Impacts of Face book

Communication is a very important aspect in life, it enables people who are apart to link up and pass information from one point to another. With the advancement in technology and communication channels in the last decade, many social networks are coming up to deal with the increasing demand for communication. Many people are becoming more and more connected with the new advancement in place.Globolization process is one of the major areas that have been made easier with the latest progress in information, communication and technology (ICT). The world nowadays is like a small village and communication has been made more flexible, cheap and accessible. The research is therefore based on the impact of face book in the world both positive and negative, as a social network group in the modern world (Bucy  Newhagen, 2006).

Impact of face book on social network
Face book is a social network body that was founded by a twenty three year old student of psychology, by the name Mark Zuckerberg. It was officially launched in the year 2004 February and most students in learning institution especially in Harvard University became the first members of the famous social network. It began to spread allover the world in early 2005 and to date the group has become so famous with both the young and the old. The latest report launched by face book officials on the registered members shows that the number has tremendously increased to over 30 million people and it has extended from the studentsyouths to the older ones in corporate world. The research is to enable us find out the changes brought by face book in the world and the benefits which are increasing day by day.

Benefits of Face book to the Userspositive impacts
Face book being a social network group has enabled people to link up so easily by just inviting people as friends or joining different groups or creating new groups and inviting people. As a result, people have shared important and latest information by posting the news on walls of a friend. However if the message is more private, then it is recommended to use inbox as a way of passing the information. The inbox message can not be accessed easily by anyone whether a friend or not since it requires a pass word to open. The benefit of face book to its users varies depending on the type of user or the groups. It can be used by businessmen to advertise new products, best places to buy items are location by just pasting the information on the wall and sending to friends and friends of friends hence the information is passed without delay. One is able to upload pictures from face book and share with friends or use them on communication gadgets like mobile phones as screen savers or attach the pictures uploaded together with the message (Bucy  Newhagen, 2006).

Through the use of face book as a connection tool, one is able to get more information about people they intend to be-friend  unlike other network groups that do not expose peoples profiles, for instance one is able to know the status of anothermarried or single, religious background, age, picturelook, political background and even location. With such kind of information, many people are now keen enough to choose their friends wisely and to know what to discuss with them in consideration of their status or class in the society. To the politicians, face book has been of great benefit in spreading ideology and political intentions of different politicians hence increasing their chances of winning in an election. Face book has not only linked people but it has also made many single menwomen date each other and even marry each other. It has led to new ways of dating and encouraged associations.

Negative impact of face book
With the increasing number of users, the research will focus on the negative impacts of face book that has led to more damage both to the young ones and the old. Face book is full of fun and many friends that are of different backgrounds, age and status. Most people get addicted to face book as a result of meeting new friends and developing new network, in the long run, they tend to postpone their workjob as they spend most of the time chatting with friends during work time. The research is more concerned with the dropping profit margin affecting most companies and organizations as a result of face book use during work time by the employees.

And to find out the reason why face book has led to drop in performance especially to the students that are in learning institutions, face book has led to the drop of performance and most of the teachers are complaining a lot that most students even the former bright ones are recording low grades as a result of face book. Most marriages are also facing threat of separation as a result of face book, since most married couples find themselves attached to other friends in face book and spend most of the time chatting with their new friends than their wives or husbands, and lastly to find out why most of the current divorce cases are in connection with face book usage.

Face book has made communication easier, linked many people allover the world and encouraged partnership both in trade and social aspects. With the advancement in ICT, face book has helped a lot in the spread of informationideas in most parts of the world. It has not only brought benefits to the people but has also led to some negative effects in the society such as time wasting, dating among married people and poor performance in academic institutions.


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