Australian Content Media, Narrative and Celebrity

Media practice is a modern approach to conduct communication process digitally and verbally and to understand the durability and purpose of communication. Media practice is also termed as methods of conducting successful communication through various means and mediums suitable to conduct effective communication with a mass and infinite audience. In the globalized world of today, an enormous amount of screen content is being displayed. There is a great deal of variety and versatility of screen contents in media of different states throughout of the world. A great deal of diversity in the media practice had attained different channels during a communication process. Audiences are now merely regarded as the consumer of media.  This paper aims to describe the effective media practice in Australian media. Furthermore, the paper also elaborates the importance of differentiations of the screen contents of the Australian media. The stylistics of the consumer or in other words the general audiences of Australian media have great impact by its screen content. In particular the paper is clearly based upon the media practice experience capturing my personal stylistics as a media consumer over one week. For the purpose of analysis of media practice and Australian screen contents, I have watched several content including an Australian movie Walkabout and Wake in Freight.

It has also been observed that a great deal of screen contents in Australian media are based upon reality shows and it has also been analyzed that a great deal of content is an overall result of evaluation of Australian screen contents, programs and enlisted programs have been imported from other media such as CIS, Desperate housewives etc (Cunningham  Turner, 2006).

Through the analysis of heavy Australian media contents over one week that included radio shows, Australian box office movies, most circulated newspaper and most visited web blog addresses.  Media practice over one week was a method to achieve positive grounds of understanding how media practice is bringing change in the diversity of Australian screen contents industries. It had been observed that the Australian media does not lack the talent of bringing the conception based media content but due to the fallacy in particular appointed approach towards media practice, it is being overshadowed by the influence of media from other states (Cunningham  Turner, 2006).

The industry of screen contents of Australian media is booming every hour as the media practice is being done on a broader medium. Media practice is not been credited by the industry of screen content industries and media professionals of Australian media but it is also being researched and is being practiced among different and varied disciplines of field work in media (Cunningham  Turner, 2006).

A great deal of changing is being observed in the field of media studies and its different prospects in terms of screen contents of Australian media. Media practice plays an eminent role in bring changes in the development of advertising strategies and media content. Most of the content of Australian media (covering newspaper, radio, television, and online blogs) are selling audiences to the advertisers.
Media practice had been observed to be changing quite quickly because a great deal of new type of content of Australian screen has been found. Media practice rejuvenates ideas and helps the media professional in implementing strategic approach towards a set of rules to discuss the impact of media and to capture the style of media consumer.

The institutions provided for media practice in Australia includes a great deal of motives to produce collective changes in the media awareness and education sector that simultaneously brought immense change in the Australian media screen content industry.

It is due to the awareness and deep concentration of media practice that the Australian media is widely performing more than the usual macro media functions. The important clauses of macro media functions are as follows
To educate
To Inform
To entertain
To interpret

Currently, Australian media covers a great deal of influence of abroad media and also has been successful in performing the function of selling a product by selling audience to the advertisers. Due to an immense amount of generation of screen contents in Australian media, it has been analyzed in a wide spectrum of media allocation brand selling through advertisement has also become an important function of Australian media. The benefits of performed functions of Australian media are not just limited to the media professionals but it also serves as a boom of Australian media in terms of revenue and renowned media processes (Jeffery, 2010).

Australian media content include a great deal of Australian ethos in almost all the aspects of Australian media. Media practice plays a vital role in the recognition of ones value and visual focus of ethos. For this purpose, the micro media functions are significantly responsible. The Australian medias content focuses on the stylistic of media consumers. For instance with the help of evaluation of Australian media contents over one week it could be said that Australian media screen contents are largely playing positive game in performing media functions. It is due to the fact that Australian media is full of professional who have a knowledgeable background of media practice (Turner, 1993).

The defensive account of media practices potential of bringing change in the screen contents industries of Australian media could be located and understood in a broader sense of selecting an Australian movie. The movie Walkabout and Wake in Freight is directed by Ted Kotcheff and is an Australian movie that greatly projects not just the storyline as entertaining prospects but also describes the significance of Australian ethos along with the generalities of micro and macro media through the context of the storyline of the movie. Jack Thompson made claim about the Australian movies that movies like Walkabout and Walk in Freight are able to communicate the national identity through different elements of movies (ORegan, 1996, p. 58).  Australian movies tend essentially include the description of qualities of Australian ethos and film makers hand in hand.

Moreover, Australian media screen contents have been divergent in the past because media practice was never strong before as if it is today. Currently the approach of the Australian media professionals and media towards capturing media customers style is through the help of contents such as imported ideas of abroad media and reality shows (ORegan, 1996, p. 222).

Through the above evaluation of Australian media screen content industry and media practice over one week of time it could be said that Australian media have been diversified with the help effective media practice. Australian media is currently working under the influence of abroad media but it had also been observed that Australian media is perform a great deal of macro and micro media functions that provides us with the prophecy that Australian media is capable of achieving key screen contents as its symbol.


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