Fashion Work and Identity

Did you that the label is more important than the labeled In the process of buying goods and services, majority tends to be drawn by the labels and little interest is given to the product. The label is more fascinating than the product and it seems to speak on behalf of the product. In the modern world, a culture has been developed where great is the label other than the brand. Companies are digging deep in their pockets with an aim of making their brands more emotionally appealing. They have set out to make cool hunting, market research, design development and promotions in an effort of increasing the desirability of their brands. What is there in branding that makes is more attractive than the branded (Virtual Advisor 2009, par 3).This essay looks at branding as a way of creating an emotional appeal in relation to various commodities.                                                                                                                                 
The concept of Branding                                                                                                                       The bare truth in the modern business world is the fact that there exists utterly nothing that competitors cannot imitate within time after a hot product has been released in the market. The world is a good copy cat. The great idea possessed by one person can be easily copied by others sooner that expected.  They will not only follow the leading product but will also produce a better work. The biggest question that arises then is, To what extent do producers have to go to ensure that their products are not copied by others The answer to this question is the brand (Virtual Advisor 2009, par 4).                                             

To get a better insight of the whole process of branding, it is essential to know what a brand is. A brand is a name, a term, a sign, a symbol or a design given to a product to make it identifiable from other products. With a brand on a certain good or service, people willing to buy goods as well as services can differentiate a particular commodity or service from those of a similar kind (Lake 2010, par 1). A brand can in this respect be summarized as the personality a set of qualities that a prospective buyer can associate with the product in reference to the interaction they had with it (Harrison, par 3).                                           

Qualities of a good brand                                                                                                                     The old slogan that There is nothing that actually happens before someone sells an item can nowadays find itself in the dustbin and to take its place the new philosophy There is nothing that actually happens before someone brands an item (Virtual Advisor 2009, par 1). In the production process, a good brand will send a good message to the consumers of the goods and services, and hence draw hordes of them to buying the product. What follows when the demand goes high Subsequently, there is increased profit to the producer. No one will give a bad brand a thought or two but a good brand performs miracles. Along with sending clear messages, a good brand confirms the credibility of the product and provides a link to the targeted emotional prospects. Additionally, a good brand is so convincing to the buyer and concretes hisher loyalty to the product (Lake 2010, par. 3).                                                                                                                         
However, for one to be successful in branding, it is a must to know the demand trends first. This is to say that understanding what the customers, prospects as well as clients want will determine the choice of the brand. Their needs should be incorporated in the brand to build a stronger emotional appeal in them.  The brand exists in the minds as well as in the hearts of clients, customers and prospects. In simple calculations, it is the total sum of their perceptions and experience in which most can be influenced and a few cannot. A brand can be made to communicate effectively to the prospective buyers (Lake 2010, par. 4-5).

Branding should aspire to stretch out in an effort to make a product appealing to individuals emotions. A brand should not only communicate functionally and in terms of service but should also seek to distinguish the whole organization along with its services (Harrison, par. 8).  A strong brand will win the battle over the stiff competition for customers that increases day in day out. It is therefore the right thing to do in the investments on market research, design development, promotions as well as what would be termed as cool hunting. These essentials will go along way to building a brand. Furthermore a brand is a promise to the customers the only foundation in marketing communication that a producer cannot do without (Lake 2010, par 6).                                                                                                     
Desirability of designer labels                                                                                                                 In the business world, where the label is more important than the labeled, the uses of labels on products are numerous. One of the striking importances of designer labels is the platform they provide for innovative and creative communications. As had been earlier pointed out, a brand is a cornerstone on which every marketing communication rests upon. Other subsequent activities depend on the brand such as marketing. The direct marketing is developed from an already established brand and its revealed personality. Success, or on the other hand, failure of marketing is determined by the brand (Harrison par -10). Through creativity in designing the labels, a label is the basic means through which a business enterprise is differentiated from a similar organization producing the same goods and services. The more appealing the label, the more easily it will stand-out shoulders high above the crowded market. This is only possible through innovation and creation of appealing designer labels. Labels are tools used to communicate effectively to the prospective buyers (Harrison par -10).
Additionally, the labels used in packaging helps in the identification of a particular product. Identification label is important for product promotion. The stickers help customers or clients to differentiate successfully among others on the shelves. Without labels, the whole market will be such a confused one (Parker 2010, par 1).                                                   

