Improving Relationships

Relationships are very important in our day to day lives. I personally have had my share of problems in relationships and would like to improve on how I relate with people.

I have always cared about other peoples feelings. People in general like to know that there is someone who cares. I always think about how what I say it affects the feelings of others. I also like to keep a good impression of myself on others. People can be judgmental and I have to be careful in how I conduct myself around people I interact with. I do not let people down when they entrust me with something and am always willing to help out a friend. I always ensure that I keep in touch with friends and by doing so, I have had more people around me that I can rely on.

I have my flaws in relating to people that I would like to change. On a number of occasions, I turn up late for dates and meetings. People do not like being kept waiting especially if the time had been agreed on. Friends have commented on it and I have tried to work on it. Another flaw I have is switching off during long conversations. Friends would be very disappointed if they found out. Listening to each other is vital in any healthy relationship. In relationships, people should watch out for each other in situations that may not play out so well. I have a tendency of not interfering with other peoples affairs. Good friends warn each other if heading in the wrong direction. I need to start offering my opinion if its in the best interests of those I relate with.

There a number of things that I want to start doing in my relationships such as sending more gifts to my friends and family. It doesnt have to be on a special occasion for me to send a gift.

This I believe will let them know that theyre in my thoughts and show them how much I value them. I also intend on keeping a record of special occasions that relate to my friends and family. Its a good feeling knowing someone remembered it was your birthday. Lastly, I intend on following up on the activities of those I relate with. Calling up friends regularly to inquire on their activities will definitely improve my relationship I have with them.


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