Applying Social Influence Theories

Part One
We live in an automated world, where people depend highly on machines to get their work done. Without machines, our world would be incomplete. We have become so dependent on machines that when people reach middle age, they suffer from many physical problems like back-ache, neck-ache, head-aches and leg-ache. Since we dont get to use all of our body, the lack of exercise degrades our bones further. Many people resort to using medicines to ease their pain while others utilize other machines like electric massagers.

Seeing this problem grow within my parents as they aged, I dwelled into inventing something that could take care of this problem once and for all. Thorough research was conducted through public surveys, doctors opinions, and through personal experience to gauge the extent of this problem and to find some likely solutions. This development is going to help those who are tired of taking medicines or using hand held electrical devices to get relief. Ironically, Ive invented a machine to solve the problem that is initially caused by machines. My machine is called Body Roller which has a soft roller, and it works, just like the way we paint walls through a roller, but with a fully automatic system. The Body Roller massages all over your back area of the body, gently, as if it is given by a human hand, with the flexibility to adjust the required weight for the affected body part. Furthermore, a container is available within the device in which you can put some sort of body ointment or oil for relaxation. It has been successfully launched and orders have started to roll in. People who have used the device have given a very positive response about the reliability, sophistication, and high level of comfort, as compared to the other products available in the market.

The machine can be marketed via tele-commercials and this could even become a tele-brand. The promotional message to sell this product will involve an advertisement where the person is shown using this device and it helps in reducing pain. The message of the advertisement can be something like This product is going to benefit every one and will give you ease and relaxation very quickly and in a very convenient way without any of the side effects or physical stress caused by other relaxation items available in the market. Great discount will be offered to those, who would book their order within a week. And not to mention that all purchasers will get a head ache reliever cap for free and with the free delivery. So, what are you waiting for, go and get it.

Part Two
Social influence is simply a change in an individuals ideas, way of thinking, and inspiration through interaction with a group of scholars or with an expert in a society. Some major theories of sociology are confliction, combined effort, gender inequality, models social icon and minorities. Confliction is explains how an individual or a group influences a persons will and opinions to enforce their legitimacy. Combined effort explains how to strengthen, and facilitate others by mutual contributions. Gender inequality shows how gender discrimination has effaced the prosperity of the society. Modal social icon explains how important people, like high grade officers, rich people, or celebrities, become role models for some people. Minorities explain that it strengthen a person to face conformity group pressures.

Social influence may be defined as an impact through which an individual changes hisher ideas through the interaction with the people with expertise and influence, and aims to reach the same status. They become followers and they do what others either tell them to do. These things change their attitudes and along with their large numbers of followers they start thinking of themselves as a legitimate authority. By forming groups, these people are able to show their dominance and influence others, bringing either a positive or a negative impact on the society.

Today electronic-media plays a vital role in bringing and consolidating common public opinions, and joins the society to the real world. Electronic-media has great amount of control over the society content, cultural opinions, social opinions, and political opinions with the capacity to even enforce their influence about the issues of their own society. Media depicts the contents for all levels of viewers, from house wives to a children program, from political talk show to social awareness programs. It is by the cleverness of media such as television, radio and print media that these messages are conveyed to their focused audiences. They are mainly being a source for constructing peoples ideology in day-to-day living.

Let suppose, an individual launches an awareness campaign called consume less water. He at first instance, should setup an example by himself, like he does not drain water excessively while bathing, and uses less water while washing cars or clothes. Using the technology, internet forums, SMS servicing, and with media, he invokes the campaign, and educates his audience in the society through his slogans, facts, actions. He consolidates his idea with the help society icons, main stream social workers, and with celebrities, through advertisements, as a public service message. Since people listen and acknowledge the words spoken by the celebrities, a lot of hype is created of this activity whereby the government soon also take part in it and providing as much facility for promoting the campaign since it is good for the society. Now, with pursuing his idea to the members of society, there would have been a number of suggestions, complaints, comments, and moral support which become his strength and he uses all of his energy and knowledge to promote his decision of being a promoter of Consume Less Water. Systematic media advertisement, seminars, events, open house with the groups of influential peoples, celebrities, political leaders, and also the audience attending these events, may also contributes their ideas, thoughts, actions for educating members of the society towards the cause. Rallies, banners and society people contribution, attendance, interest, media hike, enforces government to take stand and think, what they should do manage water resources for the future use of the people, which evolves as an idea of constructing dams for water reservation, and different small dams and canal projects to be completed in a short spam of time, which indeed, leads to employment for thousand of people. In discriminate approach, as most of the water used by the women in cleaning house hold items and utensils, they mobilize and educate them, to take part in the campaign as it would ease their children in future. An individual has less effect, thus adding a minority would make a difference in facing conformity pressures, who want their dominance. Furthermore, the appearance of minority people within a capacity group frequently shows the way to a more positive, reliable and best resolution result in group assignments. Nemeth and Kwan (1987) described this in a study if four people putting combine effort for some productive work, in a ratio of 31, minority member comes with positive and realistic approach for the impartment of quality of work, implies productive idea and approach.

Through the above understanding of the social influences various groups play in developing an ideology or opinion, the advertisement for the invention was customized. Using the confliction theory the legitimacy of the product was described in the advertisement through people reviews and actual use of the product. Using the modal social icon theory, the advertisement of the product showcased celebrity endorsement thus becoming role models for some people. And since this product is targeted at the niche level for people with bone aches, this segment became the minority thus building a bond between this segment and the product.

 As seen from the above hypothetical example, social influence played a vital role in promoting the campaign, where the tools used were the major sociology theories. All this is done by changing the perception of thousands though an initiation by a single person. This is the power of social influences

Campaigns to fulfill a mass objective must have these social impacts, in which minority participation, act of inducing, and media effects are utilized. These things change the thinking, ideology and the way of life of the members of the society, and they work to bring it up to the final stage. Thus, following social influence theory results in an affirmation which should be united with group constructing the ability, and the anticipation of them within those structures.


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