The Confusion Over Communications Definition

As with all the concepts and ideas in the world, confusion and conflict arises from wanting to see their one origin, one definition and one purpose. The concept of communication is not different from this confusion and conflict as there would be multiple views on the subject ranging from the completely technical definitions to the more practical. Perhaps this is what makes it such a problem in trying to define communication since the nature of communication is in itself complex. For example, three problems can be seen as to why even a dispute over the definition of communication arises and this is because, one, it encompasses too many fields like from mathematics to law to literature two, it is too dynamic to the point that one form of communication today can be entirely defunct or taboo tomorrow and third which is perhaps the most important, is that communication study relationships among human individuals and societies, because of this, anything that usually involves the behaviour and interpersonal relationships of individuals tend to be complex.  

However, one thing which can be observed from the multiple definitions of communication is the fact that people who attempt to define it do so on the basis on how they use it. According to authors of textbook (year of publication), communication can be a debate, sermon, a memorable night at the theatreMorse code, e-maila kisseven a monk absorbed in silent meditation (12). Thus, the definition of communication arises from how people perceive what they consider to be communication. Though this borders on personal theories, it is undeniable that even the more technical and scholarly definitions are also based on their own personal interpretations of what communication is to be.

Ironically, the dispute over the definition of communication proves that somehow there is no communication among individuals which makes it all the more important to study the subject. While it may appear mundane and futile to study something so complex and dynamic, the need for it arises because humanity uses it to such a great extent and that it is a great part of our lives. Since communication takes such a centre stage in our lives on a daily basis, then should we not further scrutinize it more so that we can use it to its full potential and capacity and prevent such petty disputes like the one over the mere definition of communication If there is but one thing that makes communication a worthwhile study, it is this communication supposedly brings individuals together and anything which aims to bring some closeness to this already chaotic world deserves to be looked at, stared at, discussed on, analyzed and studiedand anyone who thinks so otherwise need not to communicate with me.


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