the creation of video games and other animations which get quite famous in the young generation like the introduction of Play Station 3, Nintendo and X Box 360. These multimedia devices allow not only the young generation but gamers all over the world to enjoy a whole new world of computer graphics and gaming. Even the movies today are now being judged on the use of computer graphics and this is all being done through the use of wireless multimedia (Ganz  Wongthavarawat, 2003).

Thus Wireless Multimedia Communication is a very useful and essential part of our daily life staring from the use of a simple cell phone and going all the way to the wireless satellite network and simulations.

Wireless communicationis the transporting of data without the use of any electrical copper wires over a certain distance, these distances can either be short(a few feet) or long (thousand or million of kilometer for radio frequency transmission) and due to this feature it is known as Wireless and it is an important branch for telecommunication the IEEE 802.11 the standard for wireless LAN and communication (Goldsmith, 2005).

This technology allows two or more computers to work together by the use of standard network protocols and is called wireless networking or wireless communication and the devices used for this procedure are called the wireless networking devices. Wireless LAN is gaining popularity and is used in offices and other institutions and its greatest benefit is that it can be used in complicated places where wiring and other networking setup is difficult. Wireless devices do not bound a user to sit at one place but allows the user to access the internet from any where and contains high-speed and no wiring thus the user is comfortable in every way (Bojkovic  Rao, 2008).

This is being used companies and some firms for connection bridging so that if workers move from the building to the other, they would still be logged on their laptops with same facilities. However laptops are the most preferable devices for this technology and now cell phones and pagers are also equipped with this technology and are benefiting the users. The wireless technology devices includes different types of radios (portable, dual-channel), cell phones, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), USB devices, multimedia players (like iPod), while in every day house hold life this technology can be seen in the garage door openers, wireless keyboards and mouse for computers, satellite televisions, cordless phones and Bluetooth enabled wireless headphones and headsets (Passas  Salkizis, 2005).

The technology of wireless networking and communication is advancing at a rapid pace, the scientist and engineers are working to create a world wide wireless networking device so that every one in the world can be blessed with this helpful invention and the use of wires can be reduced. Although today the use of fiber optic cables is very necessary but it too helps in transmitting the wireless networking signals.

So it is becoming a daily use interacting, communication and controlling device which is now seen in different miniaturized forms.

Multimedia can be described as the digital demonstration of combination of sounds, videos, pictures, information and graphics. A medium can both be linear medium or 2D medium also known as the time supported medium, together it is termed as multi media. It is then used to develop information through the use of graphics, images, sounds and other media devices and terms. Mostly computerized and electronic devices are used in recording and playing the Multimedia files, and it has quite a lot of advantages which include the improvement of text presentation, enhancing the quality of presenting the data and keeping the viewers concentration. It is brilliant when used on computer and is used for educational and entertainment purpose, its modification is very easy and can be easily and quickly operated by the user (Nee, 1999).

The use of multimedia is in a lot of field which include entertainment and arts where it is used for the creation of video games, computer graphics special effects in movies in educational purpose where this field is used for computer training process and media development and graphical designing while some newspaper companies make us of multimedia for the publication and advertisement in engineering field it is being used for computer aided designing and simulations for the prototype creation and is a great help for software engineers and developers moreover in industrial sector it is used for training of a worker, product development and selling and presenting ideas to the superiors (Passas  Salkizis, 2005).

Multimedia is also very useful in medical field as the doctors are trained via virtual reality based surgical operations to get an idea of the spreading and consequences of any disease, thus developing the cure for it while last but not the least is the conversion of documentation from hard copy to digital format through scanning and data transfer (Bojkovic  Rao, 2008).

So the Multimedia is quite useful when comes to the operation in todays era as its all computerized and technological.

The other mean of communications with out the involvement of multimedia is the use of over head projectors or OHPs which are used to show transparencies for presentation purpose which is used in a lot of low scale purposes and in places where the use of multimedia projectors is not very common or there is no availability of it. But as it is one of the earliest forms of presenting the data so it is still in recommendation, it is cheap and does not involve any connection to PC or laptop. Thus is one of the easy and low priced methods of interaction in meetings or any other presentation (Passas  Salkizis, 2005).

So after going through the whole development and advancement, the multimedia product or the device given to us helps in a lot of ways and makes our life easier. Interaction, communication and the controlling of different small tings can be done easily through its use.

Multimedia provides entertainment and it is the only reason people hold on to the subject rather than getting bored by the transparencies shown through the over head projector. Live motions and technique is the purpose of keeping the interest of audience to the information. The development in this field would not come to an end, and people would get fascinated by the upcoming inventions in the field of wireless multimedia and communication.

Electronic card system-a sigh of relief for bar owners

Its an all too familiar scene seeing the beefy bouncers manning the entrance of nightclubs. The history of guarding nightclubs is long and perhaps no documented record of when it began exists, but its necessity has long been recognized. While some may fear the looks of those beefy creatures guarding the doors of nightclubs, few would argue their importance for the nightclubs. Security and maintaining order may be their priorities, but even more important is their duty to filter people. Perhaps few, if any, instances of filtering on the basis of race, gender, socioeconomic class exist.  If not so, then whom do they really filter

Even as the bouncers keep a sharp eye on troublemakers, they keep an even sharper focus on minors-those below 20 years of age. Strict scrutiny of youngsters is necessary because it is unlawful to allow minors to get access into bars where age restricted activities take place such as alcohol, and tobacco serving.  The stakes for lax attitude may cost the bar dearly. Penalties on allowing underage customers and providing unlawful services range from exorbitant fines, suspension of permit on specific products such as liquor. In the worst case, the license of the business may be revoked and business closed. While bar owners may go to courts, the high court fees and subsequent legal imbroglio may be enough to alert any sane bar owner to implement strict surveillance to filter out minors.

In an age where youth is exposed to excessive media crime, violence and obscenity, it is a natural outcome to expect those same youngsters to try whatever they can to enjoy the freedom. This unparalleled freedom afforded to teens, the myriad forces of vices in their surrounding and the natural urge of their age to try out something different drives the minors to attempt and avail adult services. And with advances in fashion and the ease with which minors can disguise their looks to appear a little older makes it too easy for them to deceive the bouncers. Add to this the advances in available technology that gives even the novices the ability to create fake identity card, the situation becomes complex and much difficult for the bouncers to handle.

