Non verbal communication is the process of passing information by any other means or use of symbols without the use of words. Regardless of the disputes and perceptual availability of the communicator, the communication behavior broadly reflects the true meaning of the verbal words. There exists no clear cut division between the two means of communication. Conceptual integration of actions as distinct from speech in broader sense including the speech errors and the behavior take on special significance in subtly conveying feelings. But the lack of explicit coding rules to these behaviors as opposed to the  verbal  has in times led to confusion.

Despite this weakness, non verbal communication is inseparable and indispensable in the field of communication. Usually, an idea or feeling is made explicit with words, but remains implicit if a speech is contradictory. I will try to emphasis the importance of metacommunication in relation to the behavior, feelings and feelings.

Implicit behavior mainly serves as social rein-forcers. Considering a speech phenomenon, non verbal acts like the emblem which includes hand shakes and smile says a lot of the level and the stage of a given speech. There is the use of illustrators that shows emphases and the stressing point of the orator.

For instance,  study of illustrators are exemplified by Bomer s (1963) experiment, which showed a direct correlation between speech disturbance and a composite measure of head, hand, and foot measurements of a patient.

Communication behaviors are also affected by the cultural differences. Immediacy related behaviors differences have also increased the confusion margin and this is yet to be harmonized due to the lack of codes to control them.

People differ in their characteristic emotional reactions to others and these individual differences are more so related to the communicators attributes.

Looking at the implicit communication behavior, they tend to vary with  personality, psychological well being, age, sex, or status or communication media, such as face to face, telephone, or video interactions. The principle communicative is the behavior but some behaviors are more communicative than others. Consider like the facial expression in comparison to the body movements.

The referents, referring to the addressee characterize enough evidence on their responsiveness to the evaluation of the communicator. Relaxation in the posture increases the implicit activity to the other person.

Interrelated non verbal communication s can be identified by the use of facial and vocal expressions. Facial expression of emotions suggests the pleasantness that includes ( joy and glee versus dread and anxiety ), control ( annoyance, disgust, contempt, scorn, and loathing versus dismay, bewilderment, surprise, amazement, and excitement ) and activation (sullen anger, rage, disgust, scorn, and loathing versus despair, pity, dreamy, boredom, quiet pleasure, complacency and adoration ).

Thinking about the hand gestures, they can be used in making the various conclusions. They corresponds to the activity factor that entails  (active or the passive, sharp or dull, interesting or un-interesting, tense or sleepy, exciting or boring, curios or indifferent, meaningful or senseless and intentional or un-intentional) . The gesture can also be a way of evaluation symbolizing  (friendly or un-friendly, good or bad, pleasant or unpleasant, and beautiful or ugly)  and it can communicate o the potential and status of the communicator  (that is submissive or dominant, weak or strong,  unarmed or armed, doubtful or certain, slow or fast and shyness  or bravery) . Despite the dis-similarity of the communication channels, a facial and manual expression confirms similarity with the verbal communication if both are to a similar dimension.

Looking at the posture and position as another non verbal communicator, different races and sex entails significance in the interpersonal situations. This is also comparable to the gender of the communicator in comparison to jay of the audience. Taking a case of both a female addresser and addressee, there is a much more eye contact than that of the males. Postural relaxation including the forward leaning position when conversing, towards the addressee indicates a more positive attitude toward him. The relaxation cues are inter-correlated and they represent the potentiality of a relation on the two parties. This communication of liking is more so weighted in terms of relaxation and is very implied on the status connotation. There is more relaxation in high social status class than that of lower social class. When some on e assumes a tense posture there is tendency for a negative feeling which is depicted by the extreme relaxation.

Body movements complement verbal messages and may lead to contradiction and confusion. But this in turn depends on some factors including the length of the speech, the rate of speech and the number of references.  Stationary body movements can mean a gross affect where it could be a liking or not. (Heiner 1989).

The personal appearance of an individual depicts his self manipulation and presentation and this helps to send messages on the social class and even their occupation. This may also convey one s personality and mood and even the age. But these fashions changes very fast and creates confusion and keeping up to date is the main dimension of appearance. Paralinguistic signals including emotions and accents and the personal characteristics like the voice quality can mean a lot on the addresser. For example, anxious people speak very fast and in a breathy way.

In conclusion, non verbal communication must be perceived to take any effect. Paralinguistic sounds and prosodic sounds are expressions of attitude and emotion and can mean more than the actual words. The behavior and the posture can also be used in communication. Looking means an interest in something and is signaled by the accompanying facial expression. In this sense looking is closely coordinated with verbal communication. Relaxation is related to liking and females convey more positive feelings than men. This in turn, may lead to poor interpretation since different people need to be treated differently and lead to contradiction with the verbal communication.  This is by the difference in personality, emotion, interpersonal attitudes and perception during an ongoing interaction.


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