Another importance of a label is to give knowledge of a particular product such as the ingredients. It provides information to prospective customers on the nature of the product. A label in this respect gives more information to the prospective customers about the product in question. To accompany the name, ingredients used in the product preparation can also be mentioned in brief. This goes along way in fulfilling the informative function of a tag (Parker 2010, par 1-2).                                               
More so, a designer label decorates the product making it more appealing in the eyes of the customers. For a marketer, it is essential in grabbing the viewers attention in the process of buying. A beautifully designed label will attract even those who were not in the mood of buying. Interests are aroused in the customers mind beyond the depths that one can imagine all because of the well cut-out label. Impulse buying can even be made when the products label looks more appealing. It adds the visual appeal of the overall product. An admirable label on a product communicates about the beauty of its inside as well as its use (Parker 2010, par 3).                                                                                                                                           
Another desirability of designer labels that is equally important is the sale display it creates on the shelves. The label can be used on security bases. The labels are normally accompanied by a logo or a trade mark indicating the company from which it was made. In case of complaints by a customer through the use of the label as well as the trademark can easily reach the company to forward the complaints (Parker 2010, par 4).                                 

A label represents more than words. It contains many intangible aspects such as feelings as well as the perceptions regarding the quality, status, image and lifestyle of a product. The label out of these intangible aspects creates the perception in the customers minds that no other good or service exists within the market parameters apart from the product or service in debate. A designer label gives an assurance to the customers that the goods or services they are going to buy are the right ones as well as the best (Virtual Advisor 2009, par 2).                                                                                                                                           
A strong designer label will not only give the product a name but also the entire business. The customers will be led to think of the business first before thinking about the product type. For instance, when a gorgeous lady wants to purchase a nice handbag, the first thing that strikes the ladys mind first is the Louis Vuitto. Likewise when looking for a dress to be to turn the eyes of her friends green with envy, then Chanel is the brand. The companies have managed to build a strong foundation with their well designed labels. Whatever the product they will produce with their label, it sells like hot cakes, irrespective of the quality just because of the brand. The label will always be as fascinating as ever (Virtual Advisor, 2009, par 5). The world of business is in competition and as a result, many of the initially conservative industries in fashion, consumer goods and restaurants are nowadays investing heavily in branding. Even in the field of finance the essence of branding has began to be taken seriously (Virtual Advisor 2009, par 9).                                                                                                 
In conjunction with the above, a label has a worth or what is termed as equity. The brand equity can, unlike other intangible notions, be quantified in monetary value. This is to say that the name sell first before the product itself. For instance, if the Louis Vuitto Company were to be sold, the firms value will be calculated in terms of assets of the Louis Vuitto brand. The total value that the brand gives is much huge that the physical assets.  In other words, the brand is sold instead (Virtual Advisor 2009, par 7-8).                                           

In summary, building a powerful designer label creates a powerful program in marketing. When a label manages to convince a customer that a certain product is worth buying, no amount of dollars used in advertising, public relations or else fancy packaging will enable a producer reach the targeted sales goals. Any marketing strategy without a desirable label will be a waste of time like when one tries to milk a bull. Superior products start with successful branding (Virtual Advisor 2009, par 3).                                                                                               
A brand is something that can be owned forever. No one can take it away. Despite the fact that everything else can be stolen such as trade secrets, a label will not. Technology may change but the brand can live. It is a lasting value that is above as well as beyond all business elements (Virtual Advisor 2009, par 6).                                                                                     

Techniques used in promoting designer labels                                                                                    After the marketers have determined the major characteristics of their market place, after a product has been established, the next bigger step to take is designing promotional programs of their labels that will go along way in helping them reach the desired goals. Different techniques will work best on different consumers and therefore the best way out is to tie these techniques together (Schultz, Robinson  Petrison, 1998, p.20).                                                                         

Fashion, high class, elegance, originality and wealth are among the terms that hit the mind when either Chanel or Louis Vuitton is mentioned.  What have these companies done to continually promote the labels of their products How can a label withstand the time test (OPPapers 2010, par 1-2).                                                                                                                                                                                       
Pricing has successfully played a tough game with brands. In the current world, the price is more fascinating than the value. High pricing of brands play a cool game with the psychology of customers. The belief is that highly priced labels are of a far much better quality and likewise low priced labeled brands are low in quality. Qualities of goods and services are as their prices suggests. A high price suggests a commodity of high value and customers will be kept at bay (Virtual Advisor 2009, par 30).                                                             

