Today, in our postmodern world where everything seems to have already been done, it has become the ultimate challenge for us human beings to come up with something novel and innovative to further advance the quality and condition of our lives.  Our systems of communication for example, such as cellular phones and the internet, have taken a higher dimension and are constantly being upgraded and perfected to suit our varied lifestyles and to meet the exigent demands of our everyday needs. The more the up-to-the-minute the article is, the more likely that customers will buy it. Thus, creativity or the ability to use ones imagination to develop new and original ideas remains to be a crucial and defining factor in the competition in the global business arena. It continues to be an integral factor to improving and sustaining the quality of human life as well as fostering social relationships.

Considering the advantage of being creative in our highly globalized and competitive world, it is now deemed one requirement to opening doors of opportunities for us. But living in a highly modernized world with technology bombarding us with interesting innovations and discoveries, it has also become more difficult for individuals to hone and further enhance this skill. Despite this, we understand that the creative ability is an important aspect of our selves knowing that that it guides us in the direction we ought to take in life. Also, there are many situations and circumstances in our lives which call for our resourcefulness and ingenuity. Harnessing then our creative abilities is definitely an edge, our weapon in the stiff competition that is now widely taking place.

Here are three strategies on how ones creativity in social systems can be further enriched and improved
More than anything else, meeting new people is one of the best and most effective ways to develop ones creative abilities. Travelling and getting exposed to different, and even contrasting cultural stimuli help increase ones tolerance for diverging views. (10Ap) Not only will there be a change of scenery, but our encounters with people of different races, and of different cultural backgrounds heighten our awareness and sensitivity towards other cultural beliefs and traditions. Understanding that we are capable to building bridges across cultures, we allow for meaningful social interactions to take place. Creativity is enhanced when we welcome the variation and the divergence in the kinds of individuals we deal with in our social communities. Multiplicity and multiculturalism in social systems should no longer be seen as barriers to achieving high creative success.  Much more if we involve ourselves in the affairs of society, we shun our individualistic tendencies and create dynamism in social organizations we are involved in. Thus we foster cooperative effort in organizations and improve on the practice of democracy on our political systems.

Communication is a crucial factor not only in human interaction but strengthening the cultural fabric of society. In fact the quality and content of society depends on what people communicate to each other.  It has to be noted that creativity or being creative is a skill that is acquired and developed through time and gained through experience. While creativity comes across as something that happens as a spur-of-the-moment, it remains to be a process that requires quick, thorough thinking, as well high levels of flexibility and organization. In our daily interaction with our families, friends, co-workers, etc, we are always given numerous opportunities to work on our creative abilities such as in conversations and other forms of exchanges. We learn more of other people when we converse with them, and more when we talk about topics that they find interesting. Therefore, for creativity to materialize, it is important to be well-read and well-travelled so there will be plenty of topics for you to talk about. It is also helpful to have a wide range of interest so you can talk to anyone in your social community about just anythingpolitics, books, movies, music, sports, profession, crafts, etc. Engaging in deep and intellectually-stimulating conversations is one sure way to boost creativity in social systems.

Change is a basic thing in society. This is where we can express our creativity in our social systems. By being flexible to change, our social institutions can be more relevant to times and will not petrify.
No matter what social group you are in, you will always encounter people with opposite views and deal with tasks which you may find disagreeable. During such instances, it is difficult to come up with brilliant and ingenious ideas. But when you know how to bend and adjust to the conditions and the atmosphere in the group, it wont be so hard to get your creative brain cells working. The catch is that you must keep an open mind by setting your biases aside and encouraging a responsive exchange of ideas. Always keep your options open and be grateful for other peoples ideas and their constructive criticisms as well. Value what other members have to say and evaluate them without pre-existent prejudices. And most importantly, always put a higher premium on the creative process over the product or output. The results will come by themselves. The more important thing is to be able to foster a harmonious relationship in the social group you belong to by being flexible and through keeping an open mind at all times.  This way, you allow the creative process to transpire and advance.


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