So, is there any solution available then We may have a reason to alleviate our fears in this regard, since there is a solution that is much better and convenient than the conventional ways of scrutiny. The solution lies in the use of electronic age verification technology. The technology is simple, yet offers the most convenient and foolproof way of ensuring those unwanted minors doesnt sneak into the bars.
The technology uses ID scanners which authenticate a customers identification. The scanner validates data embedded into the magnetic strips or barcode inside the ID card. This is much similar to the technology used in authenticating driving licenses, where security officers scan the driving license and get information of the license number, validity and date of birth of the driver.  With the same technology in place, bar owners can easily ascertain the age of their customers and be safe from the menace of unknowingly allowing a minor to get into their bar.

The variety of ID scanners available today adds to the convenience. The style of scanning ranges from wands and CCD scanner to laser scanning. The most common technology used in IDs are barcode and magnetic strips. While serving similar purposes, the technologies slightly differ in their technicalities. Barcodes consist of series of parallel lines with spaces, and the identification is done through the patterns created. Magnetic stripe consists of a magnetic strip that stores data. While barcode offer speed and production, magnetic strips offer standardization.

For nightclubs, the recommended ID scanner is the portable handheld scanner that can read magnetic strips and barcodes. With a large front screen, the portable scanner displays the relevant information on the screen. Usually the ID scanners come bundled with their own specific application software.  For bar owners, age verification software could verify the name, date of birth, ID expiration and other relevant information, making it virtually impossible to cheat the system.

Age verification systems come up with a variety of features, making its use even more relevant. A good feature is its anti-pass back feature that prevents the ID cards reuse by any person other than the cards owner. So the owner cannot pass the ID card to his friend who may use it to enter the club. Latest technology also makes it very difficult to fake the ID cards. With incidences of counterfeit magnetic strips and barcodes that could momentarily be used to deceive the system, latest technology has made it impossible to do so. Cross-checking of data on the scanner with the actual printed ID data makes it improbable that unwanted people could ever enter with the system in place.

The uses of such a system are not limited to preventing minors from entering bar clubs. It extends to providing bar customers with convenience and added value. The ID cards could be used as an alternative to cash, making financial management easier for the bar owners. For customers, it adds to the convenience of buying at bars.

But perhaps what would prove as the greatest marketing tool for bar owners is the use of these smart cards to monitor loyalty programs. This added feature gives bar owner an insight of their customers likes, what they buy, how often they buy and so on. So bar owners can determine what their customers revenue making activities customers mostly do in the bar, and all of this recorded automatically. Bar owner can then tailor their promotional program such as discounts based on this data.

While some bar owners may dread the use of technology and distance themselves from a scanner verification system, their fears would surely alleviate once they reap the benefits of such a system. Its just a matter of time before a bar with no such card system would look so antediluvian.

Audience analysis
Wired is an American monthly magazine and online periodical that reports on technology, culture and politics.  The magazine is published in San Francisco, California and has an estimated readership of over 500,000.

A typical reader of wired magazine is a technology loving young person who is an early adopter of new technologies.  Hence, most wired magazine readers are highly educated and usually have a better know-how of technologies than the average population. The typical reader has an above average income and can afford to be an early adopter for some technologies.

Wired magazine has an interesting style of writing that is modern in its approach and uses a techie jargon at times. The magazine also offers in depth analysis on certain issues, taking an expository writing approach.

Feminist Perspective of the Film Twilight

The film Twilight, a fantasy-romantic film has its director as Catherine Hardwicke who adapted it from Stephenie Meyers novel Twilight. The plot of the film revolves around the extra-ordinary relationship between a Vampire Edward and a young girl Bella Swan. The captivating conflict centers on the efforts of the family of Bella Swan and those of Edward Cullen to keep her away from the evil vampires. The film altogether highlights Hardwickes theatrical intellect and wit in bringing out scenes that explores serious aspects as well as the social constructions and themes the contemporary society still exhibits despite the gallant fight for equality and social enlightenment. The film raises serious flaws in portraying the women in a society that has spiritedly fought against the tenets of patriarchy by analyzing it from the feminists point of view (Chang 1).

As the scenes in the film Twilight unfolds, the 17 years Bella Swan goes to live with Charlie, her father in small town, Forks after her mother elopes with another man. Exposed to new neighborhood and school, Bella has to make new friends where she is intrigued by Edward Cullen after he inexplicably stops a van that nearly run over her with his hand. Bella is intrigued when Cullen is adamant to explain how he saved her and is only against her befriending him. Bella later discovers Cullen is a vampire that only consumes blood from animals. Conflict in the film plot develops when other vampires know of Cullen and his family protectiveness over humans especially Bella who Edward is in love with. The antagonist, James schemes to hunt Bella where he lures her into a trap ultimately biting her. Lucky enough Edward and Cullens family rescues her, destroys James something that hurts Victoria his girlfriend, and the venom in Bellas blood is sucked out by Edward something that prevents her from becoming a vampire. Victoria, James girlfriend secretly schemes her revenge for her lover as the film ends.

Throughout the film Twilight, it is notable that the female characters especially Isabella Bella are developed by the director Hardwicke as nave, annoying, petulant, and above all there is that attitude anti-feminism. This is continuation of the social construction of women as nave and with immature tendencies traverses the ideals of modern society in this film thus being an embarrassment to women folk today. It is also annoying that Bella is prepared to just change from who she is to become a vampire just because she loves Edward. This is quite demeaning because it paints the bigger picture and a bad one for that matter that women would do anything for the men they love. It is petty that Bella cannot just like the person she is and continue being she is despite all the love she feels for Edward Cullen.