This trick has worked so well with the Louis Vuitton high priced bags that are created by the company each season. Which lady does not have a Louis Vuitton handbag  The aim of the fashionable bags is not money making but to create envy. Chances are that if one is unable to buy one of the limited bags, then it is possible to buy a standard one (Marinovich, 2006, par 6-7). Such high prices for mere carrying things are against any logic. In the real sense the idea is not on the price but the absolute value of the brands (Nagasawa, par 3).

Moreover, Louis Vuitton do not offer discounts on its products. They believe that the discounts will greatly affect their branding and more so spoil their already selling name. It will be a symbol of low quality goods and they do not want to tarnish their good image by giving mere discounts (Word press 2010, par 3).                                                                   

Another technique used in promotion of labels is creating goods and offering services of high quality. Louis Vuitton has given itself a name through its high quality products. For instance, a small purse may go through 1,000 processes before it is finished all of which are hand made. What results is a beautiful pulse that every woman would like to possess (Marinovich 2006, par 6-7). Louis Vuitton hand bags are of a distinguished quality worldwide make heads of many turn when it passes nearby. In marketing, importance is placed on the relative quality but Louis Vuitton calls for absolute quality. Competing with Louis Vuitton handbags is utterly useless it is either Louis Vuittons products or nothing at all (Nagasawa par. 2).                                                                                                           
Additionally, distribution (place) is used as a technique in the promotion of designer labels. Any market seeks out to broaden its channels of distribution such as operating in several stores. However, Louis Vuitton doesnt know this. Instead few outlets are available. The Louis Vuitton bags are only available through few distribution channels that are controllable and ensure that quality is maintained as well as control imitation. This in turn has popularized its brands (Nagasawa, nd, par 4). There is no need of outlets as far as the Louis Vuitton brands are concerned. The quality of each product is guaranteed and ensures that their brands are not pirated.  Its doing things in a different way from the set conventions makes it unique (WorlPress 2010, par 2-3).                                                                                                   
One of the techniques used in the promotion of these designer labels is the communicative efficiency. This is achieved through the use of terms that are easily pronounced with a neutral as well a positive correlation all around the world. To ensure popularity of the designer label, a label to cater for different ethnic groups is used by producers of goods and services. This ensures that there is no language barrier that is created to distract people from their being attracted to a certain product. The easy name to pronounce as well as its neutrality will keep the product in close touch with the customers (Virtual Advisor 2009, par 16-17).                                                                                                                                                               
Another technique involves packaging and advertising. As much as a strong brand speaks on behalf of the product, more is done through packaging as well as advertising. The more attractive that the pack of a product looks, the greater the emotional appeal to the customers. Rarely will people be found scrambling for products whose packs are poorly designed. The outside appearance speaks for the product that is enclosed. There is that human nature that tends to make judgments of an inward trait out of the outward appearance (Virtual Advisor 2009, par 20).  Product labels play a great role in todays competitive world. Attractive labels allure many customers. The label makes the entrepreneur unique as well as attractive among a group of other competitors. More so, they represent the companys brand image (Parker 2009, par 1).                                                                                                                           
By advertising the brand regularly, customers are made aware of a particular brand and furthermore, advertising is mostly accompanied by brief descriptions. The names, through regular advertisements will ringer in the minds of prospective customers for long. Why then should they not give it a try when they are out in the market Advertisement reinforces the name of the product and hence popularity. Moreover, advertisements that are accompanied by humor tend to draw massive customers (Virtual Advisor 2009, par 20).

