Submission Australian Screen Content Production

This submission is put forward by Muse Theatre as a response to the discussion for concluding screen content production policy for Australian. It is believed that such an opportunity is the best practice to bring all the think tanks to a single platform to bring better changes for Australian media and its screen content production policy. Muse Theatre regards this opportunity as the best way to promote better policies so that there could be a yield of creativity in the Australian community. The submission includes response to the ministers queries regarding three particular aspect of Australian media screen content production policy.

About Muse Theatre
Muse Theatre had been in action to promote arts and cultures in the community for its ultimate goals to bring a notion of Australian cultural in the community. Muse Theatre promotes cultural values in the community through theatrical activities. Performers of all age groups are welcomed by Muse Theatre to contribute in the social cause

The ultimate theme of every theatrical work by Muse Theatre is to make sure that humans get fertile with a lot of experience and food for thought. The basis of the theatre work by Muse Theatre is on the inspiration from day to day experience of people. Our theatrical achievement is that people can easily relate themselves to the theatrical characters and stories. Muse Theatre is determined to make sure that the audiences of theatre get a great deal of entertainment to get away with the issues of stress that result in the concept of depression in a community (Turner, 1993).

Keeping Culture Strong
The key question of the forum is to address the ethical issues that could be best applied to generate a well-planned Australian Media screen content production policy. Muse Theatre believe that currently, Australian media and almost every other institution of the society needs to implement a common mean of understanding and sharing the way towards better media network and policies (Turner, 1993).
Media and culture associate with each other in a way that they tend to influence mass audience around the globe. Culture and media work strongly and become strength of a nation.

Culture plays an eminent role in the widening of social concepts to accept diverse social changes. Cultural is regarded as a national character and source of nationalism of a state. Culture could not be considered a less important phenomenon because its importance could be noted by observing past where states rejected their cultural notions and thus resulted in mortal failure. Thus the contextual background of the concept of cultures best explains its value in a social community (Manne, 2005).

Media and Culture
Media is the greatest projector of culture. A great deal of examples as a development of media in the world can be seen where the cultures of different states have influenced other states to adapt different types of amendments in their culture. This submission by Muse theatre encourages and suggests Australian screen contents policy to include culture as the basic constituent of the policy. The constraints of the media industry are not that much severe that it would counter the submission to be unadoptable. Media and culture go hand in hand thus on the basis of some of the steps provided below and other issues that would be important to locate while concluding the possibilities have been discussed briefly (Manne, 2005).

Steps to Advance Australian Screen Contents
Muse theatre greatly contributes and encourages the government to implement an Australian media screen content production policy for better concentration of notions and customs in the Australian community. Moreover, its is suggested by Muse Theatre that government encourage more and more exhibitions of displaying national art to the wide audiences and visitors because in this way more and more awareness is provided to the community about the standard of the cultural and arts environment. In this way a community can gauge how many policies are needed to be implemented and how much work can be done with the help of interest in the common sector or middles sector of arts promoting a great deal of arts in terms of culture. Australian Screen Contents based on culture could help in projecting Australian notions of culture (Donovan  Lorraine, 2002).

There must be sources on the national and regional level for the people to contribute and participate to achieve the goal of standardized cultural practice in a community and for a community. It should be focused primarily that it is the community that greatly prohibits the loss of notions and cultural aspect of a society. It is the community itself that tends to implement the targets to sustain the social stratification in a way that it poses culture in brief. Thus it should be noted that a community should be responsible enough to maintain and preserve the role and significance of culture for the members of Australian society.

Australian screen content production must also include the postulates of science, sports and heritage as a part of culture. If Australian media screen content production policy would implement the role play of sport, science etc. as important pointers of the policy then it is predicted that the role character of Australian culture could easily be reflected all around the world as culturally proper state exiting in a state where the social values and norms are being protected.

Media can help government to provide affirmative implications for attaining goals to broadcast wide channel of Australian media screen contents to build better understanding of Australian culture.

Australian screen content production must make sure that there is a constant generation of events and opportunities to keep a cycle of cultural modesty. This could be done through funding of program that could be organized every year or respective dates. The main aspect must greatly ensure that the cultural programs and promotion is highlighting almost every aspect of Australian tradition, heritage and customs. Such steps are suggested by Muse Theatre for the screen content production to include and refer for concluding national cultural policy of Australian media (Manne, 2005).

Priorities of Australian Screen Content Policy
Screen content policy must settle some priorities because in this way a great deal of better results could be yielded. Here are some of the pointers that must be regarded as the priorities of Australian Screen Content Policy

First and foremost as a state is involved in warfare or statecraft in terms of achieving national interest, similarly, Australian Screen Content Policy must provide a barrier-free way for mass audience for the display of Australian image all around the world.

The screen contents of Australian media must be completely based upon achieving the interest of achieving better standard throughout the world.

Participation must be open from common class to elites of the society so that there could be no compulsion and turmoil between members of the society.

The relationship of member of Australian society must be highlighted in screen content as an eminent function of Australian media.

In no way Australian media screen contents must initiate divergent paths of screen contents such as dividing cultural notions into majors e.g. arts, science, sports etc.

Mean Theatre is focused to be a part of Australian media screen contents and encourage the media policy to have a particular network of elements. Australian media screen contents could set these priorities in order to gain a better strategy to make sure the media is successful in displaying positive image of Australian culture and community (Donovan  Lorraine, 2002).

Important Issues
Another aspect that is important for concluding Australian media screen contents policy is addressing issues which could be notable and extremely important in yielding better results of the process. Some of the key issues that should be addressed before concluding Australian screen contents must include the middle commercial agencies which are working as a provider of elements and artists to the mainstream of Australian media. It is important that such agencies must be given significance and a part for participation in the Australian media screen contents. It had been well researched throughout many decades that how middle commercial agencies have been playing an eminent part in the promotion of a positive and influential image of Australia through theatrical work and heritage (Manne, 2005).

There are some unknown counterparts of Media which limit the participation of media personals and objective teams which could actually be advantageous for display and generation of better and effective Australian screen contents.

The policy must address such issues without any delays of second focus. A great deal of arts and theatre has been noted to display the character of Australia. A significant example could be drawn from Muse Theatre as the theme of Muse Theatre is determined to display a better understanding of Australian culture. The media contents must highlight fallacies in the national system which actually fails to sustain the means of projecting better cultural programs and promotions. But such contents must be displayed by Australian media to highlight the need of solutions rather than presenting situation pertaining to distribute and enhance turmoil in the society.  Such issues must be followed by Australian media screen contents policy (Donovan  Lorraine, 2002).

Concluding Remarks
The purpose of the submission is to help Australian media screen content production to conclude a policy for the creation of better framework and infrastructure in order to fulfill media responsibility and all types of functions of media. Muse theatre and a great deal of other middle-leveled agencies are focusing for the promotion of culture and standardized image of Australia throughout the world. If all the agencies and different mediums would join together with a policy that should be implemented on the joint activities then there would be no way that will not help in yielding better results. An effective policy would also be able to attempt a friendly relationship in the community as well as linkage of different societies.


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