This puts the issue of identity of women in question thus painting a negative picture that women want to identify not with their own kind but with who they love. Edward although loves Bella very much he is committed ensuring that Bella is pure no a vampire like himself. Critically analyzing the film in this perspective, Edward is a vampire who hates the activities other vampires involve in. The evil vampires feed on human flesh and blood, which Edward detests very much. He feeds on animal blood contrary to the likes of other vampires and together with his family protects humans. On the other hand, Bella is deeply moved by the kindness and the love of Edward that she freely wants to become a vampire. A vital question arises, is Bella guided by reason or her emotions Is it necessary that she change into a vampire Can she still exist in the form of human by her virtue and retain her relationship with Edward This portrayal of women as people guided by emotions but not by reason is quite misleading and anti-feminist. Feminists from 1960s to today are fighting for the deconstruction of portrayal of women as simply people who need men to do everything for them fight, provide, and defend them. Therefore, in the film Twilight, the portrayal of women is not is not in vogue with the contemporary feminist trends that advocates for women as independent people who can exist without the help of under the umbrella of men (Chang 1).

It is contrary to popular feminists trend for women lives to be entirely controlled by men. The film depicts the character of Bella is a person dependent on men in her life. The life of Bella is essentially controlled by men and ultimately allows this to take place. The film depicts a patriarchal society that is against the marriage of older women to younger men and yet it encourages marriage between older men to teenage girls. Would the society depicted in the film would be comfortable if the relationship between Edward and Bella had been vice versa Hardwicke perpetuates the ideals of the patriarchal society long forgotten. Edward even though is a vampire depicts more humane qualities by protecting Bella than of vampire and thus enhances the old societal traditions of older men marrying teenagers. Bella should not be in a relationship with a person who is worthy to be her great-grandfather. Edward is too old and there can never be anything good out of the marriage. Any marriage is definitely intended for company and procreation. It is beyond the contemporary societal values for Bella to be involved in a relationship which will culminate to marriage. It is also targeting and encouraging a society where the place of women denigrates them to stay at home as housewives and bear children on the denial that they cannot make decisions based on reason but guided by their own emotions (Jones 35). Bella is depicted as trying just to make a show of being annoyed when he overprotects her. On the other hand she behaves as a little girl who can barely help herself but only put herself in danger. Hardwicke portrays masculinity which dominates the film. Edward does not feel she is safe going to meet people because he is for one jealous, and has the power over her anyway and she feebly resists. Bella puts only feeble efforts of showing she is against his help and yet lets him to help her eventually because she loves him. Do women like to be innately protected as Bella exhibits The entire relationship is symbolic where Bella has to cling on for protection. Not that Im against the protection but it entirely paints a bigger picture that women require men for protection or else their survival is not guaranteed (Chang 1).

According to Jones (63) the society today has high social consciousness and the modern woman is liberal and the film does not portray the ideal modern woman who is sophisticated and independent. The film in a way promotes conservative social ideologies, which are not well taken by the present society. The female characters although they play dominant role in the film they are presented as people with low self-esteem. The voice of reason forms the important aspects in the modern woman and emotions are not her weakens. The film however, depicts a thousand and one ways in which Edward manipulates and controls Bella emotionally and she blindly lets him have his way consequently enjoying his actions. It is ironical in the way Edward does not want Bella not to ride her car, guards her bedroom at night and does not want her to do anything all by herself. Instead of living her dreams, Bella gives up all his dreams for the man she loves. Further, the film encourages teenage motherhood in which the contemporary society is against the feminist simply because a teenager cannot make any independent decisions without being influenced. She completely changes her lifestyle her friends, her body and moreover gives up humanity just for a man. Another female character is Victoria who as the film ends is possibly planning to avenge for the death of James because she loved him very much. There is not any reason beyond this scheme of revenge because even when she is successful in nothing will bring James back to life.

In addition, the film explores on the theme of sexism revolving around fantasy, which is targeting the female audience. Chang (1) argues Bellas obsession is Edward who is depicted as the fairest guy in the world. This film further permeates the stereotypes about women that they will fall for any guy who is cute without even digging about his background. And even if they do a research about the background, the physical looks will make them fall for them anyway. The film is prejudiced against women for it depicts them mistaking fantasy for reality and reliving in that state of fantasy and thus sexism, which is femininity indicating that women are weak and objects to be loved, which is a stereotype. Jacob is a realistic character who doubtlessly appeals to the viewers but they sympathize with him because he suffers from rejection by Bella who wants to be with supernatural Edward. This further seems to confirm the stereotype that women love fantasy rather than the reality.

In conclusion, analyzing the film Twilight directed by Catherine Hardwicke from the perspective of feminists, she fails in correcting the stereotypes and prejudices depicted of women in a patriarchal society. The film further subordinates women in the society of men and indicates that they would love to live in life of fantasy instead of the realistic life. Catherine Hardwicke, a female director is criticized simply because she explores the feminine aspects in this movie negatively instead of deconstructing the social constructs against the progress of the women folk in her film, she further perpetuates some of the stereotypes and prejudices against women in the contemporary society. Instead of promoting feminist concepts in this film and breaking down the constructions of the patriarchal society, Hardwicke ironically promotes anti-feminist concepts.

Print and Television Advertisement

Medium is defined as one of the channels or ways of disseminating general information, communication or entertainment in a society represented effectively by television, newspapers, radio and the Internet. It is a means or instrument for the storage or communication of information. The medium or the method has a profound relationship for the transmission of a message. It is because of the fact that people use numerous types of medium of communication to be able to communicate a message. To be specific, the interpretation of various visual signs or phenomena entails a number of techniques including resemblance (photographs), logic or cause and effect, convention (with the use of symbolic value), and signification (like a smile which indicates pleasure) related to the field of study called semiotics.  Marshall McLuhan supported this claim when he coined the phrase The medium is the message which connoted that the characteristics of a medium are a huge influence on how a message is received and understood. According to McLuhan, what is important is the quality of delivering the messages by using various types of medium and on how they are being delivered to the audience (Berger, 1995). He asserted that the media highly affects how people make sense of the world they live in so their existence is more important than the texts that they are creating or producing.

