Media Effects


Contemplating on Banduras Social Learning Theory, in my own personal perspective I do believe that the ideas of catharsis in media content and the idea that violent behavior can be stimulated by viewing media exist simultaneously. This approach can be rooted in the myriad of observable actions that people feel altogether. In the process, it is not mainly the violent behavior that people see. Rather, multiple scenarios that determine their capacity to respond to each one accordingly. Seeing this, the idea then emanates from the choices made by the individual. At some point, it can be stimulated by catharsis due to an event or incident that triggered their violent behavior. However, this does not mean that this happens all the time. There are also intrinsic reinforcement that controls these aggressive stances which also corresponds to their specific value system and the lack of motivation to do such act. Thus, it is through such interplay of viewing and listening can the idea of violent behavior exist.

Analyzing the first response made, the discussion indeed satisfactorily provided inputs on the value of applying Banduras theory of Social Learning. It goes to show how observable precepts available in media may prescribe towards violent behavior. Similarly, the choice of explaining rock music and its relevant observable features only illustrate the significance and value of this process towards the value of catharsis. In here, careful consideration and distinction must be made to differentiate between the two values and understand how each one can contribute to the development of available choices. Thus, I do believe that it is the shift from the reproduction to the motivation phase where the real act of violent behavior occurs. Other than that, it merely a conceived thought of what possibly might happen.

In the second discussion, it highlights how society has created new dimensions and platforms where people can exhibit violent behavior. Emanating from music to the development of the Internet today, the writer seeks to justify that it isnt the development of these genres that violence existed. Rather, it has been an eminent societal precept that has shifted and influenced other areas such as music, gaming, and even the development of technology. Analyzing these arguments, I do believe that the aspects hold ground. In essence, this remains to be the major flaw of the theory and particularly the Bobo doll experiment. It seeks to elaborate that these pointing fingers on different trends and developments in society constitute the inability of societal norms and institutions to address the root of violence. For my part, I do believe that this situation seems difficult to comprehend not because of differentiating these actions according to the levels of social learning by Bandura, but on the way choices serve as an important catalyst for such. Since this aspect continues to be shaped by different factors other than observation, it becomes difficult to create a particular trend that influences these. Rather, it is more of attributing what are possible instances that shape these behaviors accordingly.
(Word count, 500)

Discussion 2 Media
Analyzing the debate concerning the impact of the video game Bully, I do prescribe to the argument by Mark Freedler as he tries to take a balanced side of the issue. Under this process he sought to argue concerning the validity of the Bully as just a game and a mere expression of what truly happens in reality (, 2006). Rather than feeling concerned and putting too much attention to these particular issues, I do agree with Freedler that there are also other instances in media that promote and instill violent images in society.
Analyzing his argument and stance, the application and implementation of media corresponds to the liberty and freedom of showcasing something to viewers regardless of the fact that they are positive or negative. In here, it greatly revolves around the parents capacity to apply proper monitoring and justification why such programs should not be watched. In essence, the media should not be blamed for such instances but rather be given a joint responsibility within society to create opportunities for responsible programming. In its very foundation, the media is an important tool to illustrate the realities of life and showcase what people want to see. That is why there must be a collaborative aspect between media and among parents to approach this issue accordingly.

Similarly, the aspect of cultivating the argument concerning video games only illustrates one aspect of the bigger picture. One can argue between the lines of violence like Thompson does, however it does keep a close eye concerning the evident occurrence of violence prior to its development and release in the past. Seeing this, the argument concerning video games may provide to be instrumental in administering violent tendencies (American Psychological Association, 2000). However, this does not mean that people dont have the choice and motivation not to since this format is only a manifestation and expression of what people really want. Thus, it is through such arguments that Freedlers points greatly influences mine as well.


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