Untrained Reporters and Trained Reporters

Citizen Journalism is an emerging type of journalism that is taking its toll in the contemporary bloom of media. Marc Cooper who is in the field of journalism and started off as citizen journalism, professional states that with the passage of time, citizen journalist will quickly replace professional journalist. The account made by Marc Cooper is correct and agreeable because there is a great deal of pointers that help us in grasping the need of revolution of new status of mind set that can help in shaping the journalism. The broader and newer mind set can help audiences in knowing the factual information and most commonly the truth in a wider and new term.

Internet, the medium of moderation
Marc Coopers account is justifiable because internet is the fastest growing network that provides almost every type of information. Internet emerged at the time when journalism studies in universities were almost surviving as elaborated by Keith Windschuttle in his article of The Poverty of Cultural Studies. Internet journalism provided a great deal of credibility to the news and information that was published by citizen journalist (Windschuttle, 2000).

The faster, the Quicker
Another point that claims the replacement of professional journalists with the citizen journalist would be the need of instant news. The phenomenon of breaking news had given rise to the need of providing the fastest news. In terms of providing the fastest news, bloggers and online citizen journalist overshadow the news that is reported by professional journalism (Miller, 2009).

In the professional journalism, the real terns and focus is objectivity and less of commentary. The objectiveness of professional journalism is not in the form of interpretation or perception. Professional journalism is destined to provide absolute truth and leaving the grasping affects and stimulation on the audiences. Citizen journalism is rather commentary of absolute truth that is mostly projecting a view of an individual. Online Journalism at times is responsible of making a social impact by forming public opinion (Nolan, 2008).

Its collaborating
The most notable pointer to justify the account that citizen journalist can surely replace professional journalist would be the collaboration between both the mediums of journalism. A great deal of media services broadcast citizen journalism claims. Whether its a claim of citizen journalism through blog or video blogging, news channels surely broadcast the most informative ones. The example could be drawn by the media service by Al-Jazeera channel (Gauntlett, 2007).

Reflecting Democracy
Citizen journalism is the best example of freedom of speech. If citizen journalism through the source medium of internet would have appeared in the classical era of journalism then it would have been surely called as an irrelevant source or in other words, yellow journalism. But the absolute reality is that press being a free pillar of a state represents the nation. The freedom of speech being exercised by citizen journalism represents democracy (Gauntlett, 2007). 

In a nutshell it could be said that citizen journalism could easily, quickly and adequately replace professional journalist because it is being regarded as a quick mean of information. The information published by citizen journalism could easily be checked fro credibility. It allows people from different aspects of life to come forward and practice freedom of speech. It is helping public in understanding of situations through interpretations. 


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