The power of critical thinking and creative problem solving

In dealing with the circumstances which life provides for us, we usually resort to certain mechanisms which can make it easier for us to handle our circumstances. Particularly with our personal or professional happenstances, not everything that is there evoke a morsel of light laughter or cheery disposition. Sometimes, there would be trying times that will test our character and our mode of adaptation (Solso 1988). In times like these, it is very important for us to have a great knowledge about the two effective mechanisms which can largely help during these times  critical thinking and creative problem solving.

Critical thinking and creative problem solving are two mechanisms which we can use to get the better out of the tests we encounter everyday. Both of these mechanisms demand an utmost maximization of our mental capabilities as they are both propelled by our capacity to think and analyze our situation.

Critical thinking gives us the privilege of seeing the complexities that lie beneath a particular object or situation. This mechanism forces us to push the limits we subconsciously set to ourselves by not being easily fooled by what we see on the surface. Instead, we stretch our views and dare to scrutinize the underlying structures which can be found in every situation. On my part, whenever I go shopping, I do not easily get persuaded to buy something just by merely looking at the brand name of a certain product. I am aware that looking only at the brand name does not guarantee the quality of a product. I also consider the reputation of the producer and closely look at the texture, the appearance, and if applicable, the color of the product which I am planning to buy. This particular example is one of the many ways by which critical thinking can be manifested. It only shows that by having a critical mind, we exhaust all the factors that can be looked at and analyzed before coming up with a decision. More so, even if we have already come up with a decision, that decision will still be open to changes and never final and absolute. A critical thinker acknowledges the fact that there can be no absolute idea so a ceaseless dialogue must be maintained open to constantly update their validities. Upon reconsideration, we might arrive at the epiphany that this acknowledgement of not having an absolute idea only goads and support our critical thinking.

A critical thinker definitely must not settle too easily on a particular idea or standpoint. He does not stop from questioning and encouraging the idea that their can be other, better alternatives. When I was choosing a leader for the organization where I was member and the candidates were each given the chance to speak to all of us and share their rostrums, I did not stop from listening even after I thought that one candidate has already spoken the best possible vision I can hear. After staying to hear what the others have to say, I was proven wrong. There was an even better candidate than the first one. This case only shows how a critical thinker must not rest after being impressed by one. He must be open to the possibility of having more greatness to come and must not get easily satisfied with what are already there.

Like the critical thinker, a creative problem solver also has that rare ability of seeing beyond the physical level of things (Burton 1960). Solving a problem is already difficult. You must know the possible roots of the problem and must be able to think several ways by which the problem can be addressed. When the options are already laid out, you must have the acuity in deciding what options you should use. Certainly, solving a problem with an accompanying creativity is a much harder thing to do.

In doing this, we are able to understand the complexities of the problem we are facing, formulate possible solutions and actually apply that solution in a manner that is engagingly amusing. In that sense, problem solving becomes a fun thing to do since we are doing it in a creative way. We are solving a problem not only for the sake of solving it we are solving it while we are also tapping our creative senses.

One personal experience I can share which relates to this is when  I found out that I did not have enough money after I already ordered some drinks in a quite fancy restaurant. After sweating out profusely and getting paranoid thinking upon what to do, my creativity in looking at the problem worked wonders for me. First, I calmed myself and pretended that nothing was amiss. Then, I spotted a decent-looking woman who was sitting alone in a table near my right.

What I did was approach her, carry my drinks with me and asked her politely if I can sit with her. She was apparently surprised at my gesture but nonetheless agreed. I interestedly conversed with her and she seemed to find me likable. When I felt that I have already broken the ice between us, I told her about my predicament and asked her if she can offer me some help. I just promised that I would repay her when we go out. To my joy, she agreed After that, I remunerated her when we already got to my place  and we remained friend since

This case exemplifies creative problem solving as a mechanism that involves delicate processing and executions of plans that often only applies to circumstances which are not-so often encountered.

Having said that, it ought to be clear that creative problem solving gives a nice twist to the ways we respond to our misfortunes. We get rid of the excessive worrying as we bear in mind that there are several ways to clean up the mess. Hence, this mechanism changes our perspectives as well. It instills to us that dilemmas exist to be overcome and in attempting to do that, we can resort to several fun and easy-to-do ways.

Creative problem reflexes our mental nerves. It constantly reminds us that there is no single formula in solving our problems that there are limitless ways of troubleshooting and it is up to us on how can we discover and apply the solving ways we have known. Like critical thinking, it does not give us the immobilizing privilege of resting on a seemingly paramount ground. Rather, both mechanisms encourage restlessness in exploring the possibilities in order to come up with the best answer (Solso 1988).
Ultimately, that counts as the focal point and clear advantage of these mechanisms. Both confer to the individual the power to take over his problem and avoid those problems ruining his day. These mechanism only prove that the individual has the potentials which he must only realize. Critical thinking allows him to endlessly ponder upon his immediate situation, consider all factors and give scrutinizing peeks at every facet. As an end, it allows us to come up with a sharp and staunch answer that is borne out of rigorous analysis. Meanwhile, creative problem solving lets us navigate through the extensive realm of solutions to whatever dilemma we are currently into. These navigations will only lead us to the discovery of solutions that can come in amusing forms. Later, we will find ourselves enjoying what we are doing and the problem eases off in our minds. With these two mechanisms, our circumstances can never faze us yet again, we will always be equipped with the knowledge that we have control over our circumstances and with careful actions, we can breeze through them and live a more burden-free life.


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