One major example is the influence of print in the effective delivery of message in the society. Print is significant to our senses since messages delivered by this type of medium are interpreted by the eyes with specific focus on standardization, continuity, linearity, rationality, individualism, separation and data classification. It is highly opposite with electronic media which are aural in nature, all at once, simultaneous and recognized the role of patterns. As such, it can be said that the medium has a major effect on the quality of message it carries. The communication of message or information is dependent on the size of the medium. For example, a radio could carry more messages or information than the capacity of a telephone. In the same manner, a movie could provide so much information on a particular film than the capacity of a television but carries a low participation rate due to the cost associated with it. Another example was that when people look at a picture, each individual has a different process of thought or interpretation and reaction to it. Text, with the use of a cellular phone is also a famous example as the message can be easily misunderstood since the facial expressions and voices of the sender and the receiver are not present.

The images that were captured during and after the September 11 attacks in New York and Washington have various significant impacts on the culture and society of the American people. In particular, the images of the terrorist attack was able to capture global attention and thus negatively affecting the performance of majority of market indices in the world including the New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ and the Dow Jones Industrial Average that were temporarily closed due to the event.

Likewise, the city of New York suffered great losses of income worth 2.8 billion after the attacks. Small businesses were also hurt of the ruins of the attacks when they were displaced from the World Trade Center. The images showing media footages of people jumping out of their windows to escape death is deemed unnecessary. It highly affected American culture with the showing of various violent television shows, movies, music videos and video games. The media itself had ruined American culture with the repeat play of those horrible footages of the 911 attacks just for the purpose of gaining high ratings.

However, the footages of the attack were also a great influence for world leaders to strengthen their security efforts against domestic and international terrorists. As a result, most countries supported the stance of the United States of attacking the camps of terrorists in countries where they are hiding like Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq. In the same way, the report and photos of the casualties captured world attention with regard to the severity and broadness of one-day attack.

Various disciplines like print, graphic arts, writing, architecture poetry and fashion employ design principles to be able to achieve perfection on the final product (Rowe, 1991).  As such, essential factors that determine the goodness of a print design are the following (1) Balance  primarily based on the idea that the whole is the sum of all its parts wherein elements of design are being used to organize and produce whole that is in balance or equilibrium (2) Proportion  A factor that is related to balance, good proportion provides the feature of maintaining an agreeable relation of parts within a whole that refers to the thorough consideration of the parts that comprises the whole aspect of a print design (3) Contrast  This factor is produced when elements are combined offering the necessary variety for a print design. Without this factor, print design can be boring or ineffective. While balance and proportion are concerned with cohesiveness, contrast adds interest to a good print design (4) Economy  Related to the principle that less is more which implies that simplicity emphasize a print designs more impressively than complexity (5) Direction  This factor refers to the arrangement or movement of a good print design. It helps lead the main purpose of the print design in a viewers eye and (6) Emphasis  Also identified as dominance, this factor exists when the elements of design are arranged to produce a hierarchy of visual significance.

Avatar was a major television advertisement and film that I was able to watch in the past year. I consider it as the most visually fantastic film since it was a groundbreaking 3D or third dimensional motion picture. Major criteria for the positive review of the film were its visual effects and the technology put into it. The visual effects were freshly introduced to the audience while the technology was everywhere just like the way the Marines attacked the Navis (aliens) in their place called Pandora. They used sophisticated military weapons but the aliens did not give up with their faith to their god. Due to the performance of the film, it received a number of awards from award giving bodies in Hollywood and was watched by millions of people around the world.

Media the Fashion Trend Setter and its Effects on Youth

How the youth define and shape their culture depends largely on societal influences. Mass or electronic media, considered as the most powerful tool in communication today, primarily set the trend in the culture of fashion.

There are many diverse channels for fashion information and influences. Magazines and fashion television are mass disseminators of ideas and looks, but there are some more subtle, yet powerful, influences for example, clothes worn by popular television actors and the viral buzz created by word-of-mouth and word-of-mouse (Internet) chat with friends and colleagues (Jones, 2005, p. i).

Fashion is a subject of vital interest  especially to the young (p. xi). The introduction of music videos and other advertising campaigns and promotions brought forth the so-called fashion fraternity. A peer group advocating the pop culture can be easily distinguished from those who are not.

Like any other businesses, fashion industry also adopts a systematic scheme to effectively capture its market, specifically the youth. Starting from the runway, the trend moves all the way to the different media outlets  newspapers and magazines, television, radio, and the Internet  until it reaches the target audience. Fashion media are always up for the existing and emerging styles, with forecasts and suggestions for the next season.

The constant advances in communication technology allow ideas and images to race around the globe in the blink of an eye (p. i). The youth continues to be amazed and shocked by the new trends they see on the computer and television screens as well as in newspapers pages.

This overwhelming reality poses both positive and adverse effects. Almost everything one can see in all media outlets carries a merchandise of male and female bodies. While there are respectable personalities in film and music industries who are role model of decency, many do not have inhibitions to show off everything. This is what most parents are concerned of while their teenagers enjoy the feeling of belongingness. Nisey Williams share the same view in her article I hate Britney, Pop culture seems to be in downward spiral, continually going from bad to worse. Its bad enough to have to endure countless images of exposed female bodies on every music channel .

Why is accommodation to new fashion easy in youth but so difficult in old age (Bornstein, 1984, p. 63) How do the electronic media effectively influence the fashion choice of the young adults As part of media promotional, how do music videos intensify the desire of the youth to be like that of the artists How fast does the trend change With its high-speed and all-knowing attributes, electronic media is deemed the second god which man has created (Schwartz, 1982, p. 1). How then can parents possibly disengage their children from the fashion trending of the mass media Through survey research, this paper seeks to answer these thought-provoking questions.

The visual aspect in mind control

Neuro linguistic programming is a pragmatic form of thought that was developed in the 1970s in America that primarily concerned itself with the study of behavior patterns, belief systems and the thinking process of highly effective individuals in an attempt to understand the success that such individuals inevitably seemed to enjoy (Hayes 14).

