Gender Communication Response Paper

Society has brought us up to believe that the male and female species are wired to communicate in different ways. It has been said that a woman can speak almost double the amount of words than a man. It has also been said that women perceive mens short and precise answers during communication as a sign of disinterest. This paper seeks to bring forth theories, concepts and examples that may or may not support the fact that gender determines communication methods. It will use Julia T. Woods texts and a couple of films to further show examples and scenarios of this.

Gender Communication
Gender communication is an issue that has been debated and contested for the longest time. The different methods and ways used by males and females to communicate emotions, feelings and general messages differ. It has many a time caused conflict between the two genders because men do not understand the need for women to break it down while women do not understand why men respond with grunts and short answers. According to Julia T. Woods text Interpersonal Communication Everyday Encounters, social situations as well as ones perception of themselves and society is one of the reasons why communication between males and females differ. In the films Hurt Locker (2008) and Precious (2009), it is easy to see how different as well as similar communication of emotions between the two sexes is. There are various aspects of communication between genders that greatly differ and these include verbal and non-verbal forms of communication. Communication between genders is an important issue because it is necessary to understand how both genders react to different situations in order to fully understand where they are coming from. It will be easier to cope with the opposite as well as same gender when they are in trouble, faced with a traumatizing situation or just want to pass a message across.

Verbal Communication
Speech, language and other forms of verbal communication is one of the ways that males and females differ. To begin with, reference to males and females speech wise is different. For example, a sportsman will be lauded for his or her efforts in sports based on his skills while a sportswoman will be noted for what she is wearing or how she looks. At the same time, when it comes to sexual relations between both sexes, language and speech have been set in such a way that males are the dominant species. It is considered that a man is the initiator of a sexual encounter. In the film Hurt Locker, we see that the roadside bomb that the Thompson team is trying to disarm is referred to as a female. When they are unable to penetrate it, one of the soldiers says that they should picture their penis trying to penetrate it. This is also seen in the film Precious when her father forces himself on her. In language, females are referred to in terms like baby, doll, sweetheart and even bitch even by people they do not know (Woods, 1999, p.124). To a man, it is considered normal to call a female that but to most females, it is considered derogatory. Society has made these terms so regular that some groups of females will refer to each other in a negative light using these terms. For example, in Precious, Mary Lee constantly referred to Preciouss teacher as a bitch and heifer and form time to time will use these same terms when addressing her daughter. Men as well in particular communities will refer to each other in terms regularly referred to as derogatory in an endearing way, in particular the N word used in African-American communities.

When it comes to verbal communication between males and females, the male fraternity prefers to speak less than females do. When a female is asked how her day was, she will discuss it at length, while males will answer the same question in short responses. Men prefer not to speak about their emotions as well as their feelings. They will instead use other avenues to vent. In the film Hurt Locker, Sergeant James prefers to do things his way and will choose not to react pr talk about his feelings. When he misses home, he chooses to call his wife but says nothing. It seems that hearing their voices is enough for him. In Julias T. Woods book, Gendered Lives (9th Edition), she states
The masculine speech communities, in which most men are socialized, however, regard the primary reasons to talk as solving problems and achieving goals...whereas many women feel that ongoing talk keeps problems from developing. (p. 221)

This is not always the case as seen in Precious. This is because Precious does not talk about her feelings, insecurities as well as the abuse she has faced in her life. She instead puts on a tough exterior and daydreams about a glamorous life whenever she is faced by a threatening situation as seen when she is made fun of by students in her class and when she is being attacked by her father. In the same film, her alternative school teacher Miss Rain believes that by writing a journal and putting ones feelings down and also talking about them will help to settle conflict. In the end, both sexes will eventually speak out when something needs to be said. This is seen in

Hurt Locker when Sanborn seems to be affected by the war situation and eventually breaks down in front of Sergeant James by saying that he has had enough of the war zone and wishes to return home. He also wishes to have a son and see his family again. Specialist Owen is yet another character in the film who tries to put on a brave face in the war-torn situation. At the beginning of the film, he feels that he is responsible for Sergeant Owen when he did not take down a terrorist that he spotted. He is visibly shaken at the sight of death and he has sessions with the base psychiatrist. This means that there are males that are more accessible to their emotions in an open manner, but it is important to note that a situation like war is an important place to ensure that any demons one may have need to be addressed to avoid negative psychological situations. Language and speech can be used to break or make stereotypes.