Advertisements of various kinds such as through print media popularized the Louis Vuitton products. A combination of their advertisements with famous people like actresses Jennifer Lopez and Uma Thurman as well as the supermodel Gisele Bundchen positioned Louis Vuittons products in a place that no amount of marketing can. There is also sponsorship as a way of advertising. For instance Louis Vuitton sponsored the LVMH Young Artists Award as well as LVMH discovery and Education. Advertisements are also constantly made through high-class occasions such as Louis Vuitton Classic and Louis Vuitton Cup.  The company can go to any extent and invest great deals of money in advertisements. For instance, the two magnificent Vuitton suitcases at the store of Louis Vuitton in Paris cost 1.5 million. The investment is not as overwhelming as the profits that result (Marinovich 2006, par 5).                                                                                                   

As much as Louis Vuitton aims at reaching the masses, it does not put much emphasis on television adverts. Mostly, advertisements are made on newspapers and magazines.  The advertised products include cool images rather than sales vibrant ads. The images are emotionally appealing to prospective customers (Nagasawa, par 5).                                                                                             
Another trick that is played by promoters is the genuineness. A customers trust can be build by using labels that indicate that the products are the ones and the only. For instance, Louis Vuitton Handbag is what you need or Always Coca-Cola shows one that none other fits. These catchy terms are of a competitive advantage to the brand (Virtual Advisor 2009, par 27).                                                                                                                                     
To win over massive number of competitors, producers make sure that their brands are in line with the lifestyles of their customers. When the consumer needs are addressed by a brand, then there is likelihood that the products will appeal the prospects. A winning strategy is the one that moves along with the customers lifestyle changing if the need of the customer be (Virtual Advisor 2009, par 27).                                                                                       
To place a brand strategically, it should promise and keep the promise. Products that do not fulfill what their labels promised will die out of the market as fast as they had come. This is because they used a lying mode. Cheating does not last for long. Nevertheless, those that follow their promises will survive the market competition. If Chanel for instance claims that their pairs of trousers are fashionable and of a classic quality then true is their word. That is the treason why their label will always be great (Virtual Advisor 2009, par 27).                                                                                                                         
To sum it all up, any branding strategy should be adopted towards establishing long-term visions in regard to the company. No one technique is enough to give a product a big name but several of them should be adopted. Branding strategy is the foundation of everything that follows (SasaHivi Media Ltd 2010, par 3).                                                                                                                                                                                       
Resistance to the appeal of a particular brand                                                                               
Ones man meat is another mans poison. Despite the fact that a label creates a positive emotional appeal to the prospective customers, it can also create a negative appeal. A certain brand cannot satisfy all customers. People are of different kinds and hence their tastes, fashions and preferences. No single brand is appealing to every costumer. Some even tend to reject the appeal created by a brand and try to subvert it. Just like the beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, not every Tom, Dick and Harry will find pleasure in a certain brand however appealing it may be. Branding is rooted upon singularity and not plurality targeting persons from the view point of a personal manner. Universal appeal should be cut off completely as far as branding is concerned. This is the reason why many companies give a wide range of products. Though the products may be similar, their designs as well as labels may vary. Through tertiary brands and line extenders, they are able to widen their emotional appeal. Though an industry can reap considerably from a brand, no one product needs a stand-alone brand. Brands can therefore be separated into three the primary, secondary and tertiary brands (Virtual Advisor 2009, par 11-12).

The primary brand is the backbone of the companys brand. It draws greater amounts to the company than any other brand and therefore should be given the first priority like in advertisements. On the other hand, secondary brands are line extenders or flankers of primary brands. They do not need another name but their labels and names are a modification of the core brand. They will however help to strengthen the primary brands. For example, a toothbrush known by the label Crest Deep Sweep will have Crest as is primary brand and Deep Sweep as the secondary brand. The descriptive term is a selling proposition. Flankers describe to the prospective buyers what a particular products main features are or the accruing benefits. Finally, tertiary brands have too little or no significant income. However they are not in vain as they contribute in building a companys image. Sometimes, they do not have brand names that are registered but instead they have descriptions. For instance, a manufacturer of garbage bags may have an unregistered brand, Household Trash Bags. This generic line brings little but fills a specific need of a customer who is never fascinated by labels (Virtual Advisor 2009, par 12).                                                                                   

Emotional appeal is what sustains businesses especially in the current times where labels are what people buy. Understanding the strategies that promote a brand is important in the future brand developments. Moves should therefore be made to develop designer labels as they seem to be the central post in the business. Without, those the businesses cannot survive. They are the voice and carry out promotion on behalf of the business. Marketing researches are encouraged in a move to come up with a brand that is persuasive, convincing, assuring and appealing in the eyes of prospective buyers.


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