Heros Journey Motif in the Matrix

The ordinary world experiences tremendous suffering, and someone needs to save us from the mystical forces that create it.  Wachowskis The Matrix shows this world, and it stars the Onethe bodhisatva, illuminatus or heroic enlightened Onewho will save us from dukha or suffering and demonstrate the Heros Journey motif.  It also dramatically narrates Joseph Campbells 12 stages in a heros journey toward enlightenment.

Neo (Keanu Reeves) is the hero in the Matrix.  He is also called the One (prophesied to save us).  He is a computer programmer living in a mundane world of suffering (Stage 1 The Ordinary World).  He is then summoned by Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) to free the world from it (Stage 2 A Call to Adventure).  They visit the Oracle (Gloria Foster) who declares that Neo is the One but Neo doubts it (Stage 3 Refusal of the Call).  Morpheus then trains Neo in Buddhist mind techniques and Asian martial arts (Stage 4 Meeting a Mentor).  Later, they try to exit the Matrix, but they are ambushed by SWAT teams and Agents (Stage 5 Crossing the First Threshold).  Then Cyper (Joe Pantoliano), a follower of Morpheus, betrays them, and Morpheus is captured by the enemy (Stage 6 Tests, Allies and Enemies).

Morpheus is imprisoned in a Matrix government building, and the enemy tries to gain information or access codes from him for Zions mainframethe freed humans subterranean refuge in the normal world (Stage 7 Approach to the Inmost Cave).  Neo and Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss) attempt to rescue Morpheus and return to the Matrix.  Neos Matrix-manipulation skills have improved, and he now shows confidence by dodging bullets fired at him (Stage 8 The Supreme Ordeal).   The group tries to exit the Matrix again, but Neo is ambushed by an agent before he can leave.  The agent has the advantage, but Neo stands firm and temporarily defeats the agent by running him over with a train (Stage 9 Reward for Seizing the Sword).  As Neo reaches an exit, agents ambush him, shoot him and kill him (Stage 10 The Road Back).  Trinity, who falls in love with Neo, refuses to accept his death.  She kisses him and Neo revives (Stage 11 Resurrection).   While the Agent attempts again to kill him, Neo blocks it and finally put an end to their existence.  He later makes a phone call in the Matrix that rallies Matrix prisoners that anything is possible (Stage 12 Return with the Elixir).

Furthermore, Rodney St.Michael in Illuminati Healing and Developing the Mind and Sync My World Thiefs Honor GA SK shows that Keanu Reeves, a practicing Buddhist in real life, is a bodhisattva or illuminatus (Sanskrit and Italian, respectively, for heroic enlightened one) in The Matrix.  In Buddhist beliefs, a bodhisatva is a hero, who is already granted Nirvana (freedom from the mundane worlds bondage).  But because of his compassion for the people still imprisoned in the ordinary world, he returns to it and attempts to save the prisoners.

St.Michael also shows through Buddhas Four Noble Truths how the heroic journey of enlightenment arises.  The First Noble Truth states that life is dukkha (the uncomfortable feeling of riding a wooden cart with an uneven wheel on a bumpy road, or the screeching of an uneven potters wheel as it spins).  This experience is the same with the cycles of life (birth to death or boom and bust) as the earth spins (day to night) and revolves around the sun (Four Seasons) as the sun moves up and down around the galaxy (climate change ice ages and warm periods) which cause suffering among people.

The Second Noble Truth, as St.Michael states, is that dukkha is caused by the infinite Matrix of Yin (0) and Yang (1), which produces an infinite amount of combinations like the binary code of a computer (all pictures, video, text, software, virtual worlds, games and artificial intelligence of a computer is coded in long strings of 1s and 0s).  The Problem of Universals is solved here.  For example, Yang is male, the political Left, Stalin, the Democrats, compulsive desire, etc., while Yin is female, the political Right, Hitler, the Republicans, aversion, etc.  Yang can be further subdivided into Wood or Air (males, Yellow race, Scholars, etc.) and Fire (gays, White race, Military, Militant Business class, etc.).  And Yin can be subdivided into Water (female, Small Browns, Shamans, etc.), Earth (lesbians, Blacks, Social Business Class, etc.) and Metal or Ether (bisexuals, Big Browns, Working Class, Bi Military, etc.)  The Five Elements are details of Yin and Yang, and astrophysics creates this real Force.

The Third Noble Truth then states that to eliminate dukkha, you must extinguish the infinite Yin-Yang Matrix.  And the Fourth Noble Truth states that to extinguish the Matrix, you must follow the Middle Way.  Here then is the path of the heroic enlightened one or the illuminatusthe path of Neo.

The Middle Way strikes an ecological balance between the Five Elements (Wu Xing or Pentacle of Master Kung Fu, aka Confucius).  For example, Water nourishes trees (Wood), just as females care for males.  But too much Water or flooding will rot Wood, just as the overwhelming feminine presence may irritate men.  Wildfire can destroy a forest of trees, just as gays may sodomize men, but mild sunshine is beneficial to trees, just as friendly gays may create fashion and art for men.  Earth may absorb excess Water, but may bury trees during mudslides.  Metal can chop Wood, but if Metal is used carefully, it can carve it to fine furniture or sculptures.

In other words, if there is a balance among the Elements, whether it be gender, race, class, or political division, nations, etc., then there will be liberation from the mundane world.  There will be peace, and that is the job of a hero.  That is Neos lifes journey within all of us.


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