Communication in the Workplace

Based on my career goals and personal aspirations, I see myself working in a corporate and business environment preferably as a member of the marketing team. If I assume that I am already in this situation, I am holding the position of a marketing specialist. The office environment can be described as corporate and professional which consists of a relatively huge number of employees across different age groups (Yuppies, middle-aged and seniors), gender (males, females and members of the third sex or gays) and races (Caucasians, Asians, African-Americans and Latinos). As a marketing specialist, my responsibilities are focused on the promotion of the companys products and services, implementation of promotional work plans, coming up with innovative methods to become competitive in the market, studying consumer behaviour, market trends and exploring avenues for business growth and development amidst the presence of competitors.

As a member of the companys marketing team, I am working with several other employees under the same department. Apart from that, being a marketing specialist also involves interaction with the other employees from other departments which include the creative team and operations department. Given this scenario, it is apparent that communication is an integral part of my job. I have to coordinate and work with other employees in order to become efficient in my job. Apart from that, being a part of a particular team, which is the marketing team, means that I have to practice good communication skills, proper attitude and professionalism in order to become productive. These are also important in order to avoid having miscommunications, conflicts and arguments with the other team members and employees considering the fact that I am working in a multi-cultural environment. Given this particular situation, it is extremely necessary to be able to relate to all kinds of employees regardless of age, sexual orientation, race and ethnicity. Naturally, not all people share the same beliefs and culture. These are differences that need to be understood and taken into consideration. Respect for ones character, personality and sexual preference can go a long way in building professional working relationship. As long as there is respect between the employees, conflicts can be handled in a mature and ethical manner.

One of the most important skills that I have to practice in order to become efficient and successful in communicating with others is my listening skills. Listening as a way to acknowledge someone often increases self esteem. It is a way of saying to the talker, you are important and I am not judging you. That is why listening is such a powerful force in human relationships (Burley-Allen 5). It is by way of good listening that I can enhance work relationships even with difficult co-workers.

As much as possible, I avoid gestures and statements that can trigger conflicts and arguments. Even if there are ideas and opinions that are different from mine, I make it a point to respect what others think. I avoid saying sarcastic remarks and I do not interrupt people when it is their turn to speak up. If conflicts or misunderstandings arise, it is best to look for suitable solutions without turning other people down. Learning how to compromise and becoming more sensitive to others feelings can solve a lot of issues and can lead to harmonious relationship in the workplace.

Professionalism is a highly regarded virtue that needs to be developed by anyone who wants to become successful in dealing with co-workers. In order to maintain professionalism, I do my best to avoid distractions. No matter how difficult it is, I try my best to never mix up my personal life with my career in order to maintain my focus and composure at work. I also want to be able to motivate others through goal setting. I believe that this is the right attitude in order to get the job done. The problem is that when personal concerns get mixed up with work, focusing on the goals becomes difficult and this can affect job competency. There are some co-workers who cannot tolerate job incompetence. This can lead to problems in the work place and can ruin my career as well thus I make it a point to leave my problems outside the office premises. Your workplace personality is the mirror image of your self-image. It determines how you act in front of your co-workers and how you thrive and compete in the organizational culture (Perkins 6).

Lastly, I do my best to develop friendship with my colleagues. I believe in the importance of interaction and taking the time to know them in a deeper level without necessarily invading their privacy or making them feel uncomfortable. It is necessary to respect each others space in the workplace. However, building friendship can also help in strengthening teamwork as long as balance between social interaction and career is maintained.


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