Stereotyping is related to totalizing because when we stereotype someone, we may not perceive other aspects of the person, aspects not represented in the stereotype. (Woods, 1999, p. 106)
Stereotypes can help to somewhat understand a given group of people, but it may take the individualism from members of that society. For example, since the World Trade Center attacks, it is no secret that many believe that every person of the Islam faith is a potential suicide bomber. There is a scene in Hurt locker where a man with a bomb strapped and locked on him penetrates the lines placed by the army. All but Sergeant James believed that he should be shot or allowed to blow up. Thanks to a translator, they find out that this man was not there willingly and that he wishes to live as he as a family. James wishes to save him but unfortunately cannot. This destroys the stereotype anyone had of Muslims being only too willing to die for their cause.

For both sexes, there are a number of non-verbal actions and reactions that are witnessed as a way to avoid the situation or deal with it the best way an individual knows how.

Non-Verbal Communication
For both sexes, there are various kinds of non-verbal communication methods and styles used in order to deal with both negative and positive situations. In the film Hurt Locker, there are various ways that the soldiers react to the situation they are in. Twice in the film Sergeant James and Sergeant Sanborn playfully fight as a way to get rid of the tension caused by each day in the field. When Sergeant James first joins the team, he makes a decision based on impulse but by the book Sanborn, who is meant to be the lookout for James, punches him telling him to never take off his headphones. This means that men have a habit of using aggression as a way of handling negative situations. Precious is the complete opposite of this film because it is a predominantly female storyline and even from the voice-over narrative to almost every scene in the film, the solution to the situations faced is by talking, or writing about it.

In sum, four principles provide a foundation for understanding nonverbal communication. First, nonverbal behavior may supplement or replace verbal communication. Second, nonverbal behaviors may regulate interaction. Third, nonverbal behavior is more powerful than verbal behavior in expressing relationship-level meanings. Finally, nonverbal communication reflects cultural values. (Woods, 1999, p. 129)

Based on the above quote, it is clear that the misconception that nonverbal communication is not communication is unfounded. It is in fact seen as an enhancement of the communication process. For example, in the film Hurt Locker, Sergeant James becomes attached to an Iraqi boy that sells DVDs near the base. During one of their runs in the field, they find that he had been killed and a bomb placed in his body. This greatly affects James who takes the boy body and then proceeds to find out how he was killed which includes risking his life to break into a home that he was told was where Beckham and his family stayed. This shows that he uses nonverbal communication supplement verbal communication. Sergeant James seems to have faced many adverse situations while in service that he seems to live on the edge as well as breaking the rules. He constantly drinks, a way that many people choose to deal with their situations. As the movie progresses, we see that he shows Sanborn and Owens a box where he keeps items that nearly killed him while on active duty. Nonverbal communication as a way to express relationship-level meanings is seen when James calls home but doesnt speak on the phone. This seems to be a way to feel better by hearing his wifes voice.

According to his stories, he thought he divorced his wife but he considers her loyal for staying around even after that and this seems to be a nonverbal way of showing her that he still loves her by still having her in his life. Nonverbal communication as a way to deal with various cultures is seen when the psychiatrist joins the team in the field and at one point uses his skills to try and disperse a group of locals, and they seem to be ignoring him. It is only after he gets hostile and waves his gun at them that they decide to disperse. In Precious, we see that Precious does not know how to express her emotions and is taught how to write about them. Her mother, Mary Lee, uses violence to vent her anger out on her daughter as well as calling her names. Another nonverbal communication moment in this film is when Mary Lee pretends to be living with her granddaughter so as to get a welfare check.

This is seen when the grandmother quietly plays along with the ploy but is constantly shaking her head in disapproval. This is a way of expressing relationship-level meaning, and this means that she wants to keep her family together and taken care of but she does not approve of how it is done.
In conclusion, communication of any kind is an important issue when it comes to gender. Thi9s is because it helps one to understand the opposite sex as well as communities different from ours. It is also important because it is a great way to deal with situations we face in everyday life like relationships, current affairs, business life and also personal life.

The best way to understand what one is dealing with when it comes to communication is by having an open mind when dealing with those different from them, understanding various cultures and communities as well as empathizing with situations that other people go through. Through communication, it is easy to handle everyday life.


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