Literature Review
The pioneers of this form of thought process are John Grinder a lingui.Based on experiences drawn from their fields of expertise and the combination of inputs. The two co-authored several texts that shed the light on Neuro-lingiustic programming. By examining the techniques of prominent psychologists Fritz Perls and Virginia Satir, they published their first work The structure of magic vol 1 (1975  1976). These books chronicled these two famous therapists and provided an account of how their speech patterns and behavioral tendencies contributed to their success. The next personality they examined was Milton Erickson who was the founder of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis in their book Patterns of the hypnotic techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Vol 1  2 (1975, 1976) . The result of their endeavors were books that introduced the concept of NLP such as Neuro-lingiustic programming Vol.1 (Gringer, Bandler, Diltz  DeLoizer, 1980).

Over the years and following disputes over the true definition of NLP, this school of thought has allowed input from various disciplines, a model referred to as open source. Some of the fields whose development continue to contribute immensely to NLP include communication studies. Of particular note is the work of  Edward Hall, whose books The silent language and Hidden dimension  have been of particular help in recognizing the effect that culture has on NLP. Through these books, Hall describes the dimensions of time, place and things that alter how we define our experiences. Other contributions from this field of communication studies have been through the works of authors like Adam Bantler who delved into the specifics of non verbal communication via internet based articles like Non verbal communications Using experimental methods of learning series .

In more recent times with increasing adaptation NLP, newer careers have emerged from the practice. They include business motivational speakers, magicians, illusionists, psychics and horoscope readers. Probably the most renowned of these new age practitioners of NLP derived knowledge is Darren Brown. Famous for a hat full of acts that fool the mind this practitioner is unique as he endeavors to tell the secret of his trade to a worldwide audience. Via internet based mediums like his blog and videos hosted on sharing sites like  you tube  he explains the science behind the acts of the myriad of practitioners in his field as being derived from NLP.

This paper will look try and establish the links existing between NLP, communication and examine cultural differences that modifies this science. In effect it offers insights to what NLP entails, how it has been applied in the past and how it continues to shape business practices. In todays globalized economy these differences are of particular importance as companies increasingly need to understand new clients and work in cultural environments that different from those in their home countries. Since business need to communicate via marketing campaigns with their consumers, care should also be taken as unintended messages may damage the reputation of the business. Similarity, learning institutions and work places are made up of culturally diverse individuals each with unique experiences. Leaders in these areas need to appreciate these differences as a means of achieving success and efficiency. Neuro-lingiustic Programming.

Neuro- linguistic programming (NLP), is a term that encompasses the three aspects by which individuals create versions of their reality(Hayes 11). In this study, the limits of what an individual recognizes as being true, their reality, is recognized. This recognition stems from pragmatic thought which analyzes and considers the existence of different levels of human existence (Hayes 11). The individual is taken to be part of a complex of inter-related and interdependent systems that constitute reality. Therefore the reality of  any particular individual, differs from the next and thus there can never be any one true universal reality (Hayes 11). To adequately understand this concept, the etymology of the term NLP needs to be considered.

The  neuro  part of the term refers to the biological systems existent in every individual that are concerned with the receipt, interpretation and conduction of messages (James, 1999). The neurological system that encompasses both chemical (neurotransmitters and hormones) and physical elements ( nerves, brain and effector tissues like muscles and endocrine glands), is the chief modality concerned with conveying environmental inputs to the individual which then form part of the boundaries of their reality (op. Cit.). For instance, in discerning an environmental aspect such as food, the individual needs to utilize one of their senses such as smell to pick up that particular aspect of their current environment. If for any particular reason the individual suffers from agnosmia, food may fail to be picked up and thus may cease to be reality for that particular individual.

In spite of the central role that neurological systems play in constructing reality. They by themselves do not fully define what reality is for an individual. Another important aspect is language. Language refers to the tools utilized in conveying messages to each other thus providing another dimension that constitutes reality. It represents what may be otherwise be refereed to as communication. In examining the concept of  language, one realizes that communication entails the sending and receiving of signals via various modalities (op. Cit.). These signals are aimed at conjuring some meaning or already bear some meaning to the involved individuals. When this concept of language is considered with the neurological functions described above, its role in defining reality comes to fore (James, 1999).

This is because language is the actual  content  that is conveyed in the neurological pathways. For instance, failure to communicate may deprive the individual some aspect of their environment thus it effectively ceasing to be a reality to them. Language in NLP is a broad term that encompasses both verbal aspects of communication and non verbal communication. In most situations the verbal aspect of communication receives apt attention, even more so to the detriment to non verbal forms. NLP stresses the importance of recognizing such non verbal forms of non verbal language as they provide additional input which may confirm, deny or barely affect  what is being communicated verbally (op. Cit.). Visual modalities like body language are thus important as the define reality in other dimensions such as time, space and person. If the individual lacks the ability to perceive and interpret them, they cease to be part of his reality.

The tail end of the etymology- programming, refers to constructed models that individuals hold that they utilize to derive meaning of the content (language) they have perceived and interpreted (neurology) (op. Cit.). These models are constructed over time and are unique to every individual. One such model is memory. The brain unconsciously resorts to preformed concepts of what reality is to give meaning to what the individual is currently perceiving via there neurological pathways. For instance, on sighting a snake the individual may chose to flee based on  prior memory of the danger a snake posses. This reaction may have been built from memory of  a previous scenario where the individual saw or experienced a similar reaction to a snake (Knight 16). These feedback loop mechanism absolves judgment of the reaction as reality is seen to be a natural process that is unique to the unique experiences of that individual. To illustrate this further, it is worth considering the description of this tenet of  NLP by one of the pioneers of this field Richard Bandler

You want to become competent at whatever you do. That does not mean to get phobics, who shake in their boots while their blood pressure blows through the roof, to believe, This is not fear. The object is to get them to stay calm and alert, and to stay in their own lane, and to drive across the bridge, which remains standing.

Ask yourself Can we build better To build those things we have to be able to suspend whatever belief system we already have. Keep it out of the way... Those things get very, very personal. Were talking about basic beliefs regarding human capability. Heres the only truth about that. Nobody knows.

This statement by Richard Bandler in a nutshell encompasses the original constructs of this pragmatic form of thought, NLP.

