Communication and network security

Communication and networking in todays world is one of the most important factors of interaction. It is used for business purpose and on daily basis almost millions of people communicate with each other via cell phones, internet and other means of communication all over the world. Technology is every where and is rising at a rapid pace and when we talk about technology the use of computer is the highest priority of any work and therefore it is also the most used mean of communication. E-mailing and networking done through the computers is regarded as the fastest and most reliable mean of communication and networking while cell phones take the second place (Kartalopoulos, 2009).

So, when there are advantages of these means of communication and networking there lays a threat of security. Computer crime has taken a serious attention of all the people as hacking and other theft are being committed very easily through internet and security measures to protect the users is being considered as a task every company and organization is looking forward to. So in this line of work of networking and communication a network security group is made which either provides certain respective software or performs a regular check. It contains all the required information used in computer network setup and the rules made by the certain organization to avoid interference by any unauthorized user (Panko, 2009).

This paper will talk about the security measures taken by the users and companies to avoid any unfair use of communication and networking and how much importance this certain field has in business, industrial and management sector.

Literature Review
When the first case of hacking came on cover, the company owners got worried of the fact that this might lead to the disclosing of the organizations secret of success. Therefore immediate actions were taken by providing the people with passwords and keys that could only be used as long as the user was in a certain location but this too didnt had any effect and ultimately the use of internet for communication made it easy for the hackers to misuse it. Not only the companies but the local people who use internet for communication and networking purpose are affected the most by this as the data or profile information can be used against the person or any crime can be committed very easily (Kartalopoulos, 2009).

Therefore networking security has furnished its features and many new anti viruses, anti spams and spyware are being introduced in market at an affordable rate and also free trial versions so that the user might know the difference by using the security product. This has helped a lot in providing protection against the network crimes but still there is a lot of risk of its misuse (Panko, 2009).

People need to understand the reason that computers in todays age mean a lot to them being a computer literate and understanding all the basics is the key to the communication process. All the software, applications and programs that provide management and teachings of the PCs security should be known to the user, proper use of internet and information about malware is compulsory. A user should definitely know how to create a safe back-up for the data on the hard disk so that the retrieval should be easy in case of damage or virus attack. Hackers are not merciful to the users and they would tend to destroy the machine through viruses unless the user has fully prepared and maintained the computer (Evans, Poatsy  Martin, 2009).

Communication and Network Security
The true success of a company lies on its security plans of communication and networking. There are a lot of ways in which people can provide the security o the data and networking with one of the goals being the fact of appointing a head person who should over view all the security processes and a back up plan should be made just incase of miscalculations. As mentioned this problem of communication and networking crime cannot be solved as there are many professional hackers who break into the latest and the most advanced security system causing havoc all over the networking setup (McNab, 2007).

Therefore the chance of being a victim increases as the employees can be affected by viruses and other malware at offices and homes. So the companies should provide free software to all the users in the company as every data and information is necessary for the workers and this prevents the virus transmission in any company. Anti viruses that are cheap or the ones which have a trial for a certain period should be used in the computers and they should consist of malware and spam detector because nowadays Trojan horse worms are affecting all the PCs and technological devices all over the world. They can slow down the systems performance and might lead to the loss of important files or might even lead to the spying of data. The internet security package of anti viruses is the best choice as it even performs check of virus while visiting any website and if the website is not safe it either doesnt open it or asks for the permission after informing about the threat (Maiwald, 2003).

The other very used and so far effective method is of firewall system which allows the user to surf the network or communicate with out a lot of risk however certain flaws are involved in this protection too as hacking can be done even if the firewall is on. Also a few software require the firewall to be turned off, thus increases the chances of threats. The experts in providing network security emphasize on the fact that all the people should be made aware of the hazards of the networking crimes and they should get trained to identify the forms of viruses and not accessing the e-mail attachments with out scanning. The forms of malware and worms should be shown through presentations so that they might get familiar not only at work but at homes too (Kaeo, 2004).

The providing of PIN codes and passwords is the advice given by most of the experts and quite a lot of experts have agreed to this point that the company should reset and change the password from time to time so that if some one gets the hold of a code it should not respond. Also the people should know how to deal in the situation if they come across the communication and networking security threat and they should know the proper working of the respective anti virus the system is running on. There should not be any out dated version of software as the updates are done according to the threats and security measures because some users continue to use old versions and are unfamiliar about the threats when the PC is infected (Evans, Poatsy  Martin, 2009).

All the applications in a firm depend upon the networking and communication procedures, the better the interaction the better he results so many industrial protocols are involved like F5 which provides total firewall protection, guards the web functionality, doesnt interfere with other running software and fulfilling all the requirements needed by the networking protocols like FTP and HTTP. These methods increase safety unlike other firewalls which are closed due to requirement of other software (Kaeo, 2004).

The communication through a network is assured once the user gets the required information but security is needed every where in all the fields of work. Anti viruses, firewalls, training programs and malware detectors are some of the ways through which protection can be given to the systems communication and networking setup. All the users should know how to use these software and supervision should be done from time to time. Data and information is very important and every one is responsible for its security and protection.


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