As mentioned earlier, NLP aims at studying the interaction between neurology, linguistics and programming in forming human experience. From the etymology of the word, the basic premises of NLP begin to conceptualize. It is apparent that NLP concerns itself more with the process rather than the content (James 1999) .Thus in NLP,  the individuals reactions to reality are recognized as being allied to the process itself while the end product of the process (the reaction) is nothing but a byproduct of the process. NLP therefore sees that the intention of the individual is always positive, when we perceive the behavior patterns of the individual as being negative or positive we err as our judgment is based on our own experiences and is thus unfair to the individual as our experiences differ from those of the individual (James, 1999) . In a nutshell, NLP denies the existence of one truth or universal experience.

Proponents of NLP assert the nature of the process as being one akin to learning. This is because, as noted earlier, meaning is derived from models which constitute our belief systems and form filters through which we view the world and perceive reality. According to this school of thought problems, in the form of various types of miscommunication, arise when the individuals involved fail to consciously recognize the patterns involved in perception of what each of them deems as reality. This lack of consciousness leads to inadvertent application of previous experiences to current situations, a scenario that results more often than not in failure as the situation may entail of application of other memories that are not usually cued by the stimuli emanating from the situation at hand.

By being conscious of the patterns the individual is afforded the benefit of pausing and picking the most appropriate behavioral reaction to a situation rather than the converse of being limited by their own belief systems (Hayes 11). The individual in NLP is encouraged to utilize their experiences in a concious fashion thus providing them with more options that then subsequently confer them with solutions. With more solutions, the problem of miscommunication is averted as the individual simply has more answers to the obstacles inhibiting effective communication. By applying these principles in the study of effective successful people, individuals can learn of the patterns that these such people employ in perception of reality (Hayes 13). When the individuals then consciously profile their own reactions, they can consciously choose to employ the learned observed patterns making them acquire behavioral patterns that a similar to those of effective individuals (James, 1999). This in effect makes them equally productive.

To elaborate on this, the two fundamental presuppositions of NLP need to be considered.
Alfred Korzybiski popularized the first of these presuppositions by coining the phrase  the map is not the territory  (Hayes 19). Here NLP adherents point to that fact that reality in its entirety cannot be understood and fully defined by any particular individual. This is because, as alluded to earlier in this text, any individuals perception of reality is based on a  neuro-linguistic  map that is unique to the individual. Therefore as explained by Darren Brown, the confines of a persons reality are confined by their maps and as such, the whole spectrum that consists reality can only be perceived up to the point that their maps allow (James 1999).

By utilizing an analogy, Darren brown elaborates further a map of London enables the reader to conceptualize what London is. The named streets, icons and buildings give a representation of what London is but do not come close to defining the reality that is London (op. Cit). This is because the happenings in London as so diverse and enormous to be distilled into a piece of paper . Some maps may contain additional information such as accompanying pictures which may help the reader visualize and therefore introduce a new reality as compared to say, a map that only shows the longitudes and latitudes of the London area (op. Cit.).  Neuro-linguistic  maps are similar in this respect what the individual perceives as reality is stipulated by their maps (James 1999). Therefore at any particular time, an individuals reality and concomitant reactions are just but their representations of the reality spectrum.

The second presupposition of NLP asserts that  Life and mind are systemic processes (Adler 13). In a nutshell, this tenet of NLP recognizes the interconnected nature of human experience. Based on pragmatism, this concept strives to show that what goes in our bodies, the internal representation represented by our neurological systems, is dependent on the content being received as stipulated by our environment such as fellow human beings , which is turn influenced by our programming that happens in the form of memories that eventually  form programming systems  such as societal norms and belief systems (Adler 13). Therefore, our minds are part of a system which is interconnected to life which is a constellation of our realities (Adler 13). In essence, every part of this system is important as the system cannot be without the existence of other subsystems due to the inherent interconnected nature (Knight ).

Darren Brown illustrates this point when revealing the  trick behind one of his first tricks. In this trick, he asks takes a paper and while hiding it behind his back, he asks a stranger to think of a letter in the alphabet and while at it to try avoid obvious picks like J and K. He then jots the letter which he thinks the stranger has thought of while still hiding the paper. When he finally asks the stranger to reveal the mystery letter, it is found to correspond to the letter which he had jotted down without it being revealed to him. The letter in most instances was found to be the letter A. In explaining this uncanny coincidence Brown points out to his language pattern which prompted the neur- linguistic programming patterns of the stranger via hearing to think of the letter A (op. Cit.).

These two presuppositions in combination inform all the models of NLP. First it is recognized that its is foolhardy for the individual to think that they can conceptualize reality and thus label it as wrong or right (Adler 15). Secondly the individual should rather focus on realizing the systemic nature of their being and thus utilize the different options available to them to increase their productivity (Hayes 12). The models and techniques developed in NLP includeanchoring, reinforcement, studying eye movements and utilizing the concept of Primary Representational System (PRS) (Adler 24).

Anchoring involves the deliberate appealing to deep seated strong unconscious memories and feelings of another individual to prompt them to exhibit certain behavioral patterns (Adler 204). It was a technique that was developed by the founding fathers of NLP Bandler and Grinder. An apt use is in the movie industry, here both directors and actors frequently utilize this NLP technique to enable effective communication of their message (op. Cit.). For instance, Marilyn Monroe one of silver screens sex symbols was known to utilize this tool via a myriad of  visual communications such as posture, attire, facial expressions and head positioning. The utilization of these categories of visual communication will be discussed in depth later in this paper. All the same, chances are that even now, for most people, the mention of the name Marilyn Monroe in the same sentence as an actor of todays times, will elicit notions of attractiveness, beauty, sex appeal and troubled serial relationships about the person which may most likely hold no credence at all.

The study of eye movements was also recognized by Bandler and Grinder as a technique that is useful in NLP. This technique is based on the presupposition that the mind and body are inherently connected such that by studying eye movement an observe apt in NLP can be able to know how a person is thinking (Bandler  Grinder 1975). This is because we frequently refer to constructed internal representations when confronted with situations. For instance, when a person is visualizing, their eyeballs gravitate upwards towards their visual cortex where they have stored visual memories (James 1999). In doing so they are trying to tap into preformed visual images stored in this part of the brain (James, 1999). Based on this observation, Bandler and Grinder formulated the Visual remembered, visual constructed, auditory remembered, auditory constructed, kinestic and auditory digital models (James, 1999).

These models based on studying the eye movements of a normal right handed individual are provide insights to the thinking process when the observer is facing the individual (James 199). Auditory remembered is noted when the individual faces horizontally towards the right of the observer, in this model the individual is trying to remember previously learned words such as the name of a place the have visited (James, 1999). Conversely, auditory constructed is noted when the individuals gaze drifts towards horizontally towards the left of the observer, here the individual is making up sounds that they have no prior experience of such as when asked to imitate what an alien might sound like (James, 1999). Auditory digital is a mode that refers to a downward drift to the right and occurs when the individual is talking themselves in an internal dialogue (James, 1999).

Visual constructed (VC) occurs when the gaze is shifted upwards and towards the left hand side of the observer and denotes an attempt by the individual to conjure up an image that they have not sen before such as how yellow dragon would look like (James, 1999). Visual remembered on the other hand occurs in a similar direction as the VC but on the opposite side, it is when the individual is trying to remember an image they saw such as in remembering the details of an accident scene (James, 1999). Kinestic model is observed when the individual gaze is shifted downwards and to the left, here the individual is assessing their feelings on a certain issue kind of like they are consulting their heart for answers (James, 1999).

The Personal representation model refers to certain predominant modes that are derived from the five senses that an individual primarily  operates  on (Adler 99). A person who primarily utilizes their visual senses to draw their internal representation has a defined posture and a tendency to utilize some words more often. Such an individual appears to breath from the top of their lungs as their head is held up as part of a general erect posture (Adler 99). People utilizing the visual mode respond better to comments about their appearance, are well groomed, neat, organized, good spellers, are hardly distracted by noise and prefer to read than be read for (Dimmick 55). They have a propensity to use such visually influenced phrases like I will see to that and I have kept a keen eye on it (Dimmick 55).

Auditory mode individuals have a posture that is more downward oriented such that they appear to breathe from the middle of their chests (Knight). Unlike in the visual mode, people utilizing this mode are easily distracted by noise and primarily learn via hearing (Adler 100). They tend to talk to themselves, appreciate the spoken word and music better, respond to positive affirmations that are spoken about them and with ease can recite a previous conversation that you had with them (Dimmick 89). Their vocabulary is punctuated by auditory influenced phrases like I would like to talk to you while visually oriented person may instead say I would like to see you (Dimmick 89 ).

Kinestic individuals have a more slumped posture as they constantly asses their emotions while communicating (Adler 101). They therefore tend to speak slowly and respond to touching and physical gifts. They typically learn via doing things to get a feel of things, locomote a lot and are good athletes (Dimmick 121). It is worth noting at this juncture that these modes are not exclusive in as much as they are primary, this is because individuals seamlessly shift between the modes as per the situation at hand (Dimmick 135). An example of this dynamism is seen in sales people who may have to adopt a more visual model when selling their wares. These unconventional approaches fronted by NLP have found application in many fields, of particular note is communication studies.

Recently in the communication studies, scholars have identified the importance that the prepositions that NLP holds as being valuable in communicating (Dimmick 27). The have subsequently identified area upon which communication can be improved (Dimmick 27). In improving verbal communication, the ability and quality of listening are considered to be of utmost importance. On the other hand when communicating visually the effectiveness of this form as alluded to earlier in this text, depends on the skills that the involved parties posses in identifying visual communication and applying it in context of the spoken word in order to discern more meaning (Dimmick 35). A third front has also been identified as being critical to effective visual communication, this front concerns itself with factoring in the variation in meaning of  time, space and things across the different cultures (Rogers, Carl,  Roethlisberger, 1991).

Listening refers to more than simple hearing of words and maintaining a polite silence. It involves actively pursuing the meanings intended by the conveyor of the message from their perspective. Hayakawa (op cit) explains this

Listening means trying to see the problem the way the speaker sees it -- which
means not sympathy, which is feeling for him, but empathy, which is experiencing
with him. Listening requires entering actively and imaginatively into the other
fellows situation and trying to understand a frame of reference (life experiences)
different from your own.

This is because different words hold different means to people based on their life experiences.
Thus effective listening involves first recognizing that the conveyer of the message holds different perspectives and belief systems from our own and the listener should then effectively refrain from jumping to conclusions based on their own spontaneous perceptions (Dimmick 89).

The second part of effective listening entails empathizing. This involves the deliberate seeking of meaning as it is to the speaker (Dimmick 89). The listener is asked to forget their own convictions for a while and step into the shoes of the speaker and see the world as the speaker does (op. Cit.). Step requires courage on the part of the listener as the is a constant danger that they are exposed to being influenced by the belief systems of the conveyer of the message thus in essence losing their own belief systems that they have developed over the years (Dimmick 89). Some of the techniques the listener may employ is asking of questions that seek clarity and at the same time taking note not to appear as doubting or condescending. They may also try repeating what the conveyor of the message  has just said and seeking clarification on the issue from the conveyor in the accuracy of their recited statement (Dimmick 89).

According to Rogers and Rosethlisberger (op. Cit.)  this form of  listening enables effective communication especially if booth parties practice it effectively. miscommunication is avoided as implied meanings that may draw hostilities are eliminated as each of the parties understands the intended message. However some schools of thought such as those held by Charlotte Kursh (op. Cit) differ in this respect as they point out that such form of effective communication may result in undesired outcomes as differences and hostilities may be emphasized leading to hardening of positions. This assertion by Kursh (op. Cit.) is evident in politics where politicians may deliberately refuse to listen in order to protect the interests of their constituencies

The fuzziness, the lack of clarity, the meaninglessness of the ordinary political
speech can be an important tool in getting a working majority -- and a consensus,
however arrived at, may be vital for the well-being or even existence of a nation.

In most scenarios, too much emphasis is placed on what is spoken often not deliberately but largely due to the fact that a majority of people fail to visually recognize an accompanying form of language that of body language. There are several categories of non verbal communication, they include personal space, eye contact, position, posture, para-language, facial expression, gesture, touch, locomotion, pacing , adornment, context and physiological responses (Adam Blanter, 2002).All these forms communicate and provide a vital tool for the discerningobserver (James 1999). Of these forms, facial expression is the most widely recognized forms, it takes different easily recognizable expressions such as smiles, frowns and wrinkled brows (op. Cit.).

Non verbal communications are unique since they spontaneous events that may pass even the discernment of the performer themselves (Lewis 1998). As noted by Jane Lyman Holtz (op. Cit.) these physical gestures usually occur in  constellations  which should then be read as a group. Holtz (op. Cit.) further notes that no particular non verbal form of communication communicates by its own since they represent unconscious feelings, perceptions and the manner in which we would like to be viewed by others.  How we look and how we are looked at has a lot to do with our needs for approval, acceptance, trust and love, -- and we usually react accordingly.  . Holts also acknowledges the work of Albert Scheflen, who noted racial differences in on what eye contact represented to different groups

In an interaction, Black males do not look at each
others faces as often as white middle class males do. By cultural prohibition,
eye-to-eye gazing is considered rude. As a consequence of having used their gaze
in this way for a lifetime, Blacks tend to avoid face-to-face gazing when they are
talking with whites. Sensitive whites will often respond by dropping their eyes
also. Puerto Rican boys are taught to look down as a gesture of respect. We have
seen middle class teachers try to force a lad to look them in the face. In one case, a
Puerto Rican boy who was treated in this manner fled from the school in panic. (op. Cit.)

These observations by Scheflen, introduce the third paradigm that of culturally defined differences in time, space and things. In this field anthropologist Edward Hall authoritatively explores the issue through his two books The silent Language and The hidden language. According to Hall (op. Cit.) space is in direct reference to the distances that people tend to allow around themselves when interacting with others. Hall notes as a rule, more is better than less in terms of space (op. Cit.). According to this rule, people tend to prefer to have more space that they operate in. This is especially seen in businesses where top executives tend to have larger offices while employees of lower ranks are limited in terms of their working areas.

The second rule concerning space is that of  private is better then public .Hall notes that people generally value privacy more than open situation (op. Cit.). An example again of this is found in businesses where the important people in the organization have enclosures that are fitted with doors while junior staff like receptionists work in area that are open to the public. The third rule suggested by Hall (op. Cit) is that of  higher is better than lower  thus the common reference that so and so has moved up when referring to an individual who has been promoted. The fourth rule derived from Halls works is self explanatory  near is better than far  and so is the final one   in is better than out  (op. Cit).

The cultural differences of how space is interpreted across cultures can be seen in various forms of communication. For instance, it was common to see females of the roman empire kiss each other on the lips as a sign of friendship and camaraderie while in other cultures like in most African settings, kissing but itself was a strange gesture (op. Cit). Similarly males of Arab descent embrace on greeting while in some parts of the world this may be viewed as an abomination. Building on this earlier work by Hall Antony G. Athos, defined and explained the different meanings that time had to people from different cultures (op. Cit).

From our own descriptions the centrality of time is evident in most of human activity according to Adler (138). For instance, it is generally noted that Americans have a firm grip on time, in this culture, being late for a business meeting or for work is considered to be rude. On the contrary in most African settings its permissible to be late on occasions (op. Cit). Similarly in organizations, junior employees strive to be in time for work while the mangers can afford to be late and keep their subordinates waiting as in their books this is permissible since they generally have busier schedules with so much to do yet minimal time (op. Cit.).

In conclusion the fields of NLP, body language and in particular facial expressions play an important role in communicating. The field of NLP examines the process of how individuals conjure their reality while knowledge of the language of body language and facial analysis provide important tools on how to carry our NLP. The uses of these skills have been shown to be diversely spread from film, politics and even business leadership (Trygve 89). In addition, NLP has come to be utilized in personal improvement programs such as advising smokers on understanding cues that lead them to lighting up thus empowering them with other options that substitute the behavior (Sterman 27) . It is also be of use in the personal lives of normal individual who perhaps aims at abandoning unproductive mannerisms such as procrastination.

The tenets of NLP are of particular use in psychotherapy modes such as behavior therapy, and modeling (Walker 197). Advertising also utilizes anchoring by including images and other media which are recognizable to most of us (Adler 108). For instance some colors hold symbolic meanings, green usually denotes life, environmental conservation and nature. A product that aims to appeal to environmentally conscious individuals may opt to have green as the color of their packaging. Green is also a common color for the recycling logos found on the packages of many items. Another example of anchoring that is exploited in the advertising world is that of the use of catchy phrases that bear meaning to people of a given cultural background (Adler 267). An example that comes to mind is that employed by fast food outlets such as the phrase  catch a big Mac  used in advertising burgers of a leading fast food franchise.

Celebrities and other public figures also utilize NLP to their own advantage. They prompt their audiences to respond to automatic sub conscious cues that aid them in driving different agendas (Charvet 25). One such area is their use of body language. Attire is a central part in NLP use by personalities. They usually dress in a manner that will accentuate attributes that they hold that appeal to masses. For example an artist may choose to dress up in unconventional ways just to emphasize their creativity. Others aim at accentuating their physical attributes exploiting deeply held beliefs of what a desirable female or male physique would look like. Politicians would like to exude power to their constituents. This may be shown in their choice of words and  presence of or sheer size of their security detail and entourage (Charvet 183).

In daily activities and interaction of people, NLP may be of use (Knight 35). For instance, some common gestures such as smiling may mean different things in different contexts. A smile may indicate embarrassment if the person smiling appears recoiled, is facing the ground or is perspiring in ambient conditions. In earlier times, exposure of the teeth indicated aggressiveness, a fact that early explorers may have realized to late on encountering indigenous tribes (). Eye contact is desirable in American culture as alluded to earlier in this essay. In Japan insisting on eye contact may be seen be the other party as an intrusion of personal space. As shown in this essay, NLP has been in use for ages and evidentially has been shown to be an accurate body of knowledge. Individuals and business can utilize its stipulations for a range of needs.